"Official" 2015 MNSSHP thread

You're probably right. I definitely don't want to waste time standing in line. I'll pick one line to stand in and then play the other by ear. I was just curious to see if anyone has been able to do both. The way the parties are selling out I doubt it has been possible. We will be at a party most likely to sell out.

If those are the only 2 things you want to do, yes. If Jack and Sally come out at 5 or 5:30 as people reported, even better! Make sure you line up for Jack and Sally as early as possible. By the time you’re done with Jack and Sally, the line will be crazy long for the 7 Dwarfs but if you’re willing to wait and there’s no rain, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to meet both and still have time to catch the parade or Hocus Pocus show.
Since the last 2 parties experienced rain can anyone confirm rain locations for the characters? So far Tarzan moved to Island Supply and Minnie and the ducks by the railroad. Wondering about the dwarfs, old hag, cruella and pooh's gang?

The dwarfs got moved to a crevice in the castle, beside the store, not too far down from the candy corn ice cream stand.
Can anyone give me opinion on if this sounds like a decent plan for the party? It will be me, DH, DS 9 and DD5. this is our first party and experiencing Halloween at Disney is the main reason we are taking this trip. We are going on sunday 10/25.
We are doing MK in the morning from 9-12pm (hope to ride PoTC, Splash, BTMRR (fpp), HM, PP (fpp). Then will leave from 12pm-3pm to go back and rest at the Poly.
Will return to MK by 3:30/3:45pm.
DD has BBB at 4:10 while DS and DH go to PL at 4:20.
We have fpp for SDMT that ends at 6:05.
Then we will eat dinner at CHH.
At 7pm, ride UTS, ToT here, in storybook circus and on the barnstormer treat trail.
Then make way to main st to check in at the Flag pole around 8 or 8:15pm,(we have the dessert party purchased). If we are there by 8pm, I will have my DH hold our spot for the parade in the flag pole viewing area and I will take the kids to meet Tink and possibly Talking Mickey at town square theater.
After parade, go to Tomorrowland Terrace for dessert party.
After CTM and wishes, finish up desserts and spend 10:30pm-midnight in Tomorrowland (ride buzz, space mtn, dance party, maybe meet buzz and lotso, ToT at all tomorrowland spots).
Does this sound ok?
My main concern is the 7-8pm time. We want to ToT in fantasyland but I am worried that with all the character meets in that area that the whole section will be super crowded. Or do they keep these lines fairly contained. I hope the treat lines in that area, especially the treat trail, aren't too terribly long. Any thoughts on that?
We may try to see the last stage show at midnight but none of us have seen hocus pocus and my daughter tends to be scared of the villians anyway so that's why I am thinking we will pass on it.
My timeline of last nights party -

It felt way more crowded than Friday. I don't know if that is a result of people being comped for Friday or if it was just generally busier, but I did notice a difference.

I got to MK about 2 and watched the FoF parade (that was super empty which was great).

4 - Grabbed my wristband from Fantasyland
4:10 - SoMK card from Liberty Square, MagicBand and tshirt from the Emporium (they had a line formed for the shirts and were checking bands)
4:20 - in line for J+S
5 - J+S came out (they give out signature cards for these two)
5:15 - done with that meet
5:20 - in line for 7D
6:30ish - the skies open up
7ish - they move us to the Friars Nook and the skies open up even more. We are drenched. Dwarfs won't come out. It's pretty miserable.
7:45 - Finally get the all-clear and the Dwarfs come out!
8 - done with that meet
8:10 - in line for Minnie/Daisy/Donald/Goofy - they all meet together, but people were able to get individual photos
9:10 - done with that meet
9:20ish - Lotso line
9:40ish - done with Lotso (even with a short break, his line was really short. Wonderful compared to the previous waits)
10 - Hallowishes and CTM went off without a hitch (I did not watch them, but a friend was able to find a perfect spot to watch the fireworks at 9:50)
10 - Met Jafar - no line - then jumped in line for Tarzan gang (they were all meeting under the Island Supply overhang)
10:20ish - done with Tarzan Gang - they were wonderful. Very interactive with everyone. Probably my favorite meet of the night.
10:30ish - lots of trick-or-treating
10:45 - Grabbed a spot in Frontierland for the parade. I could have easily had a front row sitting spot if I wanted (note to anyone who takes pictures: the lighting is terrible across from Country Bears. I had much better photos outside the Hall of Presidents)
11:30 - More trick-or-treating
12 - leave

I decided not to stay for the show - at this point I was wet and tired and just wanted to be in bed.

After 2 parties, I'm still not sure how I feel about it all. I don't think I went in with too high of expectations, especially since I had two parties planned and wanted to spread everything out. But with the rain delaying everything on Friday, and then the torrential downpour on Sunday, things were just off. I might try again (I really love Halloween and want this to work out) but I'm not sure. The character interactions were great when I was able to get to them, and the parade is amazing, so I don't want anyone to think that the whole party is terrible. Hopefully the rest of the season has better weather.
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You're probably right. I definitely don't want to waste time standing in line. I'll pick one line to stand in and then play the other by ear. I was just curious to see if anyone has been able to do both. The way the parties are selling out I doubt it has been possible. We will be at a party most likely to sell out.
We were able to do both last year...but that was last year. It seems very unlikely you could manage it this year.
I was able to do both last night. I got in line for Jack and Sally at 4:20, they came out at 5, I was done by 5:15. Went over to 7D immediately after and had the rain stayed away, I would have been done by 7. But the torrential downpour meant they came out an hour late and I was done at 8.

Tarzan and Jafar both are at Island Supply.

Minnie/Daisy/Donald/Goofy are by the railroad on the left side of the bathrooms (when looking at them), and Cruella is on the right.

7D move over to the Friars Nook. Not sure about the hag. Pooh's area is covered already and when I went by they were there.
Jack Sparrow is at Tortuga Tavern.
This is extremely helpful! Thank you!

My timeline of last night

It felt way more crowded than Friday. I don't know if that is a result of people being comped for Friday or if it was just generally busier, but I did notice a difference.

I got to MK about 2 and watched the FoF parade (that was super empty which was great).

4 - Grabbed my wristband from Fantasyland
4:10 - SoMK card from Liberty Square, MagicBand and tshirt from the Emporium (they had a line formed for the shirts and were checking bands)
4:20 - in line for J+S
5 - J+S came out (they give out signature cards for these two)
5:15 - done with that meet
5:20 - in line for 7D
6:30ish - the skies open up
7ish - they move us to the Friars Nook and the skies open up even more. We are drenched. Dwarfs won't come out. It's pretty miserable.
7:45 - Finally get the all-clear and the Dwarfs come out!
8 - done with that meet
8:10 - in line for Minnie/Daisy/Donald/Goofy - they all meet together, but people were able to get individual photos
9:10 - done with that meet
9:20ish - Lotso line
9:40ish - done with Lotso (even with a short break, his line was really short. Wonderful compared to the previous waits)
10 - Hallowishes and CTM went off without a hitch (I did not watch them, but a friend was able to find a perfect spot to watch the fireworks at 9:50)
10 - Met Jafar - no line - then jumped in line for Tarzan gang (they were all meeting under the Island Supply overhang)
10:20ish - done with Tarzan Gang - they were wonderful. Very interactive with everyone. Probably my favorite meet of the night.
10:30ish - lots of trick-or-treating
10:45 - Grabbed a spot in Frontierland for the parade. I could have easily had a front row sitting spot if I wanted (note to anyone who takes pictures: the lighting is terrible across from Country Bears. I had much better photos outside the Hall of Presidents)
11:30 - More trick-or-treating
12 - leave

I decided not to stay for the show - at this point I was wet and tired and just wanted to be in bed.

After 2 parties, I'm still not sure how I feel about it all. I don't think I went in with too high of expectations, especially since I had two parties planned and wanted to spread everything out. But with the rain delaying everything on Friday, and then the torrential downpour on Sunday, things were just off. I might try again (I really love Halloween and want this to work out) but I'm not sure. The character interactions were great when I was able to get to them, and the parade is amazing, so I don't want anyone to think that the whole party is terrible. Hopefully the rest of the season has better weather.
So you got all of that done in one night? Kuddos! I would like to try what you did, knowing we have another party planned takes the pressure off. I will try all of this on thursday then do whatever is left over on sunday.
I think your plan sounds well thought out. I find it helpful to just go with the flow, though. Our first MVMCP I thought I had it all under control. It did rain and the only characters we saw were the Dwarfs . I feel we missed out on a lot of the special treats. You are better prepared than I was Very thankful to this board for helping us all prepare for this event!
This is extremely helpful! Thank you!

So you got all of that done in one night? Kuddos! I would like to try what you did, knowing we have another party planned takes the pressure off. I will try all of this on thursday then do whatever is left over on sunday.

Looking back, it is definitely a lot! In the moment though it felt like I didn't get anything substantial done. I do wish Friday's party had been similar. If it was, then I would have been able to do everything in just the two parties.

I hope your parties go well! And I really hope the rain stays away!
The dwarfs got moved to a crevice in the castle, beside the store, not too far down from the candy corn ice cream stand.
Thanks to everyone for the rain locations! We had a severe thunderstorm most of the night in 2012 and were so disappointed to learn afterwards maleficent (when she still did M&G) was moved to a terrace. Disney does a good job trying to keep all the party m&g's going, just trying to find them during storms can be difficult plus cm's don't always know these details.
I think its important to remember though, that those people are moving. Its not stand-still grid lock (except for maybe during the parade). So while it looks bad, its really not that bad at all. If thats all I have to worry about, we're in good shape. I remember going to Disney in June/July/August and haven't found anything that beats the summer months yet.

While in these pictures (especially the ones with people in ponchos) people are moving, you should expect essentially gridlock on Main Street for most of the night, especially as the parade and fireworks near. Expect to be more packed in for the fireworks especially than during Wishes. For reasons not entirely clear to me, people seem to LOVE to spend $70 on party tickets just to hang out on Main Street all night. Luckily, the rest of the park falls into "not that bad" territory and Adventureland in particular can feel downright empty on party nights. I think it's good to give a pictorial representation on what to expect, because Main Street always is crazy busy. Luckily for us we don't spend too much time there but I don't want people to be discouraged when they arrive to a crowd that looks like this. Just get off Main Street as quickly as you can and you should be pretty good to go.
Can anyone give me opinion on if this sounds like a decent plan for the party? It will be me, DH, DS 9 and DD5. this is our first party and experiencing Halloween at Disney is the main reason we are taking this trip. We are going on sunday 10/25.
We are doing MK in the morning from 9-12pm (hope to ride PoTC, Splash, BTMRR (fpp), HM, PP (fpp). Then will leave from 12pm-3pm to go back and rest at the Poly.
Will return to MK by 3:30/3:45pm.
DD has BBB at 4:10 while DS and DH go to PL at 4:20.
We have fpp for SDMT that ends at 6:05.
Then we will eat dinner at CHH.
At 7pm, ride UTS, ToT here, in storybook circus and on the barnstormer treat trail.
Then make way to main st to check in at the Flag pole around 8 or 8:15pm,(we have the dessert party purchased). If we are there by 8pm, I will have my DH hold our spot for the parade in the flag pole viewing area and I will take the kids to meet Tink and possibly Talking Mickey at town square theater.
After parade, go to Tomorrowland Terrace for dessert party.
After CTM and wishes, finish up desserts and spend 10:30pm-midnight in Tomorrowland (ride buzz, space mtn, dance party, maybe meet buzz and lotso, ToT at all tomorrowland spots).
Does this sound ok?
My main concern is the 7-8pm time. We want to ToT in fantasyland but I am worried that with all the character meets in that area that the whole section will be super crowded. Or do they keep these lines fairly contained. I hope the treat lines in that area, especially the treat trail, aren't too terribly long. Any thoughts on that?
We may try to see the last stage show at midnight but none of us have seen hocus pocus and my daughter tends to be scared of the villians anyway so that's why I am thinking we will pass on it.

This sounds very similar to our plans. We aren't overly concerned with meeting characters at the party so most of our plans revolve around rides, ToT, and seeing the shows. We don't have dessert party tickets purchased so our plans are a little different than yours after 8 pm, but my sense in reading the various reviews is that people who are having a hard time fitting in a lot are those that want to meet the characters (I understand why people want to meet the characters though!! it's just not something we are worried about for this visit). I think it will also help that you have reserved seating for the shows with your dessert party tickets because finding space for those is the other thing that seems to be difficult with the crowds! We are going to be there 10/25 as well and are headed to UTS/ToT and the Barnstormer treat trail around the same time...if you see a 7 year old Honey Lemon and a mother dressed as GoGo Tomago...that's us :)
My timeline of last nights

4 - Grabbed my wristband from Fantasyland
4:10 - SoMK card from Liberty Square, MagicBand and tshirt from the Emporium (they had a line formed for the shirts and were checking bands)
4:20 - in line for J+S
5 - J+S came out (they give out signature cards for these two)

I decided not to stay for the show - at this point I was wet and tired and just wanted to be in bed.

I still can’t believe Jack and Sally come out so early! Did they do that because of the rain or is that when they normally come out now?

Hm, got my costume (Yuffie) ordered. Now, while I wait, I was thinking of making a shuriken to go with it. My party is going to be mere hours after I arrive in Orlando so I won't be able to put it in my checked luggage, if I do it. That leaves me either the option of not doing a prop, doing one as a sort of overly-stuffed plush (I haven't sewn anything since sixth grade) or foam/insulation foam/wood that I can assemble. I'd be more comfortable with insulation foam as I've worked with it before but...then TSA may have more of a fit over it and it'd be easier to break from bumping into crowds and going on rides...
Oh boy, guess I'll attempt to sew once my finger blisters heal.

What will happen to your shuriken if it rains?
This sounds very similar to our plans. We aren't overly concerned with meeting characters at the party so most of our plans revolve around rides, ToT, and seeing the shows. We don't have dessert party tickets purchased so our plans are a little different than yours after 8 pm, but my sense in reading the various reviews is that people who are having a hard time fitting in a lot are those that want to meet the characters (I understand why people want to meet the characters though!! it's just not something we are worried about for this visit). I think it will also help that you have reserved seating for the shows with your dessert party tickets because finding space for those is the other thing that seems to be difficult with the crowds! We are going to be there 10/25 as well and are headed to UTS/ToT and the Barnstormer treat trail around the same time...if you see a 7 year old Honey Lemon and a mother dressed as GoGo Tomago...that's us :)
Thanks for the feedback! That's too funny that we will be in the same area starting out the night! What do honey lemon and GoGo Tomago look like? I am unfamiliar with those characters. My DD will be tinker bell, guys will be pirates and I will be in a skeleton Mickey tee with spiderweb leggings!
I'm wondering if they will do a group photo, only individual photos or both if requested....l


They will pretty much do anything you ask! I got a group shot. A group in front of me did group and individual. Some groups that were made up of several people did large group shots (everyone with all the characters), individuals with all the characters, individuals with individual characters, other random combinations, selfies, everything. And the characters were amazing. They interacted with everyone and with each other really well. Since they usually meet separately, it was nice to see them all be a team for a bit

I still can’t believe Jack and Sally come out so early! Did they do that because of the rain or is that when they normally come out now?

At that point there was no rain - barely even any clouds. The line was already full, so I'm guessing that's why they came out. I heard reports that 5:30 had been the normal time, so I was very excited for 5.
Stuff it in my waterproof backpack and bring out the poncho/rainjacket, I guess. T_T Hoping rain is less of a possiblity at the end of October...

Best of luck :shamrock:

At that point there was no rain - barely even any clouds. The line was already full, so I'm guessing that's why they came out. I heard reports that 5:30 had been the normal time, so I was very excited for 5.

I’m so bummed about this. I thought Jack and Sally come out around 7. Had I known this, I’d have lined up for them!!!
I purchased MNSSHP tickets today for the 10/18 party. We are just going to the party for the night while down in Orlando for a softball tournament. I did the print at home option and I have the pdfs. The tickets also linked in MDE. There are 3 of us going to the party but only 2 of us have magic bands from previous trips. The pdfs say there is no need to go to will call and that the pdfs can be scanned for entry. My question is how does the person without a magic band use the fps I made from 4-7?


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