Will you get the Covid vaccine?

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We were discussing at work the likelihood it will be required. One firmly said he will never get it. The union rep quickly said, “Well then I guess you won’t be working here anymore.”

Proof of vaccination is going to be a thing. The writing is on the wall for those who are willing to read it.
As I said my dad is in the vaccine trial, he is convinced he received the vaccine and my mom he placebo. They will learn soon. He said that he had a sore arm and some chills but that was it.
Eh, at some point those who won't vaccinate (by choice) will be the ones who "don't care about others".
If most get vaccinated, the worry that some have about still being able to expose others even if vaccinated will pretty much be null and void. Because we'll all be vaccinated. ;)
*IF* (and it's a big if), it is shown that even those vaccinated can still spread the disease, then what about those who can't get the vaccine? Wouldn't those who had the vaccine still be putting them at risk? If you don't protect them, you don't care about them, right? :rolleyes2
I guess I just don't see it needing to be an annual vaccination as a deal breaker. What's the big deal?
Never said it was a deal breaker. Don't read what's not there.

And once you have a tool available to you to protect yourself, I think the ones who choose not to take it are the ones who don't care about others. That moral high ground will shift substantially.
You just said it, you're protecting YOURSELF, the hell with others. OK.

I really don't get it. Covid is a known danger. Apparently dangerous enough to shut down society for longer than 9 months. Dangerous enough to strip people of their jobs, their businesses, their health insurance. Yet it's not dangerous enough to warrant taking a vaccine that has been shown to be safe in studies? Sure there could be some unknown risk down the road. But there could be some unknown risk with Covid as well.

It's a position of immense privilege to sit in your home untouched by the economic devastation of this and not be willing to take a step needed to get society open and operating again.
My issue isn't that studies haven't shown the vaccine to be safe, it's that they haven't been shown to be safe long term. That "unknown risk down the road" is what worries me.

Proof of vaccination is going to be a thing. The writing is on the wall for those who are willing to read it.
I keep hearing people say that, but in day to day life, I highly doubt proof of vaccination will be needed. Solely my opinion and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
*IF* (and it's a big if), it is shown that even those vaccinated can still spread the disease, then what about those who can't get the vaccine? Wouldn't those who had the vaccine still be putting them at risk? If you don't protect them, you don't care about them, right? :rolleyes2

That's a risk people with underlying conditions unfortunately have to deal with their entire life. My sister has lupus (severe) and while she was having a treatment that made her immunocompromised, she had to take extra precautions as just a cold could have had a severe consequence on her life. She has worn a mask and avoided situations that felt risky for years. Luckily she's in remission now. :)

So before Covid - did you wear a mask at all times so you didn't spread any communicable diseases to those who may be at risk for severe illness due to underlying conditions? Because by your own statement, if you didn't, you didn't care about them.
I keep hearing people say that, but in day to day life, I highly doubt proof of vaccination will be needed. Solely my opinion and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

I think most day to day life will still be possible but the exclusions I’m expecting that will the most likely will be travel (Disney included) and work. The latter being the one that takes care of the most.

We shutdown the world and then it got to the point where the only way forward was a vaccine.
So before Covid - did you wear a mask at all times so you didn't spread any communicable diseases to those who may be at risk for severe illness due to underlying conditions? Because by your own statement, if you didn't, you didn't care about them.
Well, I've had people say I don't care about others because I'm hesitant at getting the vaccine, and since someone said it on the internet, it must be true...
We were discussing at work the likelihood it will be required. One firmly said he will never get it. The union rep quickly said, “Well then I guess you won’t be working here anymore.”

Proof of vaccination is going to be a thing. The writing is on the wall for those who are willing to read it.
I hope proof of vaccination will be required for both work and travel. I especially hope it happens on cruise ships.
So how long are you willing to wait? How do you define "down the road"?
3 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days. Not a moment before.


I don't have an exact time frame. Part of it will be determined by what's required. Part if it will be determined by how things go with others.
I hope proof of vaccination will be required for both work and travel. I especially hope it happens on cruise ships.

I do too. I think it will happen on cruise ships first. We have a WDW/DCL cruise for November. I said in the DCL forum that there is a 99% chance we are going if they say proof of vaccination is required to sail. We’ll have to see how it looks later next year if it’s not.

I know I’d definitely pay a premium to fly on an airline that requires it as well.
I think most day to day life will still be possible but the exclusions I’m expecting that will the most likely will be travel (Disney included) and work. The latter being the one that takes care of the most.

We shutdown the world and then it got to the point where the only way forward was a vaccine.
I can see possibly for flights and probably for cruises. I don't think Disney, Six Flags, etc will happen, or if it does, for very long. With the exception of health care (including long term facitilities), I don't think employers will require it, or again, not long term.
My issue isn't that studies haven't shown the vaccine to be safe, it's that they haven't been shown to be safe long term. That "unknown risk down the road" is what worries me.
Because you've mentioned this a few times (which it's fine it's in different threads) I have to say I think it's a valid concern but one that you may not have considered all the other things in your life you have done or taken that either was studied over time and found to have some or no long-term side effects or those are still unknown. It's almost like you're hyper aware of this concern but chances are you've already taken something in your life (don't know how old you are) and didn't know long-term (and/or long-term was looked at later with no severe issues for those at large).
I can see possibly for flights and probably for cruises. I don't think Disney, Six Flags, etc will happen, or if it does, for very long. With the exception of health care (including long term facitilities), I don't think employers will require it, or again, not long term.

We will have to agree to disagree. I’m not in healthcare and I think the chances are very high that they are going to tell us to go get it.

Six Flags is more regional. I can see lots of theme parks going either way. Disney on the other hand is an international melting pot and I think they are going to end up requiring it.

And I also think that the level of requirements is going to largely depend on how many people are taking it. If we’re at 40–50% then I expect a lot of requirements. If we’re at 70-80% then it might not be as necessary.
Because you've mentioned this a few times (which it's fine it's in different threads) I have to say I think it's a valid concern but one that you may not have considered all the other things in your life you have done or taken that either was studied over time and found to have some or no long-term side effects or those are still unknown. It's almost like you're hyper aware of this concern but chances are you've already taken something in your life (don't know how old you are) and didn't know long-term (and/or long-term was looked at later with no severe issues for those at large).
Yup, you're right. I'm sure there are plenty of things that I (actually probably all of us) have done not knowing what damage they have caused to my body (and still not knowing).
Yup, you're right. I'm sure there are plenty of things that I (actually probably all of us) have done not knowing what damage they have caused to my body (and still not knowing).
glass half empty I see....nevermind..it's clear you didn't see that there are things that you have taken that didn't have any issues long term you just are bound and determined to focus on damage. Like another person said 'got it'
*IF* (and it's a big if), it is shown that even those vaccinated can still spread the disease, then what about those who can't get the vaccine? Wouldn't those who had the vaccine still be putting them at risk? If you don't protect them, you don't care about them, right? :rolleyes2
We don't even know yet that vaccinated people can still spread the disease. That's a supposition, and a bridge we'll have to cross when we get to it. I'm sure we'll know soon enough.

Never said it was a deal breaker. Don't read what's not there.
Then why bring it up? The question posed by the thread was "will you get the vaccine". You answered with "what if it's annual?"

You just said it, you're protecting YOURSELF, the hell with others. OK.
Right now there's no good tool to protect yourself. We all have a part in protecting others. The vaccine will upend that dynamic. Once there's an effective tool available for people to protect themselves, then yes, I expect them to start taking care of it themselves.

I think we have asked many in society to sacrifice so much in the name of the public good. It was the right thing to do. But that dynamic is in for a big shift. Now the right thing to do to thank everyone who gave up jobs, security, businesses, and health insurance during a pandemic is to get the vaccine and get society back to fully functioning as quickly as possible so they can start rebuilding their lives.

My issue isn't that studies haven't shown the vaccine to be safe, it's that they haven't been shown to be safe long term. That "unknown risk down the road" is what worries me.
As another poster mentioned, it takes a very long time to identify the long term risks. How long are you willing to wait? Months? Years? How long?

I keep hearing people say that, but in day to day life, I highly doubt proof of vaccination will be needed. Solely my opinion and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
I'm not sure on this either, but actually hope in the short term that they do require it to jump start tourism and entertainment, 2 industries that have been decimated by this. I also think some workplaces will require it. But time will tell.
Eh, at some point those who won't vaccinate (by choice) will be the ones who "don't care about others".

Well, I already have that opinion. I think that everyone who CAN get vaccinated, should get vaccinated. Please note that I am NOT referring to people who fall in the following sorts of categories:
  • ineffective immune system, where you get vaccinated but it doesn't 'stick.' A friend's DS is in this boat. Friend has everyone ELSE in their immediate family get vaccinated though. Why? In order to protect the kid who basically CAN'T get vaccinated.
  • people who are allergic to ingredients/'stuff' in the vaccine
  • people whose doctors advise them to NOT get vaccinated
  • people whose doctors have advised them to wait to get vaccinated
But as for the rest of everybody else? You all basically have a duty to help not only yourself, but your fellow citizen, neighbor, etc. to get vaccinated for this. ESPECIALLY if you've been lecturing people all year about "trust the science" regarding mask wearing. ESPECIALLY if you've been part of the Mask Brigade all year.

I fully expect that most international travel at some point will require you to show proof of being vaccinated in order to enter a foreign country.
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