Digital Scrapping FAQ

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DUH!! Why didn't I think to just print an 8x8 at home on just a regular piece of computer paper as a test?? Here I was planning about how I had to send out for a test print. Thanks!!
Would you ladies mind sharing some of your favorite fonts that you use? I have found lots of sites from the other sticky, but am overwhelmed by the number of font choices! I would love to hear some of your favorites.

I like a lot of the Pea fonts. They are actual people's writing and it looks more natural to me. Ummm, I think the site is called Two Peas? They're free.:thumbsup2
I guess it would depend of what type of font you were looking for ...

For journaling, I like to use fonts that look hand written or basic cursive. I usually use Susie's hand, kemie px, or CK journaling.
The more basic fonts I use are Century Gothic which I think comes with Photoshop or Word.

I love different fonts. I usually get them from They have so many that you'll find something you like just need time to look at each category. Have fun!

Would you ladies mind sharing some of your favorite fonts that you use? I have found lots of sites from the other sticky, but am overwhelmed by the number of font choices! I would love to hear some of your favorites.

I guess it would depend of what type of font you were looking for ...

For journaling, I like to use fonts that look hand written or basic cursive. I usually use Susie's hand, kemie px, or CK journaling.
The more basic fonts I use are Century Gothic which I think comes with Photoshop or Word.

I love different fonts. I usually get them from They have so many that you'll find something you like just need time to look at each category. Have fun!

Thanks c0r1nn3! I was looking for natural/handwritten and really any other fonts people really like. I appreciate your suggestions and will check them out!
Need advice from seasoned scrappers:
I did not become a scrapper until AFTER returning from my 1st trip to Disney. So, I never paper-scrapped; I just jumped into digital. I told myself I was only going to scrap the Disney vacation and be done. Well, it is addicting as you know and now I am seriously considering digi-scrapping non-vacation pictures. But so many questions:
I guess there's no better time to start than now, but what about all the years before? I cannot go back and scrap those (not realistic) I think the answer here is to just start now and go forward, right?
How do you organize: do you have a book for each year? Or??
I have more questions, but I don't want to scare anyone yet. Besides, I need to finish this Disney vacation first.
Sorry for my ramblings. Thanks for any advice.
For me personally, I've realized I can't scrap it all. Right now I am sticking to photo that are on my computer (2006-2008) but at the moment I'm focusing on 2007 and trying to keep up with 2008. Now, I take anywhere from 20-100 pics at a time. There is no way I could scrap all of that so I do the pics that speak to me at the moment. My plan is to scrap the highlights and put the rest on a DVD slide show to keep in a pocket w/the album.
I have scrapped some scanned pics when the mood strikes but my goal with hard copies is to eventually have them archived on DVDs. Will I eventually scrap those? I couldn't tell ya. Maybe when all my kids are out of the house but then I'm sure I'll have grandkids to scrap then.:lmao:
I guess my point is:Don't put pressure on yourself, do what moves you. What fun would it be if you felt you needed to do all of them versus enjoying the ones you've done? Just my 2cents, hope it helps!
Need advice from seasoned scrappers:
I did not become a scrapper until AFTER returning from my 1st trip to Disney. So, I never paper-scrapped; I just jumped into digital. I told myself I was only going to scrap the Disney vacation and be done. Well, it is addicting as you know and now I am seriously considering digi-scrapping non-vacation pictures. But so many questions:
I guess there's no better time to start than now, but what about all the years before? I cannot go back and scrap those (not realistic) I think the answer here is to just start now and go forward, right?
How do you organize: do you have a book for each year? Or??
I have more questions, but I don't want to scare anyone yet. Besides, I need to finish this Disney vacation first.
Sorry for my ramblings. Thanks for any advice.
Thanks Wen! You always help me out!
I'll just work on this Disney album and then take it from there at a pace that will still be fun for me.
I've been scrapping for years, but I'm new to the world of digital scrapping. My DD is a senior this year and is wanting to make some books for some of her friends, with photos through their school years together. I'm thinking digital is the way for her to go because she can probably use the same layout (with a few variations) for more than one gift.

So I'm investigating what's out there and now I'm getting interested. Not that I think I'll like this better. I actually like manipulating the paper and ribbon. But I think it's a cool way to make gifts and computer journaling has to be faster than writing by hand. I'm intrigued.

I guess I'm going to start collecting freebies, but I'm a little overloaded at all the info. I'm a little confused as to how I should organize what I download. I'd like to eventually burn a CD...can I do that?

I have photoshop and photoshop elements. I'm somewhat familiar with them. Which do you prefer? Guess I need to do a tutorial. Any other suggestions for me?
Hi Melissa! This is a good place to start, I'm pretty new too but I started just using the links at the beginning of this thread and looking at everyone's work.

I've mentioned to Kate that it would be great way to do pics of friends and school, I think the idea is good and she'd probably do most of the work.

The real problem with digital is storage space, I'd suggest looking for a good deal on an external drive. Space isn't that expensive and it fills up pretty quickly. I've got a portable one that is great for being able to take with you.

I ended up organizing my stuff in folders like Papers, Alphas etc. I like when they name their kit with a constant so I can use search to pull a complete kit.

I'm using PSE since thats the cheap version; I think PS can do more.

Good luck, I'm actually getting a few things done I like that part :)
What are "masks"? And how do they work? What do you do with them?
What are "masks"? And how do they work? What do you do with them?
Okay, the very short answer is they are tools you use to edit or apply effects to your pictures. For instance, if I want to erase something in a pic or on an elements I'll use a mask over the pic so I don't damage the pic. So I'm not actually erasing anything I'm just 'masking' it. You can do tons w/masks and they are contained in your program. A good way to find out about them is to google "your program's name, masks" and you should be able to find tons of info that way.
Thanks. I found some pretty freebie masks, but didn't know their use. Now that I know what they are, I grabbed a few.
I have some questions about printing and would appreciate advise:

1. When you print, do the edges get cut off? Do you suggest resizing slightly smaller than the original so that doesn't happen? Or if you do re-size, will it be too small and you end up with a white border? I created my LOs in 12x12, but I think I will print them into an 8x8 book. Oh, I am going to use Shutterfly's photo book if that makes a difference.

2. Once you are done printing, what do you do with the computer copies? I am done with my Disney 2008 book. For each LO, I have a PSD copy, a JPEG copy, and a web-sized copy. It would be nice to clear up some space on my computer. Do you all just burn these onto a disc? Can you burn the PSD copy onto a disc and if so, would I still be able to edit it?

Sorry these printing questions go on and on, but I want to get it right (or close to right) the first time.

Thanks again!
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