Wk of Mar 18--WISH Walking/Running Club

Due to bouts of insanity I am considering doing the full for '08. I was hoping to wait until the Minnie & see how that went before deciding. But, it looks like I will have to decide before then. I just dont know if I can finish that long of a race. I just cant imagine doing twice the distance of the 1/2. I know I have a while to train for it, I guess I just need to get there mentally. (although my IRL friends will all say that I am "menta":crazy: )

So I guess one of my questions is, once I finish with the Minnie training & have a few months of "training to train" what do you do during that period mileage wise? I just want to make sure if I do it that I go into the official training period prepared. I am used to having a plan & dont know what to do during the in between time. Any advise from the pros is greatly appreciated!

Anyone else thinking of mainly walking the full? I saw Pat was, who else? I will do some running but it will be mainly walking.

Got to go get some actuall stuff done around the house. Having a real life is a pain sometimes ;)
Back before I even knew what a marathon is, I used to laugh at the runners out in the rain as I drove by them in my car. I called them "sick-headed fools." :blush:

Well, today I became a sick-headed fool. I did my 5 mile SW in a steady rain and wind. "Anything but the treadmill," I said to myself. By the end of mile 2 my shoes were sopping, but my baseball cap and poncho kept the rest of me pretty comfortable. And, despite the conditions, my pace didn't suck: 13:01. It really wasn't too bad. :crazy:

So, tomorrow's forecast is more of the same. Maybe a little chillier - 50 instead of 60 degrees. And I'm scheduled for a 10 mi LW. I think I can do it. Heck, why not? I'm a sick-headed fool, afterall.:)
Krista- I gave up on my New Balances this week too. I didn't have shin splint issues but the shoes themselves were hurting my feet in strange places and I've had them for about 4 months already and they are so worn down that I didnt' feel like they were supporting my feet enough...good luck finding a new pair!

Vic - I bought a pair of Asics 2120's at the B/X last week...good taste! I've only run on them about 3 or 4 times now but I can already feel a big difference in comfort level from my last pair of shoes.

Kiena and Cam- I'm a spark fanatic too! I started spark in August of last year and I'm down almost 12 pounds since then. More importantly, I finally got my fitness level back to where I wanted it. I LOVE that site!

It's so cool there are so many soccer fans in here...I played from the time I was about 5 all the way up into college. I played for my freshman year and then had to quit when my mom became ill with brain tumors. Ever since, I've missed the comraderie and even moreso the friendly competition of it all. Being in Japan, I haven't been able to find a women's league to play in but I'm hoping once we move back to the states next year I'll be able to get back into it.

Well, it's Saturday morning here and I'm off to get a short run in. Have a good weekend everyone!
Hello Everyone!!

No training for me today, but PUMP class first thing in the morning, then off to the BEACH!!!! first time this year - supposed to be 84 tomorrow!!:cool2: :scared1:

Tiff - I actually had the same question and DH said we are supposed to cycle down then slowly back up, I guess it also depends on your time frame. Minnie is beginning of May and then how long is your training plan for marathon. I have seen training plans that are 6 months long!! Unfortunately we are relatively new to this too, so I am anxious to hear what more "seasoned" runners have to say about this one.

Kelley - I'm with you, I would have thought they were nuts too. Then last summer I got caught in one of our HORRIBLE FL thunderstorms, it was lightning so bad, that made me nervous.:scared1: Luckily DH came and picked me up. Where is Eldersburg ? I did part of my growing up and went to high school in Perry Hall, Md - just outside Baltimore near Towson.

rosy1020 - I have been meaning to say:welcome: and I think it's really cool that we have a team - mate in Japan and I am very jealous that you got to work at my favorite place in the world.

Hope everyone has good long runs this weekend.!! I am a little nervouse, because I am going to do my first run longer than 6 miles since Gasparilla - over a month a go. Not till Sunday, so I have 2 days to psyche myself up!!

Due to bouts of insanity I am considering doing the full for '08. I was hoping to wait until the Minnie & see how that went before deciding. But, it looks like I will have to decide before then. I just dont know if I can finish that long of a race. I just cant imagine doing twice the distance of the 1/2. I know I have a while to train for it, I guess I just need to get there mentally. (although my IRL friends will all say that I am "menta":crazy: )

So I guess one of my questions is, once I finish with the Minnie training & have a few months of "training to train" what do you do during that period mileage wise? I just want to make sure if I do it that I go into the official training period prepared. I am used to having a plan & dont know what to do during the in between time. Any advise from the pros is greatly appreciated!

Anyone else thinking of mainly walking the full? I saw Pat was, who else? I will do some running but it will be mainly walking.

Got to go get some actuall stuff done around the house. Having a real life is a pain sometimes ;)

Tiff, I will be absolutely honest....the hardest thing for me was the amount of time I needed training for the full. Carving out that time at such a busy time of year was not easy. I followed MFM 20 week plan religiously (some might say superstitiously!) until I stonked the 20 miler. When you are slow those LWs of 16 and 18 miles take a lot of time. The full itself, for me, was not that hard even with the heat. Remember though, that I mostly walked and finished in 6:55:52. I felt great afterwards and spent the rest of the week touring the parks with my DD. I felt such a huge sense of accomplishment! I'm still amazed when I think about it!

You have already built up such a nice training base, and with the full next year having that special Mickey medal, this just might be the perfect time. Half or full though, both are still great achievements! Good luck with your decision!
Hello Rosy1020

It's great to see one more person step up as a participant in the beautiful game. Sorry about the lack of play on the rock, when you get back to the states you'll have no trouble finding weekend play or actual leagues. In past years whenever I was visiting a new city I'd hit the local soccer shop and ask where I could find a friendly weekend game. It was always great fun to run around on the pitch.


The biggest danger in stepping up to a half or full marathon is going too far too soon. It's critical that you have a good base before you build to the longer distance, and by doing the 15K Minnie you'll already have that base. There are lots of plans and schedules out there, many of which our group members have used with success. Basic rules of thumb are never lengthen your weekly miles by more than 10% vs. the past week, be sure to give your body rest during your training, don't go hard every day, start with a good base, and build slowly. And as Patrick/Kronk says just before you enter the hangar in Soaring, "and one last thing, have fun."

For those who like energy bars before a LR.....Costco is now carrying Cliff Bars as well as Power Bars. Tonight was the first time I saw the Cliff Bars.

I picked up a box. I'm getting tired of Power Bars.
Hi Everyone,

This fall, I was running in a huge park near my home. They were having a cross invitational. Part of me wanted to see if I caould find my old coach, as I had my marathon shirt on. The other part of me was so ashamed of my pace, that I could not bear to think about seeing him. I broke 21 minute sfo 5k several time in hs. On on ereally flat course, I had a 20:19 IIRC. Now, I feel like I'm flying if I can break 10 mpm for 4 to 6 miles (and it's been a long time since I did that). I'm hoping for 10:30 fro teh Minnie, but it's looking out of reach.

On the flip side, I got and e-mail frm someone who was a senior runner, when I was a freshman. Plus, she was much better than I ever was. She said how great it was that I did a marathon. SHe dreams of doing it. And she admonished me fo rputting down my pace. That helped a lot.


Carrie I completely understand what you're saying about not wanting to see your old coach. I was thinking about running a race in the town next to where I grew up but decided to wait until I'm in better shape. It was very cool that the "better" runner was impressed by your marathon. Isn't it amazing how easy it is to belittle our own accomplishments.

TiffJ: I found a build a base program at marathontraining.com. It sounds as if you'll already have a pretty good base after running Minnie, but you might find some tips there. The build up is 19 weeks followed by a 17 week marathon plan. You'd have just that amount of time between Minnie and WDW Marathon. Good luck.

Kelley: Way to go for doing your walk in the rain.

I have a question for those of you who do the cold soak after running. At what point do you start it? Once you're doing 10 milers? or anything over an hour? or after a particularly hard workout?

I did my first "speed" workout today. I warmed up with a mile, ran 1 mile at 10K pace then warmed down with a mile. I'm not too sure what my 10K pace is, but I figured I'd just pick the pace up for a mile. I was definately huffing a bit during the fast 1 mile, but feel pretty good since then. We'll see if I'm sore at all tomorrow.

I was really dragging my feet about going to workout today. I REALLY wanted to go for a nap instead, but forced myself to do it. I ought to know by now that I NEVER regret going for a run. I always end up feeling so much better afterwards. The same can't be said for the nap. Sometimes I wake up just as tired as when I fell asleep.

Have a good night everyone.
Cindy, it's all relative. Now that my lesg are in better shape, I probably only do thaem over 10 miles. My first year, I was probably only around 6 miles, but my legs always ached. You can wait and see, but if your legs get stiff and sore, that's a good sign that you could use a cold tub.
Speaking of cold tub soaks, don't forget to take that nice hot drink and a warm sweatshirt with you. I don't remember who suggested this, but it makes all the difference...a hot cup of tea, sweatshirt and a book. Start by sitting in the tub draw some warm water then hit the cold. Brrrrr what a lovely feeling. Well, a lovely feeling after it's done and the aches aren't as bad.

Tiff, if you have the ability to commit the time for the LRs on the weekends and do your w/o during the week as schedule advises, I'm certain you will be able to do the full. There are plenty of people to talk with as you make the trek so you can enjoy the chats as you move along the course.

I'm looking forward to putting in steps this weekend, but it is supposed to be rainy. I so don't want to TM.
Tiff - I am right there with you, although I plan to run (slowly) more than I walk. The thought of a full marathon scares the junk out of me, yet excites me at the same time. I think the biggest problem for me will be like Pat said, finding the time to train at that time of the year. Well, actually anytime of the year for me. Between my crazy work schedule and my kids...gasp!!! I am hanging on a bit more before I register, but I think I am going for the full... it's all about the medal!!!!

I didn't cross train today... shame on me. Friday's are really a tough day to get a workout in. Tomorrow may be hard too since we are planning on going shopping. I need to do 6 miles, so it will either be tomorrow or Sunday. Let's hope for no rain!!!
Tiff and Jenn - my biggest worry is that all my really long runs will be in November and December. I'm still not sure how I'll deal with it if we at a 40 below cold snap or a ton of snow. I'm not sure I can take 20 miles on a treadmill!

Oh well - it is all about the medal!!! I think if you set it as your goal, you will definitely be able to train for it. Especially with all the great support on the boards!
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

I'm waking up and fueling up for my LR today. I'm planning on doing 14 miles, and it looks like it should be a nice day. Yesterday I had my yoga x-training, and I did my couch to 5K training with my princesses, DD6 princess: and DD9 princess:. It was very cute - as soon as I got home from work DD6 princess: ran up to me and said she was ready for training. She had already had an energy bar and everything. We did 1.5 miles around our neighborhood in 29 min doing 60 sec jog/90 sec walk intervals. Halfway through I said if they finish strong and have a really good workout I had a surprise for them. That really motivated them, and when we got back to our driveway I gave them each a Disney pin that I put in my pocket. I gave them each a big hug and told them how proud I was of them for finishing their first week of training.

OK, I'm going to eat my energy bar and read about how everyone else is doing.
Greetings Team:

Melissa :hippie:- I know you're getting ready to start your 24h race, and just wanted to send a shout out to team JUMP to let you know we're thinking of you. I'm going to be following along with your race.

Jen- Good for you for your run on the track the other day, and good for you DD6 was running along with you too. What a great example you're setting for her. WTG! :thumbsup2 Good luck fitting your 6 miler in.

Karen- Good to hear from you again. Good luck with all the life stuff going on.

Craig- I forgot to say welcome home. Good to have you back. The trip to Europe with DD sounds wonderful.

Martha- Good luck with your 70 min LR today!

Jeanne- Here's some PD :wizard: :wizard: for your foot.

Tiffany- Whoo hooo! You can do the full! You can do it! Just put in your steps and training, and you can definitely do this. You'll have the whole WISH team to cheer you on too!

Kelley- WTG you "sick-headed fool". Good job getting out there in less than ideal conditions and getting your steps in. Good luck with your 10 miler today.

Kristin- Hope you had a good run.

Angie- The BEACH! :scared1: You get to go to the beach! No fair!!! Have fun. I bet you do great on your LR tomorrow. You'll surprise yourself.

Kristi- How was the GGD show? So I just found out something I didn't know. I was looking through my Disney Movie Club flyer and was reading about Treasure Planet when it was mentioned that Johnny Rzeznik did the music for it. I'm sure you knew this, but it made me think of you.

Cindy- I think I forgot to officially welcome you to the team. :welcome: Great to have you here. Good for you for doing the speedwork, I need to do some of that. And also good for you for getting out there when you didn't want to. Sometimes, that's the hardest part for me too.

Lily- Here's hoping the rain holds off for you and you can get outside for your LR.

Leana- Just take one run at a time. Don't worry too much about that 20 miler just yet - you'll figure out how to get it done when the time comes.

Carrie- Just had to say hi!

Have a great day TEAM!

I was fighting calf injuries last fall, so I did most of my training on the treadmill to controll my pace and let the calfs heal. I was able to work up to 3 hours runs on the treadmill last December, and I know this will make people question my sanity, but I enjoyed it.

I used several tricks to keep my sanity. The first was the ipod. The second was making sure I was parked in front of a TV set with the correct station. By starting around 10 am with ESPN in front of me I could get through The Sports Reporters, Outside the Lines, then NFL game day before I got off. I was well informed for the day's football.

The third trick was I printed in color the marathon course map and taped it up in front of me. Some days I would divide my training time by number of miles (2:10 by 26 miles = 5 minutes per mile) and run the course in my mind and on the map, going through each mile marker in 5 minutes. Other days I would run my typical 10 minute per mile pace for each mile, for the correct number of miles. For example, on a 2:40 or 16 mile day I "began" my training at mile 10 of the marathon course (where you enter the Magic Kingdom by the Contemporary Resort) and ran the last 16 miles of the course, going through each mile marker in 10 minutes. This allowed me to feel I was outside making progress and I ran by all the landmarks in my mind and on the course map. It also allowed me to precisely control my pace and any hills I wanted to include, to the point that at each hill on the marathon course I would throw in some pretty steep stuff to prepare me mentally and physically.

And one more thing. I also had a feeling of superiority which kept me going. You see, on a 2 + hour run I'd likely have 10 people get on each treadmill next to me, spend a few minutes on them, then get off. This kept me going as I rationalized how fit I was and how hard I was training vs. these casuall people all around me.

Of course, the heat and humidity on January 7, 2007 disrupted this experiment. I did feel pretty fit for the marathon, but didn't get a good result. I'll be sure to do more tempo and hill work this year if I'm back inside on the treadmill, and I'll hope for cooler weather.

Good luck.

Thanks for the support guys! I am still going to wait a little while to make my decision. Just keep an eye on the website for updated %

Kelley-Isnt it cool to be one of "those people" :sick: Great job getting in the steps!

Dave-that is go great your princesses are training too. DS wants to do all these events, but he's a pain in the booty to get out there & train with. Good luck on your 14 miler!

Cindy-great job skpping the nap for the run. Sometimes getting out there is the hardest part for me too. I have never regretted it once I do though.:thumbsup2 thanks for the website, I'll go check that out.

Kristi-how was the concert? Did Cam have to come bail you out?

Have a great weekend everyone , I plan on getting 6 miles in today. It is supposed to be in the mid 80's here today:scared1: I love the warmer weather but it is way to early in spring for that warm!
Tiff---I am a walker and I am having the same issue as you to do either the 1/2 or the full. I am doing a 1/2 the end of April and am already walking 11 miles. Part of me wants to do the full, but I know I can do the 1/2 and finish. The other factor is the time committment. Though all the encouragement from this site is making me feel I can do the full.

Craig--- Thanks for the hints about the TM workouts. Though I wouldn't be watching ESPN. If I get there early and can get a TV, that I can put a movie on it does help. I have even thought of taking my portable DVD and trying to bungie cord it to the TM. However as a walker 3 hrs doesn't get me the miles you get. I have done alot of 2 and 2 1/2 miles on the TM this winter. It is amazing the number of people who come and go during that time.

Jeanne-- Maybe you should come with me for one of those WDW trips and John and Norm can golf and we can walk for 4 hrs. Glad your foot is feeling better. I think that Brian is going to come with us to Allentown to cheer us on. Will Jen be going out with us Sat night to eat?

Got to get to the Gym for Ab class and then 4 miles on TM since it is raining hard here. I'm not quite into starting walking in the rain like Kelley.

Dave: you are such a great Dad!! It sounds so cute to have your daughters train with you. Do you go through pre-workout stretches? And the Disney pins were a fabulous idea!!

Cindy: great job on the speedwork! Keep at it and you'll get a rhythm that works for you.

Tiff: one reason I did not run the 1/2 this year was the amount of time that is needed to train for it. Once you start ratcheting up the miles, you need to carve out a half day just for a LR. It's really hard to keep that up. That said, I'm waffling. But instead of the 1/2 I'm waffling on the full for '08. I'd walk/run it. Still haven't decided.

I'm getting ready for my 70 minute run today. It's supposed to be near 50 degrees today but 1-3 inches of snow is predicted for tonight and into tomorrow. That is so not necessary but it's spring in New England. I'll wait a few more hours then go out.

Hope everyone has great workouts today!!

Very cute about your daughters. I do have one question for you, however:

6 year olds need energy bars?

Take care



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