Wk of Mar 18--WISH Walking/Running Club

Jackie - tough choioce. I'd normally say give it a rest, but you've got that shiney new TM. Then agin, it's rest or TM. I'd pick rest! ;)

Good thing I read your post AFTER I ran this morning! The shiny new TM won out. It was calling my name very loudly when I woke up this morning, so I gave in and decided if my shins started hurting I'd listen to them and get off, but the only thing that hurt were my calves when I started playing with the incline (didn't have that feature on the old one!). Only did 34:00 for 2.5 miles, but it was a start. At least I can say I've used the new TM!

Craig - The soccer match (oops - guess I should call it a football match) sounds wonderful! I can't tell you how many we watched last weekend - unfortunately, yours didn't rate FSC coverage so I couldn't look for you in the stands. And the Tower of London definitely counts as training especially if you climbed to the top of all the towers. I thought I'd kill DH before we finished there; then we went out to Greenwich and walked to the observatory - HUGE hill there too! Sounds like you had a great trip!

My niece's flight was all screwed up, so all my plans for today are changed. I have a whole day to myself!

Jeanne - I had a stress fracture once, but it does not sound as bad as yours. However, I figure I got it when I fell in the 06 marathon. I did not fell it above any other post-marathon aches or during 5 days of wakling the parks. SO, just because you don't remeber does not mena that's not it. My doc x-rayed it adn told me no more than 3 to 5 miles for the next few weeks. If it still hurt we would do an MRI. I did ice and 800 mg ibuprofen fo ra couple weeks and it got much better. Good luck! :wizard:
Good morning TEAM!!! Happy Friday!! I think it's time to get new shoes. My shoes don't have many miles on them *maybe* 200, but they have caused me so much trouble that I think I'm done with them. I think I'm done with New Balance overall. Stephen's trying to get me to get the Gel Kanyano's, but we'll see what the running store has to say. I ran 4 miles on the treadmill last night and ended up with a time of 45:23--not too bad, but I still want to work on getting faster without aggravating my IT band. I did r3/w2--running at 5.7 and an incline of 1.5% and walking at 4.6 and an incline of 2. After I was finished running, I did the walk on the treadmill backwards thing, I only did it for about 4 minutes, I had the incline set at 4 and it was killing my legs!!!! I also did my poor man's gym--a pair of ankle weights strapped to my legs with a series of leg lifts and crunches. Who knew 10lbs could hurt so much??? So why the new shoes? I finally get my IT band taken care of and now I have shin splints. Terrible shin splints with pain shooting up and down my shins that felt like muscle spasms and they lasted the entire 4 miles. :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: I can't win!!! :)
Oooh, ouch Krista, I don't envy you with the shin splint pain. Believe me, I feel your pain...
Greetings all. T.G.I.F! And please please please let the rain hold off so I can get five miles in OUTSIDE tomorrow! :goodvibes

I did 20 min on the TM @ 4.0 @ 1% this morning and ten min on the bike. I don't know, those Fridays that call for only 30 min don't seem like it's worth getting out of bed for. I don't feel like I did much. :confused3

Christa - You are very kind to say I would look MAH-VA-LOUS in my running shorts. My dear...you are also delirious. I think they'll be OK with my WISH shirt. The point is not to be a fashionista, I suppose. The point is to just keep moving. That's my plan. :thumbsup2

Regarding this whole weight gain while training thing....Ummm, yeah, me too. Well, not gain but I can't lose any! I lost four pounds so far. I have a physical next month and I want to see if my doctor can hook me up with a sports nutritionist, if there is such a thing.

Carrie - OMG! You're so funny! :lmao: Hey, in my barn it's ladies only. No stallions! :rotfl: Yeah, MfM does call for "only" 4 but I always add one for luck.

Paul - Oh that is fabulous news! :banana: I'm so glad you're coming in January. And tell DW we'll keep an eye on you. She doesn't have to worry. ;)

Minnie - Oh please, you will NOT look like an idiot eating alone. I do it all the time. What you will look like it is confident, self assured young lady. Now go! Enjoy! :goodvibes

Jackie - REGISTER for the Half, will ya please! You can't miss out! :yay:

Dave - Yes, I was just thinking about the ESG yesterday! Do you still have that website? I want to check it out. Let me know your plans. :)

Craig - Oh I'm glad you guys had a great trip! We kept bugging Martha for updates. Sorry to hear about the toe. :hug: Not much they can do for that, is there?

Krista - I just saw the brand new Kayanos at a store in the mall. (At which I would NOT buy the, but I had to look.) Man, they were awesome looking! :love: I don't NEED new running shoes yet, however tempting they may be....

- WHAT? :eek: Not coming to WDW is a possibility?? Nooooo!
I guess I really need to make a decision which race I am going to do either the 1/2 or the full since the 1/2 is now 60% filled and 50% for the full. I was hoping I could delay it until after Allentown the end of next month, but I'm afraid if I wait won't get in. At this point I fill most comfortable registering for the 1/2. I don't think I have enough hours in a day to train for the full.

Nancy - You are practically walking a half right now, you can totally train for a full since it is only March! Just google training to walk a marathon for training plans and I know you can do it.

Jeanne - Last year I developed a stress fracture in my right ankle. It didn't happen from one specific event, but I can definitely attribute it to trying to do too much, plus I didn't really have the best shoes. Two total no-nos. But the only reason why I knew I something was wrong with my ankle was because it swelled up and I developed a rather attractive "kankle." It didn't hurt at all when I ran on it, and only a slight amount of pain when I pressed on it. My theory is, better to know sooner rather than later what might be up so that it doesn't derail your training plans. Find a podiatrist and get in a soon as you can.
Jeanne--- I am so sorry to hear about your foot. Could it be related to your shoes being worn out? I would recommend going to the podiatrist and get it looked at sooner than later. Of course, this comes from a person who always waits later to do things. We got to get you mended to be able to do Allentown. Sending pixie dust your way. I was also wondering if after we complete Allentown should we look at doing another 1/2 in Sept. There is one in Va Beach over Labor Day. That would be sort of an even drive for both of us.

I have already looked at the training for the full and that is what scares me. I just don't have enough hours in a week to do those long walks over 12 miles. Plus I have a 10 day vacation in Oct and Dec at WDW, now I don't mind walking some 4-6 mile walk while on vacation, but I refuse to do 18-20 mile walk while on vacation. In addition once it gets cold here, I am a whimp walking outside and I would have to hurt someone if I was to walk that long on TM. Decisions, decisions.


Sunny - CDC??? You know you want to! ;)

I'm so clueless I would show up at the CDC wearing my WISH shirt and wondering where everybody was:rotfl2:

Yes I'd love to do Chicago but the family thing just keeps getting in the way:confused3 If it's not work; it's family. Oh bother.
Cam- Are you a Spark Person, too?
Yep, Kiena! Are you? My user name there is the same as here, in case you want to check out my sparkpage. My avatar picture is me and Mickey with my MARATHON medal!!!

I guess I really need to make a decision which race I am going to do either the 1/2 or the full since the 1/2 is now 60% filled and 50% for the full. I was hoping I could delay it until after Allentown the end of next month, but I'm afraid if I wait won't get in. At this point I fill most comfortable registering for the 1/2. I don't think I have enough hours in a day to train for the full.
You know, Nancy, I am the first one to tell people to go for it! :cheer2: And I will definitely tell you to go for it. But I will also tell you that I am sooo happy that I have a Donald medal. For some reason, finishing a Disney half marathon and having the Donald seemed like the first step to me. I'm not sure, assuming I could have in my wildest dreams, earned the Mickey last year, that I would have "doubled back" to go for the Donald. I'm just really excited that I have the Donald, the Inaugural Minnie, the Inaugural DL Half (castle), and the Mickey.

You are definitely so far along on your training that, assuming you can keep it up and add miles as you get into the fall, there is no doubt at all that you can do the Full! I know it is a tough decision. I hope that it comes easily to you! :goodvibes

I really hit a snag with my training this week. Tuesday I did my little sprint walk. Afterwards, my feet were stiff as is usual for me, but nothing out of the ordinary. When I woke up Wednesday, I couldn't put any weight on my left foot. No swelling, but serious pain. I'm thinking stress fracture, but whatever it was I didn't feel it happen.I tried icing and elevating it, but it was still bad when I went to bed. Thursday it was a little better, but I was still limping. Thursday night I had to go out and it seemed like the forced walking made me feel better. Last night I was totally pain free. Today I am limping again and I wonder what's wrong. Arthritis, maybe? Anyone have any suggestions? Tomorrow is supposed to be my distance day, but at this point, I don't know if it's going to happen. This upcoming marathon has been the focus of my life for the past few months. I don't even want to think about the possibility of not being able to do it.
Jeanne -- Sending pixiedust: and :goodvibes: that you haven't suffered anything other than a temporary ache, and not an injury. You definitely need to rest it, at the very least, so that you don't derail your training. :grouphug:
Yes I'd love to do Chicago but the family thing just keeps getting in the way:confused3 If it's not work; it's family. Oh bother.
:sad1: Bummer.

Judy - OK, we're using a training plan for a 13.1 mile race to run a 9.3 mile race. The trainign paln goes up to 10 miles. Why are you addign an extra jile to everything? I may add when teh LR are really quite short, but no way this lazy girl will add mileage when I'm "over-trainign" slightly to beign with. ;) You are amazing! OK, so the zebra's allowed in your house, but not the barn? :rotfl2:
Craig -- Welcome home! Sorry about your toe. The football match sounds outrageously exciting! Did you and Lesley have voices left after the game? Did your kitties let you get any sleep last night? They must have been so glad to have "daddy" home! :goodvibes:
:sad1: Bummer.

Judy - OK, we're using a training plan for a 13.1 mile race to run a 9.3 mile race. The trainign paln goes up to 10 miles. Why are you addign an extra jile to everything? I may add when teh LR are really quite short, but no way this lazy girl will add mileage when I'm "over-trainign" slightly to beign with. ;) You are amazing! OK, so the zebra's allowed in your house, but not the barn? :rotfl2:

Yes, yes, I am using a 13.1 training plan for a 9.3 mile race AND adding miles. Why? Well, umm, I don't know. I just like to. I did it for the Half because I wanted to be SUUUUURE I could do 13 miles. I don't know why I am doing it now. Just because I can, I suppose. :goodvibes
Hey all... I did 40 minutes on the indoor track last night. DD6 joined me every once in awhile for a lap. She was so cute trying to run faster than me and showing off. I was super tired last night (still am) and kept tripping over my own feet. I did it once in front of DD and she laughed... hard!!! I think that was a sign that I was a bit sluggish!

Nancy - I really had a hard time making the training for the 1/2 work last year. But I am now contemplating doing the full, which I most likely will sign up for as long as I can get off for work. I figure that if I do my best with the training, I am sure I can walk 1/2 of it and still finish in 7 hours. DH already said he will help me find 4 hours on weekends for the long runs. I just need to really organize my time to make it happen. Good Luck to you!!

Judy - You are silly!!! You will do GREAT at Minnie!

Krista - Oh Gosh, rest those shins! My shins have been aching during my runs, but don't last past the run. I am going to pull out my brand spanking new pair of shoes out of the closet and see if that helps. I bought two pairs last fall on an incredible deal!!!

Jackie - I would have done the TM also... Hey, it's something new!

Sunny - I totally can relate to the family issue. I am just lucky that I live 5 hours from Chicago and can do it. I also want to do the Pig and Minnie and every other one that the WISHers are doing... but I can't. Hopefully you can do WDW next year!

Oh, and I told DD6 last night that I am planning another race. Her reply was "Oh Mom". Then I asked her if she didn't want to go and she said "I WANT TO GO!". What a goof ball! She is the sweetest little girl that just adores her mom (me) and the things I do... I love her to death.

OK, gotta get back to work. Don't know if I mentioned, but we have staff problems that I have been dealing with this week. One person quit partially because of another person and others are not happy with said person either. Ughhh, and I have to make it all work out in the end. If it were up to me... I'd make them all run a 5K and use each other for support to finish it. Maybe that will make them get along!!!
I guess my poor dad is feeling a bit envious about the trips my mom and I are planning for WDW over the next year. He's thinking about coming in January now! He definitely won't be running, but I'll see if I can recruit him for a WISH scream team if he does come. Does anyone have a DH or anyone else out there going in Jan that may be interested in golfing Saturday afternoon while my mom and I recover, or while we packet pick up on Friday?
I walked 2 miles yesterday...I picked a much friendlier path, one that did not try to eat me. lol It took me 31 mins. to walk it, so I'm pleased with that time.

Jeanne - I'm sorry to hear about your pain and hope all goes well.

Thanks for everyone's input about the tm's, I am anxious to hear what the repairman has to say about mine on Monday.

Happy training TEAM!:yay:
Quick drive by…..sorry I’ve been MIA again….LTO (Sunny – Love the acronym)

I’ve been babysitting this week, so things have been even more crazy then they usually are. :upsidedow Had my nephews 12 month old for a couple of days at the beginning of the week & now have my nieces 8 month old since yesterday. I think I am getting toooo old for this…which gives me even more motivation to keep exercising….got to have energy for when I eventually have grandchildren. :rotfl: The baby is taking a nap at the moment, so thought I would stop by for a quick post.

:welcome: to all the newbies!

Paul – Congratulations to you & your DW

Congratulations to everyone participating in races! I’ve been enjoying reading the race reports.

Looks like everyone is moving along nicely in their training and training to train….Congratulations!

Reading all the talk about the CDC has me doing some thinking. (Pat – I love the photos you posted.) That is a race I would love to do….need one of those Penguin Medals :rolleyes1 . Not sure if we could swing it this year, but if we don’t, I probably won’t be able to do it until 2010. We’re supposed to try & do an Alaskan Cruise next summer (2008) and in the summer of 2009 we are going to Ireland with John’s family. We were going to do the Philly Distance Run Half again in September, but haven’t registered yet, so we could just do CDC instead. But of course going to Chicago will cost a lot more. :) I am definitely going to do some thinking on this & figuring of finances. :confused3

Gotta go…baby’s up. TGIF
Dave - Yes, I was just thinking about the ESG yesterday! Do you still have that website? I want to check it out. Let me know your plans. :)
Here you go Judy. I have absolutely zero plans at this point. I still think it would be fun to have a NY area WISH meet here, and we could all run the road race and try to get medals.
My foot is a little better today.....not good enough to train, but definitely moving in the right direction. Thanks for all the pixie dust....I think it's working! Right now, I SO want to do the full in January. The WDW marathon is still over 9 months away, so I think I will be up to speed by then. I don't plan to train up to 26 miles. If I can do 20 or 22 without the excitement, I'm sure adrenalin will get me through on the big day. Besides, it's DISNEY WORLD......I can do anything at Disney World! As long as I can check the availability percentages, I'd still like to wait until the Allentown event is over and see how I perform in the real world. If I think I can do it, Nancy definitely can since I have about 50 pounds more weight than she has to lug around. She can use her vacation time in WDW as training....all she needs to do is walk briskly while at the parks and she'll get her mileage in. Whatever race I choose, I want it to be a major accomplishment. I do not want to finish it and know I could have done more.

We had our voices at the end because when they supporters started singing we needed to listen carefully to what they were saying. About half of the time we'd look at each other and say "I get that," and try to chime in, but half the time we'd look at each other and say "what?" They seemed to have several songs which were classics, and several which could be modified as necessary during the match.

It's funny, but even though I played the game at a pretty high level in my prime, soccer has given me far more off the field than on it. I've met so many great people on and off the field, and I've been fortunate to experience some great moments from the stands or the sidelines. Unfortunately my playing days are likely over after too many injuries, but I still get to enjoy the game I love with family and friends.

Ah yes, the kitties. The 6 month old male, absolutely my alter ego, was loose last night, and did wake me up a few times as he bounded on and off the bed. Both were pleased that the jet lag got me up about 4:45 and I gave them some treats. Hopefully they'll accept that as a one time goodie and not be jumping on me tomorrow at the same time.

I did get in a hard bike today, so it's on to serious training for the 10K at the end of April. With all the fast times people are turning in I better do some speedwork or I'll get blown off the course by you guys.

Nancy: woo-hoo on the walk!! Nice job.

Carrie: let me know if you get the 4 miles in!

Jeanne: OUCH! Sorry to hear about the foot pain.

Krista: OUCH!

Jen: your DD sounds just adorable!

Calcio: :hug:

Today was a light cardio day as yesterday was a hard train with my trainer. And tomorrow will be a LR, 70 minutes. It's supposed to be 50s tomorrow but snow tomorrow night into sunday. Ah, spring in New England. Ain't it wonderful?

Happy training everyone!


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