Wk of June 3--WISH Walking/Running Club

Good morning WISH team! Happy Friday!!

Dave--Hoping everything went well last night!!

Kristi--:woohoo: :woohoo: Fabulous news about Chad's job!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Just a quick drive by......work has just been nuts this week.

Just wanted to wish you all a great Friday!!!!

Gosh it is hard to keep up with this thread.

I do XT last night, 60 minute strength training class, 30 min low impact aerobic class and 30 minute stretch class. I really need to keep up with XT and get my schedule together that I can do the strength training classes in 2xweek. I can really feel those muscles today that I don't normally use. I hate doing weights and the only way I do it is by going to class.

I think I am going to make reservations at BWV for marathon weekend using my DVC points so have to wait until next Friday at my 7 month window to make them. I would love to do the Poly or CR but can't justify the money as we are going to be doing the DCL PC EB cruise in Aug 2008 and need to save some money somewhere. Until then as a back up calling to make reservations at either POP or POFQ since everyone keeps saying that the hotels are getting full.

Pixie dust to all those with injuries.

Morning all!!

Carrie-- No, I do NOT wish for snow right now! :rotfl: I may be warm, but I ain't that warm. :rotfl: Hope your run went well last night.

Kristi-- Congrats to Chad and you!!!

Marathonmommy-- CDC= Chicago Distance Classic. It's a half-marathon run in Chicago in mid-August several members of the team are training for.

Yesterday afternoon I did my 3.00 miles in 27:00, so exactly 9:00 miles. It was SO HOT. I was really suprised that my first could of miles were in the 8:45 range, but the heat beat me up good in the last mile-- I'm happy with the time. I would never, ever recommend purposely going out and running in 90 degree heat to anyone, but my thought was that my 5K in two weeks is at 10am, which may be very warm, so let's see how that would feel. And how it would feel is very, very hard. :thumbsup2

I will take full advantage of my rest day today before my 9 miler tomorrow. We have houseguests this weekend up for the Film Festival-- one from Cleveland that arrived on Wednesday night and two from Quebec City that arrived yesterday afternoon. Should be a fun weekend!

ETA: I don't know if this applies to anyone other than me, but just in case: if you applied for the lottery for the ING New York City Marathon, results will be published on their website on Tuesday, June 12th at 12:00 noon. They had 98,000 applicants!! Good Luck!

Happy training all!
Kevin :earsboy:
Morning all!

Kristi-That's great news about the job, I can imagine it will take some time getting used to him having a job again. I love living just outside the city, far enough from the real craziness but close enough to go in to town for some drinks. I think when the time comes we'll be looking for places even further from the city. (Although not NH, at least I don't think NH.)

I got in some xt last night and it felt good. My stomach was really feeling it and so were the thighs, which was perfect because those are my least favorite areas! Although one of my exercises I felt just didn't work for me, I wasn't doing it right and it wasn't helping any, so I'm going to have to find something to replace it.

My sister pulled me aside last night and told me she'd like to start running. Her problem is opposite of what most people have, she's so skinny with no muscle that her body gets tired easily. She was never into sports so she wants to keep this pretty quiet to start with to avoid my cousin(yes, the same cousin I'm having issues with) hounding her. So on my Saturday run she's going to come with me, it'll probably be more of a walk/run but if it'll help her get started I can give up one full run. Oh and if you want to get an idea of what I got myself into... the kids at the camp she works at says she runs like Barbie (on her toes, blonde hair floating behind her.) and the last time I tried to get her to do something athletic with me she wore supergirl sneakers from payless, betty boop boxers and I can't remember what shirt. She was a sight to see that's for sure.
Good Morning Team:

Well, I need to get going here at work as I have to get my presentation for next week's meeting in Rio ready. DW and I had our date night last night. We grabbed a quick sandwich at Tim Horton's, and then caught POTC3. We talked at dinner about my running, marathoning, and scheduling, and I have to say the discussion was pretty heated at times. Definitely not the most relaxing date night we've had. Kevin, as you were mentioning yesterday, I think there's some underlying issues that DW has that are related to or exacerbated by my running. I think the big issue she mentioned is that she feels "trapped" at home with the kids, and she gets resentful waiting for me while I'm out running. She gets frustrated waiting for me to get home from work every evening, when she knows I'm out running. And then Saturday mornings she gets frustrated waiting for me to come home from my LRs. We talked about my running schedule a lot.

Now mind you, I am able to leave work at 4pm to go for my runs on weekdays. I'm lucky because I'm in charge of my own schedule. I work through lunch and never take a break in order to be able to leave at 4pm. I'm home by 5:30p. Now if I worked until 5pm, I would be home around 5:15-5:20p. So were only talking about a difference of 10-15 minutes in the evening that she's waiting for me. On Saturday mornings I'm up at 5am and on the road by 7am (6am if I'm going really long). I'm usually home between 8-9am. We have a rule that the kids can not come into our bedroom before 8:30am so that DW can sleep in a little. So there may be 30 minutes that she's up on Saturday before I get back from my run. She says the issue is that she knows I'm running and resents that I have the freedom to do that while she has no free time and has to wait home for me with the kids.

My response was, "let's figure out a way that you don't feel trapped and feel like you have more freedom." Let's figure out how you can take charge of your own schedule instead of trying to solve the problem by taking away my little bit of freedom. I tried to also explain that my running was the only time that I truly felt was mine, and I really wanted to hold on to it. And running a marathon/year was important to me to have a big goal to train for.

Anyhow, the conversation ended without really resolving anything and we went to the movie. POTC3 was entertaining, escapist fun. We both enjoyed it, and it was good to get away from things for a bit. However, when the movie ended I still felt like we had unresolved business. I didn't want to push the issue anymore because I am going to be out of town and out of the country all next week, and DW will be home with the kids on her own. I think that may be bringing some issues to the surface as well.

I may take the rest of the week off from my running, as I feel like the fun has been sucked out of it right now. My legs probably need a break anyway. I can take my running stuff to Rio, and run there and not have to worry about schedules at all.
Great picture of you and Ted, what a gorgeous spot! Love your necklace:goodvibes

Hi WISH Team!

Monica, congrats Gramma!

SkyDave, 30 miles/week is a hefty goal!

WWDave, I'm sending you good WISHes as you are training for the Senior Olympics. I'd tell ya how often I've been thinking of you over this training time, but being a senior myself--ummm I forget.

Leana, good pics. Looks like a fine place to be.

Mel, your ability to control weather is similar to what we do here when we WANT rain. We just go out and wash the car. Good for you that you will now be experience a storm-free season!

DH and I made a last minute decision to go to the Niagra Falls, NY DIS meet yesterday. We levtour house at 11:30 a.m.and came back home 12:30 a.m. We had a great easy drive there, enjoyed a nice visit and got some great walking in. We were thinking of staying over, but there were no rooms so we drove back. On the drive back we listened to the Cavs/Pistons game Yay! Cavs!!


The view is spectacular and the weather was perfect for Ted and me.
Total drive-by....but...

Chad got a job!!!
For those who don't know, he got laid off before Christmas.
And unemployment was running out next month.
And he is making alot more an hour than he used to & alot more than me :rolleyes: .
It's part time too - about 32 hrs. a week. That is what we wanted though - FT is too much with Zack & the working opposite shifts thing.

The down side is that he is back to nights & weekends. :sad2:

AND (mostly importantly) we can do our trip to WDW of ToT!!! :woohoo:
Kristi- Congratulations to Chad (and you)! That's fantastic news, and must be a huge, huge relief. Here's to Chad's new job!!! Hip.. hip...
Hurrah!!! I had a good run last night!! After Sunday's lacadaisical 7 miler in the heat, and the debacle that was my 1.29 miler on Tuesday I was in need of a good run to boost my confidence going into my 10K this weekend. I went 4.5 mi in 52:29. Overall it felt really good. Tonight I am off to Cochrane to pick up my race packet and check out the expo. They have a full marathon, a half, a 10K, a 5K, a duathalon and a kids tri all going on this weekend. Cochrane is only about 15 min away from me, so I'm excited to check out the pathways we'll be running on and maybe I can add some new routes to my repetoire.

I'm also thinking about signing up for a bikini bootcamp class that runs July - August, right at the beginning of my full training. I won't be doing high mileage yet and I thought it might give me some good XT, plus it is another way to meet people (I still feel really new to Calgary....must meet more people....). I'm just hoping bootcamp won't be so intense that I get burned out and won't want to run.

Christa - Good luck on your LB!
Kristi - Have fun at your crop. I'm guessing that is for scrapbooking?
WWDave - Here's hoping you can shake of the blahs this Friday morning!
Kim - I am sooo sad about the Senators! What happened to them?
Kevin - I hope your 5K won't be too hot to start! My 10K in Banff next weekend starts at 10 am....crazy! I know we all have to drive out there and it is about an hour and a half away from the city, but it was sooo hot out there last weekend that I'm a little worried myself. Getting excited about your trip to TO? Good luck in the NY lottery.
Megan - You can tell me all about those cute boys in Boston on the full! I hope you have a good time on your run with your sister.
Dave - It sounds like you took a really diplomatic approach with your wife. I really hope you guys can come to a compromise as it does seem as though she needs some "me time" as well. I don't want to say too much, but :grouphug: for you, and have a great time in Rio, even if it is for work.

I was thinking we hadn't seen TXAng or Angietuck around much lately. I know they both had quite a few things going on this summer, but hopefully they are OK!
SkyDave - :grouphug: I'm sorry that nothing got resolved. SHe really needs oto find something to do for herself. There's nothing you can do if she does not present you with soemthing she wants to do. She needs time for her, but it's not your fault that she doesn't have that from what I'm hearing. SOund more like she reseents that you have something and she does not. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

WWDave - I'm with you on feeing balh. Hope you're doing better soon, though! :grouphug:

Kristi - Yay!!!!!! I'm sorry that you won't see each other as much, but hopefully it will work out better than you thougt. MAybe this will lead to something with better hours. :grouphug:

Lynne - Good to see you!

I'm sorry, I missed a bunch, but I am just moving really slow today in mind and body.

OK, who teh heck let me go out in 88 degree weather??????? Yes, I had had tons of Powerade and Propel, but I should jus tknw better. GOing frm comfy to hot practically over night is just bad. I just thought that maybe some was mental and I needed to get over it. Well, got a major migraine last night after my run (and I only made it 2 miles). Moving awfully slow today. It's only supposed to be mids 70s this weekedn adn we're only scheduled fo a 3-miler, so let' shope things are a little better.
Kristi - Yay!!!!!! I'm sorry that you won't see each other as much, but hopefully it will work out better than you thougt. MAybe this will lead to something with better hours. :grouphug:
Sadly, working in tv - there will never be better hours!:sad2:
The plan is for him to suck it up and we work really hard at paying everything off & getting an even bigger emergency account set up in the next year or two. Then we both get out of tv! :thumbsup2

Also, now that visions of us selling our house and being homeless are gone (I am very dramatic in case no one ever noticed;) ), I started checking out the Goos tour schedule again. That MI show is still there...I have a small Southwest credit...hmmm....who can I get to take Zack for a weekend? :lmao: Wasn't Cam offering up Jenn for babysitting services? :rotfl2:
Look at me - spending Chad's new paycheck before he even starts! :rotfl:
I haven't given up on the Running Sponge either! ;)

Leana - yes, scrapbooking. I only get anything done when I have a 'date' to do it. Last month I finally started my racing scrapbook, and got last year's Minnie pages done. They came out really good too, if I must say so myself! :goodvibes

Dave - I am so sorry last night's talk didn't go better. But maybe, now that the topic is being discussed, you both will be thinking about it and come up with a compromise. I think Kevin was spot on - it sounds like your DW could use a hobby. She needs some 'me' time. I know I love my scrapbooking outings. It's fun to get out, and something I really love doing. And I get all the girl-talk I can handle & more! We have a couple stores in the area that hold crops. I drag all my stuff there to work on it. I am almost up to date on Chad's racing book too - neat way to keep all his finisher's certificates, running pics, pins, etc. Otherwise I would lose all that stuff.
No training to report as it was a rest day. I have five miles planned for tomorrow. It's going to be about 95 degrees here today! :eek:

Kristi - YAY on many counts here! :woohoo: Oh thank goodness!

Stephanie - Now who would ever yell at you for telling us things like that after the fact? :rolleyes1 Thanks for the info. We don't have any Sonics near us though.

Meghan - Oh honey, I hear ya about the MIL....:mad: Escape is good XT,

- I didn't think it was possible for you to be in a bad mood. I'm sorry to hear that you are. :hug:

Kevin - WOW, 98,000! You HAVE to let us know right away if you get in! Whoo hoo! I hope you do. :wizard:

Dave - Ohh, I'm not quite sure what to say. :hug: Any chance of getting a part time nanny or au pair so DW can spend some time doing something she wants to do? Maybe a local high school girl to care for the girls some afternoons? I really really hate to see you stop running. What's that going to do to you? I can't help but think it will cause big-time resentment. How could you not resent having to give up something you love and have worked so hard at? There must be a way to resolve this.

Everyone - BTW, if you have a few minutes....tomorrow is our second anniversary....:bride:
Kristi - Congrats on Chad's new job!

Dave - hope things wok out for you.

Judy (and Prince Charming) - Happy anniversary. Loved reading your report!
Kristi - :cool1: on DH's new job!

SWDave - I am so sorry it did not go well. Let her think about it...sometimes if DH is telling me something, I have to review it in my mind b/4 I can agree to them.

WWDave - Get in a good mood or I will run to your house and drop off my kids! :rotfl:

Judy - Happy anniversary.:banana:

Me - Biked 50 miles today! I had to call DH to come get me though b/c my bike had some kind of ratteling sound...I think the front break in rubbing against the tire....so I did not want to g 3 more miles with a rattely wheel...The cool thing though, is that I am not tired like when I run really far...but I could not say I would want to swim b/4 that bike and run a 1/2 marathon afterwards....so I am eating my Edamame to get some protein back in b/c I will run tomorrow...and 3 shows this weekend!:scared1:
ALSO! WDW called and we have all our rooms for BEACH CLUB in October. Yes we will be there the same dates as ToT but No I am not running it....
OK I'm feeling better now so I can come by and say hello.

I resisted the temptation to go out and try to get another PR on the Hill route. I have to remember that even though I don't feel like it I'm not a youngster anymore so I have to train with good sense, (Yea right me doing anything that involves good sense).:laughing:

I have to keep things in perspective and remember that even if I come in dead last at the games we can laugh about it the next day, and wearing a WISH shirt and coming in last would be following the WISH TEAM motto that there is no disgrace in being last. There is disgrace in not having the courage to try.:thumbsup2

So I went to the Gym and did a really good hour of Yoga and stretching. Then soaked in the hot whirlpool for a while. Then came home and had some fresh fruit and then rice with tuna.

Thanks for the support guys, you are more than just a forum.:love:

Dave:hippie: "YARC"
Dave--So sorry you weren't able to resolve the running issue with your wife. But at least you did figure out the root of the problem. I got to thinking last night and then this morning after reading your post, I'm wondering if maybe your wife is a little jealous of all the attention you've been getting over completing the marathon in January and then the half in May. We get so caught up in our little racing/running/training bubble that we forget how big of a deal completing a half or full marathon is. So you go into work with DW and all of your colleagues and everyone one is like "Dave, great job!" "Wow, you ran 26 miles? I don't driving 26 miles" etc and she's just sitting there basically being ignored. Or is constantly hearing how great it is that her husband can run a marathon. It's got to be tough and I can definitely see how it can make someone resentful. I know she's proud of you and loves you and wants to see you succeed, but still I wonder if she's thinking "What about me? I do challenging things all the time too and nobody fusses over me". Good luck figuring it all out and enjoy your family time this weekend, hopefully there won't be any tension! :wizard:
Hi all! I've been in the blahs and off the board, but like Dave I'm feeling better and back again.

It's been so humid here that I did my 4 miler yesterday on the dreadmill. Today was XT - bike and weights. My schedule says I should do an 8 miler tomorrow; we'll see if that happens.

Quick catch up on a few:

Megan - Your description of your sister running and her wardrobe made me LOL! Have fun with her!
Dave - Speaking as a DW of a DH who loves to participate in whatever sport is in season my advice is to make sure she knows what your first priority is (unless that's running ;) ). Even small gestures can make a big difference.
Leana - Good luck on the 10K this weekend!

OT - DD update: the drama continues. She was playing catcher and got taken out at home (but held onto the ball for the out) and is now in a sling. We were in the ER half the night b/c we were afraid her collar bone might have been broken. Good news is that it is not, she's just got a badly strained shoulder. But there goes softball season!

Happy training, all and good luck to all the racers this weekend!
Quick drive-by.

Judy - Happy anniversary

Dave - Hang in there.

All - Happy training!

Forgive me WISHers for I have SLACKED! It has been over three weeks since my last workout....

OK, I have really good reasons for my slacking, DS (1 yo) had his tonsils,adnoids removed and tubes put in his ears. That took 1 week of pre-surgery prep, and 1 week post surgery recovery. Then we went to DW for the week, and since DH was working the whole time, I could get a run in. Then we came back from Orlando and had a week of VBS. Where DH and I are majorly involved (It's more than showing up for a couple of hours, there was a LOT of work involved)

I did mangage to get in about 3 workouts this week - a 3 miler, a 4 miler, and a 3 miler.

In other news, my June 2 Tri was a DNS. It was a calculated DNS, I would have had a 5 week taper, and that didn't seem very benificial. Also, I hadn't paid the entry fee yet, and I decided to put those funds toward TOT 13K.

So WISH friends, forgive me, and I promise to get back in the swing of things this weekend.

:love: - MK
Renee-It sounds funny but it's even funnier in person! Sorry to hear about your dd. I had a strained shoulder from hockey, I only missed part of the season. (Although it's a long season.) I'm sure that she'll start doing better in no time even if she's not ready to play. I hope she starts feeling better.

Lena-If you're doing the ToT I hope to talk to you about cute Boston boys before then. Good luck with your race this weekend! Thanks to you I'm considering buying a sportskirt even though I love having my compression shorts on under my shorts.


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