Wk of Dec 4--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

I'm supposed to be XT today, but Xmas shopping and errand running will likely get in the way of that. The 4-day work week is rough Mon thru Thurs, but I love it on Fridays :goodvibes

Christa...we have pigs, donkeys, elephants, gorillas, goats, a camel and a zebra on this team, but I have yet to see any cows. You look great, dude! :dog:

Colleen...I've slept around WDW, but never at the Swan, though I've heard they have those really nice beds. POR beds are fine but doubles do seem small even for not tall folks. Worst we ever had was one room at WL (not the villas) where the bed was like concrete.

Helen...I'm thinking there will be lots of weeping for the entire weekend for me. I imagine a fair amount at Trail's End just 'cause I finally get to meet some of you, then there's the half, then watching y'all in the full [sniff] :sad:

Kathy...yikes! :grouphug:

On MP3 players, when I use the MP3 during a run, I don't use the armband that came with it...I just slide it onto the wrist band of my Garmin. I have a Sandisk 1G that I love, DH has an IRiver 1G that he loves and we got DD12 a Sansa 1G that expands up to 2G for Xmas. DH insisted on getting the MP3s that have flash memory instead of hard drives, but I can't remember why.
I have an AUX jack in my car that I can plug mine directly into the stereo system (and I have a big 'ol subwoofer :teeth: )

:wizard: for all of you running in snow :cold: . Y'all are hardcore!
I ended up running on the TM last night instead of XT. I did that so I could claim SUB-100 MILES FROM DISNEY!!!! :cool1: I did 6.3 miles at 6.5 mph, .5% incline. I haven't done any real speed work for several weeks, but I'm happy with being able to do 6.5/.05.

I'm planning on doing my LR on the TM today. TG its only 14 miles. Next weeks 22 miles better be on the road!!!!!!

mp3: I recently switched to a Napster to Go account and got their premier 1G flash memory player. You get to download unlimited music for $14.95 per month. The catch is, once you cancel your subscription your music will no longer play. I carry my player in my fanny pack or attached to my fuel belt depending on which I'm wearing. Or, on the TM, I just sit it on the machine (I have a set of headphones with a really long cord).

Helen-- congrats on being the proud receiver of a packet :cloud9: If we see Todd this year we'll all jump him in a group hug :rotfl2:

Yay for Helen!

mp3 - mine came with a belt clip. I clip it to my waist band or fanny pack band.

Got my new marathone camera yeaterday! A refurbishe Canon Elph. Tiny! Fits in the amphipod pouch!

Speaking of smiling in pics..... I was tellign dh that I hoped I was still capable of smiling around teh time I went through the castle. Well, on our 12-miler, around mile 10, just thinking about going through the castle made me smile! So, I should be ok. ;)

There are no cows here! Just beautiful ATHELETES!!!!

Well, we got 4 to 6" last night. SHould make Saturday's 8-miler interesting. So who wants to put us up for the weekend in a place where there's no snow so that we cacn do our 20-miler? ;) We're thinking about getting one of those last minute weekend getrawy trips fo rnext weekend. Getting desperate around here! :teeth:

Have a wonderful weekend all! I'm taking my camera for a trial run Saturday. You'll not an increase in whitness since the last pics I posted! :earboy2:
Good morning from the great white tundra!!!! We got dumped on yesterday afternoon--I think we have about 6-7 inches of snow. :cold: It took me an hour to get home from work and I work 15 miles from home, but I can't complain because it took some of my co-workers 3, 4, and 5 hours!!!! :earseek: So all that snow = treadmill!!! Yippee. (Note the sarcaism. :) ) It really wasn't that bad, I did 50 minutes and I went 4 miles, I ran a little slower than I normally do, (11:32 mile) but I was okay with that. Yesterday was the first day I ran since Saturday, I was starting to get burned out and since this week is a taper, I took a couple of days off before the big push next week. Oh, guess what, I have good news, I'm an aunt (for the 8th time), my sister had a baby on Wednesday, a little girl, Alexandria Grace-Marie. She is 6 lb 10 oz and 18 inches long, I haven't seen her yet, (they live an hour away) but Stephen and I are going to try to brave the roads tonight.

Helen--I did the same thing! I got a little teary-eyed looking through the packet and I had to flip through it fast so I wouldn't cry. I'm glad that I'm not the only cry baby!!

Heather--Congratulations!! Is there anything you can't do??? :goodvibes

Lisa--Take care of yourself!! Do you think you made someone mad and they put a curse on you??

Kathy-- :grouphug:

Sunny, Terri, Craig, and all other Northerners--Sorry that you are getting our weather. Stay safe and warm today!

Colleen--While PO is nice for it's convenience to the start line, I would definitely pick the Swan. We stayed at the Dolphin in October for 1 night, trust me, those beds ARE heavenly!! Plus the Epcot resort area is my favorite corner of WDW.

Everyone be careful today!! Good luck tomorrow with your lr's!! :wizard:

Krista princess:
Helen - I have learned the sacrum is a very nasty piece of our body. I'd love to give mine the old heave hoe at this point. I have yet to find relief even with two PT and much chiro visits. A specialist is in my future in the New Year. I am so glad that you were able to get relief so quickly though :sunny:
Colleen - You visited my dreams last night. I dreamed that I was going to have to do the 20 on the TM b/c EC might be out of town (that part is true - I hate running alone) Anyway, I knew you were doing your 20 this upcoming week too, so I dreamed I set up my laptop so we could IM each other during the TM LR!
Yes the heavens have opened up today. We are in the 12 inch + band on the local weather forecasts. The timing couldn't be better, however, as final exams start tomorrow, and the snow is conducive for me getting lots of work done today. Hopefully my offspring, facing her 2 most rigorous final exams tomorrow and Sunday, is also getting lots of studying done.

I likely did my last indoor track workout last night. The athletic center closes next Thursday, and until then I'll be on the bike and the treadmill. It doesn't re-open until just before we leave for Orlando, so this was it. I cannot say I love that track, but after running 11.5 miles on the treadmill on Sunday it's at least nice to be moving, even if it only is around and around.

I did have a good one yesterday, 4.0 miles in 36 minutes. I felt strong and the pace felt easy the entire way. I'd pay a lot of money to be able to pull 4 miles at 9 minutes per mile out of the hat for the last 4 miles on January 8. I see on the course map that the 22 mile point is on World Drive, just as you turn right towards the entry to the Disney Studios. To come in the last leg at that pace would be absolutely glorious. Too bad that by then my actual pace will be somewhere between a walk and a crawl.

I must admit I have am experiencing the sin of extreme satisfaction. I'm able to go far longer than I could just a few months ago, and the next day I'm able to get up and have another strong workout, which was certainly not true not too long ago. I know I'm ready for a good half, the question the little voice inside me keeps asking is, "what about that full-marathon-thing which you were dumb enough to also sign up for?" Unfortunately I do not have an answer to that one.

29 days to the half. Happy training all.

Krista - Congrats on being auntie! It is so much fun. I have 20 nieces and nephews!

Craig - I'm having the same worries about the marathon. I don't think the 1/2 will be too much of a problem if I stay at my pace. I just worry whether I can continue on for another 13.1 miles :earseek: .

I'm trying to keep a postive mental attitude about it and visualize myself going through each park and feeling the excitement. All I know is the adrenaline better be kicking in real good that day! :)

We got about 7 inches of the white stuff today. So I'm off to shovel!

chimera said:
...I've slept around WDW, but never at the Swan, though I've heard they have those really nice beds...
Mel, So the rumors are true! :earseek: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: -- (sorry I just couldn't resist)
Terri, hope the quad pain is gone by now. :wizard: PD to you.
Craig and Terri, I'm with ya on wondering if I can make the end. I know the first half I've got. It's those last darn miles AND the time constraint. I could crawl otherwise, just not fast enough and I am not doing the Goofy.

:wizard: PD to all of us as we get closer
Tiger Lily 03 said:
Mel, So the rumors are true! :earseek: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: -- (sorry I just couldn't resist)

Lily...yep...that's me you've been reading about on the bathroom walls ;) Guess that'll teach me to read my posts before I submit them. :blush:

Heather...congrats on making partner! Does that change your responsibilities at the office? I know nothing about law except that it's best to stay on the right side of it.

Carrie...come on down! I can absolutely guarantee you there'll be no snow here :sunny:

Does walking around the neighborhood pulling a wagon count as XT? I'm thinking about taking the wild todd for a walk to look at the lights tonight.

10 miles tomorrow :scared1:
Mel - all parenting counts as cross training!!!!

Sunny - you would have been ashamed of me today!!!! I knew i could not get out to ride or kayak (my normal x-t) I was downstairs, where we have a nice universal weight mach and some free weights. I decided that since it was here, i could xt by lifting. I hate lifting b/c i realized a couple of yrs ago that it cuts into my nap time! Anyway, all that being said, I reduced my arms to jello. IT ONLY TOOK ME ABOUT 15 MINUTES!!!

Lisa - When you registered to have your split times e-mailed/text messaged to your family, how did you do that? I noticed it said we could do that in the packet, but I can't find out how to do it!
Melissa - I am right there with you. It would take me 10 minutes to get the jello.

Well today we did a 12 miler. I would say only but we were SLOW! averaged out to be 10:35 min miles. Next week will be the last double LR then taper! :cool1: But next week is 12 on Thursday and 24 on Friday. An I was worried about the marathon. That was nothing compared to the run that looms ahead! But after that 15 then 8 then MARATHON! So close yet so far away! LOVE THE TAPER! :love:
Well I did a series of poor planning...

Since it was a white out, I left work early and went to the Y to do my LR. I figured if I left there by 3 I'd have no trouble getting DS before 6 (closing time for the afterschool program). I did my LR on the TM :crazy: I set out for 14 but got nervous about the time and stopped at 13.2. It was actually pretty nice because the TMs are right up against a full windowed wall and the snow was mezmerizing. I watched cars slip and slide and go off the road. I watched tow trucks come and get them and plow after plow after plow. In fact, I made a game of peeking at the numbers ever 5th plow! So I'm running my little heart out enjoying the snow and then around mile 12 it hits me.... I'M GOING TO HAVE TO SHOVEL THIS STUFF TO GET INTO MY DRIVEWAY!!!!! Not only did I expend all of my energy on the TM but yesterday I did the hardest 65 minute "jello-izing" weight session of my life! While I'm realizing this it never occurred to me that driving might also be a problem. The actual driving was fine because I have a super-duper Rav4. BUT the traffic didn't move. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get from the Y to DS which is only a 3 mile drive. Then, just as I suspected, the driveway was barracaded by a huge plow wall (read CEMENT). SO I ended up doing 90 minutes of nonstop back-breaking shoveling after my LR. (Dx plows for a town 4 towns away so I'm on my own in storms).

Oh and running boogers are nothing compared to shoveling boogers. I guess its because you are bent over most of the time. FOrget farmer's blow, mittens or any other means of expelling them, I just let 'em all hang out! The IC really kicks in when its shoveling time. She gets kind of like Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump during the storm at sea. Except she fights both the storm and the street plows. You should hear her language when they come along and reform the plow wall she just punched out :rotfl: I'm ashamed of her!!!!

So now DS and I are STARVED and I've earned like a million activity points so we're heading back out to eat.

I could have been home sipping hot cocoa all afternoon if it wasn't for my LR. The insanity abounds....

Oh but i'm so glad I got it in because I know I won't get a chance all weekend.

Next week 22 on the TM. The Y staff is going to call the men in white coats to come drag me off the TM :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

MelRhoads said:
Mel - all parenting counts as cross training!!!!

Sunny - you would have been ashamed of me today!!!!

Not at all! I'm proud of you! Just keep doing it and pretty soon you'll be hoisting that bike over the top of your head for the hike a bike photos :banana:

MelRhoads said:
Colleen - You visited my dreams last night. I dreamed that I was going to have to do the 20 on the TM b/c EC might be out of town (that part is true - I hate running alone) Anyway, I knew you were doing your 20 this upcoming week too, so I dreamed I set up my laptop so we could IM each other during the TM LR!

That's so funny. I didn't think of IMing anyone while on the TM but while I was sitting in my car for hours and not moving I kept thinking "oh I wish I had a laptop with wireless internet so I could be on the boards" I was really bored!

I did flip through the channels on the TV (listening to my music) and I stopped on the Disney channel because a Goofey chartoon was on. I saw the green hat and the floppy ears and started laughing because I could picture you running just like that!!!! Of course this action will add to the Y staff feeling the need to call the men in white coats I'm sure...

But IMing on the TM is a really cool idea! Maybe we could do a teleconference :rotfl2:

OK, I really must get some food in me. I think my low blood sugar is making me loopy. What? I'm loopy anyway?????? :rotfl:

Originally Posted by chimera
...I've slept around WDW, but never at the Swan, though I've heard they have those really nice beds...

Mel - I was trying to be nice when I read this (unlike Lily ;) ). When I read your post, I thought uh-oh She didn't realize how that would sound. Then (being naughty) I thought, I wonder who she slept with - Mickey (boy, would Minnie be mad), Goofy (boy, would I be mad) or maybe Chip and Dale (bet that would be fun :earseek: )

But I only thought it, I didn't write to tease you about it (until now) :teeth:

plutosmyfav said:
Oh and running boogers are nothing compared to shoveling boogers. I guess its because you are bent over most of the time. FOrget farmer's blow, mittens or any other means of expelling them, I just let 'em all hang out! The IC really kicks in when its shoveling time. She gets kind of like Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump during the storm at sea. Except she fights both the storm and the street plows. You should hear her language when they come along and reform the plow wall she just punched out :rotfl: I'm ashamed of her!!!!


O.k. this had me busting out laughing the second I read it. DH was in the other room wanting to know what I was laughing at. I told him I would have to explain too many posts for him to get it. When actually I dont want to tell him we've been talking about running boogers :rotfl:

I did 10 miles on the bike today. Felt great! Man I can't wait to get a real bike.
Terri...two words...Tarzan Rocks! ;)

Wow...10 miles is a long way! Ended up with a 14:14 pace (2:22:20). Today's menu...honey shots at miles 3, 6, 9 and peanut butter crackers at 5 and 7. I definitely feel better mentally on this regimen, but start tiring out physically around mile 8. I think as long as I can stay in the game mentally, sheer orneriness will get me across the finish. I'm doing 12 next weekend, then I'll do the normal MFM taper with everyone else.

Purchased a big ol' lime green posterboard yesterday so we'll all know where to meet each other for Trail's End. If anyone else wants to join us, I believe there's still seats!

4 weeks, guys! Can you believe it...only 4 more weeks? :earseek:
Hi, everyone! 6 on the TM this morning. 10 next week. Since we'll be away, I've decided to work 1/2 day on Friday so I can do my last LW in the morning before work. Today was 85:40 (14:17 pace).
Have been sitting here giggling reading about cement wallls (of the non-marathon type) and running boogers, and IMing on the TM and really appreciating what a fun bunch you all are.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Yep Cam-we should have a blast at Trail's End!

I did 3 miles 14:26 pace incl warm up. Tomorrow is my LR.

Have a great weekend everyone! We have Cub Scout Christmas party today & the circus tomorrow. Can't wait for the circus, it will be DS4 first time & I haven't been since I was a kid.


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