Chicago Cubs fans - Rebuilding Year 2023

Btw, I agree 100% with the umpire’s own postgame explanation:

“Backswing interference is a play where a guy is stealing or there’s a play being made, a runner hindering the catch,” Layne said afterward. “It was a wild pitch and went past him. That is no longer in that particular description, in my judgment. In my judgment, the passed ball changed the whole rule around to where, in my judgment, it had nothing to do with everything. Therefore, it didn’t have any effect on it. In my judgment.”

Layne also suggested the contact Baez’s bat made with Wieters did not affect the play.

“When the ball gets past him, all right, in my judgment he didn’t have any more opportunity after he had a chance to field the ball,” Layne said. “There was no further play that could have been made on it. The graze of the helmet didn’t have anything to do, in my judgment, with anything at all, with that particular play. I understand, it’s pretty much my judgment. I got together and found everybody was in agreement. That’s what we went with.”
In my judgement ... great call!
Btw, I agree 100% with the umpire’s own postgame explanation:

“Backswing interference is a play where a guy is stealing or there’s a play being made, a runner hindering the catch,” Layne said afterward. “It was a wild pitch and went past him. That is no longer in that particular description, in my judgment. In my judgment, the passed ball changed the whole rule around to where, in my judgment, it had nothing to do with everything. Therefore, it didn’t have any effect on it. In my judgment.”

Layne also suggested the contact Baez’s bat made with Wieters did not affect the play.

“When the ball gets past him, all right, in my judgment he didn’t have any more opportunity after he had a chance to field the ball,” Layne said. “There was no further play that could have been made on it. The graze of the helmet didn’t have anything to do, in my judgment, with anything at all, with that particular play. I understand, it’s pretty much my judgment. I got together and found everybody was in agreement. That’s what we went with.”
Hopefully that means all the superstitious CUBS fans can cross that one off their list

Knats superstitious fans - sucks to be you!

There's a lot of "In my judgement" in there lol. All I can say is Karma baby...for all the word vomit of mold yadda yadda yadda

[QUOTE="docsoliday1, post: 58322939, member: 185084"Hope]fully that means all the superstitious CUBS fans can cross that one off their list

Knats superstitious fans - sucks to be you![/QUOTE]

well it wasn't the 13th Chicago time, maybe only for East coast games
convenient that I have been letting my hair go gray since January lol... Cubs games :crazy:
I can only equate the odds of how the 5th inning was to

for those unfamiliar, a foul ball landed in her beer and she chugged it. Greatest fan moment ever
Great article. The line "Then baseball happened" is so reminiscent of conversations had here.
That was a wonderful article. I really like the Nats players (except for Murphy of course). I’m kinda feeling sorry for them as the Cubs have been on that end of things so many times.

“They were saying their goodbyes after another disappointment, the sort long reserved for the Cubs, who advanced to their third consecutive NL Championship Series and may want to bequeath their Lovable Losers sobriquet on the Nationals. Just when the franchise’s October disappointment had seemed to reach its nadir in two previous Game 5 division series losses at home, the Nationals plumbed new ways to scrape the depths of defeat.”
That was a wonderful article. I really like the Nats players (except for Murphy of course). I’m kinda feeling sorry for them as the Cubs have been on that end of things so many times.

“They were saying their goodbyes after another disappointment, the sort long reserved for the Cubs, who advanced to their third consecutive NL Championship Series and may want to bequeath their Lovable Losers sobriquet on the Nationals. Just when the franchise’s October disappointment had seemed to reach its nadir in two previous Game 5 division series losses at home, the Nationals plumbed new ways to scrape the depths of defeat.”

I had that thought as well...we can definitely empathize with their pain...been there, done that...didn't want the t-shirt, so understand completely Harper throwing his stuff away.
WOAH! Cubs charter flight had to be diverted to Albuqurque NM due to a non player health issue with a family member. They are not in LA yet...YIKES!

Cubs are still on the plane. The family/family member has been allowed off the plane.

Person will be fine and after a delay in trying to find a new pilot (as the orig one reached his legal hours) they are preparing for takeoff
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That was a wonderful article. I really like the Nats players (except for Murphy of course). I’m kinda feeling sorry for them as the Cubs have been on that end of things so many times.

“They were saying their goodbyes after another disappointment, the sort long reserved for the Cubs, who advanced to their third consecutive NL Championship Series and may want to bequeath their Lovable Losers sobriquet on the Nationals. Just when the franchise’s October disappointment had seemed to reach its nadir in two previous Game 5 division series losses at home, the Nationals plumbed new ways to scrape the depths of defeat.”
I think Scherzer believes his own publicity. Zimmerman was the one I didn't like. No reason why, just didn't like him. Felt bad for Bryce Harper, though.
I am still swooning over Javy's play to get Turner(Tuner) out at home. So honestly it took our stellar starting pitching to slip a bit. I know the bats came out blazing in the 1st, but once our guys actually had something to do on the field, they woke could say that about both teams really.
I just wish Javy would get his batting in order. He's so great on the field, but not that great batting - unless he gets a dropped ball on the last strike and makes it to first. Or second. ;)
another great article and answered my question last night of "wow, who SAW that?"

Nineteen different guys suited up for the Cubs in that epic Game 5.

Yet it was a guy that doesn't even put on a uniform that wound up the hero.

Nate Halm's official title is advance scouting coordinator, but he is also in charge of replays during the game, sitting in front of screens ready to challenge at a moment's notice.

He was sitting in his usual war room as Thursday night bled into Friday morning and noticed on one angle that Lobaton's foot appeared to come off the bag.

Halm looked again at another angle — quickly, of course, because teams are only allotted 30 seconds after a play to either challenge or move on — and saw Lobaton's foot clearly came off the bag while Anthony Rizzo was still holding the tag firmly on Lobaton's...crotch.
another great article and answered my question last night of "wow, who SAW that?"

Nineteen different guys suited up for the Cubs in that epic Game 5.

Yet it was a guy that doesn't even put on a uniform that wound up the hero.

Nate Halm's official title is advance scouting coordinator, but he is also in charge of replays during the game, sitting in front of screens ready to challenge at a moment's notice.

He was sitting in his usual war room as Thursday night bled into Friday morning and noticed on one angle that Lobaton's foot appeared to come off the bag.

Halm looked again at another angle — quickly, of course, because teams are only allotted 30 seconds after a play to either challenge or move on — and saw Lobaton's foot clearly came off the bag while Anthony Rizzo was still holding the tag firmly on Lobaton's...crotch.
I loved that pickoff of Lobaton just because of his hair. And it got us out of that inning.
I think Scherzer believes his own publicity. Zimmerman was the one I didn't like. No reason why, just didn't like him. Felt bad for Bryce Harper, though.
Once they kept showing THIS every 5 sympathy from me. Tho it IS close to Halloween I guess. My DH has 2 diffrent color eye's and even HE was creeped out.(which is what they were after, obv, but nah)

I loved that pickoff of Lobaton just because of his hair. And it got us out of that inning.
I didn't notice Lobaton's hair...are you thinkng of Lind?

Wlly..momentum killing arm extrordanaire. Ironically one catcher nailing the other and both from Venezuela
I didn't notice Lobaton's hair...are you thinkng of Lind?
No, Lobotan also had bleached hair. I saw it afterwards (like this morning on MLB TV). jose-lobaton-dejected-nlds.jpg
Once they kept showing THIS every 5 sympathy from me. Tho it IS close to Halloween I guess. My DH has 2 diffrent color eye's and even HE was creeped out.(which is what they were after, obv, but nah)

That was totally creepy. But, now they just get to keep watching the repeats of this game. Hah.
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