Government Turning Over UFO Knowledge to Senate June 1st

I don't understand this comment. If you aren't saying that they are from outer space where are they from, given that they have technology that we don't have (according to your statement).

It could be technology that the general public doesn't know we're capable of.
It could be technology that the general public doesn't know we're capable of.

It definitely could be. But that is not what the PP said which is why I don't understand the statement (the parts of it don't seem to go together).
I don't understand this comment. If you aren't saying that they are from outer space where are they from, given that they have technology that we don't have (according to your statement).
If you want me to commit to saying that these things are extra terrestrial then they are no longer unidentified. Do I believe there is something out there? Yes. Is there definitive proof? We haven't been told. The public would freak out. I can only reference what has been shared with us so far. The former head of department of Intelligence regarding UFO studies says they aren't ours and they have technology we don't have.

What I saw has never been identified and it was awesome to witness. You don't believe in UFOs really until you actually see them. People associate UFO with aliens. I was explaining the definition. But, I do believe that there is something that isn't ours and that the possibility it isn't from our world exists.

Some people will say terrible things like," people who believe are uneducated" but, its the exact opposite. People who open their minds and also research the topic understand the possibilities. Quantum physics in simpler terms explains how one thing can occupy more than one space. It explains how time travel is possible.

To understand how something can travel from light years away you have to think in other terms. People here are thinking of travel in terms of point A to point B in a linear line. That WOULD be too far to travel. But, with time travel you "pinch or fold" point A and point B together and punch a whole through it. This is why scientists are studying worm holes. Worm holes are a possible way of time travel. The last I heard they were trying to figure out how to prop a worm hole open. Right now if you were to try to get through one you would be crushed because they expand and contract. It is a lot to take in but, theoretically this is how something could travel from light years away.

Why is it so hard to believe in these things yet, not our own existence? Isn't that an unbelievable miracle? I mean you either believe we are created by a higher power or, that everything we see was created from two rocks colliding in space. Space that existed prior somehow. Space that existed before we did. Space that is older then we are. And, then not believe that something else is out there.

My comment defined UFO and that just because something is unidentified doesn't mean its from outer space. It could be something that was created by another country, it could in fact be alien technology. It hasn't been identified because the Pentagon doesn't know what these things are.

Having said that and because I AM educated and understand quantum physics, I do believe we have been visited.

I would say the head of Central Intelligence and other high ranking officials along with astronauts who have been out there might have a better idea then any of us. And, a lot of them say there is.
If you want me to commit to saying that these things are extra terrestrial then they are no longer unidentified. Do I believe there is something out there? Yes. Is there definitive proof? We haven't been told. The public would freak out. I can only reference what has been shared with us so far. The former head of department of Intelligence regarding UFO studies says they aren't ours and they have technology we don't have.

What I saw has never been identified and it was awesome to witness. You don't believe in UFOs really until you actually see them. People associate UFO with aliens. I was explaining the definition. But, I do believe that there is something that isn't ours and that the possibility it isn't from our world exists.

Some people will say terrible things like," people who believe are uneducated" but, its the exact opposite. People who open their minds and also research the topic understand the possibilities. Quantum physics in simpler terms explains how one thing can occupy more than one space. It explains how time travel is possible.

To understand how something can travel from light years away you have to think in other terms. People here are thinking of travel in terms of point A to point B in a linear line. That WOULD be too far to travel. But, with time travel you "pinch or fold" point A and point B together and punch a whole through it. This is why scientists are studying worm holes. Worm holes are a possible way of time travel. The last I heard they were trying to figure out how to prop a worm hole open. Right now if you were to try to get through one you would be crushed because they expand and contract. It is a lot to take in but, theoretically this is how something could travel from light years away.

Why is it so hard to believe in these things yet, not our own existence? Isn't that an unbelievable miracle? I mean you either believe we are created by a higher power or, that everything we see was created from two rocks colliding in space. Space that existed prior somehow. Space that existed before we did. Space that is older then we are. And, then not believe that something else is out there.

My comment defined UFO and that just because something is unidentified doesn't mean its from outer space. It could be something that was created by another country, it could in fact be alien technology. It hasn't been identified because the Pentagon doesn't know what these things are.

Having said that and because I AM educated and understand quantum physics, I do believe we have been visited.

I would say the head of Central Intelligence and other high ranking officials along with astronauts who have been out there might have a better idea then any of us. And, a lot of them say there is.

You might want to read up a little more on wormholes before you claim that they are faster modes of travel. That's pretty much not the accepted science. In addition, wormholes are pretty much microscopic in size.
"It takes longer to get through these wormholes than to go directly, so they are not very useful for space travel," Jafferis said. He will present his findings at the 2019 American Physical Society April Meeting in Denver.
You might want to read up a little more on wormholes before you claim that they are faster modes of travel. That's pretty much not the accepted science. In addition, wormholes are pretty much microscopic in size.
"It takes longer to get through these wormholes than to go directly, so they are not very useful for space travel," Jafferis said. He will present his findings at the 2019 American Physical Society April Meeting in Denver.
Thats just one theory from 2019. There are countless studies on going. Scientists are constantly trying to figure out how to use wormholes for travel. On the outside wormholes are very small,flat and curved.

Scientists are working on a theory that they can be enlarged and propped open as I stated in my comment.

Keep in mind time is relative when talking about this. What we might perceive as a long time to pass through could also be in an instant. Especially when you are talking about inter dimensional travel.

Most time travel movies base thier ideas of travel with these theories. " space time continuum".
Thats just one theory from 2019. There are countless studies on going. Scientists are constantly trying to figure out how to use wormholes for travel. On the outside wormholes are very small
,flat and curved.

Scientists are working on a theory that they can be enlarged and propped open as I stated in my comment.

Keep in mind time is relative when talking about this. What we might perceive as a long time to pass through could also be in an instant. Especially when you are talking about inter dimensional travel.

Most time travel movies base thier ideas of travel with these theories. " space time continuum".

Read the Atlas Gene by A.G. Riddle, it’s the first book in a three book series (you need to read all three books to get the whole picture. Talks about aliens and their role in man's development, we are an experiment...Granted this is a work of fiction but who knows...Also I read this last year at the beginning of the pandemic, guess what there's a pandemic in the book, mass vaccination programs transforming the human race...I’m in the process of reading it again.
I'm going to look into this for my mom. Assuming she hasn't heard of this. I think she's read and researched everything there is.🤣
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Wow, what an interesting thread. I'm on the "believe" side. I am interested in watching our skies and have a good telescope which I use to study the sky. Just as an amateur.. I know that satellites move in a straight line, also know what airplanes look like. But when something moves up, down, at high speeds in irregular patterns, then that is a UFO to me. I think that our scientists have reverse engineered flying machines and alot of what we see are our own. Will we ever know the truth? I don't think the government will release all they know. I still think it would cause a panic and fear in some people. But with the increased sightings and increase of UFO info shows, it could be that the government is getting us "ready" for more information.
You know whats funny? Walt Disney believed in the power of your mind. And he al

I'm going to look into this for my mom. Assuming she hasn't heard of this. I think she's read and researched everything there is.🤣

Please note that the trilogy is called The Atlantis Gene by A.G. Riddle not the Atlas Gene as I incorrectly stated.
Wow, what an interesting thread. I'm on the "believe" side. I am interested in watching our skies and have a good telescope which I use to study the sky. Just as an amateur.. I know that satellites move in a straight line, also know what airplanes look like. But when something moves up, down, at high speeds in irregular patterns, then that is a UFO to me. I think that our scientists have reverse engineered flying machines and alot of what we see are our own. Will we ever know the truth? I don't think the government will release all they know. I still think it would cause a panic and fear in some people. But with the increased sightings and increase of UFO info shows, it could be that the government is getting us "ready" for more information.

I like the way you think.
Please note that the trilogy is called The Atlantis Gene by A.G. Riddle not the Atlas Gene as I incorrectly stated.
Perfect. Forget the first part of my post, I was about to connect Walts belief
Please note that the trilogy is called The Atlantis Gene by A.G. Riddle not the Atlas Gene as I incorrectly stated.
Most of the time I call my mom and she says" Oh yes. I've read that" then goes into detail about it. Very seldom do I discover something she doesnt already know. The woman is a genius.
Wow, what an interesting thread. I'm on the "believe" side. I am interested in watching our skies and have a good telescope which I use to study the sky. Just as an amateur.. I know that satellites move in a straight line, also know what airplanes look like. But when something moves up, down, at high speeds in irregular patterns, then that is a UFO to me. I think that our scientists have reverse engineered flying machines and alot of what we see are our own. Will we ever know the truth? I don't think the government will release all they know. I still think it would cause a panic and fear in some people. But with the increased sightings and increase of UFO info shows, it could be that the government is getting us "ready" for more information.
This was exactly what my BF and I were talking about. There are far more shows that are releasing information. Rather than documenting some redneck from the hills, they are interviewing high ranking officials in the thick of it. They are allowing these people to show documents and share personal testimony. It's very interesting.

Planes don't zig zag. Thats what my church saw when I was a child. I've been watching the skies ever since.

Either way, if you believe or don't I am enjoying this thread. I could do without the hate for no reason comments from some but, I'm not interested in that mentality.
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Has anyone here watch Alpha Code, it's on Prime and very good. It's supposed to be based on a true story. I have watched it twice and I could go for a third time.
Should be interesting. I'm keeping an open mind. Who knows? We know that the Nazis experimented with disk shaped fighter craft and that it was in WWII that UFO sightings started in earnest, dubbed "Foo Fighters" by allied flightier pilots... And of course, the nuclear bomb took second place in Nazi Germany after the Wunderwaffe, or super weapon, whatever that was.
I would like you to think about this. We have been taught that at one point we were one big continent. Then a big shift took place breaking it into the continents we have today.

So, what exactly happened? Did the native Americans say dibs on this chunk of land and they all left. And Asians were like we take this one. Then they said send the penguins south.

I encourage everyone to really think about life. Don't just take it for granted. Maybe then you might open your mind up to other possibilities.

No matter your belief in how we got here, you have faith without proof.We ALL have faith.
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I would like you to think about this. We have been taught that at one point we were one big continent. Then a big shift took place breaking it into the continents we have today.

So, what exactly happened? Did the native Americans say dibs on this chunk of land and they all left. And Asians were like we take this one. Then they said send the penguins south.

I encourage everyone to really think about life. Don't just take it for granted. Maybe then you might open your mind up to other possibilities.

No matter your belief in how we got here, you have faith without proof.We ALL have faith.

The big shift was caused by tetonic plates being moved via the intense heat of earths core having varying effects on the mantel. It's also believed that the "big continent" (Pangaea) has formed several times over. And even today the plates are still moving (1-2 inches per year). What happened to the people? Migration, no one got "stuck" on a floating piece of land or claimed one. Hominins (our first ancestors) migrated northward from a central point in Africa 2 million years ago. And researches feel that it was due to dramatic climate fluctuations. These fluctuations are believed the happen in mass every 20-30,000 years due the earths cycles. As when the climate drastically changed people needed to expand outward to follow the resources. As far as animals? They do the same thing, climate changes pushed the animals to the area's where they could survive. Or they would evolve to adapt to the new climate / food sources. If climate change happens too quickly for the animals to adapt they die to the point of extinction. As far as penguins... penguins evolved into well... penguins around 60 million years ago, predating even our ancestors by around 53 million years. When they appeared they were already well south of the equator.

As far as native Americans... the majority of them migrated across the land bridge between Asia and American during three key migrations. No one called "dibs". Our ancient ancestors were always very nomadic and due to various environmental factors over time, as well as the expanding of populations they spread across the earth.

I am not trying to be abrasive, but you keep saying all sorts of things that have either been explained by science or being uncovered more and more by the hard work of our scientists. It's a bit frustrating due to the fact that it's REALLY easy to google these things and find legitimate sources. My wife is also a professor of Anthropology, so seeing people say things like "did this or that happen?" along with "think about life, open your mind" in regards to the history of humans irks me. There are hard working people out there who are researching and teaching about the very things that you keep making very weird comments about. And... well your kind of discrediting their work with comments like;

So, what exactly happened? Did the native Americans say dibs on this chunk of land and they all left. And Asians were like we take this one. Then they said send the penguins south.

The answers to those three things already exist.

If you want sources to everything I said let me know.
Back to the first part... why the heck would an advanced alien race really care enough to come here? Sure maybe at some point they stopped by just out of curiosity ... But yet... they keep doing it.
Makes sense to me. Why would ET come here?

Possibility 1:
They're looking for something they need. If we had it, they'd have taken it. Presumably they're more advanced than we are (if they can travel here via spaceship). If we don't have it, they wouldn't keep coming back.

Possibility 2: They're looking to make contact with us, cultural exchange, or whatever. So, if that were true, why wouldn't they have made themselves known?
The big shift was caused by tetonic plates being moved via the intense heat of earths core having varying effects on the mantel. It's also believed that the "big continent" (Pangaea) has formed several times over. And even today the plates are still moving (1-2 inches per year). What happened to the people? Migration, no one got "stuck" on a floating piece of land or claimed one. Hominins (our first ancestors) migrated northward from a central point in Africa 2 million years ago. And researches feel that it was due to dramatic climate fluctuations. These fluctuations are believed the happen in mass every 20-30,000 years due the earths cycles. As when the climate drastically changed people needed to expand outward to follow the resources. As far as animals? They do the same thing, climate changes pushed the animals to the area's where they could survive. Or they would evolve to adapt to the new climate / food sources. If climate change happens too quickly for the animals to adapt they die to the point of extinction. As far as penguins... penguins evolved into well... penguins around 60 million years ago, predating even our ancestors by around 53 million years. When they appeared they were already well south of the equator.

As far as native Americans... the majority of them migrated across the land bridge between Asia and American during three key migrations. No one called "dibs". Our ancient ancestors were always very nomadic and due to various environmental factors over time, as well as the expanding of populations they spread across the earth.

I am not trying to be abrasive, but you keep saying all sorts of things that have either been explained by science or being uncovered more and more by the hard work of our scientists. It's a bit frustrating due to the fact that it's REALLY easy to google these things and find legitimate sources. My wife is also a professor of Anthropology, so seeing people say things like "did this or that happen?" along with "think about life, open your mind" in regards to the history of humans irks me. There are hard working people out there who are researching and teaching about the very things that you keep making very weird comments about. And... well your kind of discrediting their work with comments like;

The answers to those three things already exist.

If you want sources to everything I said let me know.

Global warming??? It's not new??? It has happened before???


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