Wk of Feb 10th-- WISH Walking/Running Club

I have a kind of odd request, but it never hurts to ask, right?

Does anyone, by any chance, have a picture of the porta potties on Marathon Weekend?

I do. Scott insited that I take one last year because everyone laughs when he says Port-o-Pot city. I'll find it this weekend. Do you need it e-mailed to you or just posted?
Wow, that was fast! If possible, could you email it to me?

Thanks so much!!
Didn't the "Ice Bath" YouTube video have shots of Port-O-Pot city? :confused3

And hey, we've had stranger questions. :rotfl:
I have a kind of odd request, but it never hurts to ask, right?

Does anyone, by any chance, have a picture of the porta potties on Marathon Weekend?

Any reason why you're asking???



(sorry it's out of focus)
On the ice baths - how deep do you fill the water? Only enough to cover your legs while sitting up?

How many miles do people start doing this? I've only run 8 at most, but I was sore for a few days after. Next week I run 9 and I'm wondering if I should do this. Sounds painful itself! :scared1:
Carrie thanks for telling me about the son who was assisting in First Aid - I'm not able to watch all the news - and the ones that I heard interviewd on Today - all ran out of the classroom (they were all sitting in the back of the stadium - and I am grateful they did get out) I just cant believe we're still talking about school shootings!!
Krista and Steve

You know, I know, and everyone knows, that everything is fine with your baby, but there is that little nagging doubt when something like that happens. I'm glad you got the reassurance you needed so quickly. And I have to ask, since there are so many medical types around here. A heart rate of 150 is obviously typical for a baby at this stage of development. When does this slow down? I have no clue :confused3 , and would love to know the answer.

Carrie and Cammie

Absolutely correct, your competition is with yourself today. Not with anyone else, and not with what we could do in past years. Did I have a result today that makes me smile? If the answer is yes, then congratulations are always in order. If the answer is no, you get another try in a few days.

I vaguely recall some comments back and forth between Cam and I during July of 2005, about how to build up enough speed and endurance to meet the time requirement for the January 2006 half marathon. Did you ever imagine, just 30 months later that you'd be 2.5 mpm faster?

If you could go back and tell yourself of your latest result, the conversation would have sounded like this (assuming you were a Deleware surf dude):

Dude, in 2 1/2 years you'll be doing 13:30's
No way
No way dude
Total way dude


They call Hawaii paradise for a reason. Actually, my bride says that paradise doesn't begin to capture it. You have to get there, and if that means the Honolulu marathon to entice Scott, do it. If the 2 of us could move our jobs there, we'd be 21st century Hawaiians. Telecommute! That's the solution.

Craig -- you were one of the first WISHers to provide absolute, unrelenting support and to express your absolute faith in my ability to do what I needed to do to finish my first WDW 1/2 marathon. Have I told you lately I :love: you? Really, truly, I just don't think I'd still be doing this (and improving) without the unwavering support and encouragemnt (and praise! yes, I'll admit I'm needy) of the WISH team!! :grouphug: Cool, Dude! ;)
Dude! My pace has gone backwards! :sad2: (Gonna' blame it on injuries and keep trying, though. I have been punching up teh TM a bit lately, though. :woohoo: I think I am still jinxed from strying to set a real goal for teh Minnie last year. ;) )

Shan - I fill just so teh top of anything that's hurting is covered. Usuallu that's my whole legs. I susually start when I go over 1 these days, but if you're legs are feeling achy post runs or the next day give it a whirl.
I vaguely recall some comments back and forth between Cam and I during July of 2005, about how to build up enough speed and endurance to meet the time requirement for the January 2006 half marathon. Did you ever imagine, just 30 months later that you'd be 2.5 mpm faster?

Craig -- Care to reiterate those comments for us newer, old slow people? (Seems to have worked for Cam.)

Also, for the back of the pack set, do you recommend having scream teamers secure FPs for EE (as we won't get there until well past opening) or should we just hit KRR to cool off and have someone nearby with dry shoes and socks?
Krista--so glad to hear that the baby is doing well, and that the accident wasn't more serious. Take care of yourself!:grouphug:

Cam--WTG on your PR!:yay: Dude, you're awesome!

No training to report here today. Yesterday I did almost 40min on this new xtraining apparatus. It was a good workout. It's a weird piece of equipment, though. It's what I would imagine the offspring would look like if you were to mate an elliptical and a stairmaster. Okay, crying child...gotta run!
Shan - I think it was Krista last year who gave the valuable advice about wearing a sweatshirt during the ice bath. Before that I was just shivering and miserable! Last year I started around 8 miles; I did one after the half and will probably do them after distances over 14/16 miles this season.

Cam - Meant to tell you earlier how proud I am of you for your PR. You have come SO FAR!!!!! Like you and Carrie said, we all have different paces, and every victory is a big deal to the one making it. I can't wait to see how your next 5K goes.

Krista - Glad the baby is okay. That had to be such a scare! :scared1: I'm saying girl too, but my guesses don't mean much. My prediction for DD was boy. 'Nuff said.

WWDave - I think Erica is a genius. No one can ever have enough animals, especially dogs. (Although we did just make the decision to stay at one since DD will be going off to college in a year and we'll be more free to go when we want if we only have to board or travel with one dog...)

Have a great weekend everyone!


They are pretty much what we sent back and forth in the e-mail thread last November.

I tell you what, if I get one more request from someone beginning to build up to the January half or full, I'll write it out in a separate thread and delicately ask Darlin' Lily (did you get to come home today Lily?) to sticky the thread. That way the new folks who are beginning the process could see it.

And, it won't be short, sorry.

Gotta go, have a glass full of champagne sitting next to me, looking for a home.

Cam: That's great news on the PR! I really can't wait to hear how you do when your work settles down and you get some time to focus on your running. :thumbsup2 I hope your weekend is productive and not too frustrating.

Martha: Thanks so much for the update on Lily. I've been less motivated than usual, too. You'll get your mojo back soon, I hope. I think you should pat yourself on the back for working out on the weekends.

Tricia: The weather & sights there sound (sigh) so lovely. I'm glad you're getting to enjoy them as you run! 3.5 is great!

Kira: Your fear of TM/George Jetson comparison made me laugh out loud. That's exactly how I used to feel. It gets better, although I still crowd the bar. And I'm always dropping things; I think others at the gym now avoid getting on the machines next to me...

Aloha Jeff: Another person who's enjoying beautiful runs! Yea for you! I think I'll live vicariously through everyone's descriptions. (My descriptions would include the words gray, slushy, icy, but warmer than earlier this week. Cold spell pending.) I love the that Great Aloha Run refuses to call itself a race. It's the kind of event I would love to do. Maybe I can talk DH into a trip to Hawaii with such bait... :rolleyes1

Carrie: Good luck on the 5K tomorrow! And I loved your post about how we're all competing with ourselves. That's so true.

Cecilia: I hope your LTO issues are almost at an end. I know you're just itching to pick up on the training again. Thanks for the heads-up on the Nike compression shorts. I need to think about trying them.

Krista: Thank goodness you and the baby are safe! The accident must have been so scary. :hug: I vote for, um, baby. I've never gotten the boy/girl lottery correct, so I've quit guessing. Maybe one of each?

CarolA: I'd rather do 2 miles on a TM than try to put together a closet organizer! All thumbs, I am! And you did both! I guess it's the kind of thing that brings two people closer together (or tears them apart), so it's kind of fitting you did that on Valentine's Day!

Cheryl: Congrats on joining the gym. I can't wait to hear about your spinning class.

Shan: WTG with the 5-miler. I hope next week gets easier for you! I didn't do ice baths until the race, as we don't have a bath in our apt. I did do cold showers, though, starting at about 12 miles. It helped me acclimate for the ice bath after the 1/2, but I do wish I would have been doing baths all along.

Amy: I'm glad you're feeling better and hope your speed work went well. I'm getting a little envious about all the fun you Minnie WISHers are going to have.

Jen: Have a great time at HSM on Ice. The girls are gonna love it! I certainly hope Wisconsin warms up for you, as I know those long winter days seem even longer when it's so cold.

Craig: That's a great story, recounting your conversations with Cam. It gives this tortoise hope! Your comments are always appreciated!

Stephanie: The XT equipment sounds like something at our club. Do you know what it's called?

As for me: I made the oh-so-adult and oh-so-depressing decision not to attempt to run today. Runner's knee, I think. I've been experiencing lots of little twinges with my right knee over the past week, and have been increasingly achy and cranky about it. Finally, DH asked me how many nights this week I've put an ice pack on the knee. I thought about it, then admitted: "Every night." So I took another day off running, though I did no impact XT, and will be adjusting my training schedule. I'm trying to be reasonable, to take care of myself before my knee becomes a real problem, and to follow the advice of my inner Penguin, but I'm a little upset. I'm going to try again tomorrow and hope I just needed an extra day & a lighter schedule.

Speaking of lighter, here's a lighter note to end on. DH and I were talking about my posts here. He has suggested I refer to him as DOOD (pronounced Dude) rather than DH. He says it stands for "Dear One of Debra." (The acronym makes a lot more sense if you read a Pgh restaurant critic named Munch, but I digress.) I warned him that y'all will just start referring to him as DOODie, but he seems to think you're more mature than I am. So DOOD it is.

Gotta go, have a glass full of champagne sitting next to me, looking for a home.


OOOOOOh! and chocolate, maybe? Hope it's for some great occasion--although sometimes just being Friday is occasion enough.


(Who is nervously preparing for her first 4-mile training run tomorrow)
Ice Baths
You know, team, we may need to give further explanation of how to do an ice bath. That video had me :scared1: !!

1. DO NOT put the ice in the tub first.
2. DO NOT go butt naked into the water..this is NOT A BATH!!

Fill the tub up, like Carrie said, just enough to cover your legs with cool water. Someone else likes to get in while the tub is filling to get acclimated. Wear socks, a sweat shirt, wear shorts, have a hot drink handy, or a beer, or orange juice, bring a book...

Add ice to bring the water temperature down. Forty pounds of ice in a regular tub is a bit much... Ten hotel ice buckets/five hotel trash cans..better :rolleyes1

Stay at least ten minutes.

When to do it...rather than miles, think time. After your legs have been pounding the pavement for 2 hours or more, that would be a good time to try an ice bath.
Other helps? :goodvibes
I read and I read and I never have time to post and then feel too overwhelmed trying to remember what I wanted to say to everyone . . . but I'll give this a shot:

I tell you what, if I get one more request from someone beginning to build up to the January half or full, I'll write it out in a separate thread.

Consider this another request. If Debra is an energizer tortoise, I'm an energizer snail!

and speaking of Debra, I think your husband is giving us waaaaay too much credit. I for one am quite sure that if I should ever meet him, I will now feel compelled to say Howdy Doodie.

Anne Thanks for the explanation/instruction on the ice baths. A month too late for me, but now I know better!

Lily Glad to hear your good news and hope you are resting comfortably at home and be waited on hand and foot.

Krista, glad you and the little one are okay. Oh, and i will guess girl. Which means you should stock up on blue, because I have never once been right about this except with my own two sons (and come to think of it, I'm batting .500 at that).

Now for the lame catch-all part of the post: For everyone who has been putting in the miles, great job! Keep it up. For everyone who is ailing, healing pixie dust headed your way. For everyone swamped with work or life, I hope it all clears up soon. For anything else, insert appropriate WISHes here.

BTW, I cannot believe it has been over a month since marathon weekend! Where does the time go? We'll all be back there again before you know it :scared1:

Have a great weekend, everyone.
Got your princesses mixed up this time.....Nancy is the one who lives a stone's throw from Hershey. Just put me down as the WISHer who recruits for nudie races! :rotfl:

Dave & Jeanne I don't care who is in charge but I want IN on the next Chocolate Factory Raid! Count me in if there is a ice cream run too :lmao:

I'm currently the lazy WISHer. I think Dave can add me to the list of who has had a out of body experience and the brain wasn't returned. Or maybe it's heart. I haven't been able to drag myself out of this slump.

Cam that's great news on the PR!!! Way to go!!!! :cheer2:

Kristi I'm not sure what happened but I've spotted some posts about an accident? Take care out there!!! :hug: That little one of yours has a Diaper Dash race next January ;)

Yay!!! Glad to hear that Lily is coming home or did she already? I'm so behind the times but am glad to hear she is heading home.

Debra... a big Hi out to the DOOD LOL I really need to drag myself to the yoga/pilates classes.

Mel did I see you heading to WDW? And what's this about toads? :lmao: Have fun!!!!

Welcome to our new team mates!!!! :)

Hope everyone has a chance to get out and get some miles in this weekend!!! Be safe out in the snow and ice.
Ice Baths
1. DO NOT put the ice in the tub first.
2. DO NOT go butt naked into the water..this is NOT A BATH!!
Good job Anne except you forgot to tell them to leave their socks on. This protects the toes. Oh and I prefer a cold beer to a hot drink but I will settle for coffee if I have to be a grown up that day. :rolleyes:

Also, 40 pounds of ice is overkill unless you started with the water too warm. :rolleyes1

Don't let your children watch your spouse pour ice on you. popcorn:: Or if you do, explain to them that they shouldn't tell the kids at school what mommy says when the ice hits her knees. :eek:
Thanks to all of you for the details on an ice bath. Just thinking about one had me shivering! I was picturing it done without sweatshirt, socks, etc., and although it still sounds brutal, it sounds more bearable with clothes and a hot toddy.


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