The Triathlon thread

You asked for it Steve! ;)

OMG, I can't believe I rode 27 miles last night. We picked up my bike at 4:30, grabbed a quick dinner adn went for a group ride. I didn't work too hard, except on teh big hills. Then, I tended to fall back a bit, but I more than made up in between. OK, so we were in the slowest group, but tha twas fine as teh group ride thing was so foreign to us. We're still evaluating whther it's something we'd do regularly. While it's a bit odd in the group, we'd never go that far on our own. ANd, we'd NEVER do work out fro 1:45 during the week. I am amazed taht my butt didn't hurt when we were done. :-O Oh, my pace was 15.9 mph for 27 miles, including about 4 to 5 miles of stop and go stuff in teh "city". For 18 miles, my pace was 13.8 mph. Yeah, I think the bike works. :banana:
Did I meantion that the color is gorgeous and there are cute listtle swirls painted on it? :rotfl:
WTG Carrie!!! Sounds like the fit is perfect and you are going to fly in no time. And just gotta love cute paint work. :thumbsup2

We've been trying to hook up with a riding group here but the times are just not working out (they meet too early during the week).
Yay Carrie! I'm glad you love your bike!!! I'm so excited for you!!!

I'm feeling pretty slow myself. Seems I can't avg above 11mph!
lol Stacie. I will take pix over teh weekend and share!
I learned something new yesterday... I was talking to the local bike store regarding my Trek FX 7.2 and my speed.

The lady at the store explained how the cassette on the back is more like the cassette on the mountain bikes and that I can change it out for a cassette that is more like a road bike and that will help w/ the speed.

I was also told that if you change the pedals out with the kind that have the clips on them and and get the shoes that you will use more muscles and that will help as well....

Since I'm a total geek, the first thing I did when starting to think about this multisport craziness was go on amazon and buy some tri books. I got the Dummies book, a book for first-timers and my personal favorite, Slow Fat Triathlete by Jayne Marshall. I just got the books Jayne so far!

I'm having some wrist problems with my new bike. I think the handlebars are too far away and not sure if there's an adjustment I can make for that. I'm leaning really hard on my right hand...wrist was bugging me yesterday after a ten mile ride on Thurs. I told DH I might need a real roadbike afterall then DD15 can have my current bike. I don't believe he was amused ;)
I'm having some wrist problems with my new bike. I think the handlebars are too far away and not sure if there's an adjustment I can make for that.

My training partner had the same issue...we didn't want to mess with the geometry by moving the seat forward on the rails, so we loosened his handle should be a single nut, probably a 5 or 6 mm one, and tilted the bars back toward him about 1/4 helped a lot for him...when that happens to me, i really try to focus on using my ab...not a typo, i only appear to have hold me up. In other words, intentionally loading my abs to take load off my wrists..

Another thing you could look at is your seat angle...if it is pointed too far up or down, it might be forcing you to bear down (if its too far up) or put too much weight on your wrists to hold yourself back (if its tilted too far down).

I would really only try ONE thing at a time to see if it fixes the issue; too many variables can REALLY mess you up, and you would need to go to a LBS to get it might want to do that anyway...

Hope that helps and good luck!

I was also told that if you change the pedals out with the kind that have the clips on them and and get the shoes that you will use more muscles and that will help as well....


Stacie - I've seen improvement with the change in pedals to cleats. Legs stay straighter, feet stay in one spot (my right one had a nasty habit of turning out) and you can pull up in addition to pushing down so can even out the stroke. I've found it makes hill climbing easier (however I still hate hills :rotfl: ).

I went with a shoe that is technically an MTB shoe with the SPD cleat. Like that I can walk a bit easier in them. Also my pedals have the clips on one side and are regular on the other. Called Campus Pedals. Love them.

That said I found a pair of Cannondale bike shoes on sale that I love! May be getting those before fall sets in.
Stacie - I'm in teh minority here, but clipless pedals scare teh crud out of me. A very experienced biker took a small tumble on my ride last week. Those are just not for me. My bike has basket pedals. They help keep your foot where it's suppoed to be and let you pull up on teh pedals as well as push. You can get them for less than $20. Might be a cheap way to see if they help a little and be a first step.

Signed up fo a Sept 6 tri over teh weekend. Teh new bikes will get us through teh pace requirements fairly easily. WIth the T's were not counted in pace, but Ishoudl still be ok. It's a 0.5 mile swim (I beat pace by 11 min last race), 17.2 mile bike and a 4.9 mile run. SLightly shorter bike (0.8 mi) than least time. The run is 0.1 miles shorter than I ran last time too. (Had I gone the right wya, this would be a longer run. :p)
Mel - Ther are a ton of things you can try. My bike is getting a new stem today. Can you go back to wher eyou got the bike?

I am so thrilled with my bike shop. Did measurements adn fitin glast night. Went on a hsort ride. He speant an hour with us giving us tips and perfecting fittings. Our bikes came with a year free maintenance too.
and I'm back in the office, sitting like a zombie, recovering from yesterday at the Austin triathlon olympic distance. Yes, the big guns came out...and left me pretty much right away in the swim. I was reading last night about swimming and it appears: I've been practicing bad habits over a distance. I believe the mission for next summer is swimming classes. I thought I did well in the swim, but coming out all the bikes were gone. My wife said afterwards I looked tired. Coming out of the water hit the "muddy place" and had to scrape some off to get into my bike shoes. But other than that, the transition went smooth. I tried not to focus on being one of the last out of the water but getting on the bike and going. This was my first race on my tri bike and I could really tell the difference. I caught some riders and then more riders came out and passed many. Coming up a hill swung wide as the slower riders were bunching up and sure enough...6 or so went down. I thought I did well on the bike and did pass some fast people. What do they say: it's a race, not a ride! I figured if anything I'll throw down on the bike. Came in and took a bit longer in transition that I thought I would but got going and right away the heat hit me. It was easier coming off this bike into the run but I couldn't get any speed. Soon, out in the hot sun, the pace became a trudge after my 1st lap, and out of sight of the spectators had to shut it down to a shuffle, then a walk. I had nothing in the tank and just couldn't get going. I would resume a shuffle and then had a mental breakdown; as some folks do. I won't go into any details but it does happen. I stayed focused on just finishing at this point and did walk/shuffle as that is all I had left. A mile out got some warm water and back to the shuffle. Made the last turn on the bridge and found my legs and drove it home. I didn't collapse but I went on a quest to get hydrated. I found an empty chair under the clif tent and with cool towel on head sat down for about 15 minutes to chill. Went to get my bike and gear and my wife drove me home and I basically rested all day. It's clear I overheated on the run and don't think beating myself up over it is a solution. There are probably many rookie mistakes I've summarized here and I realize there are no surprises. I've found in the past sometimes I have a bad race and also there will be a learning curve. My first mountain bike race is out in Huntsville in less than 3 weeks and I have to get on and practice. It's time to shuffle the bikes and put the tri bike away for awhile.
stego - You didn't stop and you finished. COngratulations! I know it was not your day, but hope you can look back on al lof the lessons learned and se that they were worth it not too far int eh furture. Stinks that it's the end of season and your come back will have to wait, but it will come. I cannot imagine being in your heat. I bet you would have been king of any tri in MI this weekend. ;-) Good luck wiht the mountain biking!

For some Silly Reason, I did it.

I just registered for the Afac Tri at DW in 3 weeks.

Hopefully I Do Not Drown.
Jim - You may not know it but you are already a tri-athlete! WOo hoo for signing up! you will be great!
Hopefully I Do Not Drown.

No worries...aren't you trained to resuscitate in that sort of situation? ;)

I'm sure you'll do great with your biking/running background. The swim is the shortest part. Can't wait to hear your race report!!!
No worries...aren't you trained to resuscitate in that sort of situation?

Dammit!! I KNEW I was forgetting SOMETHING.

I have to take a quick refresher in "Self-CPR" (a very difficult & unique skill if I say so myself)........:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Dammit!! I KNEW I was forgetting SOMETHING.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Jim - Might be easier if you just invite a co-worker. :rotfl:

Ugh, I know I'm ready for tomorrow, but what is this nauseous feeling in my stomach. :guilty: I now know how to fix a tire, but really don't want to. That would really be pushing my time limit fro the bike.
Carrie, don't be nervous! Be like NIKE, you can DO IT! (And you'll look good too with the matching outfit) :goodvibes


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