Wk of Feb 4--WISH Walking/Running Club

Quick post, slept late and gotta get going to work.

CAM - AWESOME job! Soon that 1 mile will lead to two, then three, on and on!:cheer2:

MEL - No Darcey and I are not going to make it back to WDW for 2008 Marathon Weekend, we decided to use that money instead to buy DVC. This summer is when we should have our downpayment together.

Pixie dust to Sunny and Terri!pixiedust:

STEPHANIE - Thanks for sharing your Dad's message! He sounds like a great guy!


Training note: Did 30 min on the recumbant for XT today.

Gotta go, running late.
Okay, need some advice from the "seasoned" marathoners here. My 20 mile run for tomorrow has officially been scrapped. My runny buddy's grandmother passed away yesterday, so he's leaving for the funeral tonight. And I don't feel great as of yet. So, my question is, I've got an 18 miler under my belt already, so is it conceivable for that to be my longest distance prior to race day???? Or should I skip one week of the taper and do 20 next week and then taper the next week and a half before race day??? I say this b/c I know my dad will pace me if I want to do the 20 this week, but with DH leaving town on Monday and not returning till Friday--I'd have to do the 20 on Sunday, and that's only if the bug is gone (so probably not going to happen). What ya'll think????:confused3
Sunny - I am so glad to hear that you finally found a doctor that took you seriously. I hope that they are able to help you, and I hope that this medicine helps also. Also, did you just say you are getting UP to 30? and if so there's no excuse not to go run?! Wow!! I feel like such a bum for not running in the 50's!! Again, WOW!!

Terri - I am so sorry to hear about the surgery, but hopefully they are able to do this so you will be able to recover faster.

Cecilia - I am constantly chenging my mind about wether or not I want to go back to work when my youngest starts school, and that is precisely why!!

Stephanie - Your father sounds like such a wonderful man.

Christa and Melissa - I know this sounds crazy, but every time I see a post from you I hear that accent of yours in my head and start to laugh!! I don't know why I just never pictured that accent.

On Wednesday I went out and ran 25 minutes (intervals) with no stopping, and felt AMAZING!! The only down side is that I haven't excersized since Wednesday. I have been having some on again off again pain in my knee since about a month before the full this year. Right now it is on which I believe is in part due to the amount of squats and lunges I have been doing with these "Shape" DVD's. So, I am getting ready to start taking some Glucosomine/Condroitin. There were just two articles (One in Runners World and one in Running Times) that were praising the effects that this has on moderate pain due to runner's knee, which is basically what I have been dealing with. So hopefully this will help along with some rest, ice, and ibuprofin!! I will be helping DH start the Couch to 5k again next week, and have sworn to myself that I will keep running even if he quits!!

Real quick post (again!) -- VIC: Good Luck on your 8K tomorrow! :cool1: :banana: :thumbsup2

Thanks Cam! But, I won't be able to make it tomorrow. We're still working some renovation issues at work and I have to be present.

Ran 3 miles on the TM this evening at a 12:45 pace.
Sunny: Wow. I'm so glad you found a doc to listen to you. Take it one day at a time. Don't think too far down the road on your recovery or training as it will overwhelm you. Keep it in shorter intervals and you'll be able to get through it. I'll send some happy thoughts your way.

Cam: WAY TO GO on the mile!! That is so awesome! You so totally ROCK!! :cool1:

I'm hoping to get outside tomorrow but the wind has been quite a factor. It's just so cold...brrrrrrrrrr

Monte: how's the snow?
Hi WISH Team!

I'm checking in and have just been able to read Sunny's post.

Sunny, I will continue my prayers that this doc is THE One who will help you.

I'm going to read some now.

Oh, almost forgot. I'm having a Great training day! It's a Rest day! :thumbsup2 :rotfl: So far though I'm doing much better with my pain issues. I've got 5 miles scheduled for tomorrow so will put that in on TM and Sunday calls for 60 min XT...we'll see.

I'm going to read more now.
I'm scheduled for surgery on March 1st. I have a (partially) torn achilles tendon. The Dr. described it as like a strand of rope that is unravelling.
I'm getting a brace on Tues. until the surgery. If all goes well, I'll be able to walk on it in about a month and hopefully start training by mid summer.
Terri, :hug: I am sorry to hear this. I hope your recovery is speedy and that all heals as it should.
Stephanie - I think you'll be fine if you totally bail on the 20. There is really not that much difference in the miles anyway. You could do a shorter LR if you feel up to it. I also think alot depends on you goal for the marathon. If you have a very firm time goal, it may make a difference. If you are just running to finish and time is not that big of a deal, don't put too much pressure on yourself. I do have an underachiever's philosophy, but my theory is that i might as well just enjoy myself on the course, it's not like i'm going to win the race anyway!!:confused3 Last yr b/4 goofy, I did 2 20 mile runs and some back/back LR's and this time I didn't really follow a training schedule and I only ran about 18.5-19 (i didn't even know exactly how much as my garmin could not get reception). I did that 5 or 6 weeks b/4 the race. I found both years to be fine and i didn't feel undertrained this year at all. Anyway, basically, i think you'll be fine!!
Terri, I'm sorry to hear about your surgery...hope all goes well.

I could only squeeze a 30 min. tm in today, I was running late, but I'm hoping to walk for an hour tomorrow. Have a great weekend gang.
Sunny - I just wanted to say how happy I am to hear that this doctor actually listened to you! She wants to keep you running! :yay: I am so glad you kept looking for answers until you found a doctor to truly listen to you. I know how hard it can be to keep pushing medical professionals when you know deep down you don't have the right diagnosis or treatment for you. :hug:

I was bad & blew off working out last night. But it was all for a good cause. We managed to get a sitter & have 'date night.' :woohoo: I will get my xt in today no matter what.

Oh, I just have to add...Chad won first place in our city's Christmas House Decorating contest!
We have to go to some meeting at City Hall Monday night to receive his prize!
Just a quick post before I head out to an appointment.
Did LSD (long slow distance) today, though it wasn't that long.
5 minute warmup at 4.0 --> .33 miles
5K alternately walking at 4.2 and jogging at 4.8 in 40:20 --> pace of 13:01
total distance 4.62 in 60:00 --> pace 12:59
additional cooldown of 5 minutes .3 miles

I really wish I'd had time for more.
Have a great day, everyone!
BTW, Vic, I am sorry you are missing your race. I hope you are having a good day anyway.
Thanks Cam! But, I won't be able to make it tomorrow. We're still working some renovation issues at work and I have to be present.

Ran 3 miles on the TM this evening at a 12:45 pace.

Vic - Do the renovations include bulldozers and tractors and knocking down things? If they do, I bet I can round up several volunteers around here to help out as long as they can work on the fun machines. :rotfl2:

I just finished my Saturday morning group run. 10 miles, 11:12 pace. Now it is just tamper until the race next Sunday.

I'm a Galloway runner. To those who run Galloway....there is a change in the program coming for this year. Our group leader just returned from the annual meeting in Jacksonville. The big news is that the intervals are being changed. There will be more walking for each pace group. 4:1 is the longest. This will help to reduce injury and improve recovery.

Should be interesting. Guess I'll just have to run a little faster to make up for the extra walk break.

The other big thing is the focus on training for the Breast Cancer Marathon in Jacksonville, 2/08. Thankfully it is enough time after Disney so we can do both. :idea:
Terri good luck with your surgery! At least it is caught and can be fixed.

Don't rush recovery--but for the PT they have you do...don't give up and work at it so it doesn't take longer than necessary.
Was feeling a little better this am, so I decided to venture out. I ended up finishing 9 miles ave 11:30 pace. A lot slower for me than usual--but after not eating much for the past 3 days, I needed to take it easy. Hope everyone else is having great training run/walks this weekend! Off to buy a bday gift for DMIL--DH forgot!:furious:
Had a GLORIOUS 40 minute run today! Despite the cold (22 degrees) and a slight breeze (could feel it when running into it) my hip held up fabulously!! I am really psyched. :cloud9:

Only problem was the left-over ice patches from last saturday's ice storm. Amazing how many people do not shovel their walks. Had to tiptoe in a couple places but hey! no TM today.

My DH says I'm ready for 10K right now (isn't he a sweetie?). I could do it but am comfortable with my 5 minute increases each week. That's all I want to do to push my hip.

Thanks everyone for the fun posts. It's hard to keep up, especially being a newbie and not knowing a lot of you. I love reading about everyone's highs, lows, trials and tribulations. It really keeps me going.
Sunny - that is incredible. It is great that she listened to you and took you very seriously. She would have been silly not to. You are obviously a very smart women. I truly hope through this treatment you begin to feel a difference.

Stephanie, your dad sounds wonderful.

Terri, may your surgery and recovery go smoothly.

Angie - congrats!

Thanks to all the nice words on the job interview. I am looking forward to the interview to see if this will be a good fit for me right now. I have high hopes.

My walk last thursday was horrible. The groove was completely missing! I ended up stopping at 2 miles. I did stretch and even that took all I had. Good news is that date night was fun. We just went up to the local microbrewery for a few beers and a burger (which we split). So at least I didn't have to feel guilty about that.

Yesterday was a rest day and today was my long walk. My shins have been a bit sore, so I slowed it down and went 5 miles at 3.7-3.8 at 5%. It felt great. My right ham is a little tight so I will stretch some more. I almost didn't make it to the gym due to toddler mania at my house. Luckily, dh helped me get ds2 & 4 out the door. I am very glad I went!

Enjoy your weekend, I am off to help dd16 buy a dress for her winter dance.

I have a question for you experienced athletes.

How many rest days do you take a week? Do you rest the day after your long walk/run? Also, how many xt days/week?

I have been evaluating several plans and they all differ. I have a mfm book, but we are renovating and it is packed away with all the books right now.

I got an email today to order my Marathon Pics for Valentine's Day. Check out the photo in the email... there is a WISHer in it (at least it looks like a WISHer). That is totally awesome. I think the pic is from last year because the people are all bundled up!



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