Good morning, runDisney all-stars!

It's that time again, Sundays are for Disney! Let's jump right in...

What is your favorite segment of any runDisney race? If you haven't done a runDisney race yet, what portion of a race are you most looking forward to?

My favorite part of a Disney course is the first 3-4 miles of the old marathon course. Half of the field ran through World Showcase in the dark with the only sounds being the torches, the music, and the slapping of feet. Really fun and peaceful way to start a marathon.
My favorite part of a Disney course is the first 3-4 miles of the old marathon course. Half of the field ran through World Showcase in the dark with the only sounds being the torches, the music, and the slapping of feet. Really fun and peaceful way to start a marathon.

Man, that does sound awesome.
Easy, running through the Osborne Lights during Wine & Dine!!!
Yes! 2015 Wine and Dine was my first RunDisney experience, and even though the race was cut short that year, I will forever be glad I was able to run it and that we still got that part of the course. Knowing it was the last year of the Osborne Lights and the last year of the night race will always make it special, even if there was that aspect of disappointment and letdown.

Running through the Magic Kingdom for the first time during this year’s WDW half was also one of my favorite sections of a race. The cheering spectators on Main Street and the Dream Lights on the castle was so amazing.
Hey guys! Can I revisit the POT question again?

So, I ran the Tuscaloosa Half Marathon today to get my POT. I finished in 2:28:02, which, according to McMillian, would put my estimated full marathon time as 5:11:32. So, should I put an estimate of 5:12 or 5:15 in when I register for the full (Disclaimer: This will be my first full. I have only done halfs before...)

The corral this year was for 5:01-5:29, so your estimate is not that sensitive. One question though: what do you want to run at Disney? Based on your previous time, you could come in under 5 hrs. Are you training for that?

If it was me, I would put 5 hours or slightly less. Who knows, you may get bumped up a corral. And even if you're doing the race just for fun, every little bit of corral placement can help.

Don't they look (or a computer does) though to make sure you're POT actually backs that estimate otherwise I could put any estimate despite my POT?!?!

RunDisney has pretty consistently maintained a 2 year window for PoT, so I would expect a website update and plan on using your most recent time. I’d also suggest entering an estimated 5:12 finish time based on the recent race. No need to short yourself those few minutes. I would advise against submitting something like the 5:00 estimate or lower suggested. If rD checks your estimated finish time and it doesn’t match your PoT race, you run the real risk of getting dropped to the back. The risk isn’t worth it, IMO.
SAFD: I’ve got two favorites. The first is turning onto and running down Main Street. That hits me emotionally every time. The other favorite is the stretch from the entrance of DHS through the finish of the marathon. I know that’s a long stretch, but when I hit DHS I feel like I’m on the home stretch and I can relax and just enjoy the rest of the journey.
Running into Angels Stadium via the outfield gate during the Disneyland Half Marathon. I'm a HUGE baseball fan, and it was cool to get to experience what the players experience when they take the field - you run out of the tunnel into a big green expanse of green grass, cheers from fans, hearing your name over the PA system. So badass.

I've done it three times and each time, I always got a little teary.
Not Sundays are for Disney, but just wanted to post that I'm all signed up for the half! This will be my first WDW Marathon weekend (and 8th--if I counted right--RunDisney half). Signed my daughter and I up for the half through a TA. We'll be staying at BLT via my new WDW DVC points. We've owned at VGC for years but added on to BLT mostly for the races. I'm hooked :) Had thoughts of going for the Dopey but after the Princess half last month had second thoughts, LOL. Looking forward to it already.
That’d be so cool.
It was AMAZING! I was fortunate enough to run this course three times (2013, 2014, 2015). The last year I took my time walking through and video taped the entire thing.

At my first WDW marathon weekend I am most looking forward to running through World Showcse with the torches all lit up. Magical!
SAFD: I’ve got two favorites. The first is turning onto and running down Main Street. That hits me emotionally every time. The other favorite is the stretch from the entrance of DHS through the finish of the marathon. I know that’s a long stretch, but when I hit DHS I feel like I’m on the home stretch and I can relax and just enjoy the rest of the journey.

I enjoyed that stretch, too. I thought the Boardwalk area was really cool and not something I would've ever seen were it not for that race. Really, anywhere with a lot of spectators was really great. During the marathon, I was wearing my Captain America compression shirt and I got so many "Go Cap!" cheers that it really gave me a great boost. The spectators are really great.

Running into Angels Stadium via the outfield gate during the Disneyland Half Marathon. I'm a HUGE baseball fan, and it was cool to get to experience what the players experience when they take the field - you run out of the tunnel into a big green expanse of green grass, cheers from fans, hearing your name over the PA system. So badass.

I've done it three times and each time, I always got a little teary.

That. Sounds. AWESOME. (And considerably better than running into the baseball field at ESPN)
Hey guys! Can I revisit the POT question again?

So, I ran the Tuscaloosa Half Marathon today to get my POT. I finished in 2:28:02, which, according to McMillian, would put my estimated full marathon time as 5:11:32. So, should I put an estimate of 5:12 or 5:15 in when I register for the full (Disclaimer: This will be my first full. I have only done halfs before...)
The corral this year was for 5:01-5:29, so your estimate is not that sensitive. One question though: what do you want to run at Disney? Based on your previous time, you could come in under 5 hrs. Are you training for that?
In a related question, they say not to have a time goal for your first marathon. So, what do you train for? Do you assume a marathon pace that matches your best PoT? Do you assume a more realistic pace based on it being your first marathon? Or...something in between?
The corral this year was for 5:01-5:29, so your estimate is not that sensitive. One question though: what do you want to run at Disney? Based on your previous time, you could come in under 5 hrs. Are you training for that?

If it was me, I would put 5 hours or slightly less. Who knows, you may get bumped up a corral. And even if you're doing the race just for fun, every little bit of corral placement can help.
This will be my first full... I am just going to train to finish :)
In a related question, they say not to have a time goal for your first marathon. So, what do you train for? Do you assume a marathon pace that matches your best PoT? Do you assume a more realistic pace based on it being your first marathon? Or...something in between?

This might not be exactly what you're looking for, but for my first one I trained to finish. That was it. It was hard for me, but I tried to put aside any concerns about time, pace, running vs. walking, etc. I like that because with a goal just to finish, you just enjoy that first marathon experience without fretting over pace and whatnot. You also then have a baseline marathon for future races, if that's the route you go.

That advice came from my training guide, The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer, which I highly recommend.

If you do want to set a specific goal, I'd base it on your training and past races. It's not a simple as just doubling your half (if you've done one) time, but that can give you an approximation or something to shoot for. Ex: For my first, I had a half time of about 1:55, but I estimated a marathon time of 4:30. My goal was to finish and maybe finish under 5 hours. My actual time was 4:22 or so.

I hope that helps! Don't get too hung up on your time for the first one. Just enjoy yourself, especially at Disney.
SAFD: Favorites are that first park you enter in any race. It’s dark, somewhat empty, beautiful and just the most special feeling of *THIS is what you trained for.*

And then there’s the hallelujah chorus at the end of the half and full races. I’m an emotional person my nature, so that chorus throws me over the edge. Then I have .1 miles to somewhat compose myself so I can lose it again at the finish.
Running into Angels Stadium via the outfield gate during the Disneyland Half Marathon. I'm a HUGE baseball fan, and it was cool to get to experience what the players experience when they take the field - you run out of the tunnel into a big green expanse of green grass, cheers from fans, hearing your name over the PA system. So badass.

I've done it three times and each time, I always got a little teary.
I have to agree with this. I thought that the best part was the Angels PA announcer calling out your name as you came into the stadium.

Also, I liked seeing the Anaheiim Transit station that you pass right before the stadium (it was in an Episode of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."), all of the classic mustangs and corvettes, and all of the local cultural groups that were out on the course. DL had a definite different feel than WDW...
And then there’s the hallelujah chorus at the end of the half and full races. I’m an emotional person my nature, so that chorus throws me over the edge. Then I have .1 miles to somewhat compose myself so I can lose it again at the finish.

So, I had the choir so built up in my mind, I really thought I was going to tear up when I got to it. But when I got there, I think I was just too tired to feel anything, ha ha.
DL had a definite different feel than WDW...

Totally agree! I've done Disneyland Half weekend three times and Tinker Bell weekend once and every race weekend was just such a great experience - from the crowd support on the streets and in the neighborhoods, the Red Hat Ladies downtown, the miles of classic cars - and then on top of that, the full running through Disney experience.
Totally agree! I've done Disneyland Half weekend three times and Tinker Bell weekend once and every race weekend was just such a great experience - from the crowd support on the streets and in the neighborhoods, the Red Hat Ladies downtown, the miles of classic cars - and then on top of that, the full running through Disney experience.
And... the Expo is SOOOO much easier to navigate...
This might not be exactly what you're looking for, but for my first one I trained to finish. That was it. It was hard for me, but I tried to put aside any concerns about time, pace, running vs. walking, etc. I like that because with a goal just to finish, you just enjoy that first marathon experience without fretting over pace and whatnot. You also then have a baseline marathon for future races, if that's the route you go.

That advice came from my training guide, The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer, which I highly recommend.

If you do want to set a specific goal, I'd base it on your training and past races. It's not a simple as just doubling your half (if you've done one) time, but that can give you an approximation or something to shoot for. Ex: For my first, I had a half time of about 1:55, but I estimated a marathon time of 4:30. My goal was to finish and maybe finish under 5 hours. My actual time was 4:22 or so.

I hope that helps! Don't get too hung up on your time for the first one. Just enjoy yourself, especially at Disney.
Thank you, that is very much what I was thinking.

Based on McMillan's calculator, my 10-mile PR would put me at a 4:51 marathon while my half marathon PR puts me at a 5:02 marathon. Technically, I am capable of a sub-5 hour marathon. But, considering it will be my first, I feel like 5:25 would be a more reasonable expectation.

When determining my training paces, which do I use? Maybe this is a question for @DopeyBadger ???


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