**Woohoo !! It's Boxing Day**

Ive been making lists for Christmas (I make lists for everything lol)

Most of the things I want to get people are from america so I can do that seven weeks tomorrow!

Definatly want a psp for chris, bratz for the girls, nephew wants a wet suit? crazy boy.

I placed my orders for christmas cards yesterday with the girl who makes them for me.

I have bought all my wrapping paper!! about thirty rolls lol

So I am getting in the spirit
Anyone got the lowdown yet on what will be the 'must have' toy this year? callum will be 11 which is a funny age - not really old enough for grown up stuff but too old for real toys - although he still loves his 'plastic crap'
I got my daughter a chicken little playset (clearanced for $1.99 at the disney store), and I lucked out on one of my sons presents. I drive for ups..sometimes (in my own vehicle) and I got a run to indiana, close to illionois. I seen a sign for a video game store closing down and it was there last day. It was almost 9, and I thought they may already be closed but they weren't! I went in, and I got a BARGAIN. I got my son a gameboy sp, metal carrying case, car charger, home charger, 13 games, and 3 videos for...........

$85.00!!!!! I couldn't believe it. I pretty much grabbed all that was left. My son really wants the nintendo ds, but i couldn't pass up on this deal.

I love Christmas!
I can't wait for Christmas this year - we'll hopefully have moved into our new house by then (I won't believe it's ours until we've got the keys and are walking in the door with removal men closely following!!!) Am already planning where to put the Xmas tree (DH threw away our two old ones last week during our clear-out so I'll have an excuse to go shopping for new decorations for the new tree!!). Can't buy any pressies yet until we move - got too many books/CDs etc for the removal men to cope with, so DH has banned me from buying anything until after we move. I'll have to dig out a Crimbo CD now!! (even though I am feeling extremely hot and sticky today!)
mandymouse said:
Wow !! Can you believe that a month has gone since I first started this thread ?

Which means it's one less month to Christmas !!!
:santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa:
Yippee !!!!!!!!

I got loads of bargains at Boots this week as they had reduced all the hair product sets. I got 3 Umberto Gianni and 1 Lee Stafford sets reduced to £5 from £15 :thumbsup2

Woohoo !! Only 4 Months Til Crimbo

I can't believe that another month has whizzed by, and now my holiday is over, it's time to think about Christmas pressies.

I bought a few bits and pieces while I was away, and I've bought my Hallowe'en/Autumn, Christmas Decoration and Secret Santa exchange pressies too.

Has anyone seen any bargains recently ? Don't forget to let us know and before long we'll be on Christmas Card watch too, ready for when the first Christmas stuff hits the shops.

Now I don't want to hear any 'Oh No, it's still the Summer !!' (LOL) because it's only 17 weeks on Monday, and if you only bought one present a week ~ would you be ready in time ??

Look on the bright side !! Only 17 more weeks of me driving you bonkers !!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm getting excited, might get some things from DLP next week.

DD has already hit the argos cat, and wants everything that is pink, and something off every page in the toy section, hmmmmm.

She even told me to write the toy down for santa, her words were "i tell you what to put on my list and you write it, as i am too busy looking"

Glad she is 4 and will forget most of the things. lol.

And i have had to hide the argos cat for now
:sunny: roll on christmas coz after that it will be wdw in jan can't wait let the year fly by :cool1: YIPEE
I'm with your there Mandy - I drive everyone crazy goign on about Christmas for months before hand! I just love it!! :cool1: :thumbsup2 :cheer2:
Yippee! :Pinkbounc Only 4 months to go - that's brilliant.

I have already started planning my pre-Christmas shopping trip to London with DH and DS. We are going to take DS ice skating at the Natural History Museum. :woohoo: DH and I went last year. We were rubbish :blush: but it was so magical and Christmassy! I can't wait.

Carry on reminding us Mandy! :santa:

Sara. :)
Yipeeeeeeeeee! - its getting closer!

Merry christmas everybody party: party: party:

For all you crafters - the TSV on QVC is a christmas card making collection.
The only trouble with Christmas is I will be another year older two days beforehand! :sad2: The good thing is, it will almost 2007 and I can say 'we off to WDW this year' :woohoo:
Got the last Lightening McQueen Ride-On in Tesco last night :banana: Thought I'd left it too long but decided it was worth a visit to see if I could get it for less than £10 before I tried the Disney Store for £25!

Have started making a note of everything Molly asks for - there is no way she is getting most of it but I always seem to draw a blank when people ask (especially as her birthday is Mid November)

Have started cutting for the Christmas cards too - Angels this year but maybe something different for the DIS cards!

I have been looking at the studio cards catalogue at the lights and I am wondering if Declan and a Christmas tree in the same house is a good idea. May just go for the short fibre optic tree on a table this year.


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