"Official" 2015 MNSSHP thread

So we did the first party this year, (disastrous), and last night's, (better, but with snags still). Check out my review: http://tinkinaboutdisney.blogspot.com/2015/09/tink-in-parks-mickeys-not-so-scary_28.html
Looks like you had a great time despite the obstacles. Thank you so much for taking the time to write these reviews. I have been searching for as many as possible. I am trying to lower my expectations and go in with an open mind, but I have heard many more negatives than positives. I figure worst case scenario is it will be our first and last Halloween party. Best case scenario I will have learned from all I have read and have a great time doing whatever it is I have enough time to do. :)
We went last night as well. We had a good time, but honestly did not think it was as good as last year. Actually the lines for the rides we wanted were really reasonable from the 4p-7p. We were able to ride Peter Pan, IASW, Thunder Mountain, Little Mermaid, People Mover, and Haunted Mansion (FP for Peter Pan and Big Thunder) and still have time for dinner. Of course we got caught in the downpour but were able to get out of the worst of it.

The candy lines we saw were absolutely insane when they had to move them inside b/c of weather so we skipped those. I think the problem is that they appeared to drastically cut down on the number of stations during bad weather which caused things to back up. A lot. We did finally wait in one as the rain was letting up ... it was long but did move fast. They only gave us a couple of the cheaper stuff like Nerds and those sour thingies. We were bummed but when we went back later they had different candy so I guess it switches depending on what box they open. We did notice that they were giving out a lot more candy at a time as the night went on. I think next time we will just wait to trick or treat until later in the evening.

We loved the parade. I asked a CM what time the parade started b/c we forgot to get a schedule at check in and she told us 9:00. Turns out was 8:35. Got to Frontierland at 8 meaning to give ourselves an hour before the parade and got lucky and snagged one of the very last front row spots. Queen from Alice in Wonderland came right up to my son; wish I had had my camera ready to catch his big grin! It was 6-7 people deep by the time the parade started so make sure you give yourself a lot of time to snag a good parade spot if it's important to you.

Mine Train was down every time we tried to ride it. I think they shut it down during the rain but it wasn't open even when it cleared up so not sure what was happening there.

It definitely seemed more crowded this year than when we went on a similar day (Sunday in September) last year. We didn't do any character greets b/c my son just isn't into them and we avoided Main Street completely and watched the fireworks from behind the castle. So for us the crowds were mostly manageable but I think if we had been trying to do those things the crowds would have been an issue. DH and I both thought that they had sold way too many tickets for something that they try to bill as a more exclusive event than a regular park day. Thanks to everyone for all the advice that you gave us when we were trying to plan.
You all are so kind and helpful. This is the first MNSSHP for myself and DH.We are not worried about rides, but would love to be able to meet J &S as well as see the parade Hallowishes, the Hocus Pocus show and do some TOTing. We should be at MK by 4:00. Do you guys think this is all doable? I don't really have a plan lined up yet. We are going 10/25. Thanks for your thoughts. DH really wants some of the MNSSH pins too. Should we get those as soon a we arrive?km
You all are so kind and helpful. This is the first MNSSHP for myself and DH.We are not worried about rides, but would love to be able to meet J &S as well as see the parade Hallowishes, the Hocus Pocus show and do some TOTing. We should be at MK by 4:00. Do you guys think this is all doable? I don't really have a plan lined up yet. We are going 10/25. Thanks for your thoughts. DH really wants some of the MNSSH pins too. Should we get those as soon a we arrive?km

Do all your shopping as you enter. Then head straight for J+S. Hopefully they will be out early and you can be done with them before the party even starts. That will leave you the rest of the night to do everything else on your list plus more.
Do all your shopping as you enter. Then head straight for J+S. Hopefully they will be out early and you can be done with them before the party even starts. That will leave you the rest of the night to do everything else on your list plus more.
Thank You!
I usually don't worry too much about sold-out parties because I go solo and therefore can move around a lot easier than a family can, but I am concerned enough about the crowd levels this year that I have yet to buy my tickets for mid-October. In 2012 and 2013 I did two parties each and loved every minute of every party. Couldn't get enough of the atmosphere, etc. even on sold-out Halloween nights. I know it is highly unlikely that a repeat of opening night will happen, but that risk is still hanging around in the back of my mind. It sure would help if it would quit raining on party nights so we could get a good feel for what a "normal" party will feel like this year, even a sold out party.

On a slightly different note, lots of people keep referring to Disney as promoting the parties as "exclusive" implying there will be lower crowds, but I don't think Disney has actively promoted that for past few years if ever. I think that misconception is a hold over from Disboarders and other repeat visitors experiencing that in previous years. It is not a deliberate attempt to mislead anyone, but simply is something that is no longer true. I feel like when we buy a party ticket, we are paying for the special atmosphere, activities like ToT, special Meet and Greets, and entertainment. Not necessarily for low crowds. Those have just been a bonus in the past. The event is exclusive in that only people who have purchased tickets are "supposed" to be able to enjoy those special things. I think that is why opening night was such a horrible mess. Disney most certainly screwed up that night by not enforcing the rules, but I really don't think they have intentionally misled anyone. Disney as a whole is so much more popular now. I guess it is a sign that in some ways the economy is getting better because we can all afford to go (maybe the discounts really do help!), but the result is higher crowds whether it is a special party or regular day.

I just wanted to get this off my chest because it just makes me a bit sad that so many posters feel like Disney is intentionally misleading them.

Thanks for listening. :mic:
We went last night as well. We had a good time, but honestly did not think it was as good as last year.

I concur!

We loved the parade. I asked a CM what time the parade started b/c we forgot to get a schedule at check in and she told us 9:00. Turns out was 8:35.

Seems like CMs are VERY poorly informed. You can't trust them for anything! We were walking up to the hub as an announcement ended that I didn't catch (and I hadn't checked the time in awhile so I didn't know what time it was) so I asked the nearest CM what the announcement was and he said it was for the start of the Hocus Pocus show in 5 minutes. HA. Turns out it was Celebrate the Magic. I figured that out real quick!

It was 6-7 people deep by the time the parade started so make sure you give yourself a lot of time to snag a good parade spot if it's important to you.

I LOVE the Boo To You parade. It's my favorite parade. But man, does it get crowded. We were in the front row but kept getting pushed from ALL sides. We had our double stroller behind us and the four of us were standing in front of it and I was getting run over by it! I looked back and saw a mother ADVISING her tween daughter to push her way to the front!!! I was appalled. She apparently didn't notice that we had two small kids between me and DH and was dumb enough to think that we just had a huge space between us with no people. I turned around and firmly but politely informed her there was no room for her. She gave up. Sheesh. Some people just have to be put in line. Pun intended.

It definitely seemed more crowded this year than when we went on a similar day (Sunday in September) last year. DH and I both thought that they had sold way too many tickets for something that they try to bill as a more exclusive event than a regular park day.

My thoughts exactly. I went one year and one week earlier last year and it was SO much better. We had such a blast it was why we came again in September, so we could attend MNSSHP again. Well, this was our last. Based on the attractions we did/saw, it cost us $23 per attraction! Except for the parade and maybe fireworks, it is SO not worth that price. We will happily move our trip to a time with better weather, even if it means dealing with similar crowds - this sure ain't low season like it used to be.
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If all, and I mean ALL you wanted to do was meet those 2 sets of characters, it's possible if you lined up for one around 5pm. But, that is literally all you could likely do. That, and maybe catch the 12am Hocus Pocus.

Your night will sell out.

I agree with the PP. I think it's possible but you'd eat up so much time. Last year I did Jack Skellington at MVMCP & waited 1 hour 15 mins and I got in line at 6pm (he came out early or I would have been there even longer). A few years ago we did the 7 dwarfs and waited about 1 hour again getting in line about 6:15. Since the party starts at 7 I always try to get near the front of the line so I'm done with the "one big wait" by 7:15 or so and can enjoy the party. I wouldn't want to do both in one night.

If those are the only 2 things you want to do, yes. If Jack and Sally come out at 5 or 5:30 as people reported, even better! Make sure you line up for Jack and Sally as early as possible. By the time you’re done with Jack and Sally, the line will be crazy long for the 7 Dwarfs but if you’re willing to wait and there’s no rain, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to meet both and still have time to catch the parade or Hocus Pocus show.

Thank you all. Seeing the characters isn't all I want to do. I'll pick one that I'll get in line for at around 5, it'll most likely be Jack and Sally. I do hope they come out early like the previous parties. I'll hope for the best about seeing the dwarfs.
We were able to do both last year...but that was last year. It seems very unlikely you could manage it this year.

That's great you were able to get both. You give me hope. I doubt we'd be able to do both. I am hoping for the best but our party night will most likely sell out as it has in past years.
Thank you all. Seeing the characters isn't all I want to do. I'll pick one that I'll get in line for at around 5, it'll most likely be Jack and Sally. I do hope they come out early like the previous parties. I'll hope for the best about seeing the dwarfs.

I just want to add on that is is very possible to meet both in one night and not have to waste party time. Get in line as early as possible for J+S, then go straight for 7D.

Yesterday I was about the 5th group in line for both. The rain was the only reason I spent any party time in line for 7D.
On a slightly different note, lots of people keep referring to Disney as promoting the parties as "exclusive" implying there will be lower crowds, but I don't think Disney has actively promoted that for past few years if ever. I think that misconception is a hold over from Disboarders and other repeat visitors experiencing that in previous years. It is not a deliberate attempt to mislead anyone, but simply is something that is no longer true.

There has been a lot of discussion as to whether the tickets are limited or not. At the bottom of the ticket purchase page it says... "The number of tickets available is limited." How limited, we may never know! Here is all the "fine print."

The number of tickets available is limited. Events may sell out early. Tickets purchased within 10 days of event will be available for pick up at the Will Call Window at Guest Relations. Tickets are valid only during specific event dates and hours. Entertainment, ticket types, entitlements and prices subject to change without notice. Tickets are nontransferable and nonrefundable.
So we did the first party this year, (disastrous), and last night's, (better, but with snags still). Check out my review: http://tinkinaboutdisney.blogspot.com/2015/09/tink-in-parks-mickeys-not-so-scary_28.html

Again, admin, if I am not allowed to post a link to my blog here, feel free to delete. Actually, if you could tell me if this is ok, I'd appreciate it. New to this. Thanks!
Very interesting, thanks for sharing. It helps to keep expectations in check. I'm actually looking forward to the Craisins tot stop. I'll take anything without a line.
We've always used the day of our party to relax at the park but this year we're going to MK at RD and staying all day. So in the morning we'll have tapped our MB at the entrance, using a day of our park hoppers. If I understand correctly, around 4PM we need to find the party CMs within the park who will read our band (or party tickets if they're aren't linked to MDE) and give us our wristbands, ToT bag and maps? What about the biometric scan?

We haven't decided on costumes yet. I think if we wear themed t-shirts we'll just wear those all day. Otherwise we would rent a locker and change before the party. Themed t-shirts sound easier what with being in the park all day though.
You all are so kind and helpful. This is the first MNSSHP for myself and DH.We are not worried about rides, but would love to be able to meet J &S as well as see the parade Hallowishes, the Hocus Pocus show and do some TOTing. We should be at MK by 4:00. Do you guys think this is all doable? I don't really have a plan lined up yet. We are going 10/25. Thanks for your thoughts. DH really wants some of the MNSSH pins too. Should we get those as soon a we arrive?km

This is what our plans are for the party. Plus we have a little more in mind. I just prioritized our must do's. Everything else will depend on our time.
I just want to add on that is is very possible to meet both in one night and not have to waste party time. Get in line as early as possible for J+S, then go straight for 7D.

Yesterday I was about the 5th group in line for both. The rain was the only reason I spent any party time in line for 7D.

I went back and read your other post about how the night went. Thank you!!! You have given me hope.
Can anyone give me opinion on if this sounds like a decent plan for the party? It will be me, DH, DS 9 and DD5. this is our first party and experiencing Halloween at Disney is the main reason we are taking this trip. We are going on sunday 10/25.
We are doing MK in the morning from 9-12pm (hope to ride PoTC, Splash, BTMRR (fpp), HM, PP (fpp). Then will leave from 12pm-3pm to go back and rest at the Poly.
Will return to MK by 3:30/3:45pm.
DD has BBB at 4:10 while DS and DH go to PL at 4:20.
We have fpp for SDMT that ends at 6:05.
Then we will eat dinner at CHH.
At 7pm, ride UTS, ToT here, in storybook circus and on the barnstormer treat trail.
Then make way to main st to check in at the Flag pole around 8 or 8:15pm,(we have the dessert party purchased). If we are there by 8pm, I will have my DH hold our spot for the parade in the flag pole viewing area and I will take the kids to meet Tink and possibly Talking Mickey at town square theater.
After parade, go to Tomorrowland Terrace for dessert party.
After CTM and wishes, finish up desserts and spend 10:30pm-midnight in Tomorrowland (ride buzz, space mtn, dance party, maybe meet buzz and lotso, ToT at all tomorrowland spots).
Does this sound ok?
My main concern is the 7-8pm time. We want to ToT in fantasyland but I am worried that with all the character meets in that area that the whole section will be super crowded. Or do they keep these lines fairly contained. I hope the treat lines in that area, especially the treat trail, aren't too terribly long. Any thoughts on that?
We may try to see the last stage show at midnight but none of us have seen hocus pocus and my daughter tends to be scared of the villians anyway so that's why I am thinking we will pass on it.

I just wanted to add that talking Mickey doesn't meet during the party. He appears in his costume and doesn't talk. If you want to meet talking Mickey I'd try to schedule it for during the day.
This is what our plans are for the party. Plus we have a little more in mind. I just prioritized our must do's. Everything else will depend on our time.

We would like to get a couple of pictures and magicshots if possible too, but will just see how it all goes.
I just wanted to add that talking Mickey doesn't meet during the party. He appears in his costume and doesn't talk. If you want to meet talking Mickey I'd try to schedule it for during the day.

We saw talking Mickey last year DURING the party, so maybe this is a change for this year. I don't really like talking Mickey so, this if fine for us!
I just wanted to add that talking Mickey doesn't meet during the party. He appears in his costume and doesn't talk. If you want to meet talking Mickey I'd try to schedule it for during the day.
That's not true. We met talking Mickey during the party (around 11:30 PM) in his costume. He made small talk then asked how we'd like to pose - he gave us 3 options - we went with "The Mind Reader."



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