Wow... just WOW! (Updated with Pictures at the End)


Earning My Ears
Nov 13, 2006
We just got back from my 3 year old daughter's 1st Disney Vacation.
She got a few very special things... not sure if they were "official" dreams... but they were a dream come true to her.
The first day we were there we had just gotten off of Pirates of the Carribean and Captain Jack Sparrow was doing his Pirate Tutorial. She was chosen as an Honorary Apprentice Pirate and given a Certificate. He handed it to her and told her that she was a Pirate now... and she stomped her little foot and told him "No... I'm a Princess!" He must have thought she was cute with her little attitude because he bowed to her and announced to everyone that she was now the Princess of the Pirates.
When we got back to the room that night there was a surprise waiting for her. The Cast Member that checked us in at our Resort had asked her who her favorite princess was. Of course, she told him that it was Cinderella. So he had a picture of Cinderella standing in front of the Castle delivered to our room that was signed "To Ciara, I hope you have a Magical visit. Can't wait to meet you. Love, Cinderella".
She was awestruck! She slept with the picture by her bed the entire trip!
The next day we went to Downtown Disney to the Bibbidi Boppiti Boutique. One of the Cast Members in the World of Disney Store was playing with her while my husband and I were shopping. She brought out 3 bowls and a ball and had her toss the ball into each bowl. After she had done it she asked who her favorite Princess was. Again... Cinderella. She was going to give her a Cinderella pin... but they couldn't find one. So she got Sleeping Beauty instead. We finished shopping and as we were leaving the same Cast Member came running up and pinned a Cinderells pin onto Ciara's lanyard right above the Sleeping Beauty pin. She had gone across the street to another store just to find it for her.

The last... and most Magical one happened at the Pirate and Princess Party on January 29th. It was late... about 11:15 and we were standing in line to get Genie and Abu's autograph in Adventureland. The cast member that was with them leaned down and whispered to Ciara that Princess Jasmine would be there to sign autographs in just a few minutes if she wanted to wait. We waited and by the time Jasmine got there... there was no one else in sight. Ciara sat and talked to her for about 10 minutes before anyone else showed up. She got her autograph and about a million pictures and Jasmine told her all about Agrabah and Aladdin and Flying on the Magic Carpet.
As we were leaving Jasmine pulled me aside and told me that if she was still awake at Midnight to bring her back because she had a surprise for her.
We took her back at midnight... and sure enough Jasmine walked right up to her and gave her a hug and asked if she wanted to ride the Magic Carpet ride with her. Ciara rode the ride alone on the carpet with Jasmine and my husband rode right in front of them taking pictures the whole time. It was absolutely amazing! It made the trip for Ciara!

And... just for the record... Cinderella has officially been demoted. Princess Jasmine is now Ciara's favorite Princess!

Hope you all have as much fun as we did! And if you are going to the Pirate and Princess Party... stay late! That's when the Magic happened for us!
That made me tear up! What a magical trip for your little princess! :wizard:
Me too, my eyes welled up with tears as if it was my daughter, These are the reasons, I just love Disney. My family is going to the Princes and Pirate party on 3/2 and my boys are hoping to meet Capt. Jack.
Why do people want to vacation any where else???? :confused3

How wonderful for your little girl......princess:
Awww how very very magical! I hope you got lots of great pics. DD is a jack sparrow fan and she loved the first one. That is so awesome! That is something she will remember for the rest of her life! princess: I can definately see how Cinderella got demoted ;).
Add me to the list of people that got all teary reading this. Very well written and wow, what a very exciting trip for Ciara!
It's all about the magic. I'm sure that this is how Walt Disney himself would of wanted it.
That is an awesome story! :) Your daughter must be quite the little charmer!

Too bad for Cinderella, though...
That is soooo amazing! My DD's favorite princess is Jasmine, and I think that if she were ever to have that experience she would lose her mind! LOL

You had me tearing up! I'm so glad that your DD had such a magical experience!


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