Working on Weight Loss During Training—New Year New Us!


DIS Veteran
Mar 14, 2005
Cam – Hope you don’t mind I started a new thread for the New Year – and “borrowed” some of your very eloquent words!

The following was from Cam’s initial post and I think it really bears repeating now that the WDW Marathon Weekend is complete. I hope everyone is ready to rededicate ourselves to staying OP (on plan) no matter what that may mean to each of us!

“Okay, everyone, here it is -- a special thread for those of us who are training for walking or running (or any combination thereof) distance events, whether they be a 5K or a marathon or anything in between or beyond.

There are lots of weight loss threads on the main WISH board, but I really do think we face different kinds of challenges as we try to fuel our bodies for training but also try to lose weight.

I am hoping that we can all support each other with ideas for foods that work to fuel our bodies and our appetites before and after workouts and share clues on what works for each of us.”

:cheer2: WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!:cheer2:
Intros – We have some new posters on the Wish training thread and I hope we see some of them post with us there too! For that reason I thought it would be great to restate a little bit about ourselves and our goals.

Minnie -

Height: 5"4"
Long-term goal? Loose 30 pounds and keep it off!
Plan? South Beach Diet
Training for: WDW 1/2 Marathon
Struggles: After work and late night snacking.

I am on Day 3 of restarting SBD. So far so good!

Hope to see everyone else posting! I know we can do this if we support each other!!!!! GO WISH TEAM!!!!!!!! :cheer2:

Height/Weight: 5/6', 187 pds. (have lost 12 so far & have another 40 to loose)
Goal: To finish the WDW (full) marathon in 08'
Plan: Weight Watchers and a fitness challenge w/family members and another challenge at work.
Struggles: Eating/drinking at Starbucks and portions size.

I hope to loose 20-25pds. by the end of May.:banana:
Hey this is cool!
Now I can get encouragement from my dis board friends!

Zoegirl - Bree

Height - 5'6 1/2"
Long term goal - to lose 30 pounds I put on during pregnancy
Training for - definitely Disney marathon for the 4th time in '08, and probably a half in the spring
Weight Loss Plan - to eat right, the correct portions, and lay off the junk food I loved so much during my pregnancy
Struggles - evening or late night snacking, and going out to eat.
5' 7", currently between sizes 12 and 14
First goal: Back to WW goal
Final goal: 140 lbs
Plan: WW
Biggest Obstacles: sugar and late night eating.

I've been out of the gym routine for a long time now. My first major push will be to get back into a steady schedule of low/none impact cardio and non-spine compressing strength-training.
Great thread! I just started running about a month ago now, and I am struggling with increasing my runs, and the stupid scale staying the same!

Height/Weight: 5'2", 167 lbs
Long Term Goal: To lose 30 pounds, and build my fitness level
Training for: To do my first race (5K) in late spring, then hopefully complete a 10K by fall. I was hoping to do the 1/2 next Jan, but since we are planning a trip in December, doesn't look like I will be able to this time.
Plan- not sure yet- right now, I am just substituting healthy choices in my diet- instead of a candy, I eat a piece of fruit. Not any set "plan."
Struggles: late night snacking, and eating on the run- I work 2 jobs, and have a toddler, so I have gotten in the habit of doing the "grab-n-go" meals, which are usually junk.

Another struggle now is where to run- I hate treadmills, and we got our first snow/ice last night, so I don't know what to do now! :confused3

Hope to get to know all of you!
Great thread. I'm trying to recommit to being healthy, as I fell off the wagon last year. Heck, let's be honest, I've spent most of my life off the wagon!

Height: 5'8"

Short-Term Goal: To be at the weight I was a year ago. To be able to run an easy 5K.

Long-Term Goal: To build my fitness level--better cardio, strength, endurance, and flexibility--and healthier eating habit. Oh, yeah, and to totally kick my caffeine additiction and have six-pack abs. :rotfl2:

Training for: Goofy '08. It's a huge goal, jumping from being a walker to the Goofy. But I don't want to set any records...I just want to be able to finish both.

Plan: No firm plan, just trying to work on healthy substitutions and portion size. (What do you mean that's an ounce?)

Struggles: Oh, so many. The serious ones: erratic work schedule in a stressful job and erratic sleep, eating, and workout habits. Less serious: A well-developed sugar and caffeine addiction. I've never met a candy bar I didn't like. I prefer TV to treadmills. Oh, and I live in Fargo, ND, which means I'll be training indoors for the next, say, 5 months. (Honestly, it still snows in May here sometimes.)

I look forward to getting to know you all, supporting you through your struggles and celebrating all your successes.
andromedaslove - Dana

Height/Weight - 5'8 157 (I have felt so good during training I didn't realize I had put the lbs back on until I looked at some of my pics from Sunday!!)
Long Term Goal - to lose 22lbs, and fit in some of my clothes again!!
Training for - Gate River Run, and debating on Mickey or Goofy in 08
Struggles - Going out to eat (which my inlaws do with us at least twice a week), snacking on anything within reach, and telling myself that since I run all the time I don't NEED to watch what I eat!!
This is a great thread! I can't fully participate, yet, but I will be in full swing in about 3 months! :thumbsup2 In the mean time, I would like to focus on healthier choices and walking daily.

crzy4pooh - Lynnda

Height - 5'6"
Weight - let's not go there right now... :rolleyes1
Current Goal - Make healthier choices, walk daily
Short-Term Goal (after baby) - lose 30 pounds before WDW half-marathon
Long-Term Goal - within 15 pounds of WW goal; run faster and eventually go Goofy :scared1:
Training - Race for the Cure/Race for the Taste in October, Donald in 08
Plan - WW
Struggles - Eating healthier choices without feeling deprived, toddler food in the house
Hi can I join in.

Intro: 5'4"
Current weight 170...lost 30 pds last year.
Goal to lose 30 pounds before the Minnie.
Training for The Minnie Marathon, and Marathon Weekend 08
I have control over most of my struggles, was addicted to Pepsi, haven't had any in over a week and really don't crave it. Ihave cut back alot of my sugar and no more bad snacks.
I have a determination that I have never had in the past to get fit, and complete my runs. I feel so good about this and know with the WISH Team we will all succeed.

Bekagain - Bekah

Height: 5'7
Long-term goal? Lose 30 pounds and keep it off!
Plan? Signed up for WW online...having a hard time with it
Training for: , 25K in May, summer tris, WDW Goofy '08
Struggles: family history of eating disorders, trying to lose "adoption" baby weight ;)

I so need this! I had this vision that if I could run a marathon, I would look like a runner. :D It was hard to get dressed to do it and feel so large still. I am trying to do this in ways that I can stick with for the rest of my life and still have "treats" here and there with my family, just not as often as right now. I think that I used the training as an excuse to eat more...I know I was hungry a lot. I do know that my body is starting to get used to more healthy things as the last time I had Burger King, my tummy revolted.

I am especially interested in hearing what you eat after exercise as I am always very hungry and want to make better choices there.
Hi everyone!

Thanks, Minnie, for keeping this thread going in the new year!

Height: 5'7"

Long term goal: Lose 50 more pounds. I've lost 30 already since last August.
I figured the more I lose the better off I'll be for the full marathon next year. I'm going to concentrate on losing as much weight as possible (within reason) before I start the actual training for the full.

Plan - eat healthier, keep up the strength training

Struggles - snacking on bad stuff, late night eating

In training for:
Little Rock Half, Nike Women's Half in San Francisco, WDW Full in '08.

Thanks for the support, everyone! Together, we can achieve anything. :woohoo:
Height: 5"8
Long-term goal? I would like to lose somewhere between 30 and 40 pounds.
Plan? Not following a specific plan, working on portion control, better choices and very little "white stuff" (I am counting calories)
Training for: The Minnie and next years Disney Half (I would like to be able to run almost all of the half).
Struggles: Snacking during the day and "helping" my boys finish their meals:rolleyes1 :rolleyes1

Ooooh. Good thread!

Height: 5' 5"
Current weight: 143lbs.
Goal by Minnie: 132lbs. (my weight 2 years ago)
Goal by Goofy: 120lbs. This may be a little unrealistically low for me, but I want to be somewhat less than 130 for a full marathon. I'll see how I look/feel at 125 and go from there.
Training for: Minnie, a half marathon this fall, Goofy (walk 1/2, run full)
Previous race time: 1/2 marathon in 2:10 (injured during run)
My plan: I already lost these 11lbs. once by journaling what I eat (1150-1350 calories/day) and working out with cardio and weights.
Potential hurdles: Boredom. Overtraining and getting injured. I spent all of fall 2005 limping around. This time I'm not going to run when it hurts.
WOW this is fantastic :thumbsup2 I am thrilled that so many from the WISH training thread has made their way over to "train" here as well :cool1:

I know there are still a couple lucky ducks still in WDW but hopefully when they return and when others have recuperated from their Marathon Weekend experience they will return as well :goodvibes

This is such a great thread!

Okay how are we all doing today?????

I made it through another night OP :banana: but I gotta tell ya if your doing SBD don't ever run out of ricotta - last night was a toughy without my favorite dessert :scared1:

I work up late this morning so I didn't have time to make my breakfast. Grabbed a baggie of almonds and a cheese stick to stay OP though. That is a biggie for me because normally I'd have shucked it and grabbed a Crispy Creeme :eek:

I did make my lunch the night before though. I have grilled chicken strips with lf cheese and a spinich wrap to have for lunch! Yummy and much better for me than the SBD Kraft meals. Can't wait till lunch popcorn::

After walk snack be a yogurt smoothie. I've got to get back in the routine of starting dinner then hopping on the dreadmill!

Dinner will likely be left over roast or coconut chicken and veggies AND I will be stopping to pick up a container of riccota ;)

WISHING everyone an OP day! What is your plans?
Well, today has been so far so good. I had a Slim Fast shake for breakfast. A Nature Valley Granola Bar for a snack and, A South Beach bar for lunch. I know that I could still be making healthier choices, but this is still alot better than my usual.... Kids cereal for breakfast, 2 PB&J's w/ chips for lunch, candy and cookies and snacks, and coke throughout the day. I think I am going to run by McD's and get a yogurt parfait with blueberries and strawberries. That has to be good for me, right?!

I'll check back in later, hoping everyone else is having a good food day too.

I've got to get back in the routine of starting dinner then hopping on the dreadmill!

:lmao: If "dreadmill" is a typo, that is hilarious! If it was on purpose, well, it's still hilarious!!! :rotfl2:
CingOutLoad - Dawn/ Atlanta
Height - 5'5"
Weight - 182
Current Goal - Wogging four times a week and getting in at least ten miles.
Long-Term Goal - Doc says I've got 40 more lbs to go.:hourglass
Training - Minnie 5K for May, RFTT 10K in October, and then half in 2008. I completely fell off track because of the big Merger. I was doing GREAT last year and then totally stopped exercising. But, still managed to loose 40 more lbs last year.
Plan - My own. I've just figured out what works for me. I am VERY disciplined with breakfast, snacks, & lunch. I pre-pack EVERYTHING on the weekend in baggies and make HUGE pots of soup / chili that last for two weeks in the freezer. This has worked for me for a year now. I never touch sodas because i have a theory that even diet sodas are HORRIBLE for you because they encourage a sweet tooth. I have another theory that if I'm going to splurge, I better be getting something food pyramid related out of it. Example - If I HAVE to have ice cream - I have a SMALL banana split blizzard. I'm at least getting fruit. Oh - and I drink lots of milk and lots of water!
Struggles - My commute is 1.5 hours each way. So my struggle is darkness. I hate treadmills and have to exercise outside. I will do rain - but it's tough to wog the trail in the dark. I squeeze in what I can during the week and make a solid commitment on the weekends to get in long times on the trail. And - MEXICAN FOOD!
Just checking in, at not-yet halfway through my day. I've done okay with food thus far. I actually ate breakfast today, which helped keep me focused. And I had a reasonable lunch. Okay, so I ate a veggie sub sandwich--with mustard instead of my beloved mayo--and a diet soda rather than a home-cooked meal. But at least it wasn't those slices of cheese pizza that were calling my name. I'm hoping to avoid the mid-afternoon sugar cravings, eating some almonds instead, and to have a decent meal tonight.

The big challenge on Tuesdays/Thursdays for the next few months is that I'm working 12-14 hour days. So today I haven't exercised yet and will need to really push myself to go to the gym after work. I'd much rather veg out in front of the TV, so I'm hoping posting this confession to you will make me accountable.

P.S. to Minnie. Dreadmill? I love it! I bet you could actually sell a lot of machines with the name...truth in advertising and all.
Lisa and Deekapee – Thanks for the comments on the “dreadmill”. Unfortunately I can’t claim credit for originating that term. I don’t remember who “typed” it first now but it was one our WISH team mates on the training thread a couple years ago. I “dread” the treadmill so I use the word a lot!

I made it through the day so far. Exercise was quick paced shopping through Wal-mart. Supper is in the over – coconut chicken and I stopped and bought two BIG containers of ricotta so I’m ready to face the evening and (gasp) the weekend. We are expected to have a nasty storm coming through. I may use that Y membership that I pay for and don’t use and take DS over to swim if the roads aren’t too bad.

Tomorrow we have an office lunch party where they are ordering in Chicken Lips. Not on my plan at all put I will cut all the breading off and I asked for a salad to be ordered and I’ll take my own dressing so I am prepared.

I really think the word “prepared” is the entire key to this whole deal to me. I plan on taking the crappy weather weekend and doing my best to be ready to go for next week!

Okay enough about me…. What are your plan(s) for making it through the weekend? I know that is my tough time!


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