Another lovely day in Oklahoma. . .

I'm a little slow on the uptick because I've eaten so much Easter Feast today all the blood has rushed to my stomach - I'm not quite clear on whether this story is horrifying or heart-warming! :scared::lovestruc ?!?

And what is with our weather?!? It's like living in Narnia - always winter but never Christmas. So wretched. :sad2: I'd be downright cranky if I wasn't leaving for sunny SoCal on Wednesday. :wave2:
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I soooo agree with the weather Ronandannette!! It was 19 degrees outside this morning! And looking back in March we had three days only above 50!! I don't think in my lifetime it's ever been that steadily cold! :cold: I was so looking forward to Easter weekend all winter thinking I would be able to walk my DGD around our yard. We even bought a special toddler swing to put on our swingset. :(

Micca.....what a love story!! Your tendon was intended to be injured!! And yes, there's a pun there!! :rotfl:

Happy 15th Birthday to your son, Jevs! :cake:

PollyannaMom, I remember those days of waiting for a sub call. I loved the days off but the no pay was rough sometimes.:teacher:
:umbrella: Rain, rain, go away! We’re on Day 3 of our epic road trip and the central California coast is socked in. Worst thing about it is I can’t get DH to stop singing “...but it pours, man it pours...”! :rotfl:

We got out of San Francisco yesterday just in time avoid a major deluge, after having had a cool, grey (but not wet) day on Thursday. It rained all the way down the PCH to Monterey, where it blessedly let up long enough for DH to get in his once-in-a-lifetime ($$$) dream round of golf at Pebble Beach. He looked like a drowned rat when he came in, but I’m so happy he got to do it! :goodvibes

We’re off later this morning to the (hopefully) sunnier climes of San Diego! :beach:
That's your chance to chime in with "I wanna go hooooome...":P San Diego sounds great today, we're expecting a record low temp tonight:cold:
What song is that? I’m not good with songs - where’s @low-key when you need him?

ETA And home is the last place I “wanna” go! A bad day on vacation is better than a good day at work, right?!? :wave2:
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:umbrella: Rain, rain, go away! We’re on Day 3 of our epic road trip and the central California coast is socked in. Worst thing about it is I can’t get DH to stop singing “...but it pours, man it pours...”! :rotfl:

We got out of San Francisco yesterday just in time avoid a major deluge, after having had a cool, grey (but not wet) day on Thursday. It rained all the way down the PCH to Monterey, where it blessedly let up long enough for DH to get in his once-in-a-lifetime ($$$) dream round of golf at Pebble Beach. He looked like a drowned rat when he came in, but I’m so happy he got to do it! :goodvibes

We’re off later this morning to the (hopefully) sunnier climes of San Diego! :beach:

Sorry to read that it rained buckets on your DH's list! It was -5 here in SOntario yesterday! Wishing nothing but sunshine and, warm temps for the remainder of your trip. :sunny:
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Today’s musical interlude comes to us from the bygone era of the 80’s - can you guess the song and why the line is relevant?!? Here goes...
:rockband: “...going nowhere on the streets with the Spanish names...”.

Yes, we spent nine dozen hours in the car yesterday due to the PCH being closed south of Big Sur. We ended up having to back-track all the way to Monterey and be re-routed south through the valley, hitting the L.A. traffic after dark - it felt absolutely death-defying! We did finally reach San Diego safely, albeit on DH’s last nerve. And the scenery between Pebble Beach and Big Sur was AMAZING - well worth the 3 or so hour delay it ended up costing us. :car:
[QUOTE="ronandannette, post: 59056774, member: 114787"]Today’s musical interlude comes to us from the bygone era of the 80’s - can you guess the song and why the line is relevant?!? Here goes...
:rockband: “...going nowhere on the streets with the Spanish names...”.[/QUOTE]

Billy Joel! But...Los Angelenos was released in 1974.;) I'm jealous of your trip, even with the traffic hassles--it's snowing here today. There won't be much accumulation, but still... I wish I could live in California but not in a big city. Enjoy San Diego!:)
[QUOTE="ronandannette, post: 59056774, member: 114787"]Today’s musical interlude comes to us from the bygone era of the 80’s - can you guess the song and why the line is relevant?!? Here goes...
:rockband: “...going nowhere on the streets with the Spanish names...”.

Billy Joel! But...Los Angelenos was released in 1974.;) I'm jealous of your trip, even with the traffic hassles--it's snowing here today. There won't be much accumulation, but still... I wish I could live in California but not in a big city. Enjoy San Diego!:)[/QUOTE]
:confused:...the hell!?! I got the album for the Christmas of ‘84 when I was 15 :o .
Hi all in ALDIOland!

Thought I'd share this tidbit before my brain freezes from this ice storm event here in SWOntario. :cold: Our Ddil ran her first USA 10k maraton in New York City this morning! Our Ds and, Dgs (11) are so excited for her to have this experience. She left Friday in the wee hours with 3 friends. They are staying in a hotel with Times Square viewed out their window. She's there for 5 days and, the weather is perfect Sunday for runners.

I just hope with all the cancellations in air travel that they have an uneventful return home.
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I've only been able to post once an hour according to the DIS so here goes......

Jane, we just got power, having been without for a few hours this afternoon thanks to our mid-April Ice Storm! It's just crazy, our weather!! :sad: If anyone wants a good laugh about weather google weatherman rants (from Grand Rapids). It's hilarius and sadly sooooo true!! :teeth:


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