A little less housekeeping would be nice

This is just my two cents, but every time I see the title of this thread, I sing it in my head to the tune of that "Mambo No. 5" song.

Again, just adding my two cents.

One, two, three, four, five
Everybody's 'round the table, so come on let's chat
About what's going on around Walt Disney World
The boys in the nook say they need some more time
But I really don't wanna
Bad meal, like I had last week
At Tony's again, and it ain't cheap
I like Flying Fish, Citricos and Jiko
And as I continue you know they're getting better
So what can I do? I really beg you, Iger
To me planning is just like a sport
Anything on the fly, it's all good let 'nook it
Please set in the camera

A little bit of Ryno in my life
A little bit of Craig by my side
A little bit of Kevin is all I need
A little bit of John is what I see
A little bit of Teresa in the sun
A little bit of Corey all night long
A little bit of Pete and here I am
One, two, three, four, five
Everybody's 'round the table, so come on let's chat
About what's going on around Walt Disney World
The boys in the nook say they need some more time
But I really don't wanna
Bad meal, like I had last week
At Tony's again, and it ain't cheap
I like Flying Fish, Citricos and Jiko
And as I continue you know they're getting better
So what can I do? I really beg you, Iger
To me planning is just like a sport
Anything on the fly, it's all good let 'nook it
Please set in the camera

A little bit of Ryno in my life
A little bit of Craig by my side
A little bit of Kevin is all I need
A little bit of John is what I see
A little bit of Teresa in the sun
A little bit of Corey all night long
A little bit of Pete and here I am
Now that took some creative thinking there

What was to be gained by this statement? All it might do is fuel anyone who thinks some members of the DU team may have some egotistical traits.

I applaud the DU team for responding to this listener/viewer concern. However, the poster has articulated, very well, a viable concern.

What is disheartening to me is that when the poster stated that DU may lose listeners/viewers, the response was DU has been growing along with it's client database. This is a wrong response in business based on my marketing experience(s). Losing sales may mean you left clients off the sales table (or are going to). So in my mind, not maximizing your sales potential is equivalent to losing sales; perhaps this was the intent of this statement.

Thank you.

And yes, I meant that this practice will alienate people and/or cause NEW listeners to disengage and not continue listening. Someone up thread pointed this out as the result of telling a friend to listen...the friend did not continue listening because of this issue. Lost potential client right there.
Merely responding to your assertion that we will lose clients, customers and that we don't care about them

Not everyone listens to every show. Not everyone listens the way you do.

Twenty six people are considering joining us because of my talk on Tuesday.. This is a possible $80K worth of additional business based on the lowest pricing I discussed.

This may be annoying to you, but it's crucial to our business. That doesn't seem important to you.

It seems to me that you only want to tell me what you think and how you feel. It seems you don't want to hear anything other than your point of view.

At this point, I will just say "Thanks for your feedback."

I have no problem with this. What I do think is a little misleading is when Dreams and Dis are presented as separate entities and then asking viewers to donate to support the Dis on Patreon. It's like if Coca Cola asked me to donate to fund their superbowl commercials.
First of all, I don't watch, I listen. When I'm running or cycling outdoors. With a phone strapped to my arm. It is difficult to fast forward when these segments are at the beginning because I never know how long they will last. It is not feasible to stop and remove my phone from my arm so I can do this mid workouts.

This is why I suggested putting the segment at the END as a workable solution. It is easy to skip to the next podcast in my feed when I reach that point. All I need to do is push a button on my headphones. Easy.

Perhaps you could begin your workouts with the DisUnplugged podcast set to start at the end of their commercials. Then you could listen to what you want and go onto the next Disney podcast. I don't know how this works as I do not have a smart phone or headphones that skip things. The last time I had to exercise was when the Giants were in the playoffs and the commercials were too short for bathroom breaks.
I have no problem with this. What I do think is a little misleading is when Dreams and Dis are presented as separate entities and then asking viewers to donate to support the Dis on Patreon. It's like if Coca Cola asked me to donate to fund their superbowl commercials.

I don't think I understand the comparison.

Dreams Unlimited Travel charges nothing for our services. There is no cost to our clients for using our travel agency.

If you book through our agency, we earn a small commission after you travel. If you decide not to travel, we earn nothing.

Again, our services are free to our clients.

The proceeds from something you didn't pay for help fund something else you don't pay for.

The Podcast is free to you whether you book a vacation through Dreams Unlimited Travel or not.

Patron is a way for people who don't book travel through Dreams to help support entertainment they enjoy.

You can use Dreams Unlimited Travel free of charge. You can listen to the Podcast free of charge. You can use these boards free of charge.

Coca Cola doesn't usually give their products away.

Again, I don't understand your analogy or why you feel mislead.
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Thank you.

And yes, I meant that this practice will alienate people and/or cause NEW listeners to disengage and not continue listening. Someone up thread pointed this out as the result of telling a friend to listen...the friend did not continue listening because of this issue. Lost potential client right there.

I understand what both of you are saying but I disagree with your assessments and speculation.
I just stopped in to give @DLgal my support. I was foolish(my perspective) enough to give the team feedback once.

I believe your feedback was the show and trip ads come in another place in the show? Seems like rather harmless suggestion. The ad came in rapid fire and 26 new people are interested so it seemed to still generate interest despite coming LATER? So everyone was a winner this week? What are we even debating then?

Other posters tend to jump quickly to the defense of John and Kevin, it feels uneven when you read these threads. I read some of the pointed replies at you and I am sorry to see this over some random suggestion. I doubt it's that important to you, just an idea you shared. Apparently it makes you a not nice person? Lol well, I disagree.

Thanks for all your contribute to this community DLgal. Seriously. I enjoy your posts often.
First of all, I don't watch, I listen. When I'm running or cycling outdoors. With a phone strapped to my arm. It is difficult to fast forward when these segments are at the beginning because I never know how long they will last. It is not feasible to stop and remove my phone from my arm so I can do this mid workouts.

This is why I suggested putting the segment at the END as a workable solution. It is easy to skip to the next podcast in my feed when I reach that point. All I need to do is push a button on my headphones. Easy.
I hope this is taken in the spirit which it is intended... just offering a suggestion to help.

I listen to a lot of podcasts on my daily commute and some of them have long sections in the beginning that I don't care for: ads, general yapping before they get to the guest for the week, etc.

I know which ones these are, and when they show up in my podcast app, I start the episode and hit the skip forward button a handful of times. Then see if I am past the general yapping. IF not, I hit it a few more times. Once I have it close to where I want it, I move on. Then, when it comes up in the player, it's already queued up to where I left it - yap free.

I actually find that easier than trying to skip the end of a podcast, while driving, that is end loaded with ads.

FWIW, I don't skip ads on some of my favorite podcasts because they make the ads fun. It's not just a copy-read of Casper or Blue Apron, they joke around and tell stories - sometimes related to the product, and sometimes not. The Housekeeping section falls into this category for me.

I'm not going on any of the ABD trips any time soon, nor am I subscribing to Blue Apron, but if you make the 'ad' interesting, I'll listen to it. To me, that's the smarter way to do business - not trying to place the ads in a place that is easy for people to skip. There's no benefit to the business in that model.
I know which ones these are, and when they show up in my podcast app, I start the episode and hit the skip forward button a handful of times. Then see if I am past the general yapping. IF not, I hit it a few more times. Once I have it close to where I want it, I move on. Then, when it comes up in the player, it's already queued up to where I left it - yap free.
I do exactly the same thing.

The rest is in response to other points in this thread.

I do agree that the housekeeping was getting a bit lengthy but I also don't feel they should get rid of it altogether. Featuring one of the shows or something like others have suggested is a good idea.

As for the Disunlugged/dreams trips being discussed in housekeeping, I don't see that being a problem. I listen to other Disney podcasts also sponsored by TAs and they will discuss trips they have upcoming and stuff like that. I like hearing about trips they have upcoming. Sure that might not be for everyone but not everything is.
I believe your feedback was the show and trip ads come in another place in the show? Seems like rather harmless suggestion. The ad came in rapid fire and 26 new people are interested so it seemed to still generate interest despite coming LATER? So everyone was a winner this week? What are we even debating then?

Just an FYI...

This is incorrect.

We are asked for our rapid fire stuff in advance each week. This allows the guys to be ready with graphics if needed.

When I feel the need to talk about a trip, I send that info prior to the day of the show.

Just thought you should know that it's almost always in the same place it was this week.
Other posters tend to jump quickly to the defense of John and Kevin, it feels uneven when you read these threads. I read some of the pointed replies at you and I am sorry to see this over some random suggestion. I doubt it's that important to you, just an idea you shared. Apparently it makes you a not nice person? Lol well, I disagree.

Thanks for all your contribute to this community DLgal. Seriously. I enjoy your posts often.


People have defended John and Kevin because we appreciate their work and that they entertain us every week for free. I don't think it's fair for people to complain about a company advertising to try and make money while they provide us with so much free content. I don't think Kevin and John should have to come in here and defend their jobs. It makes us look ungrateful as a fanbase.
AND we're forgetting that this week Pete said he's gonna start trimming housekeeping. This show actually listens to what it's fans say!

A few months ago I was critical of the video segments where Steve would call in. Steve said that he read that thread and started to change to make it a little better. And he's been killing it lately, doing an awesome job.

For a show this successful, it's kinda amazing that they still put so much weight into fan suggestions. They could easily just brush it all off. Plus you get direct communication with some of them, as we've seen in this thread.

This show does a lot right and is willing to change if they think it's going to be better for the audience. But to complain about 5 minutes each show that they dedicate to their business is a little ridiculous.
I don't think I understand the comparison.

Dreams Unlimited Travel charges nothing for our services. There is no cost to our clients for using our travel agency.

If you book through our agency, we earn a small commission after you travel. If you decide not to travel, we earn nothing.

Again, our services are free to our clients.

The proceeds from something you didn't pay for help fund something else you don't pay for.

The Podcast is free to you whether you book a vacation through Dreams Unlimited Travel or not.

Patron is a way for people who don't book travel through Dreams to help support entertainment they enjoy.

You can use Dreams Unlimited Travel free of charge. You can listen to the Podcast free of charge. You can use these boards free of charge.

Coca Cola doesn't usually give their products away.

Again, I don't understand your analogy or why you feel mislead.

Your podcasts aren't your product (i.e., Diet Coke), IMHO. Your podcasts are commercials for your product (i.e., Diet Coke's superbowl commercial). I watch superbowl commercials for free, because they are commercials, not the product. Coke doesn't say, "If you want to support our funny commercials, send us a donation." I think it's misleading because you act like Dreams and the Dis are not connected at times. When you say the Dis is "brought to you by Dreams Unlimited Travel", it makes it sound like Dreams is just a sponsor, but it goes much deeper than that.

You aren't providing the content just for the fun of it. You may not charge your clients directly, but you don't do the work for free. They are paying for it, when they pay Disney and then Disney pays you. Those travel agency costs are built into the price of a Disney vacation. Disney takes that into consideration when they decide what to charge. Again, I have no problem with you using podcasts as a means of advertising your business... I just think it's odd for a business to ask for donations as if they are not making money off of what they do. Maybe it's just me not being used to this new media paradigm where the line between hobby and business is blurred. I also get ticked off when hospitals ask for donations when they make huge profits off the work that they do.

Obviously others, including you, view it differently, and that's ok.

I do love the work that you do, and I don't want to come off as being hyper-critical. It's one gripe vs. a million things I love, so don't take it to heart. I think you guys are fantastic over all.
I understand what both of you are saying but I disagree with your assessments and speculation.

For edification purposes, I did not say that I think your listeners/viewers would be reduced due to the length or content of the housekeeping segment(s). I stated that a portion of the response from the DU organization was not adequate on answering the comment/issue.

Certainly, I am not looking to lock talons, but support an open feedback discussion from some board posters.
One, two, three, four, five
Everybody's 'round the table, so come on let's chat
About what's going on around Walt Disney World
The boys in the nook say they need some more time
But I really don't wanna
Bad meal, like I had last week
At Tony's again, and it ain't cheap
I like Flying Fish, Citricos and Jiko
And as I continue you know they're getting better
So what can I do? I really beg you, Iger
To me planning is just like a sport
Anything on the fly, it's all good let 'nook it
Please set in the camera

A little bit of Ryno in my life
A little bit of Craig by my side
A little bit of Kevin is all I need
A little bit of John is what I see
A little bit of Teresa in the sun
A little bit of Corey all night long
A little bit of Pete and here I am

Wow! This is real talent. I was just trying to do something like this with the old song skater boy changing it to painter boy. (We had the painter at our house last week. )Feel free to work on that one. Lol

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I step away for a second.........


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