Your all time favorite Disney moment?


Chuck Norris has counted to infinity, twice. Guns
Mar 9, 2006
Lets hear it folks if possible name your most memorable moment at any Disney park. I know a lot of us have many and thats what it's all about, but there has got to be that one that is a "cut above" the rest. :thumbsup2 :wave: :thumbsup2
I'll take a stab at this one. We booked breakfast in Cinderella's Castle, because we have two daughters. Well, DD4 was totally amazed by the whole experience. All of a sudden her favoite princess, Snow White came to the table, signed autographs, chit chatted a little, and we snapped some photos. When she walked away, DD4 sighed and sayed, "She even talks like a real princess." It made the whole event priceless even if we dropped a small fortune for breakfast. It was like that Master Card commercial.
So many...hard to choose...but DD getting to ride the tea cups with Alice last week was pretty darn magical.
Can I play?
My daughter and I were on a trip alone. She was 17, a senior in highschool and we knew it was going to be a sad year... full of lasts. Our trip was a just for us kind of thing. I was sentimental to start with, but the reality of a twelve hour day was starting to wear on me.
We had had a long day at the Magic Kingdom, stayed to the very last possible moment when Wishes was over and the crowd had thinned...and went out to face the long bus ride back to the hotel.
There was a lot of grumbling as we waited and waited; we were tired and the whole day was losing it's magic as we were in a swarm of tired and grumpy people. We waited through a few full buses and finally got on, standing room only of course.
Standing there, on the bus, in the dark, we were treated to a moment of pure magic by a beautiful little girl, maybe three years old. She was wearing her Princess Aurora dress and her hair was red, like my own daughter. She had one of those funny ... little girl, but really big voices, and she tried to speak softly, but she was just naturally loud. A bit like Lilo is in the cartoon.
Well, she was sitting with her favorite uncle, behind her parents, and she was very tired, but so full of magic that she wasn't ready to give in to her exhaustion.
Her parents kept telling her to hush, and be quiet and relax. It wasn't to be. She kept talking to her uncle telling him all of the wonderful things she did that say. Then she started to sing.
She sang the love song in Sleeping Beauty, "Once Upon a Dream". She knew every word. You could tell she had watched the movie every day for months.
By the end of her song, there wasn't a dry eye on the bus. It was just so sweet and pure and full of joy. She had had the best day. And she made all of us stop and forget the bus lines and the other silly little irritations we were holding onto. It was so humbling.
That was my best moment in Disney World. Ever.
oooh Boardwalker that was such a lovely story :lovestruc brought a tear to my eye...and I really love that song too! thanks for adding a little magic to my day too.
Couple...can't decide!
When my DD3 was "enveloped" in a butterfly puppet from Tapestry of Nations Parade in Epcot in 2000...
When my DS was sung Happy Birthday to by the Barbershop Quartet on Main Street, MK for his 10th birthday...
When my DH played the Beast in Belle's Storytime in MK....
and probably my favorite, when my DD7 cried during the Spectromagic Parade and Wishes. She told me it was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen!
***sigh*** the magic of Disney.... :wizard:
My favorite Disney moment happened before we even got to Disney. My DH and I flew into Orlando. It was overcast that day so we went through some clouds when the plane was landing. I had the window seat and when we broke cloud cover and could see Orlanda, I started crying, not hysterically but the tears just fell silently from my eyes. DH looked over at me and asked if I was okay. (He was a Disney "Virgin" so he was unaware of the Disney Magic.) I smiled at him and told him to wait and he would realize the magic too. He hugged me and held my hand until we finally landed. ( I am also a nervous flyer.) On the flight home home, we started planning our return trip and this time we are taking our daughters, who were too young to take last year.
Still my favorite moment... when my wide-eyed granddaughter, at her first Wishes, leaned over and whispered into my ear "It's like we're in a dream!"
so far my favorite Disney moment is probably at DL (since i've never been to WDW) during the 50th celebration not this past summer but the summer before. Dboyfriend and I were waiting for the fireworks on main street and were talking and laughing and not really paying attention since we figured once you have seen fireworks you've seen them all right? WRONG!

Walt's dedication speech always brings a tear to my eye, and Julie Andrews' narration opened the floodgates. then we were taken all around the magic kingdom through sound and fireworks...we "reached" the haunted mansion and green flames shot from the tops of the buildings on main street! we were just standing there with our jaws on the ground and i was crying like a baby.

we brought my sister back that oct "for her birthday"...i really just wanted her to see the fireworks and so i wasn't the only one standing there bawling lol. it was truly magical (how cliche right?) :blush:

also if i could add one more...i love walking under the "here you leave the world of today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy" plaque and entering main street, hearing the conducter yell "All Aboard!". gets me every time.

i know i'm a dork. :cool1:
My train-crazy son getting to ride in the front of the monorail.
Our first family trip when my youngest was 3. We waited in line to see Mickey, got his autograph, pictures, hugs, etc. and as we were leaving, she looked down at his autograph and simply said "I just love him."
This past Feb DS8 really wanted a Hot Dog and of course, none of the carts had one. After running all over Frontierland I asked a CM where I could find one and was pointed to Casey's Corner. Wishing DS would just eat 'whatever' and co-operate with our game plan of finding the perfect place to watch the fireworks we gathered up and went out insearch of HotDogs. When we got to CC we settled in at an outside table. It was late & we were all a little cranky but then the Magic happened. A very nice man began playing the piano right next to where we were sitting. It was very obvious he was a trained musician and as his fingers danced on the keys our moods turned peacefully to enjoying the moment. My kids danced to a few of his upbeat choices. As time went on the kids climbed into our laps and we hugged away the cold night air.

This is one of my favorite park moments.
OK, I'm, going to jump in.
My all time favorite Disney moment has to be during Wishes.
It was the last day of our vacation and we had to switch hotels. We got to go to Orlando because of my dad's business meeting so we switched to the Radisson across the street from Universal because thats where his company put us up to stay. My dad had to go to a meeting the last night so my mom and I headed into the Magic Kingdom to catch Spectromagic and Wishes.
Spectromagic was great as always and we set ourselves up right infront of the castle and Wishes started. By the end..we were both bawling like babies. That is the most beautiful and thought-through fireworks display that I have ever seen. It was the last day and the last thing we would see in Disney World. I dunno how it happened, but Disney got us crying and sniffling for quite some time . We sat on a bench, waiting until the crowds died down, thinking about what just happened. Explosions in the sky never made us cry before, and we were just amazed this one did! We walked slowly down main street, holding hands. We walked with the huge crowd onto the monorail but not letting the huge crowds get us off of this Disney high. Im sorry if I described it horribly, but, truthfully, it was an undescribable feeling. It was...Disney magic at its best! :wizard:
Since I was a little girl I always wanted to go to Disney World but my parents could never afford us to go, one reason living in Europe (Sweden) and also being four kids.

I met my husband in 1997, we got married in 1999 when I moved to the US, so in 2003 when we made our first trip to WDW, I was 40 years old, my moment was walking through the gates, going up Main Street and seeing the castle, in real life, for the very first time :sad: (yeah, I cried alright but of joy), to me this was my ultimate moment of finally being able to go to Disney World.

Now my DD is 11 and she has already been to WDW 3 times....she is so lucky and she doesn't even know it! :sunny:
My magical moment started as a dream on me and my husband's honeymoon in 1996. We were staying at the Caribbean Beach Resort. We had dinner one night at Cape May Cafe and, as we walked around, we both said that we would love to stay at the Yacht Club someday if we had the money.

Cut to 2003, 2 sons later, and our first family trip to The World with reservations at Port Orleans. Just so happened to be the time they were upgrading guests because of renovations and were offered the Yacht Club for $30 more a night. Heck yeah!

Upon checking into the Yacht Club, we were upgraded again to water view. I couldn't believe it. And as I sat on our patio that evening gazing at the water while our boys were romping in the grass in front of the wedding pavillion, tears came to my eyes remembering how much we dreamed of staying here and it actually coming true. That was a truly magical moment for me and as I write this even now, I can still feel that warmth of joy and excitement.

And oh, I have to admit that now I'm

#1: Our DD5's smile when she saw the castle for the first time as she shouted out, "There's Mickey! There's Cinderella! There's Mulan! There's Peter Pan! Etc." when all the characters were on the stage area.

#2: Riding in the front monorail car with my DD5, approx 30 years later than I had with my own parents! Tears, tears, and more tears.

#3: Cruella DeVille asking me, while my DD5 was in a Minnie Mouse costume, "Why would you dress your daughter like a little rat?" Hysterical!

#4: This year, now DD is 9, the look on Crush's face during "Turtle Talk With Crush" and the round of laughter from the audience when DD9 asked, "Are you afraid of sharks?" and Crush's eyes bugged out of his head and he froze and then very slowwwwly said, "Is there, like, one right behind me?"

#5: The look on DD5-9 every year when she first sees the huge wave generated at Typhoon Lagoon and she screams in anticipation of getting totally smashed by it!

This was in 1991 on our 1st and only trip to WDW so far (going back in Dec w/the kids!). DH and I were in Tomorrowland and Roger Rabbit and Pluto were there. Being a big fan of bunnies, I got into the line to have my picture taken with Roger. Poor Pluto didn't have a line at all and he put his ears over his eyes and pretended to cry. I felt sorry for him so I jumped out of Roger's line and went over to Pluto and told him I liked him better anyway.

Pluto gave me a hug and proceeded to take me for a walk around Tomorrowland. He put his arm around me and we were just walking along and people began to stop and point at us. My DH decided to play along so he said, "Excuse me Pluto, can I have my wife back?" Pluto playfully put his hand on DH's face and shoved him away and we kept on walking around. Finally Pluto took my hand and gave it back to DH. They shook hands to show there were "no hard feelings" and I took their picture together.

I still refer to Pluto as my boyfriend and whenever I see him I ask him if he remembers our "date" at the MK. He always shakes his head "yes!" Sometimes Pluto even "sends" me birthday cards! :love:
I have one. We took our kids to WDW for the first time last February . My oldest DD was 4 at the time and big time into Cinderella. The poor thing thought that we would be at the castle when we landed. So needless to say she was disappointed. So as we head off to our hotel she asks if we are going to the castle. Not yet! Still disappointed. We couldn't hold her off any longer. So we head out to the MK. Still no sign of the castle and she was practically in tears. "It's not here anymore, Mommy!" We took the ferry over and she could see it in the distance. She thought it was very small and still looked really disappointed. So we go through the entrance, make our way to Main Street.....There it was, in all it's beauty! She looked up at me with big tears in her eyes and said "Oh, Mommy, it's so beautiful!" We could have gone home at that point because that made the whole trip! :wizard:
My special Disney moment happened during our October 2005 trip. It was just me and DD 5 at the MK. We were watching Spectro Magic Parade with all the music being piped in so beautiful in October and perfect weather. She looks up at me with a big smile and tells me this is the best night of her entire life and she will never forget it.


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