Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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I guess at this point I’m just going to show up tomorrow and hope they are letting APs fill the availability from the other buckets at AK. If they seriously aren’t going to allow for that, then our APs are now worthless. Zero availability in July now. Almost no Saturday availability all of August and September, and I’m sure as we get closer it will go away completely. Basically you can go for 3 days every other month if something doesn’t change. I have faith it will.

agreed. It's annoying
Unfortunately it is hard to enforce. We are 100% team everyone wear a mask. But when NC made its mask announcement my police officer husband groaned, not because of wearing them, he already does, but because he knew the calls for non mask compliance would start and further complicate his already very complicated job.

Oh I know. I live in an area where everyone thinks it's an infringement on their rights and freedoms. I just hoped that people would think about their neighbors and want to protect each other. I was way wrong, unfortunately.
Well I’ll already be in FL by the time he has his press conference tomorrow if he announces any new travel restrictions so I’m not worrying about if I’m already there.
And I feel like you need to masks in your own state before you restrict other ppl from coming in.
I do not recall that being there previously. Also I am not suggesting to skirt rules AT ALL - but how would one begin to enforce this?

Are the disposable masks made with two layers?
The single layer bandana style masks are not effective.

Layering masks does not act like a filter. For a mask to offer any protection air has to flow through the mask. The more layers you apply the harder it is for air to flow through the mask. Since a mask does not seal on the face like a respirator, wearing multiple masks causes the air flow to shift from through the mask to sides of the mask and the air you are breathing completely avoids passing through the mask at all. It puts yourself and all other park guests at greater risk.
Sometimes a regular 3 ply mask is put on top of a N95 mask. N95 mask protects the wearer and the disposable outer mask protects others. Used in medical settings if there is a need to stretch supply of N95 masks.
They could always limit the schedule - maybe only fireworks once every 2 or 3 days.

I'm sure there will be significant cuts though.
Maybe limit them to nights which have an extra cost event.

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It is. It is still really high, but hopefully the beginning of a turnaround. That we won't know for several more days.
I live in Broward County and the hospitals are definitely getting busier and elective procedures are postponed right now. But the daily positive numbers are so out of whack because they are reporting that some of the labs are so backed up that people are not getting their results even after waiting three weeks. Yes there’s definitely a spike but it’s the hospital numbers that are most important not the number of positives, as the lag is so bad.
Kinja's gonna Kinja. Gizmodo is an ex-Gawker network site, I don't think it's surprising at all that this would be their take on it. This is the demographic that pioneered the kind of hipper than thou snark-as-personality that permeates the internet nowadays (I should know as an ex-starred commenter who outgrew that sort of thing found it exhausting). The kind of nostalgia we love and are affected by and that Disney was playing on with that ad is exactly the kind of thing they find schmaltzy and lame. I only find it interesting from the standpoint of how "normies" view the re-opening, and there's no lack of that outside the fan bubble.
Well I’ll already be in FL by the time he has his press conference tomorrow if he announces any new travel restrictions so I’m not worrying about if I’m already there.
And I feel like you need to masks in your own state before you restrict other ppl from coming in.

We arrive Monday. The speculation is very nerve racking with numbers in LA also increasing.
Unfortunately it is hard to enforce. We are 100% team everyone wear a mask. But when NC made its mask announcement my police officer husband groaned, not because of wearing them, he already does, but because he knew the calls for non mask compliance would start and further complicate his already very complicated job.
Tell your Husband THANK YOU FOR HIS SERVICE!!! Also, thank you to you for the support I know you as a spouse for a police officer give every day and night!
I guess at this point I’m just going to show up tomorrow and hope they are letting APs fill the availability from the other buckets at AK. If they seriously aren’t going to allow for that, then our APs are now worthless. Zero availability in July now. Almost no Saturday availability all of August and September, and I’m sure as we get closer it will go away completely. Basically you can go for 3 days every other month if something doesn’t change. I have faith it will.
Like just show up like at the gate? Not sure that’s a good idea as I’m sure they’ve already staffed accordingly for park reservations. Highly doubt they’re changing availability on the fly right now.
I live in Broward County and the hospitals are definitely getting busier and elective procedures are postponed right now. But the daily positive numbers are so out of whack because they are reporting that some of the labs are so backed up that people are not getting their results even after waiting three weeks. Yes there’s definitely a spike but it’s the hospital numbers that are most important not the number of positives, as the lag is so bad.
Are they diverting non-COVID patients to other hospitals? Someone said that there are clean hospitals (no COVID patients) and then hospitals with only CoVId patients, and when they say ICU beds are full it is only at COVID hospitals.
We arrive Monday. The speculation is very nerve racking with numbers in LA also increasing.
I know 😔. Today we were back down to 10% positive rate so hoping it gets even lower. I’m assuming once we are there, if it changes it is what it is?
I actually think these things hurt the states who do them more than it helps b/c ppl will still sneak & then lie so it makes contact tracing harder.
Are they diverting non-COVID patients to other hospitals? Someone said that there are clean hospitals (no COVID patients) and then hospitals with only CoVId patients, and when they say ICU beds are full it is only at COVID hospitals.
The hospitals all have Covid patients. What you are referring to is the nursing homes. There are designated Covid ones so we don’t have the tragedy of what happened in NY. My good friend is an ICU nurse at one of our biggest hospitals and they have designated Covid floors in addition to the patients that are ICU care. The patients with Covid have been younger so that’s why we have not seen the spike in death numbers. Unfortunately the numbers grow exponentially which is why we all have to do our part to keep others safe.
Dr. Anne Rimoin, a professor of epidemiology at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and the leader of the UCLA COVID-19 Rapid Response Initiative, says it is a “terrible idea to be opening right now,” particularly as the number of coronavirus cases are surging in Florida. The state, which as of Thursday recorded 232,718 coronavirus cases and over 4,000 deaths so far, recently extended the state of emergency for another 60 days.
“There are several hospitals that are running out of beds in Florida, with health workers warning that there are not going to be enough ventilators and enough rooms, and cases in the state are breaking new records daily,” said Rimoin. “Moving forward with reopening, I think, is inviting disaster. I’m not sure that’s what the world is looking for right now.”
Kinja's gonna Kinja. Gizmodo is an ex-Gawker network site, I don't think it's surprising at all that this would be their take on it. This is the demographic that pioneered the kind of hipper than thou snark-as-personality that permeates the internet nowadays (I should know as an ex-starred commenter who outgrew that sort of thing found it exhausting). The kind of nostalgia we love and are affected by and that Disney was playing on with that ad is exactly the kind of thing they find schmaltzy and lame. I only find it interesting from the standpoint of how "normies" view the re-opening, and there's no lack of that outside the fan bubble.

Ahhh i see - I didn't know any of this or the background but it makes sense. It was on my "news to catch up on" today and I just thought huh - that's definitely an opinion...
You have to be at least 18. There are many testing sites available. Some you have to make an appointment for but others are walk up, bike up or drive up. You do not have to have symptoms.

Just putting this out there. We found out that for travel purposes in our state only the traveling adults had to test. Basically the kids in the party legally piggyback. Makes no epidemiological sense to me and I might not agree with it but it does mean that I don’t need to find someone to test the kids on our way home. This was not an easy thing to discover and was buried in our state’s rules so it may be worthwhile for others to do some digging before scrambling to find someplace to test anyone under 18 without symptoms.
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