Breonna Taylor Grand Jury report

Good job distorting the quote.
The media shows her in an EMT uniform to paint the picture they want. They omit other facts. No one says anyone deserved to die, including me.

Didn’t matter if she was a SAHM, Worked in a factory, was a teacher , of whatever.

Her occupation had zip, nada, zero to do with the facts of the case.
Clearly explain what showing her in a uniform at a former job implies to you? What pic does it paint for you?
How does the fact that she no longer worked as an EMT make a difference? If she was still an EMT rather then hospital staff they wouldn’t have shot into the house? What?
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FOIA has exceptions which can be used to deny access to records or parts of records. States which have FOIA equivalents also have exemptions.

Regardless, the fact that an agency may have to produce a record at some point is a poor reason not to collect the record, IMHO.
Yes, with a badge priminently displayed too. Yes, I realize that anyone could acquire such an item, but the likelihood of that remains small. It is not a perfect solution but it is simply one of many things that could help in such a scenario.

Cool, because these are photos of the officers in question taken the night of the search warrant.
Are you talking about Daniel Prude from Rochester, NY? There were half a dozen officers on scene that recorded body cam footage of what happened. You can watch it online with a quick google search to find it. The issue is the fact that the incident wasn't disclosed to the public until a few weeks ago. The mayor is claiming the police chief wasn't truthful with her and she didn't watch the footage until August. While it hasn't been explicitly stated, the emails that were disclosed infer that the mayor was informed as the situation developed.

The NY Times searched for an expert to go on record to say that the technique used to restrain Prude was dangerous/deadly and they could find no one. Because that specific technique is certified in NY as lawful and the officers involved had been trained on it just a few months before. The exacerbating factor was that he began to vomit and any delay between vomit and clearing the airway can be dangerous. The video is touch to watch because 1) Prude was naked and acting erratically and 2) some of the officers make inappropriate/unprofessional comments about what is happening.

Local protesters want all officers on scene (whether they had any physical contact with Prude or not) fired, charged, and convicted of murder. They did not sit back and watch officers put someone in a choke hold or say they can't breath. They watched another officer apply a restraint technique they'd all been trained on just a few months prior for an incident such as this. It's hard to see how any of them could be charged/convicted of murder. Fired for acting inappropriately? Much more likely.

A note on body cams. You can't require that officers have them running constantly during their shifts. Any footage recorded is public record and, therefore, subject to FOIL. There are times during a shift where the officer needs to respect others' privacy - locker rooms, bathrooms, speaking to a supervisor about a personal matter, taking a phone call from their child, speaking to a prosecutor about a case, going into court, speaking with a confidential informant. Not to mention that storage of footage costs a LOT of money and it has to be held for a certain period of time. If all officers had their cameras on constantly, the number of servers required for storage would be astronomical. What I've seen in protest type situations is that when a group of officers are together, 1 or 2 will run their cameras spaced out so that everything can be captured from that group's perspective.
Thanks, I think I slimed the wrong city commission! I'll have to go back and re-research it.
Cool, because these are photos of the officers in question taken the night of the search warrant.

Fair enough, though I'd like to see badges more prominent. There appears to be something but it is not very clear. This is not what I think of when I hear the word "plainclothes". I still think the whole situation could have and should have been avoided altogehter.
Jim, I agree with you and our officers were always in street uniforms or swat uniforms on raids. The plain clothed officers only cam in AFTER entry was made. But, I was specifically responding to a poster that implied that part of the problem was bec cause the officers didn't have on vests with white lettering on them with "police". I just wanted to point out that they had on EXACTLY what the poster said they should have had.
This would apply to the southern states, the states that had slaves. The northern states didn't have slaves so this doesn't apply to that area of our country.

My family didn't come to this country until the beginning of the 20th century so I don't consider myself part of the history of our country that condoned such behavior as slavery. My grandparents came to this country as indentured servants, a form of slavery so you see it just didn't/doesn't happen to people of color. Oh by they way, we are ALL people of color, white, black, brown, yellow, tan, pink.... and we all matter.

Unfortunately slavery still continues in parts of the world today. It's not a novel idea and it's certainly not unique to our country only. Actually slavery (human bondage) most likely still goes on in this country today. When you see/saw those photos of young girls coming over the southern boarder in trucks don't you wonder how they were going to survive in this country once they got here? Who was going to watch out for them and be responsible for them? My guess is they had a debt to pay once they got here. Very sad, there are people so desperate to get to this country, the land of opportunity that they are will to risk all but our own citizens don't see just how lucky they are to be here.

People speak of inequality but fail to realize nothing is truly fair in life. There are no guarantees in life. We each have to do the best we can with the gifts we have been given by our creator and if we work hard enough we can do very well in this country. Just look around you at all the successful people in this country from ALL races. Being white is no guarantee that you are going to have an easy life. White people have to work just as hard as anybody else to make it in this world.

I can assure you that nobody gave me anything that I didn't work hard to get. But I was lucky because I had a good family upbringing as a child. I had a mom and a dad that cared for me and my siblings and stayed together and did right by all of us. This is probably one of the most important things that people of every race and socioeconomic background should consider when having children; the importance of family, taking responsibility of the children we bring into the world.

My husband served in the Vietnam War, when he got home he had a very hard time finding a job. He had three major strikes against him, he was white (equal rights movement), he was male (equal rights for women) and he was a Vietnam vet (all Vietnam vets were considered drug users). But persistence paid off and my husband finally landed a job where he was able to work his way up the line to VP of more than one company. He did this through hard work, many, many hours of hard work, persistence and belief in himself. So you see nothing comes for free and life isn't fair, life is what we make of it.

Umm, hate to break it to you but there were slaves in the North until 1804. After that many ex slaves were working without pay as indentured servants, a type of slavery by another name.
Also, who do you think owned the ships that brought slaves from Africa to the colonies/states to be sold? They were Northerners. Industries up North benefited from slavery.

That said, I don't owe anyone money for reparations. Almost all of us could trace ancestors were slaves at one time or another. For instance, countries conquered By Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar or Charlemagne or any other conqueror. In the East, those countries overrun by Genghis Khan or other emperors.

What about people in Africa and the Middle East and Far East still being held in slavery today?
But having a good family start IS being given something. That’s the point many ppl miss.
I totally agree with you. Daniel Patrick Moynihan pointed this out 50+ years in his report for the Department of Labor. He was very worried about what his research told him about the state of the African American family way back then. Whether you agree with his findings or not, it is an interesting read.
Hardships a
I think until you have walked a mile in someone else's shoes you don't truly know what it's like to be that person. I have never been anything but white (that I can remember unless you believe in reincarnation) so I don't know what it's like to be a person of another race but I would venture to guess neither do you, those who aren't white and just assume it a bowl of cherries over here on the white side of the fence. Guess again, it ain't easy being white. I have been hearing about how bad I am for being white for as long as I can remember. Well guess what, I'm just fine. You can think what you want but I know in my heart of hearts that I'm not racist and I haven't done anything that I need to be ashamed of to any person of another race.

I also know that not just white people can be racist. Racism goes both ways. There are plenty of people from other races who hate white people just because they are white. Well what I say to that is two wrongs don't make a right...
Hardships and racism are 2 different things. I have never been told my life is great because I’m white. I’m sorry if you have had anyone tell you that. Anyone can have hardships regardless of their color. I feel like these 2 things are confused often
I think until you have walked a mile in someone else's shoes you don't truly know what it's like to be that person. I have never been anything but white (that I can remember unless you believe in reincarnation) so I don't know what it's like to be a person of another race but I would venture to guess neither do you, those who aren't white and just assume it a bowl of cherries over here on the white side of the fence. Guess again, it ain't easy being white. I have been hearing about how bad I am for being white for as long as I can remember. Well guess what, I'm just fine. You can think what you want but I know in my heart of hearts that I'm not racist and I haven't done anything that I need to be ashamed of to any person of another race.

I also know that not just white people can be racist. Racism goes both ways. There are plenty of people from other races who hate white people just because they are white. Well what I say to that is two wrongs don't make a right...

No one is saying that white people have it easy. No one is saying that white people don't have to work hard. What we are saying is that white people don't have to work THAT MUCH harder simply because they are white.
No one is saying that white people have it easy. No one is saying that white people don't have to work hard. What we are saying is that white people don't have to work THAT MUCH harder simply because they are white.
Exactly all things being equal, a person of color will have a harder time “making it” than a white person with similar circumstances. I just don’t understand why that is so hard for some white ppl to admit. It doesn’t discount your hard work & it doesn’t say that hard work isn’t a good quality for everyone to have. It’s just acknowledging an advantage. Why is that so hard or threatening to some ppl?
I totally agree with you. Daniel Patrick Moynihan pointed this out 50+ years in his report for the Department of Labor. He was very worried about what his research told him about the state of the African American family way back then. Whether you agree with his findings or not, it is an interesting read.
This is probably the single biggest factor when you are looking at so many things. Your odds are being incarcerated, graduating from college, accumulating wealth, etc. Yet it is too often ignored when looking at outcomes in life.
Hardships a

Hardships and racism are 2 different things. I have never been told my life is great because I’m white. I’m sorry if you have had anyone tell you that. Anyone can have hardships regardless of their color. I feel like these 2 things are confused often
Correct. White people deal with hardshipas well, but they don't deal with the ADDITIONAL hardship of racism.
Exactly all things being equal, a person of color will have a harder time “making it” than a white person with similar circumstances. I just don’t understand why that is so hard for some white ppl to admit. It doesn’t discount your hard work & it doesn’t say that hard work isn’t a good quality for everyone to have. It’s just acknowledging an advantage. Why is that so hard or threatening to some ppl?
I think subconsciously people fear that there is only so much to go around. If someone else gets something, there is less for them. They don't see that equal rights does not take away anything from those who already have favor, it is just sharing the favor.
They don't see that equal rights does not take away anything from those who already have favor, it is just sharing the favor.
I generally agree with you, but there are times when that's not true.

There is one big lawsuit working its way to the Supreme Court alleging that Harvard discriminated against Asian applicants in order to give preference to others. Asian test scores actually had to be higher than white scores to qualify -- or at least that's the allegation in the lawsuit.

And I've seen situations in the workplace where specific positions were reserved for specific minorities, and anyone else who applied was just wasting their time. But the situations I've seen have been the exceptions, not the rule.
Looking ahead, I see so many problems with unrealistic expectations for some of the upcoming cases.

The problem with many of the upcoming cases is that they have gaping holes that prosecutors will have to fill. Like Breonna Taylor's boyfriend shooting the first officer through the door, many of the other cases have bad facts that make them really weak.

A bad outcome, or even a tragic outcome, does NOT mean a conviction should result. We have to remember that the burden of proof is on the prosecutor, not the defendant. A prosecutor must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

All the defense has to do is create a reasonable doubt, and the verdict should rightfully be "Not Guilty."

We also have to remember that news reports, celebrity opinions, political views, late night comics, and all that stuff doesn't mean one thing in a criminal trial. The only information the jury can consider is the evidence presented during the trial. Evidence can be presented to a jury only after both sides agree (called stipulation) or the trial judge rules the evidence admissible. And for every piece of evidence, the other side can offer conflicting evidence, or conflicting expert opinion testimony about that evidence.

Proving murder beyond a reasonable doubt is difficult, and all the defense has to do is plant little seeds of doubt. So a lot of these upcoming cases are going to face some serious difficulties.


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