Wk of Jan 21--WISH Walking/Running Club

Dave-- I worked at B&R all through HS, too! My real name is Sundie and I was the only one that didn't have to wear a name tag (as you can imagine why). Definitely was not the best place for me, either:confused3

If Goofy is filling up so quickly, does that mean the full is too? I have to make decisions and I feel this terrible pressure that I need to make them YESTERDAY. I haven't asked Paul yet if he wants to do the half again next year. Paul generally makes all his plans the day of or at the most the day before whatever... He'll freak if I tell him he needs to decide NOW! I'd love to have my Mom and Dad come down for the races. That way DS could come and Paul could do the half, I could do the full. But it still leaves DD out. For the past couple of years she hasn't wanted to go on any big trips, we've just don't Mother/daughter NYC or Rhode Island type trips. So I have to keep her in mind, too. And yes, I feel the guilt and difficulty of training with family responsibilities all the time, too.

MelR-- you'll be happy (or your parents will) to hear we are now Nascar fans! As I said before, DS asked for "race car" curtains for Christmas. I randomly bought Jeff Gordon material and now Jeff Gordon is our hero! He saw a Nascar DVD with #24 on the cover so we just had to buy it... Then we watched two specials on tv... I think we'll be heading for the Nascar museum sometime soon. We also bought the Legos SW x-box game yesterday-- it's great! Thanks for the tip. The characters are sooooo cute.

I bought a cheap recomb. bike for home so I can move my legs when necessary. I gently peddled through the Pats game last night and burned 700 calories! That's not bad! Too bad teh game was.

Friday night I went to the Y and did more baby weights (total 16K) and my first post-Goofy run on the TM. 3.5 miles, .5% grade, 42 minutes.

I'll start a thread about the tyvek bibs to determine if there is enough interest.

Happy Monday:)

Hi all! I have not been posting with you all but I have been lurking. I ran the WDW half this year and am now trying to decide what to do next year! I really want to do the full, but man what a commitment. I've also got to convince DH that we should spend that much money for me to go run a race.

Anyway, I'm not sure how this thread works. Do you post your weekly totals? Post every day? Either one? So I'll start this way. Last week I only ran 12.9 miles. This morning I stopped at the Y after dropping the kiddos at school and did 3.1 on the treadmill.

Happy running/walking to all!
Boy have I been a slacker since Marathon weekend. Perhaps it is justified. This week I need to get in 3 runs and a long of 8. We shall see what happens.
Good morning WISHers!

It's a dark and rainy day here in NW Florida. Guess it will be a cross training day for me. Been meaning to get back to weight lifting anyways.

For the NW Florida, south Alabama/Georgia folks, there is a 1/2 marathon and 5K in Seaside, FL on 3/4, if interested. Here's the link http://www.seasidehalfmarathon.com/
I may register for the 1/2.

Sunny and MelR - GO DALE JR!! ;) :)

To all - have a great day!
Good morning, everyone! I haven't had a chance to train since Saturday's TM session, but we did a lot of walking in NYC yesterday and that always makes me feel better.
Tonight is the season premiere of one of the only two shows I watch on tv ("Heroes" -- the other one is "The Class"), so I probably won't get to train tonight, either, by the time I get home from work.
Thanks for inspiring me to carve out time to TM! I really wish the TM we have at home were better and not as noisy. I may try to get back into the habit of using it on days I can't get to the gym.
Sunny and vic - my nascar skills are lacking as my parents have lost interest. Mark Martin (their hero from ARkansas) retired. I'm guessing if i had to root for someone it would be dale jr. I can't remember who i'm not supposed to like anymore,, but i think it is some guy named harvick and tony stewart?

Sunny - The recumbent is cool!!! As far as the marathon filling up, i think i signed up in the spring or early summer last year and that was long after goofy was full. I think it makes it easier that goofy fills up fast b/c then that takes it out of the mix for me!!! Lately the boy and I have been checking ebay for the actual lego sw characters. they are so cool. we found one (i can't remember which character) where the seller was asking $50!!!! Once i explained to the boy how many weeks of allowance he would have to save, he let that idea go!:lmao:

As far as training goes, phil and i spent about 1 1/2 hrs. orienteering yesterday. It was good prep for the upcoming adventure races and I didn't get totally lost, which is a big plus. He is so good at it, that it was good to go out w/ him so i could learn something. Last night he got really sick though so we have not had any sleep! I think i'm taking the day off! (at least until i pick the boy up from preschool this afternoon!) I may try to ride the bike trainer later today (YUCK!)
MelRoads=Sunny and vic - my nascar skills are lacking as my parents have lost interest. Mark Martin (their hero from ARkansas) retired. I'm guessing if i had to root for someone it would be dale jr. I can't remember who i'm not supposed to like anymore,, but i think it is some guy named harvick and tony stewart?

Mark's still driving. He's just running a limited schedule so he can spend more time with his son. If I'm not mistaken, Mark will be driving the 01 Army Monte Carlo for 12 races.

I like Harvick and Stewart also, and Jeff Gordon. But, I was a big Dale Earnhardt Sr. fan, so I just kept it in the family. :)
OK, I still have 4 pages to go from lastweek and 3+ from this week. I have been indlulging myself with some work-related self pity adn not felt like posting a while lot. WOrk is not worth staying away from my wonderful firends, so I'll try to get back to my usual rambles soon. In teh meanwhile, enjoy your time off. ;) ;)

Before I forget, I must address 2 issues:

Vic - Hoorah!!!! Your compliment to us girls was very nice to read. Thanks!

SAHMs - I nether a stay-at-home-er nor a mom, but just want to say that I admire all SAHMs. You must be strong, as when was the last time you got a sick day? Have you gotten a raise for your efforts lately? I have finished 2 marathons, but do not know that I am strong enough to do what you do. You rock! Do not forget that!!!! :goodvibes
More from last week:

Mel - WOo ho for teh Mickey 08!!!

Melissa - (Have you noticed that I did pay attention adn am calling you Melissa? ;-) ) S'mores? Yummmmm!!!!!!!!

Cam - :grouphug: For all you've said adn for being the internationally known inspiration tha tyou are!!!

Helen - it' sso good to see you regularly!

Solo - Hope your world gets better soon!

Heather - Woo hoo on those 5 pounds!!

Howard - Awesomme pics! I love the 3 musketeers sticking together pics!!!

Matt - I hope world conditions get better and keep you close to home. Thanks for being who you are and doing what you do!!!

Krista - You were right! (lol, see below)

Did my first outdoor workout since we got back SUnday. It was 20, windy in parts, and my lungs hurt. I must admit, however, that it was soooop much better than teh heat!!! Krista was right! We did a fairly good pace, especiallly since we did not know our pace until half way through and my body felt pretty good, although I had a few areas making themselves known.
Good morning everyone!!! I start my post marathon training tonight, I am so excited!! I took a full 2 weeks off after the marathon to let my IT band heal and I'm taking the next 3 weeks pretty easy as well, only doing weightlifting and the elliptical. I'm hoping I can kick the IT band issues to the curb once and for all. Okay, I need to ask your opinion, I officially start training for the Flying Pig 1/2 on Feb 11th. I decided to go with Hal Higdon's training plans because I want to up the ante and his plans are a little more challenging than John Bingham's. I'm also really going to work on increasing my speed (I just got the book Run Fast by Hal Higdon, and I really like it because it doesn't say "this time is fast or that time is slow", it just tells you how you can improve on your speed.) Anyway, Hal Higdon has several different training plans for different distances depending on where you are and how much experience you have. I am debating between the 1/2 marathon novice plan and the 1/2 marathon intermediate plan. The 1/2 novice goes like this: 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5K, 7, 8, 10K, 9, 10, and then the half. My deal with the novice is that it seems kind of easy and I'd like to go further than 10 miles; plus with already completing 2 1/2's and a full--am I really a novice? ;) The intermediate plan has back to back runs and goes like this: 3/5, 3/6, 5K, 3/7, 3/8, 10K, 4/9, 5/10, 15K, 5/11, 3/12, and the the half. The back to back runs don't look that bad, especially after watching Stephen training for the Goofy, but I'm still not sure about b2b runs. But I do want to challenge myself and become a stronger runner. HELP!!!!

HMHunters--HI!!! I'm so glad to see you back. How was the 1/2? I'm getting ready to start reading your TR.

Sunny--Sorry about the Pats, but I am so happy for Peyton!

Dave--Ben and Jerry??? That is great!!!


Cecilia--GO GOOFY!!! You have nothing to be worried about! You are going to rock!

Mel--I am so excited that you are doing the full! You are going to love it. You know, truthfully training for the full isn't that much harder than training for the half, especially if you use MfM. The longest weekly run on MfM full is an hour, I'm pretty sure that was true for the 1/2 as well, so the only difference is doing the long run and you do yours so early in the morning, I don't think an extra 2 hours (on your 20 miler) is going to be that big of a deal.

Speaking of marathon weekend, can someone let me know when the registration for the full gets close to filling up? Stephen is planning on running it no matter what, I am planning on running the full unless something happens and I can't. I'll probably go ahead and sign up and if I can't run, then I won't, but I want to wait as long as possible before I sign up so I don't block a legitimate runner/walker who is going to do the marathon no matter what.

Oh, and I have good news. I have been watching my calories this past week, keeping them around 1200-1300 and I lost a pound!! :woohoo: :woohoo: Only 9 more to go!! :thumbsup2
Mel - Frosting???OMG, I am so liking that as an alternative to Gu!!!!!

Heather - BTW, I am terrible at noticing when people lose weight, but looking at the pics from this year, I keep thinking that you li=ook mighty thin!

Melissa - :wizard: I know you are one ina million to us, but I hope you win so thatyou can join us!

Steve - OMG. So, the day after you dreamt of the ice cream cake, I was eating it. (It's required at b-day parties to eat the offered cake, so I had to.) Does that mean something? :p

OK, I am not caught up with half the poeple here, but I'll try harder in teh future!

Have a great week everyone!
Yowzah! Who can keep up with these fast-moving threads?!
I'm seeing my primary care doctor today to get a referral to a podiatrist. I started getting my first twinges of foot pain this week and decided I'm finally going to nip this in the bud and get things fixed. My right foot sits differently in my shoe than my left due to an old injury. It's ok for walking, but as soon as I start increasing my running distances I can feel it.

Here is my request of this awesome group. I'm going to be at WDW from 2/1 to 2/6. I need to come up with a reasonable running plan while I'm there. By reasonable I mean maybe 2 decent length runs. I also want to be at the parks at opening a lot of days. These seem to conflict. BTW, I'm staying at Pop so no workout room. Help!
Here is my request of this awesome group. I'm going to be at WDW from 2/1 to 2/6. I need to come up with a reasonable running plan while I'm there. By reasonable I mean maybe 2 decent length runs. I also want to be at the parks at opening a lot of days. These seem to conflict. BTW, I'm staying at Pop so no workout room. Help!

The Pop has a very nice trail that runs around the lake to the unfinished side of the Pop Century Resort. I'm not sure of the distance but it is a nice loop.
Good morning Team.

I did five miles on the TM this weekend. I really don't like LRs on the TM. I don't mind it during the week but on the weekends I want to go outside! However, it was all of 8 degrees here Saturday morning. And as Charlie wisely pointed out, it's not worth setting myself back months because I slipped on ice. I know he's right but I find LRs on the TM so unsatisfying!

Then I did 45 @3.8 @ 1% this morning.

So that's the good news.

The bad news is that since I have been carbo loading for the last month, I got on the scale this morning and almost fell off from shock! :scared1: So for a while I'll be spending more time at Cam's Weight Loss thread than over here.

And Judy had the WISH name tags printed and bought the pin name tags that you see in the POP pictures. What a darling! They were great!! And when she left on Sunday, she left them at the front desk of my resort so that I could hand them out to any WISHers who didn't get them Friday night. What a sweetheart! Thank you, Judy!

Cam - Awww, shucks. :blush: You're welcome. But the truth is, I knew there was no way I would remember everyone's name, so I thought name tags would help. Wow, you're famous in New Zealand! Cool!

Anne - Funny you mentioned taking a week off after the Half. Especially for those of us..."over 40". :rolleyes2 I was just looking at my training log this morning and it ticked me off I've only trained 9 of 22 days this month. But I did take a week off after we came back. So I guess that's OK. I mean, if Coach Jenny says it alright....

Howard - John's pictures are awesome! :thumbsup2 And your comment about not endangering anyone made me chuckle!

Mel - Betty Crocker Frosting works for me! :rotfl:

Vic - Is it football season?? :rotfl2:

Jen & Carrie - Whats up with the twirly hearts? Did I miss something?:confused3

Jodi - Yes, I registered for the Minnie! I am very excited! :yay: Plus, I get my first ever solo trip to WDW out of it! I've always wanted to go solo, not that I don't love going with Charlie because I do. We were talking this weekend about the Bigelow race. We both want to do it this year. Are you going to? Maybe we can all have lunch afterwards.
blueroses--try this link--if it doesn't work go to Disneyrunning.com and he's got a link to each of the resorts http://www.disneyrunning.com/joggingtrailpc.html

carrie--thanks for the compliment on SAHMs--I read that as I was fighting with DS to eat a banana and some green beans--now I get to clean the banana off the cabinets--It was really a fight!:rotfl:
Sunny--Sorry about the Pats, but I am so happy for Peyton!

We're happy for him and the Colts, too. They deserve a chance at the SB.

Vic-- Like I said, I picked Jeff Gordon with absolutely no knowledge of Nascar, but once I saw the special I though, "wow, he's awfully cute". I don't suppose that was part of your criteria of chosing favorites:rotfl2:

MelR-- I'm not even going to tell DS there are real SW figures at those prices:eek:

Just back from the gym: 65 min on the elliptical with some wind sprints. Boring but good.

Yowzah! Who can keep up with these fast-moving threads?!
I'm seeing my primary care doctor today to get a referral to a podiatrist. I started getting my first twinges of foot pain this week and decided I'm finally going to nip this in the bud and get things fixed. My right foot sits differently in my shoe than my left due to an old injury. It's ok for walking, but as soon as I start increasing my running distances I can feel it.

Here is my request of this awesome group. I'm going to be at WDW from 2/1 to 2/6. I need to come up with a reasonable running plan while I'm there. By reasonable I mean maybe 2 decent length runs. I also want to be at the parks at opening a lot of days. These seem to conflict. BTW, I'm staying at Pop so no workout room. Help!

Here ya go.

Thanks, everyone, for the link to the trail at Pop. Now I just have to work it into my schedule. I did buy an extra bag to put my running shoes and clothes in for the trip because I always hate how much space that stuff takes up in my suitcase.

Here's another question for the audience: how much "stuff" do you take on your runs? I think I'm an equipment junkie. For an outdoor run I need:
my Nike+ ipod
HR monitor
hydration belt
and sometimes my Garmin in addition to the Nike+

Sometimes I feel like RoboCop out there. How about everyone else?
Carrie - I did notice!! You are so sensitive and thoughtful!!

Krista - I've used hal's plans. I like them. You don't seem like a novice to me and if you are trying to improve your time, then the intermediate plan seems to be designed for that!

Sunny - yeah he is pretty cute (have you seen his wife? I think she is a supermodlel!) Actually most of the sw lego mini figs were 10 dollars on ebay and i got the boy a three pack at the lego store in downtown disney which included darth vader, obi wan and chewy for $11. they are magnetic too, so they can greet you at the fridge in the morning:lmao:

I did get a nap. Now hopefully, i can squeeze in a shower b/4 i pick boy up!
Honeibee=Vic - Is it football season??

It's almost racing season. WooHoo! :banana:

plutosmyfav=Vic-- Like I said, I picked Jeff Gordon with absolutely no knowledge of Nascar, but once I saw the special I though, "wow, he's awfully cute". I don't suppose that was part of your criteria of chosing favorites

I'll never tell. ;) :rotfl:


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