Rocky Mountain Highs (a non-Disney Trip Report) - COMPLETE 2/17

Ah, Mythbusters. So sad to see it going out this year.
I will miss it.

Ain't I a stinker?
Wascally Wabbit.

Maybe if a bear was chasing us.
Naaaa, you don't have to run from those...
you just have to trip someone and get out of the way.

A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.
In a film loaded with great and often quite funny lines...
That's actually my favorite.

Because it's true.

Don't worry, it continued the rest of the day.
As it should.

There you go. I would also have accepted "a Calvin & Hobbes snowman."
This one, per chance?

Good plan. If she can't smell you, you have a chance of keeping her.

Dead on. That's why I always plan to--HEY!

I suppose if you have the runs, you'd have to change your diaper more often, so that makes sense.

And there wasn't a Taco Bell in sight. Some things are a mystery.

Nice shot.


Did that ever get old?

Nope. I would turn and watch every single time.

You do not want to be whacked by the osso buco of the family.
Just pay the juice, man!

I hear ya! Actually, I was thinking a "cioppino" also sounds like a hairstyle a woman will regret in the morning.

Lies... oh. Right. We covered that already.

Moving on...

You'd think my parents would've shown us some of these things.

Then again... that was a looooong time ago. Maybe they did.

I hope they did. But if not, you now have a reason to go back, right?

Yup. Too many hot peppers in the baked beans.

That's the early leader in the clubhouse.

Huh! That hot! You'd think a river would cool it down more.
Unless the river starts from the hot springs.

I don't think it necessarily does, and I don't think the entire river runs hot. But I think you have to stay out because there are various points where hot water is flowing into the river...or possibly hidden vents under the water's surface.

Wow. What a great shot!! :thumbsup2

Thanks! I like that one too.

Did I win something?

Satisfaction, my good man!

:laughing: Not again!
Get that kid a'walking.

Seriously. He needs to earn his keep around here.

Did you have a choice?

Do I ever?

Good problem solving there.

Putting that engineering degree to good use.

Looks like an impressionist painting.

Yeah, now that you mention it, it really does!

Seems reasonable.

I just sign these things without even looking anymore.

So... fairly toasty.

I wouldn't jump in.

:sad2: Never knew.
As far as I was concerned, there was only one geyser in the whole park.

There's also only one ride in Disney World.

How 'bout now? Getting old yet?

Nope. We're still taking photos.

So he can walk!

I'm talking about you.

At this point? Barely.

How did you get them to face away from that!

And why didn't you suddenly scream and throw your hands up in front of your face
"We're going to be boiled alive! Ayieeeee!!!!"

You know. For fun.

They would never have fallen for it. My Dad jokes are already getting old to them. Makes me sad.



So what's the secret?

People did what?!?!?!?

Actually, that doesn't surprise me that much.
Sad, but true.

I know. It really makes you sad and angry at the same time.

Pretty much.

So, so cool.
And a little unnerving too.

It's just fascinating! What a unique place.

When the photographer says "Just lean back a little."


Don't worry, I'm not falling for that one again!

Whoa! That's... weird!
I like it!


Not the hat!
You can always get new legs, but that hat is expensive!

Darn right. These gift shop prices are obscene!
And there wasn't a Taco Bell in sight. Some things are a mystery.

Everything is a mystery.

I hear ya! Actually, I was thinking a "cioppino" also sounds like a hairstyle a woman will regret in the morning.

"Good Lord, Sandra. What on Earth did you do to your hair? Is that.... a cioppino???"

I hope they did. But if not, you now have a reason to go back, right?


I don't think it necessarily does, and I don't think the entire river runs hot. But I think you have to stay out because there are various points where hot water is flowing into the river...or possibly hidden vents under the water's surface.

Too bad you didn't use your fancy schmancy IR thermometers on it.

Satisfaction, my good man!


Do I ever?


I just sign these things without even looking anymore.

It's quicker that way.
The end result is the same anyway.

There's also only one ride in Disney World.

I've been on it!

They would never have fallen for it. My Dad jokes are already getting old to them. Makes me sad.

I still (occasionally) get a "Really?" out of them. But it's getting pretty rare.

So what's the secret?

If you haven't figured it out in five years, I'll tell ya.
Never been stuck in this kind of traffic jam before.

It's pretty memorable! But eventually you get irritated, like any other traffic jam.


It really was!

I've always wondered if crossing a few miles into a state is considered 'visiting' and could be checked off the list.

Well, like I said, our rule is that your feet must touch the soil, so that means the airport doesn't count. But it also gives credit for physically being in the state. With only so many years to travel together before sending kids to college, we felt like it was a valid compromise.

And you missed a great photo/video op! Darn it.

Maybe next time...

Dang knowing that would freak me out too!

Eh, it's not worth worrying about things you can't control.

This is a great plan. While the rest of the country is melting, why not have some fun right?! I'm sure the lines would be almost non-existent!

It's worth a shot! And if you're gonna go out, might as well go out in Disney World.

Ick, a town about 25 minutes from us, has the rotten egg smell in their water. Every one knows not to order ice and/or water from any restaurant if you visit there. So nasty:scared:

Bleh. Remind me not to visit!

This would be amazing to see!

Get on out there!

Awesome pics!


Glad you two got to have a nice breakfast for your anniversary!

Well, we still had all of the kids with us, so it wasn't exactly quiet. But still good.:thumbsup2

This is SO COOL! It looks like an old photo that got damaged, so neat!

I love staring at these pools!

Oh my gosh :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:


OK, where is that? Or what's the name? I want to make sure I never stop there and order water or ice! Although I'd be more likely to stop in Tulare since I kind of know it.

Hanford! It's a little out of the way from the 99 anyway so there would be absolutely no reason for you to go over there. YUCK!

So there it is. Never stop in Hanford, CA!

A quiet meal for an anniversary when you have 4 kids - that is romantic and special..

I wouldn't call it quiet. Can't ditch the kids here. But it was nice.

I hear ya..



So many neat things. For an easy day you sure had some special moments with some hiking. Great job.

It was less easy than I had hoped! But we got to see a lot.
Always a worthy TR subject. I approve.

Here's a smiley to go with it.

Another excellent shot! I needed this break today from the books.

WOW! Awesome in every way!

Thanks! All credit for photography goes to Julie, of course.

If only more mornings began like that.

Seriously. I'll second that notion.

Take the advice of one of our resident foodies on the Cioppino and Osso Buco, if done right is GREAT! When we were at the group lunch at 50's our "cousin" told us they added it as a menu item. Was tempted to order it (you can ask Scott) but stuck with the fried chicken. Best at WDW.

I'm not a seafood guy, so I'd be more inclined toward the osso buco. But I cannot pass up the fried chicken at 50's PT either. So, so good.

Perfect way to pick up a state! :thumbsup2

Hey, at least one person agrees with me!

Yeah, I've heard about that too. :scared:

What can you do? Nothing! So why worrry?

Sounds like a plan to me. Wow, Walt sure thought of everything with the Florida Project.

Amazing how detailed they are!:rotfl2:

Really cool pictures!

Thank you!

Now that looks more like the Yellowstone traffic I remember.

It's inevitable when you visit.

You are really giving your kids some great experiences and memories!

Thanks! That's the hope, anyway.

Wow, that really shows how close you were sleeping to the geyser!

Looking forward to your super-romantic anniversary dinner. :thumbsup2

It was such a great location. We loved staying there.

Next update "The regurgitation iteration"


Rhyming while puking; you have sick skilz dude.

What she said.

Heavy on the "sick".

Mark doesn't watch Big Bang Theory so that title doesn't resonate with him. I, however, think it's hilarious!

Sorry, I really missed the boat on that show.
Hi Mark! I'll be back to catch up, but I wanted to stop by and let you know I did a BIG life update, and I finally did a TR update too - come on over!

ETA all caught up now! That is a lot of steam! I hope your chuck wagon dinner is a hit because the troops are getting ready to form a mutiny, I think. o_O

So I finally got over and got caught up on your TR. Sorry I was away for so long!

Well, we already did the chuckwagon. So we'll see what we have in store...

I'm impressed that you herded 4 kids including a toddler around all those geysers and no one fell in!

Yet. The day is still young.

I will miss it.

Me too. So will the rest of my family. Apparently the only one who will not miss it is Jamie.

Wascally Wabbit.


Naaaa, you don't have to run from those...
you just have to trip someone and get out of the way.

Works for me. I was never very fast.

In a film loaded with great and often quite funny lines...
That's actually my favorite.

Because it's true.

Absolutely. The best humor comes from truth.

This one, per chance?


Yes! That's the one! What do you think?


Everything is a mystery.

...Or is it?

"Good Lord, Sandra. What on Earth did you do to your hair? Is that.... a cioppino???"

::yes:: Well, you can always wear a hat.

Too bad you didn't use your fancy schmancy IR thermometers on it.

Now why didn't I think of that?

I guess you could say you won that, too.

It's quicker that way.
The end result is the same anyway.

Pretty much. You can't win.

I've been on it!

Hey, so have I!

I still (occasionally) get a "Really?" out of them. But it's getting pretty rare.

It'll be fun to see how many bad jokes they recycle for their own kids.

If you haven't figured it out in five years, I'll tell ya.

But I could really use it now!

I'll definitely miss my show. It is one of my favorites. But let's be honest... this season isn't all that great so far. It's been on a bit of a decline since Kari, Grant and Tory left.

Well, I do miss those three. They were a lot of fun. This past episode with the "cooking" theme was just meh. But I loved the one with the imploding tank car. That was pretty awesome.
While I work on the next update, I found this photo of Grand Prismatic Spring that I took with my iPod. I think the colors came out a little better on this one.

I found this photo of Grand Prismatic Spring that I took with my iPod. I think the colors came out a little better on this one.

::yes:: I went back to compare. The other one gives a sense that it was quite gray out. Either foggy or overcast. This one's the opposite. Water's more vibrant too.
::yes:: I went back to compare. The other one gives a sense that it was quite gray out. Either foggy or overcast. This one's the opposite. Water's more vibrant too.

Then I'm glad I posted it! Sometimes it's harder to get the fancy camera dialed in with the right f-stop and all those doohickeys.
Chapter 19: Since I’ve Met You, I’ve Noticed Things That I Never Knew Were There Before…Birds Singing…Dew Glistening On A Newly Formed Leaf…Stoplights…

First things first: today is Baby Drew’s birthday! Hard to believe he’s 2 years old already. I guess I can’t really call him “Baby Drew” anymore, although “Toddler Drew” has less of a ring to it.

When we last left you, we’d made it to Morning Glory Pool, the end of the geyser basin trail, and begun the long walk back towards the Old Faithful Inn.

Oh look, Old Faithful is erupting again.



The good news was, the long walk would give Baby Drew plenty of time to get a good afternoon nap as he rode along in the stroller. Surely he was exhausted by now.


Guess not. And stop calling me Shirley.

Our next stop was Grand Geyser, one of the other fairly predictable geysers in the basin. This one is the tallest predictable geyser in the park—often reaching heights close to 200 ft. when it erupts. It erupts every 7 to 15 hours, and the prediction is usually based on the duration of the previous eruption. A longer, taller eruption means a longer wait till the next one, and vice versa. The NPS was predicting that Grand Geyser would erupt around 2:20 p.m., give or take 30 minutes. This would work out great, since we had wanted to get back to the Old Faithful Inn for a tour of the building at 3:00.

We got to Grand Geyser and waited. 2:20 p.m. came and went.




You know, sometimes these natural phenomena are very inconvenient. It would be nice if they would take our schedules into account.

Anyway, they have some benches arranged amphitheater-style on the boardwalk around the geyser, so we could at least stake out our spot and take a load off. But Drew was getting antsy and fussy in the stroller. Not wanting to be That Guy with the screaming baby in a public area, I took him out of the stroller and started taking a walk with him down the boardwalk just to change the scenery. I figured even I wasn’t dumb enough not to notice when the geyser started erupting.

Aren’t you glad I can set up lines like that for you? I set it up, you spike the ball. Have fun.

Anyway, you’re all wrong. I did notice when Grand Geyser began to erupt, around 2:40-ish, and hustled back to watch the show.


I think Grand Geyser is actually a better show than Old Faithful. The eruption lasts about twice as long, shoots higher, and you get to sit closer. Old Faithful feels very stately and gentle as it shoots water into a long, flowing plume, while Grand Geyser seems more violent. Also, Vent Geyser is right next to it and usually erupts at the same time, so you get two for the price of one.


With that, we hustled back to the Inn. Including the hike around Grand Prismatic Spring that morning, we calculated that we’d hiked over 6 miles to this point. Our feet were as sore as they are when we’ve spent the day walking around Epcot. So much for the “easy” day.


The Old Faithful Inn offers a free guided tour once a day, several days a week. Julie really wanted to attend and learn more about the old hotel, so we made it a priority to get back in time for the tour. A docent met us and the other interested parties by the large fireplace in the lobby precisely at 3:00 p.m. Since Julie was really keen on the tour, I took baby duty (no, not that kind of baby doody) and kind of wandered on the periphery of the tour group. As a result, I didn’t hear everything that was said. But at least I got some baby snot on my shirt.

I do know that the clock on the fireplace is largely original ironwork, with only a couple of pieces that needed to be restored over the years.


And I know that many of the dormers (small windows) on the roof out front are fake. They’re largely decorative, and if you look closely, they’re not symmetrical, either. That was done as an artistic choice by the architect, Robert Reamer, to enhance the “rustic” feel of the lodge.

The lodge was built over the course of one winter, from 1903 – 1904, which is really astounding when you consider a) the massive size of the building and 2) how harsh winters in Yellowstone can be. The construction materials are almost 100% lodgepole pines from the area. In fact, the original building still had the bark around all of the pillars, beams, etc. Several years later all of that bark was removed to get down to the natural wood—BY HAND.


Here you can see the Crow’s Nest, a series of stairways and platforms leading to the roof. In the olden days, musicians would often play from here. There’s also a staircase that leads up to the roof, where the flags of the United States and the states that form a piece of Yellowstone National Park fly every day. Each morning, a family is allowed by Bell Services to accompany them onto the roof to raise the flags over the lodge.


If this sounds familiar, they do the same thing at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge (or at least they used to), and now you know where they got the tradition from. Naturally, when I learned this I wanted to see if we could experience that for ourselves. I visited the Bell Services Desk on the night of our arrival and was told that they were completely booked up. Apparently the secret got out. So, if you get the chance to stay here, this is what I was told:

If you know your reservation dates, call directly to the Bell Services desk on the second Thursday of May (this is when the lodge opens for the season). Do not call the front desk—bell services handles the flags and reservations directly. Ask for a date during your reservation and they’ll try and get you slotted in for a morning on a first-come, first-serve basis. You can bet I’ll be shooting for this on our next trip. Good luck!

I also learned that the reason the lodge isn’t open year-round is because although it was well-built (it had to have been to have lasted this long), it’s not well-insulated enough to allow for winter guests. I’m sure it makes more economic sense to shut down for the winter rather than try and insulate the whole building.

The tour was about a half-hour or so and I spent most of the time chasing and apologizing for Baby Drew. But he was having a good time. At one point, some older woman on the tour decided to take photos of him on her phone. That rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t care how cute he is, I don’t want random strangers just taking photos of my kids. I didn’t make a scene due to the tour, but still.

I did not get a chance to ask the tour guide how they got the building to look so much like the Wilderness Lodge in Orlando. Maybe next time.

In any case, we absolutely loved staying here. So convenient, so affordable, so much history. Sharing bathrooms with strangers was totally worth it. What an amazing building.

We rested for a bit (i.e. wandered the gift shop). I found a glass with a cool retro-looking illustration of the Inn to add to my growing pint glass collection.

Soon, it was time for the main event. Our glorious, romantic, 17th-anniversary dinner. Longtime readers know that I try hard to create special memories for my family. Heck, that’s why we take these vacations all over the country. But this also extends to those special times when I can show Julie just how much she means to me. For example, you might remember our 15th anniversary dinner/evening stroll on the beach in Maui. For me, it’s not enough to just say “I love you.” I feel the need to demonstrate it.

So, we took a short walk down the road to eat a romantic dinner in the gift shop of Hamilton’s General Store.


If you recall, I’d heard poor reviews of the expensive Old Faithful Inn dining room. We’d already tried out the Old Faithful Lodge cafeteria and decided we’d rather have PB&J than go back there. Hamilton’s has a small snack bar/greasy spoon located in the shop where you can order burgers, dogs, etc. It’s not fancy. But we’ve learned something in our years together: we’re not fancy people. Julie is incredibly low-maintenance. At one point on our honeymoon, she made me take her to the Waffle House, for pete’s sake. And in any case, marriage is not about what you get out of it. It’s about what you put into it. If your attitude is correct, you’re there to serve your spouse. You can make any moment in the world a blissful romance if you put your heart and soul into it. After 17 years and four children together, I have no qualms in saying that life is just one joyful moment of ecstasy after another.


(Sorry, I’m getting a little emotional here. Gimme a sec.)

Anyway, we had our big splurge at the chuck wagon a few nights back. What am I, an ATM?

Actually, we discovered that this place had pretty good hand-dipped ice cream and milkshakes. And this was a special occasion, so…milkshakes for everyone!


The burgers weren’t bad, either. It was nothing fancy, but I’d come back here every night vs. the cafeteria.

I guess we needed to make it a little romantic, though. Maybe an impromptu re-creation of Lady & the Tramp would do the trick.


I like how Drew is clearly trying to figure out how he can steal the french fry in that photo. And that Julie can barely tolerate being this close to me. Good times.

Hey, what can I say? We’re idiots. But we have fun. I continue to believe that I won life’s lottery when I found Julie. I get to wake up every day with a beautiful, low-maintenance, kind and sweet woman who is an amazing mother and loves traveling as much as I do. I wouldn’t change a thing.


Well, look at that. I guess Old Faithful is going to erupt again.


One of the perks of staying right next door is that you can stick around for the evening eruptions when most of the rest of the tourists have left or are heading for dinner. It’s wonderful to be there amongst fewer people—it almost feels like a private, VIP event. Julie stayed back to put Drew in bed early (since he really didn’t get an afternoon nap) and I took the rest of the kids to get a front-row seat on the benches outside.


Once again, the NPS was spot-on with their prediction. We sat back and enjoyed the show. And no, pkondz—it doesn’t get old.



By the way, Sarah is taking photos here, not texting. I promise. We’re too cheap to buy her a phone, and you might be surprised to learn there’s no wi-fi here.


After the eruption, I had the brilliant idea to take a photo of the kids next to the Old Faithful sign with the geyser steaming in the background.


And then I had an even more brilliant idea: if we waited there just a few minutes, with so few people around, it wouldn’t take long for the place to completely clear out. Then I could get their photo with Old Faithful by themselves—a rare opportunity! So we hung around and waited. Just a couple of minutes later, the place was practically empty. It was going to work!

We just needed these two moms and their daughters to clear the walkway.

They stopped halfway down. And then they decided to do a photo shoot of their own.

Well, that’s understandable, I guess. I mean, we’re standing next to the most famous geyser in the world. I guess it makes sense that we’re not the only people who would want to take photos of it.

I mean, that’s what you would do, right? If you’re next to Old Faithful, you pose in front of Old Faithful. It’s what you do.

Not these ladies. They turned away, and took photo after photo of themselves posing in front of…a few trees.

It went on and on. Pose after pose after pose. No geyser in the frame. Then they’d switch and a daughter would take her turn in the shoot. Pose after pose after pose. C’mon, people, we just want to take ONE!

On and on and on the photo shoot went. I don’t know how long we stood there, but it soon became obvious that this was a photo shoot on the scale of a supermodel opening a new fashion label. Here you can see them in the background, the lady in red clearly facing away from the geyser and posing in front of what must have been the most special trees in the nation while my kids demonstrate what we were all feeling.


Finally, we just gave up and figured we did the best we could. I tried another shot from an alternate location. It works well enough.


Later that night, we put the other kids to bed. Sarah is now of legal babysitting age, so we left them in the room and Julie and I wandered out for an evening stroll by Old Faithful. We got to hold hands, walk slowly, and enjoy the cool air in a special, unique part of God’s creation. Just through the trees, we could see (and hear) Castle Geyser erupting. So that made a total of six geysers we'd witnessed as they erupted over the course of our visit.

I told my wife for the bazilliionth time in our 17 years together that I loved her, and would marry her all over again. She grunted agreement. Or it might have been indigestion.

We walked, and reminisced about our years by each other's sides. And Old Faithful erupted again.





Coming Up Next: We say goodbye to Yellowstone, and settle in for a long drive filled with…well, nothing, actually.
Naturally, when I learned this I wanted to see if we could experience that for ourselves. I visited the Bell Services Desk on the night of our arrival and was told that they were completely booked up.

Tried to do that at the Wilderness Lodge but with no luck. Would have been cool.

Glad you had an enjoyable Anniversary and Drew was definitely eying that french fry.
First things first: today is Baby Drew’s birthday! Hard to believe he’s 2 years old already. I guess I can’t really call him “Baby Drew” anymore, although “Toddler Drew” has less of a ring to it.

Did notice that on FB.
It just felt weird wishing him a happy birthday on FB.
So I'll do it here instead.

'Cause it's not weird here, at all.


Oh look, Old Faithful is erupting again.

Still not old, huh?

Surely he was exhausted by now.


I remember those days.
"Please Lord. Let her be asleep.... Dang it!"

Guess not. And stop calling me Shirley.


and the prediction is usually based on the duration of the previous eruption. A longer, taller eruption means a longer wait till the next one, and vice versa.

Makes sense.
And I don't know why I didn't think of that before.
Of course it makes sense!

The NPS was predicting that Grand Geyser would erupt around 2:20 p.m., give or take 30 minutes.

That's pretty accurate, considering it could be between 7 - 15 hours.

You know, sometimes these natural phenomena are very inconvenient. It would be nice if they would take our schedules into account.

A sternly worded letter or email is in order!

I figured even I wasn’t dumb enough not to notice when the geyser started erupting.

Aren’t you glad I can set up lines like that for you? I set it up, you spike the ball. Have fun.

Ha! Nope. Not falling for that one.
You said it was the tallest.
You'd have to go a heck of a long way to not be able to notice it.

Anyway, you’re all wrong.

pfft. Guess again, dude.

I think Grand Geyser is actually a better show than Old Faithful. The eruption lasts about twice as long, shoots higher, and you get to sit closer.

Cool. And Old Faithful is already impressive.

Also, Vent Geyser is right next to it and usually erupts at the same time, so you get two for the price of one.

I would think that the two are connected so the same forces that cause one to go...

I took baby duty (no, not that kind of baby doody)

close one.
Wait... I'm thinking you have your share of baby doody anyway.

As a result, I didn’t hear everything that was said. But at least I got some baby snot on my shirt.

So all was not lost. Score!

And I know that many of the dormers (small windows) on the roof out front are fake.

That's a pretty common thing, actually.

if you look closely, they’re not symmetrical, either. That was done as an artistic choice by the architect, Robert Reamer, to enhance the “rustic” feel of the lodge.

I like that.
Never would've thought of that.

The lodge was built over the course of one winter, from 1903 – 1904, which is really astounding when you consider a) the massive size of the building and 2) how harsh winters in Yellowstone can be.


Several years later all of that bark was removed to get down to the natural wood—BY HAND.

:eek: No thanks. I'll pass on that job.

Each morning, a family is allowed by Bell Services to accompany them onto the roof to raise the flags over the lodge.

Cool! Too bad you didn't get the chance to do it.

it’s not well-insulated enough to allow for winter guests.

I guess not!

I’m sure it makes more economic sense to shut down for the winter rather than try and insulate the whole building.

That would totally change the character of the building.
Ruin it, if you ask me.

At one point, some older woman on the tour decided to take photos of him on her phone. That rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t care how cute he is, I don’t want random strangers just taking photos of my kids. I didn’t make a scene due to the tour, but still.

Unfortunately, she's well within her rights to do so.
But, yeah. It rankles. Would it have hurt to ask?

I did not get a chance to ask the tour guide how they got the building to look so much like the Wilderness Lodge in Orlando. Maybe next time.

Do that! Let us know what the answer is!
I'd be especially curious to know how he/she looks at you.

For example, you might remember our 15th anniversary dinner/evening stroll on the beach in Maui. For me, it’s not enough to just say “I love you.” I feel the need to demonstrate it.

I remember.

So, we took a short walk down the road to eat a romantic dinner in the gift shop of Hamilton’s General Store.

Aww... that's so.... uh... what???

:lmao: :rotfl:

Anyway, we had our big splurge at the chuck wagon a few nights back. What am I, an ATM?

Depends who you ask.
If it's your kids, then the answer is "yes".

There's those smiling faces! :)

What a terrific shot!!

I like how Drew is clearly trying to figure out how he can steal the french fry in that photo.


And that Julie can barely tolerate being this close to me. Good times.


We’re idiots. But we have fun.

I believe both of those statements.
Well, the "idiots" part I only attribute to you.

I continue to believe that I won life’s lottery when I found Julie. I get to wake up every day with a beautiful, low-maintenance, kind and sweet woman who is an amazing mother and loves traveling as much as I do. I wouldn’t change a thing.

Nicely said.

We sat back and enjoyed the show. And no, pkondz—it doesn’t get old.

Okay! Okay! I believe you!

Sheesh. You ask one little question.

We’re too cheap to buy her a phone, and you might be surprised to learn there’s no wi-fi here.

Really! Wow. I would've thought by now...
"Dad, can I have a phone?"
"Dad, can I have a phone?"
"Dad, can I have a phone?"
"Dad, can I have a phone?"
"Dad, can I have a phone?"
"Dad, can I have a phone?"
"Dad, can I have a phone?"
"Dad, can I have a phone?"
"I'll think about it, okay! Enough!"

"Dad, can I have a phone?"

On and on and on the photo shoot went. I don’t know how long we stood there, but it soon became obvious that this was a photo shoot on the scale of a supermodel opening a new fashion label. Here you can see them in the background, the lady in red clearly facing away from the geyser and posing in front of what must have been the most special trees in the nation while my kids demonstrate what we were all feeling.

Those trees don't grow on trees you know!

Seriously, next time, take several shots.
The more the people move in the background the better.
Easy to then combine them into one shot and delete all the people.

Sarah is now of legal babysitting age

Best. Time. Ever.

I told my wife for the bazilliionth time in our 17 years together that I loved her, and would marry her all over again. She grunted agreement. Or it might have been indigestion.



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