You're not GAY... you're NUTZ!

RickinNYC said:
Perhaps if you explain your question or at least explain a little more about what it is you want to know, someone here would be glad to answer.

How can I start a heterosexual parade so I can see some gorgeous blondes in leather?

Actually, all kidding aside, you need to admit that they are over the top and vulgar.
in honor of Discernment:

discernment said:
I believe that your homosexual urges were a product of your environment and upbringing. They were not a product of some genetic predisposition.
Tell me, please, what exactly in a person's environment and upbringing would cause these homosexual urges?

I need to know, so I can be sure to raise my kids to be straight. :thumbsup2
JimFitz said:
How can I start a heterosexual parade so I can see some gorgeous blondes in leather?

Actually, all kidding aside, you need to admit that they are over the top and vulgar.

Well, once members of the heterosexual community begins to get beaten for being straight, or if the entire community as a whole is threatened with an amendment to the Constitution, or if in several states one can lose one's job for being straight or if fear tactics are applied so as to allow one's heterosexuality get one banned from the military, then sure, I'd support a Straight Pride Parade. Heck, I'd help carry your banner and wear my "Proud of my Straight Family" t-shirt.

But all kidding aside, the gay pride parade originally started as a means to unite the gay community and allow a day to celebrate diversity, joining together for a common goal. Sure, that celebration can get over the top, just like any parade for any group. What you see in the news and in papers are video clips and photos, sound bites and quotes, from those folks that the news position as definitive of the group as a whole. Those also happen to be the drag queens, the leather daddies, the chicks on bikes, etc... That's what the news wants. They report the shocking, NOT the boring.

Can't speak for the rest of the community, but I, my partner and my friends actually happen to be incredibly boring homebodies. We cook dinner at home. A night out is dinner and a movie. We stroll the aisles of Barnes and Noble looking for the latest best seller. We walk our dog. We go to Disney World.

And yeah, we do tend to roll our eyes and chuckle when, on Gay Pride Day, we see a video clip on New York 1 of a drag queen in a Daffy's sale rack dress posing with some muscle bound guy in leather chaps, both screeching "fabulous" when the cameras lock on them.
JimFitz said:
How can I start a heterosexual parade so I can see some gorgeous blondes in leather?

Actually, all kidding aside, you need to admit that they are over the top and vulgar.
Hi Jim. Let me begin by telling you that my DD and I had the pleasure of meeting Rick and Joe this past weekend, along with another awesome diser and her DH, for volunteer work. If you were to actually meet these two men, you would know that what is portrayed by the media is not at all what the majority of the gay community represent. While touring the city, once the volunteer work was completed, Rick and I joked that if you saw the two of them walking together you would think they were just 2 guys who ditched their wives to look for a place for a cold beer.
No one answered my question about seeing gorgeous blondes in leather. ;)
JimFitz said:
No one answered my question about seeing gorgeous blondes in leather. ;)
Well, if I were gorgeous I would pm you a pic ;)
I believe that your homosexual urges were a product of your environment and upbringing. They were not a product of some genetic predisposition.

If being gay is caused by a gay-like environment, how do you explain Dick Cheney having a lesbian daughter?
Screw the APA. They took us off the list of crazies back in the DSM-II days. What do they know? Stupid psychologists, probably believe in evolution, and a round world. :lmao:
goofygirl said:
If being gay is caused by a gay-like environment, how do you explain Dick Cheney having a lesbian daughter?

Because even she didn't want to be blamed for carrying on the family name through procreation? :rotfl2:
I read through everything here and was going to stay out of it, but I am me, and just cannot. I am just going to post opinions, and I am not trying to offend anyone, just going with my gut here. Sock me back at will. :thumbsup2

First off, the "lifestyle choice" debate--I DO understand why the G&L community wants it to be understood that it has never been a choice for them. And I agree with that. I cannot even imagine why someone would choose something that so many persecute you for, as has been mentioned on this thread. If I had a "choice" and "choosing" to be ridiculed, lumped in with pedophiles and the like was an option....I would not pick it. I don't think homosexuality is a choice. It just IS. But why do straight people try to determine one way or the other?? Why do they SO adamantly rant and rave that it is a choice?? So what? If I choose to have sex with my husband upside down and backwards, is that hurting anyone?? NO!!! So MYOB and stop trying to say it is a choice. Until you have been there, you have no way to know. I am raving on this, but I have a friend who tried to "choose" heterosexuality as we grew up and was suicidal until he was true to himself. Now he is happy, with a great guy...there was no choice for him.

Next, this whole marriage uproar. Everytime I hear about the "sanctity" of marriage, I have to guffaw. Please. If people are so worried about the sanctity of marriage, they should leave the G&L community alone and start knocking on doors at the No-Tel Mo-Tels and sending their "holier than thou" elected leaders and their lovers home to their respective spouses. :sad2: One of my closest friends goes on about the Bible and marriage between a man and a woman and what not. Meanwhile, in the 10 years she was married before her recent divorce, she slept with every man she got within 10 feet of. I can honestly say that my husband and I would not think any less of our marriage if same sex marriage was legalized country-wide. Personally, I think it would bring a higher standard to the institution of marriage......some of the best, most committed relationships I have seen are gay couples. We straight people would have a lot to measure up to. :)

I won't even get started on the adoption issue. I am not a devout Christian, but I have read the Bible and I seem to think that Jesus would much rather have children in stable, loving homes with two same sex parents than bouncing around in foster care. JMO.

And my final rant of the afternoon is this......obviously I am for same sex marriage. I don't see how it hurts anyone or trivializes anything. However, even if I was not all for it, I was ABSOLUTELY REPULSED that amending the Constitution, a document giving citizens of our country rights and freedoms, in order to DENY a right to a segment of the population was even debated. I mean, come on.....and my feelings on this particular issue have no bearing on this. I would have this same reaction if someone proposed an amendment to ban prayer groups in schools, or ban cell phones in cars, etc. To use the very paper that we wave around......spouting out about truth and freedom for deny a percentage of Americans (who aren't hurting ANYONE, BTW) just makes me sick. And the fact that people who were against same sex marriage thought that that was AOK scared the poop outta me. People followed Bush like a bunch of lemmings on this one, and that is frightening.

I always feel so saddened by threads like this, while I know the hostility is everywhere, I wish it wasn't. I have hope for our future generations. I know my DD13 and DS11 are friends with a few kids at school who are gay and one who thinks he may be, but is working it out, and my kids act like it is nothing at all. They are pretty puzzled by the whole debate among adults. And according to them, here, in this small rural community, noone their age cares one way or another. It's just part of life to them. I hope it stays that way.

Bless all of show a level of class in debating these issues that I don't think I could, especially when I know this board gets jumped on by :stir: so often.

Oh, by the by, on the original posted issue....I have OCD, a mental disorder. And as an official "NUT" I am of the opinion that the Pentagon is NUTZ. :teeth:
AMEN to 2Princes2Princesses!!!!! As for classifying it as a mental disorder...consider the source. Personally, I would like to classify being a Republican as a mental disorder.
cjnix29 said:
AMEN to 2Princes2Princesses!!!!! As for classifying it as a mental disorder...consider the source. Personally, I would like to classify being a Republican as a mental disorder.

Hey now. Some of my best friends are Republican.
Straight girl here..... I can't understand why anyone thinks it's any of their business as to the sexual lifestyle that one has???? It's nobody's business but yours! Live your life the way that makes you and yours happy and to "H---" with everyone else!
RickinNYC said:
Can't speak for the rest of the community, but I, my partner and my friends actually happen to be incredibly boring homebodies. We cook dinner at home. A night out is dinner and a movie. We stroll the aisles of Barnes and Noble looking for the latest best seller. We walk our dog. We go to Disney World..

Good god - Paul and I are absolutely boring as well.
Not one rhinestone thingamabob or leather harness.
No Streisand, Midler, Liza, or Madonna CD to be found.

I can cook and arrange a" kick ***" vase of flowers. :flower3:

But on the bright side -
Now that we're NUTZ we're just a bit more interesting.
JerJan said:
Straight girl here..... I can't understand why anyone thinks it's any of their business as to the sexual lifestyle that one has???? It's nobody's business but yours! Live your life the way that makes you and yours happy and to "H---" with everyone else!
I completely agree. I think the government and the religious leaders need to stay our of our damn bedrooms!


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