I'm thankful for...MICKEY!!! My Thanksgiving '08 TR!: TR Update, Last Day!

It is a very sweet thing to hear your baby's heartbeat. Back in my baby days, people didn't have ultrasounds unless there were problems, so I didn't know what mine were until they got here. I was thrilled to know what Jill's babies were, because it was so much fun to shop for little girl things. It just added to the excitement! Whichever way you decide, we'll be excited with you guys all the way. :)
I found out with all four of mine; I just couldn't stand the not knowing! (Can you say 'control freak'?) I do think it wold be exciting to be able to wait the entire time, if it wouldn't have driven me stark raving mad. What a surprise!
Hello my friends!

We had a doctor appointment today and we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat on the doppler! :goodvibes It was exciting, reassuring, and heartwarming. And it made me cry a little bit!

I'm 15 weeks pregnant right now, which is hard to believe!

In 4 weeks, we'll have the big ultrasound where they will tell us the baby's gender if we so desire. So far, we are undecided as to whether or not we will find out. I don't want to find out, but DH does. So we have 4 weeks to decide...

We had a wonderful time at the wedding in Minnesota last weekend (pics of gorgeous fall colors coming up) and we have had a non-stop action packed schedule ever since! We'll finally have time to breathe this weekend and I'll post pics and and update then!

I can only imagine how exciting it was to hear the baby's heart beat. I am also glad you had a good time at the wedding last weekend.
Julie, here's my experience with finding out the gender (not an easy feat here anyway, most u/s places are not allowed to tell you by law):

With Tigger, we found out the gender (only because the u/s tech slipped up lol)
With Mickey, we did not find out the gender (they wouldn't tell us)

I MUCH preferred knowing the gender beforehand. I don't think Grumpy cared one way or the other, but I always spoke to my boys by name in utero ("stop kicking the crap out of me, Tigger" LOL).

What about them writing the gender on a piece of paper and putting it in an envelope? That way, you can decide at your own time whether or not you want to know :confused3
Yay for hearing the baby's heartbeat!! :lovestruc
Can't wait to hear what you guys decide about finding out the gender. We didn't find out with Alex but we did with Zach. I'm glad we did because I really wanted a girl so I needed some time to process things before he came. It definitely helped me bond with him! :thumbsup2
I have bump pictures!!! I'm 17 weeks today and I feel like my belly is finally starting to look like a bump rather than a chubby belly. :banana:

So here I am, in profile!


And a measurement...


A little more than 38 inches. Seems like a lot!!!

I have read in my many pregnancy books that I should feel the baby move in the coming weeks. I can't wait for that moment!

We are now 2 days and 2 weeks from the big ultrasound. Our plan is to bring an envelope and have the ultrasound tech write it down on a piece of paper and stick it in the envelope. DH will then look at the paper when he goes back to work after the appointment. And I will remain unaware of the gender. Until my curiosity gets the better of me, that is!

love the bump pictures...so cute :lovestruc thanks for sharing!

Good luck w/ DH keeping the gender a secret ;)

I found out w/ all 3 of my pregnancies...for the twin preg before we knew we were having twins I wanted to know and Dh didn't...but that all changed. that out of necessity of which baby bins to pull and how to prepare the room it was just more fun to know w/ the 2nd two...at least for us.

Happy beautiful pregnancy days ahead :goodvibes

Julie (too)
It's just amazing to hear the baby's heartbeat, isn't it? :goodvibes

Looking forward to seeing the pics from your weekend.

How are you and DH going to decide on whether or not to find out the baby's gender??? I was never good at waiting so we found out with both Chelsea and Connor. :laughing:

Hearing the heartbeat made everything seem so much more real to me. It was a wonderful moment!

Aww, happy tears! :cloud9:



Awwww, so excited for you Julie!

Thanks, Tammie!


It is a very sweet thing to hear your baby's heartbeat. Back in my baby days, people didn't have ultrasounds unless there were problems, so I didn't know what mine were until they got here. I was thrilled to know what Jill's babies were, because it was so much fun to shop for little girl things. It just added to the excitement! Whichever way you decide, we'll be excited with you guys all the way. :)

My mom is DYING to know the gender. I think she's taking it personally that I don't want to find out!!!

I found out with all four of mine; I just couldn't stand the not knowing! (Can you say 'control freak'?) I do think it wold be exciting to be able to wait the entire time, if it wouldn't have driven me stark raving mad. What a surprise!

I wonder if it will drive me crazy not to know...

If it does, I'll just have to make DH tell me!

I can only imagine how exciting it was to hear the baby's heart beat. I am also glad you had a good time at the wedding last weekend.

It was so exciting and reassuring to hear the heartbeat!

Hearing the heartbeat for the first time....:cloud9:

glad you are doing well

Julie (too)

Thanks Julie!

Julie, here's my experience with finding out the gender (not an easy feat here anyway, most u/s places are not allowed to tell you by law):

With Tigger, we found out the gender (only because the u/s tech slipped up lol)
With Mickey, we did not find out the gender (they wouldn't tell us)

I MUCH preferred knowing the gender beforehand. I don't think Grumpy cared one way or the other, but I always spoke to my boys by name in utero ("stop kicking the crap out of me, Tigger" LOL).

What about them writing the gender on a piece of paper and putting it in an envelope? That way, you can decide at your own time whether or not you want to know :confused3

The envelope idea is exactly what we're doing! Great minds think alike!

Yay for hearing the baby's heartbeat!! :lovestruc
Can't wait to hear what you guys decide about finding out the gender. We didn't find out with Alex but we did with Zach. I'm glad we did because I really wanted a girl so I needed some time to process things before he came. It definitely helped me bond with him! :thumbsup2

I think that with our second child (if we're lucky enough to have a second, that is) we'll definitely find out the gender.

My mom has mentioned that it makes for earlier bonding if you know the gender. So that makes it somewhat tempting for me.

love the bump pictures...so cute :lovestruc thanks for sharing!

Good luck w/ DH keeping the gender a secret ;)

I found out w/ all 3 of my pregnancies...for the twin preg before we knew we were having twins I wanted to know and Dh didn't...but that all changed. that out of necessity of which baby bins to pull and how to prepare the room it was just more fun to know w/ the 2nd two...at least for us.

Happy beautiful pregnancy days ahead :goodvibes

Julie (too)

Haha!!! Our OB/GYN said the same thing about DH keeping it a secret! When we told him that DH is going to find out and I'm not, he said "Yeah, that's gonna work." And then he rolled his eyes.

I think that DH will absolutely TORTURE me with the knowledge of the gender. As for whether he will let it slip for real...I have no idea!

I do think it would be easier to prepare the baby's room if we knew the gender. However, I would like to be able to reuse all the baby stuff that we buy in the case of our (hopefully) second child being the other gender!
Yay for the bump!! You look adorable - but we need a full profile with your face too. You definitely look pregnant - there's no mistaking that belly for fat! :thumbsup2

I did the same thing - profile pictures with the week number on a piece of paper. You'll love having those pictures.

Great self control - having DH know the gender and you not knowing! I'll be curious to see how long you can hold out.
Yay for the bump!! You look adorable - but we need a full profile with your face too. You definitely look pregnant - there's no mistaking that belly for fat! :thumbsup2

I did the same thing - profile pictures with the week number on a piece of paper. You'll love having those pictures.

Great self control - having DH know the gender and you not knowing! I'll be curious to see how long you can hold out.

Thanks Amy!

I was running late for church this morning and I didn't do my hair or makeup or put my contacts in. And I stayed like that for the rest of the day. So I wasn't up for the full face shot this time. Didn't want to scare anyone! Maybe next week!

I hope to wait until at least after my baby shower. I don't even want to be tempted to register for gender specific items! I want to be able to reuse as many things as possible in the event that our second child is the other gender.
I woke up early on our last full Disney day with a heavy heart. DH was leaving early this morning. And all the emotions that accompany the end of a trip were starting to come to the surface. The trip that had occupied my thoughts for an entire year was almost over. :sad2:

And THIS did not help!


I finally decided to write some postcards. Some of your children were the recipients of these!


I enjoyed a cinnamon roll as I wrote the postcards. Yum!


The Magic Kingdom was our destination this morning. We didn't do rope drop this morning, so everyone made it to the bus stop on time!


The Monsters Inc Laugh Floor was our first stop. My brother and SIL hadn't seen it yet, and I was happy to see it again!


Next up was Carousel of Progress.


This was my first time for this attraction and I fell in love with it! I was enthralled throughout the whole thing!

Then we hit up Tomorrowland Transit Authority. Always a nice break from walking!


I just like this pic!


A swan!


Now that's a dress!


After some wandering around and soaking up the Disney magic, everyone was starting to get hungry.

My brother got one of those enormous turkey legs. Personally, I think those turkey legs are revolting, so I tried not to watch him eat it. I did, however, take a picture. Please, avert your eyes if you also find it revolting!


The rest of us enjoyed a less barbaric lunch of Columbia Harbour House.

Then, we passed an ice cream cart and I could not walk past without getting one more Mickey ice cream bar. Oh, how I would love one of those right now...


Next up: a jaunt over to Epcot and then Fanstasmic!
WOW! 17 weeks!

Continued prayers for an easy, trouble-free pregnancy.

Turkey legs just look gross and tendony.....

Who likes seeing those ME reminders? BOOOOOO!
WOW! 17 weeks!

Continued prayers for an easy, trouble-free pregnancy.

Turkey legs just look gross and tendony.....

Who likes seeing those ME reminders? BOOOOOO!

I know...3 more weeks and we'll be half way. CRAZY!!!

Tendony is right! I do not like to study anatomy as I eat.

Those ME reminders are just cruel!
I've been reading, but not posting!
The last day is the worst. You know you have to go home soon and you try to squeeze in every last bit of fun.

When are you due?


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