Davids DVC: Rental reimbursement or rescheduling?

As someone who is both a member and someone who rented points from David's for an upcoming trip in October I can see both sides of it. We had no points left for the year because of trips originally planned in April and June that were eventually cancelled. FWIW I didn't even consider contacting David's to see if we could cancel because of the contract, because the parks are open, and because of the position it would put the owner in. But if I could cancel it I would for lots of reasons.
Not to mention, this new park reservation system. That is going to play a role in this broker finding renters right now..I think!

very true. right now if somebody doesn’t yet have a park ticket they can’t get one. I’m not going to book a place esoecially under a no refund clause if I dont know I can get a park ticket And reservation. So right now his market is likely only people with passes or old tickets.
very true. right now if somebody doesn’t yet have a park ticket they can’t get one. I’m not going to book a place esoecially under a no refund clause if I dont know I can get a park ticket And reservation. So right now his market is likely only people with passes or old tickets.
This may actually play into David's favor for all of his customers who are holding vouchers for trips that were canceled in March, April and May since they most likely had already bought tickets. What he may lack is cash to pay owners for points to book these trips and available rooms to book
As an owner with points that were restocked I might get into this idea that someone (David) owes me an additional $3/point for my effort.
Very good point about the flat fee! I realize what it said in the email, but with the rate he has been making changes, he could still offer an owner money for their time. Probably giving him too much credit there as you and others have said though.
I don't understand the reasoning that David can somehow force anyone into a new contract. Either the contract you signed and agreed to is over in which case you don't have to sign a new one or the contract you signed is not over in which case a new contract without some other payment (consideration) to you seems really pointless.

I don't see any reason to agree to a new contract and I don't see any way it can be forced on you.
For me as an owner it would not be the time. I would actually be happy to help. BUT I am terrified of the new contract. I have always used David. I have never rented on my own. I am sitting on about 300 Beach Club and Poly points I will need to rent in 2021–but I can’t do it with the new contract. I can’t risk actually losing the points and owing money for a new room too.
I think everyone here is assuming that David's will be keeping the $3 per point. He could be asking for that in order to give the owner money for their time spent making any changes.

I don't understand the reasoning that David can somehow force anyone into a new contract. Either the contract you signed and agreed to is over in which case you don't have to sign a new one or the contract you signed is not over in which case a new contract without some other payment (consideration) to you seems really pointless.

I don't see any reason to agree to a new contract and I don't see any way it can be forced on you.

David's is "forcing" many into new contracts by holding their money and vacations hostage.
I am not sure I understand how David is holding any owner's vacation hostage.

If there is not a contract with an owner then (assuming your fact that David is holding owner money) then David is breaching the contract and like every contract that is breached there is a remedy in addition to on line posting. If you don't like the remedy then the time to have decided that was prior to signing. People can ASSUME the other party is honorable and will do "the right thing" even if the right thing is arguable.

If there is a contract, for example having gotten 70%, a request to re-rent points and no payment of the 30% then according to your stipulations there is actually a breach by David and the contract is over and you have remedies.

But you can't play both sides

For a renter charge back is the answer and it has been working. If someone CHOOSES to take the voucher then then that is a deliberate choice to change the contract.

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David's is "forcing" many into new contracts by holding their money and vacations hostage.
Totally agreed. They are opening Pandora’s box & setting a precedent that they will regret given how fast news travels... There was a thread here a year or so ago about David’s and a renter looking to get a refund- maybe his wife was expecting unexpectedly (something like that) and it got heated because changes/problems/aggro are not what owners sign up for and “pay” David’s for, & that was only one client...

I second this. I get that this may be unprecedented, but as you said, their are renters who
I wonder if he is trying to be more flexible with renters due to the chargebacks... if he can keep $3 per point or delay people submitting for that by offering a voucher "if he can find a different renter" that would stave off some of his losses.

I thought about sending them an email when I saw a PP get that response for an autumn stay... but at this point I'm kind of intrigued to see what this park reservation system looks like. Part of me is now MORE interested in going to see how it shakes out. Honestly if I wasn't terrified of catching this virus I'd definitely be going just to experience it. My husband is still a solid no though, so I'm just delaying the inevitable. Our tickets expiration was pushed back to next year but we already have plans with our 10th wedding anniversary. Pushing it out to 2021 instead probably isn't going to be in the cards.

I think it is very possible he has decided to do that My thoughts stem that as a broker, he can absolutely offer his renters the option to allow it to be rented out if he wants to do that,

I just don’t agree that with resorts and the parks open, an owner should have to defend why they want to see the contract honored, and not be accused of having no empathy for a renter,

If a renter can make the choice not to go, then they should understand and respect an owner who doesn't want to make changes, regardless of how easy it would be,

I absolutely think if David’s is now willing to contact an owner on behalf of a renter who is apprehensive, more power to him, and I don’t fault any renter for trying.

ETA.: I think renters forget sometimes that owners give up $4.5 to David’s to not have to change renters and dates. I am being paid $14.50 a point vs, the $17/point I could have gotten on my own.

So, if in this model David’s wants to let renters out, then let’s see if he agrees to give up any of his commission and pays the owner more for the change.
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I second this. I get that this may be unprecedented, but as you said, their are renters who

I think it is very possible he has decided to do that My thoughts stem that as a broker, he can absolutely offer his renters the option to allow it to be rented out if he wants to do that,

I just don’t agree that with resorts and the parks open, an owner should have to defend why they want to see the contract honored, and not be accused of having no empathy for a renter,

If a renter can make the choice not to go, then they should understand and respect an owner who doesn't want to make changes, regardless of how easy it would be,

I absolutely think if David’s is now willing to contact an owner on behalf of a renter who is apprehensive, more power to him, and I don’t fault any renter for trying.

you are right. An owner has a contract and doesn’t have to do anything not in there if they dont want to.

I can’t help but think that is David hadn’t burned so much goodwill with owners earlier that they would be more willing to help now.

the shutdown was almost easier. Resort closed not many options. This new situation of renters who don’t want to come is trickier and now he almost needs owners to try to help but it seems many have lost trust in him with how he treated the owners during the shutdown. He made his bed.
I second this. I get that this may be unprecedented, but as you said, their are renters who

I think it is very possible he has decided to do that My thoughts stem that as a broker, he can absolutely offer his renters the option to allow it to be rented out if he wants to do that,

I just don’t agree that with resorts and the parks open, an owner should have to defend why they want to see the contract honored, and not be accused of having no empathy for a renter,

If a renter can make the choice not to go, then they should understand and respect an owner who doesn't want to make changes, regardless of how easy it would be,

I absolutely think if David’s is now willing to contact an owner on behalf of a renter who is apprehensive, more power to him, and I don’t fault any renter for trying.
What I dont think anyone other than the owners are taking into account is that the points have an expiration date and are subject to banking dates and holding periods. If a renter cancels the points could be after the banking period and if it is a late cancelation it could put the points into holding. This would not be what I signed up for if I chose to rent my points out. In addition to this even if it is not past either date it could be after my home resort booking advantage which would make getting a new renter harder and no premium for renting points since it would be under 7 months.
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....I absolutely think if David’s is now willing to contact an owner on behalf of a renter who is apprehensive, more power to him, and I don’t fault any renter for trying.

Frustrating slow that he’s willing to do it now though, with all the botched communication throughout the actual closure that prevented willing parties from being able to move reservations. I’m annoyed on behalf of those who wanted to move reservations that now he’s going against contract to do it, but wasn’t doing it promptly for whatever reason when people were losing their vacations through no choice of their own.
you are right. An owner has a contract and doesn’t have to do anything not in there if they dont want to.

I can’t help but think that is David hadn’t burned so much goodwill with owners earlier that they would be more willing to help now.

the shutdown was almost easier. Resort closed not many options. This new situation of renters who don’t want to come is trickier and now he almost needs owners to try to help but it seems many have lost trust in him with how he treated the owners during the shutdown. He made his bed.

I think the willingness to go against contract has the potential to backfire big time. Why not for the family who now can’t travel for personal reasons after the pandemic ends? Are they going to get a voucher option? Are his non refundable contracts going to be “non refundable” in the future, when people realize they’re non refundable in name alone?

Odd time to choose to be flexible considering the actions taken during the closure. Although I imagine it’s because they see the end of the closure and what the damage is now, and they think they’re able to hand out vouchers for customer satisfaction now without too much harm. So maybe a good sign overall for those who are holding vouchers.
True but it appears with his current actions he seems to think he wi ati be able to get owners to rent him points to use
He had trouble getting enough owners to supply points before this happened. I don’t think he’s going to see owners clamoring to rent thru him in the future. After reading firsthand reports of his opinion of “lazy” owners that use his service, it would be a cold day in hell before he would get an opportunity to make money off of my points.
He had trouble getting enough owners to supply points before this happened. I don’t think he’s going to see owners clamoring to rent thru him in the future. After reading firsthand reports of his opinion of “lazy” owners that use his service, it would be a cold day in hell before he would get an opportunity to make money off of my points.

lazy owners? Huh? Isn’t the point of using a service like David’s is so the owners have To do very little work? Isn’t that why he gets a commission to make it easy and lazy for the owners?
you are right. An owner has a contract and doesn’t have to do anything not in there if they dont want to.

I can’t help but think that is David hadn’t burned so much goodwill with owners earlier that they would be more willing to help now.

the shutdown was almost easier. Resort closed not many options. This new situation of renters who don’t want to come is trickier and now he almost needs owners to try to help but it seems many have lost trust in him with how he treated the owners during the shutdown. He made his bed.

Very true, and I think that if he is going to try, hopefully he is open to owners ideas on ways to limit the losses, if changing the reservation or taking on a new rental is not something they want to do.
lazy owners? Huh? Isn’t the point of using a service like David’s is so the owners have To do very little work? Isn’t that why he gets a commission to make it easy and lazy for the owners?
I pay an accountant to do my taxes. Does that mean I’m lazy? Or if I pay a maid to clean my house, should she label me lazy? Instacart shopping for groceries instead of getting them myself...is that lazy too?

Lazy is such a demeaning term. It speaks volumes about what he thinks of owners.
I pay an accountant to do my taxes. Does that mean I’m lazy? Or if I pay a maid to clean my house, should she label me lazy? Instacart shopping for groceries instead of getting them myself...is that lazy too?

Lazy is such a demeaning term. It speaks volumes about what he thinks of owners.

it does. To advertise it as easy and convient for the owners and then call them lazy for wanting it to be easy and convient is just crazy. That is what he sold them on.
Frustrating slow that he’s willing to do it now though, with all the botched communication throughout the actual closure that prevented willing parties from being able to move reservations. I’m annoyed on behalf of those who wanted to move reservations that now he’s going against contract to do it, but wasn’t doing it promptly for whatever reason when people were losing their vacations through no choice of their own.

I more than 100% agree with you because from the start, with resorts closed, he should have taken the approach because I think many owners felt that closure did put them under some obligation to be involved

With resorts open, there Really is no reason to not have contracts honored, Like I said, I don’t begrudge any renter who asks and I don’t begrudge David’s for contacting owners as some may not care.


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