The Trip Where Nothing Really Bad Happened - The End 6/1, Bonus Features: Disney 100 Celebration, Mickey Minnie Runaway Railway queue 2/8

I really enjoyed reading your trip report. I tend to not comment much but it makes me smile when I see an update from you. Tell Fran I wish her a speedy recovery! Looking forward to your next report.
Hopefully you and Fran will be traveling again soon, but I am glad this trip went well. I can’t wait to read your next adventure!
I'm not sure there is any real traveling in the cards for the rest of 2022, but hopefully in 2023. We will just have to wait and see.
Next time in SAT, I hope you can enjoy some of our local restaurants who have spots at airport:flower1: They actually try to showcase our food and not simply depend on HMSHost. My son’s favorite coffee shop has a space as do our “local” bbq spot and bagelry.
So I searched the airport amenities and map and this must be the place I went to Famous Famiglia Pizzeria. It seems to be a worldwide chain. It looks like most everything on the Southwest side was all large chains.
One of the things that impressed us almost immediately when we moved here 10/2020 is the fantastic food scene in San Antonio, and the airport tries to reflect that as best an airport can.
We love San Antonio for a foodie town. We have been there several times (a while back) and have eaten at all kinds of places there. I think though we haven't been in almost 20 years. Here's us the last time we were there drinking margaritas the size of our heads on the Riverwalk!

Hopefully you can be part of a crew where they dub you pilot or someone is willing to swap. Maybe for one of your DISmeets you can ride with friends and agree on who gets what beforehand. They randomly assign teams of six, and usually the first two in the group get pilot, second two get gunner and last two get engineer. If I had the pilot spot, I'd trade with someone in a heartbeat.
Only DISmeet I know of looks like it will be in MK, so...
As for going in, I'll ask for us to be pilot and say we're happy to wait for the next group. We'll see if that works.
The controls are very sluggish, and I think they might be backwards of what they actually tell you, not sure because pushing up on the lever really didn't seem to make the ship go up.
Hmmm... I would think it would be the universal pull-back means "up".
But, since I've never even seen the controls, let alone used them...
I think the cruise line gets theirs from a different supplier. The chocolate coating is thicker on the ones I've had on board.
It's a free willed trip report, you can exercise your own judgement.
I kept reading.
My friend Leonard has told me that I am extra skilled with buttering toast and such things.
:laughing: A laudable skill!
Well yes, and no. In the one bedrooms they give you one bottle of laundry soap when you check in, I've been able to get two uses out if it. If you're in a studio, laundry in is a common room and not sure if they have any complimentary laundry soap available. I throw half a dozen Tide pods and some Bounce in a baggie in my suitcase.
Hmm... think it's a studio. We'll see.
Often I just bring enough clothes for the trip and to heck with the laundry (until I get home)
Thanks! I can't wait to have somewhere to wear it!
They redid our BTMRR almost 10 years ago, all new track and everything. It's so smooth that I couldn't stand riding MKs version after riding ours.
And I was there about... 5 years ago? So experienced it.
I hope we can find a spot for them!
I hope so too! They're too cool to live in a box.
She's always got to get up in yer business!
I did wear them for my concert last weekend.
I don't anymore. Everything I own has a stretchy waist, much more comfy in my aging condition.
Comfort is everything.
Have you been there since they made it like 4 times bigger.
No, I haven't. I know they did that, but haven't seen it.
It was good. Not the best burger I've eaten, but I think we were both craving a burger. I don't think we'd had one all week.
I think I've heard that. "Not the best".
I don't think I'll make a special trip out of my way for it.
No, I'm not a giant peanut butter fan. I think it might have just been the three scoop sundae with hot fudge and maybe caramel sauce.
Hot fudge and caramel are where it's at. Yum.
Nope. I even saw my house on the approach. I forgot to put that in the actual TR.
I like when that happens. I haven't spotted mine yet, but have seen my parents'.
Catching up here as well...
Ugh, I know the feeling! The only reason I'm caught up is because everyone else is so busy they don't have time to post!
Hey Alison, why did you go to the same park three days in a row?
Didn't you read my explanation?
Stupid park reservations. Ugh.
Oh, there you go! :laughing:
:rotfl2:It's like the photography version of backseat driving.
No! Don't do it! Your life is too valuable!
I had to think in context of what this was in relation to! So much going on back and forth.
The nerve! Dinner looked pretty tasty, though.
It was a super tasty dinner!
Nice work! I read the horror stories about people trying to get those things.
The first release was totally botched and people waited hours for them. This was super easy!
That's a fun one!
Well, it's hard to blame you there. I'm just glad the new ride is fun.
It is! It's super fun! I wish we had a place for that ride out in California!
That should be cool when it's finished in 25 years!
They said that these murals get changed 2-3 times per week!
I do have to give major points for the soup can. And I say this as someone who usually doesn't care about presentation.
It did make it a fun little snack!
I do appreciate the efficiency score.
I'm sure you do! :laughing:
That looks like a very heavy meal! (but yummy)
Actually because of the sushi and stuff we ate in the beginning, it was pretty light. The only heavy part was the ribs.
I really enjoyed reading your trip report.
I tend to not comment much but it makes me smile when I see an update from you.
I'm glad to hear that!
Tell Fran I wish her a speedy recovery! Looking forward to your next report.
I'm not sure when I will have my next report, but I do have 4-5 posts of bonus features from a weekend at DL to post. And then maybe a few more day trips out to DL/DCA. We really can't start planning anything just yet.
Only DISmeet I know of looks like it will be in MK, so...
As for going in, I'll ask for us to be pilot and say we're happy to wait for the next group. We'll see if that works.
That might work, just like waiting for the top row of Soarin'.
Hmmm... I would think it would be the universal pull-back means "up".
And I believe that's what they told us, but I felt the darned craft going downward when I pulled back. Then again I was a mess of a pilot.
But, since I've never even seen the controls, let alone used them...
I believe that they look the lever of the float plane that I rode in Ketchikan. Or not.
:laughing: A laudable skill!
I got mad skilz.
Hmm... think it's a studio. We'll see.
Often I just bring enough clothes for the trip and to heck with the laundry (until I get home)
Well, you're not nearly as big as Fran and I, and our clothes are a lot bigger. We take four giant suitcases with us as it is, and that's with packing enough clothes for about five days and nights, we would never fit if we didn't do laundry!
And I was there about... 5 years ago? So experienced it.
Yes, and it's much smoother.
I hope so too! They're too cool to live in a box.
We have lots of stuff that is too cool to live in a box.
I think I've heard that. "Not the best".
I don't think I'll make a special trip out of my way for it.
We were mainly there for the ice cream, but I need some protein in my tummy before I can eat all that sugar!
Hot fudge and caramel are where it's at. Yum.
I like when that happens. I haven't spotted mine yet, but have seen my parents'.
F&W weekend March 18-21

So if you’ve been following along for a while, you’ll know that we spend several weekends or midweek weekends out at the Grand Californian each year. This one had been planned for quite a while. Jill’s nephew’s marching band and orchestra were taking a trip to California for some fun and to play at Disneyland and DCA. It was also F&W time as well. Normally we would come out the first weekend in March when the festival begins, but we made the trip coincide with the nephew’s performance this time.

As usual Jill got there way before us. She had an early flight and caught a Lyft to the Grand. She had lunch at Carnation Cafe, and then lounged by the pool until her room was ready. As usual, I had a huge list of things to do before we could take off. One of those things included delivering a letter to the tenants about the roofing project that I had to deal with when we were at WDW. Fran was even nice enough to notify the tenants in the neighboring buildings that work was going to be going on over the next two weeks.

It was just after 4PM when we finally arrived at the Grand. We checked in and got settled in the room. While Fran and I were in WDW, Jill had signed the three of us up for a Winemaker Reception at the Carthay Circle Restaurant. We left the room around 6:30, and were being let into the restaurant just before 7PM.

Elevator Selfie!

Fancy Schmancy

Here is the room where our dinner would be served. Our seats are circled and the arrow points to where the winemaker spoke from. Pretty good seats! We were right up there!

Here is the menus and the wine.

The wines themselves…

Here is the winemaker

This is the Chef, he explained each one of the dishes.

Our first dish was a Scallop. It was very tasty and was paired with the Rose. The Winemaker also suggested that we try chardonnay with this dish as well. I liked that better.

The next course was to be paired with the Chardonnay and it was a Shrimp toast. It tasted very interesting, and I don’t mean that in a bad way, it was very good, just not a flavor profile that I am accustomed to.

The next course was Duck meatballs with Harissa. This one was pretty spicy, Fran couldn’t really eat hers. They had a heat on the back end which became so overwhelming that it turned out that none of us could finish them. The Winemaker also suggested to try these with the Syrah which I liked better.

The last course was a porcini pasta. This dish was a little weird, I’m not sure if it was the truffles or the Asparagus or what it was, but none of us finished ours.

Despite a few of the dishes not being quite our fancy, all in all we were satisfied with this event. I was expecting passed hors d'oeuvres with the name "reception" and not dinner. The wines were good, although rather pricey so we didn’t take any home.

We headed back to the room to get some shut eye.

Fancy Schmancy

Again I haven't commented on the last post you put up but this picture of the Fancy Schmacy flowers reminded me of a huge bowl of purple corn air popcorn. I know weird but that was my first thought when I saw it.
I'm not sure there is any real traveling in the cards for the rest of 2022, but hopefully in 2023. We will just have to wait and see.

So I searched the airport amenities and map and this must be the place I went to Famous Famiglia Pizzeria. It seems to be a worldwide chain. It looks like most everything on the Southwest side was all large chains.

We love San Antonio for a foodie town. We have been there several times (a while back) and have eaten at all kinds of places there. I think though we haven't been in almost 20 years. Here's us the last time we were there drinking margaritas the size of our heads on the Riverwalk!

I used to live in San Antonio and the food is good. If you ever get a chance head to El Paso the food there is even better , at least it used to be back in the late 90s when we lived there.
One of our friends had invited us on a VIP tour, let’s just call her Chunkydust.
Pretty sweet! You must have good friends.

He was a nice guy and I don’t remember his name, but he was super knowledgeable and gave us so many random facts. Most of which I forgot, but I will share one or two in this post.
So some guy told you some things. Got it. :rotfl2:

This hidden Mickey was in the lights in the queue.
Good one!

It was a super fun ride! I wish we could have gone on it again on this trip, but it just wasn’t in the cards. I won’t spoil it for anyone who hasn’t ridden, but I did not expect what the ride turned out to be. The only thing I will say is that it uses a trackless ride system. Those are very flexible!
I'm looking forward to trying that one someday. It HAS to be better than GMR.

Our next stop was Galaxy’s Edge, one of the fun facts that the guide pointed out to us was that all of the trash and recycling cans inside Galaxy's Edge say "trash to sector 3263827" in Aurebesh. Sector 3263827 is the number for the Death Star trash compactor where Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa got stuck in the very first "Star Wars" movie.
Oh cool! Nice little detail.

Our CM who put us in the capsule, pressed all the appropriate buttons to activate Chewie modie. Now I don’t recommend Chewie Mode for anyone who hasn’t been on the Falcon before, but when you’ve been on it a bunch of times like all of us in our party, it’s a hoot. Instead of Hondo egging you on it’s Chewie the entire time! You don’t understand a word he is saying, but I think at one point he keeps saying “Fire, fire, fire!” because he keeps repeating the same line in Wookie! It was so hilarious! I would totally do it again if I were with five other experienced riders.
Oh my gosh, that sounds really funny.

We had been monitoring the situation with RotR. The ride had been down all day, otherwise we would have done that one before going to Toy Story Land, and as we walked past, it was still down so we just kind of gave up on it for the day.

When you go on a VIP tour in WDW your guides actually transport you to and from each park, they’re your driver! I’ve had the pleasure of doing a VIP at DisneyLAND and when you park hop, you merely walk across the esplanade and boom! you’re at the other park!
That walk is pretty darn simple, though.

Our guide asked us what was our favorite frozen treat. I’m not sure what everyone else ordered, and some of you may think it’s sacrilegious tha’ t I didn’t get a Mickey Bar, but I really like the Ice Cream Sandwiches and they are easier to eat because the pieces of chocolate don’t fall everywhere and get on your floorboards or shirt.
I would choose the sandwich every time, too. But I'd take a Dole Whip over both.

We also got to see the progress of Tron along the route!
I really can't wait to ride that one when I go back in 2038!

I tried to convince her to come back and sit on my scooter, but she was going to just sit in the bathroom and miss out on the fireworks.
Well, that's certainly a choice.

We all watched Harmonious and it was a nice show. I’m learning that I’m not keeping up with modern Disney very well. I didn’t recognize a lot of the songs (probably because I haven’t seen all the new movies that came out since 2020). But I’m glad I was able to see it.
I watched it when they streamed it online. I felt the same as I do about most of their newer nighttime shows. The effects are very cool, but I really miss the original music and stories. They've all turned into Disney clip shows. "Hey, remember this movie?"
Heck it’s truly our last day because the only thing we do on the last last day is get up and go to the airport.
Exciting stuff!

The park was pretty empty.
That seems to be a real rarity these days.

Oh nice! I like that one.

Then we went to the Memento Mori shop and she found these Gargoyles. Don’t mind the cat in the picture…..she had two of them shipped home. I have no idea where they are going to go, I took them to storage when she was in the hospital and I imagine they will stay there for the duration.
Well, the cat seems to like it, at least.

And then on our way out of the park we ran into another cavalcade.
Man, you can't even sneeze without running into a cavalcade around here.

Then I had a brilliant idea. Chunkydust! There is a reason Su-Lynn gave her that name! I called her and she agreed to pick me a dress in one size smaller and mail it to me.
Hey, good call! Glad the crisis was averted.

And then just a week after we got home, the new dress arrived. It’s still a little big, but that just means more eating room.
Ha! I'm totally stealing that line.

I asked if we could be seated at this empty table, which was right next to ours, but a little quieter.….I was told “No” that we were assigned to this table and they could not move us. What’s with this Disney? I thought you weren’t supposed to say the word No.
Yeah, what's up with that? C'mon, Disney.

You might be thinking, that burger didn’t look like a whole lot of food, and it wasn’t. Be-cause…..

We had to eat THIS!
Now we're talking!

I was a little stunned, but then he followed up with, “I’m your driver.” It took me a while to process what was going on, but evidently there weren’t enough folks going back to the airport at this time of the morning, so rather then send a bus, we got our own private van!
Well, as long as they get you there on time...

I believe that we were home within 45 minutes of landing. At LAX it takes me 45 minutes just to get the car from the remote parking lot. So we may be flying out of Long Beach more in the future! But it will be a while before we can plan anything involving air travel. But when we do we will have plenty of miles and a companion ticket to do so.
Good to know! I looked into Long Beach airport for our trip but the airfare was always $200 more expensive.
As usual Jill got there way before us. She had an early flight and caught a Lyft to the Grand. She had lunch at Carnation Cafe, and then lounged by the pool until her room was ready. As usual, I had a huge list of things to do before we could take off. One of those things included delivering a letter to the tenants about the roofing project that I had to deal with when we were at WDW. Fran was even nice enough to notify the tenants in the neighboring buildings that work was going to be going on over the next two weeks.

It was just after 4PM when we finally arrived at the Grand. We checked in and got settled in the room. While Fran and I were in WDW, Jill had signed the three of us up for a Winemaker Reception at the Carthay Circle Restaurant. We left the room around 6:30, and were being let into the restaurant just before 7PM.
You and Jill always seem to have a lot of fun together!
Again I haven't commented on the last post you put up but this picture of the Fancy Schmacy flowers reminded me of a huge bowl of purple corn air popcorn. I know weird but that was my first thought when I saw it.
I can see that especially when looking at it from the phone. :laughing:
I used to live in San Antonio and the food is good. If you ever get a chance head to El Paso the food there is even better , at least it used to be back in the late 90s when we lived there.
Someday we might take another road trip and possibly it would include parts of Texas. I'll keep El Paso in mind.
Pretty sweet! You must have good friends.
Or just well connected ones!
So some guy told you some things. Got it. :rotfl2:
Well he did have a uniform and a badge....
I'm looking forward to trying that one someday. It HAS to be better than GMR.
I liked GMR!
That walk is pretty darn simple, though.
True. And you will be doing it in mere days.
I would choose the sandwich every time, too. But I'd take a Dole Whip over both.
We'll try to make that happen. I do prefer them from the Tropical Hideaway.
I really can't wait to ride that one when I go back in 2038!
Well, that's certainly a choice.
I watched it when they streamed it online. I felt the same as I do about most of their newer nighttime shows. The effects are very cool, but I really miss the original music and stories. They've all turned into Disney clip shows. "Hey, remember this movie?"
Yeah, pretty much.
That seems to be a real rarity these days.
Especially weekends in summer.
Oh nice! I like that one.
Well, the cat seems to like it, at least
She's always up in yes bizness.
Man, you can't even sneeze without running into a cavalcade around here.
Hey, good call! Glad the crisis was averted.
Me too!
! I'm totally stealing that line.
Steal away!
Yeah, what's up with that? C'mon, Disney.
Yeah, c'mon Disney!
Now we're talking!
Well, as long as they get you there on time...
Good to know! I looked into Long Beach airport for our trip but the airfare was always $200 more expensive.
Not surprised. On points we don't care that much.
You and Jill always seem to have a lot of fun together!
Yes we do!
Yum! I prefer the sammies over the bars also.
We also got to see the progress of Tron along the route!

Super cool! I don't think DL is getting this one, right ? (I know I could google it right now, but I'm going to carry on quoting)
Again, clearly we don’t know where the photo is taken! :laughing:

LOL the ghosts below you are like "what the heck guys?!"

The child in the middle of the boat looks rather terrified!

I also got a Limoncello Margarita for me and Su-Lynn (to repay her for the French Martini) and they had secured a picnic table to sit at for the fireworks.
Yum! Was it very sweet?
Yum! I prefer the sammies over the bars also.
Seems that's a consensus here!
Super cool! I don't think DL is getting this one, right ? (I know I could google it right now, but I'm going to carry on quoting)
Not that I know of....
LOL the ghosts below you are like "what the heck guys?!"
I know, right?
The child in the middle of the boat looks rather terrified!
I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out!
Yum! Was it very sweet?
No, it was just perfect.
I had to have this dress! They didn’t have a fitting room so I made the best guess on which size to get and we bought it.

Ok I need a closer picture of the material of this dress- looks like Mickey heads?

And then we got some special popcorn for the 50th.

Pale coloured popcorn- I'm sure healthier than the bright stuff right?

Nice pic! Fran has such a natural smile!

Cute!! Once you get going on outings again, I'm sure you will find some use for them :)
Chunkydust! There is a reason Su-Lynn gave her that name! I called her and she agreed to pick me a dress in one size smaller and mail it to me. I could return the larger one at the Beach Club Mercantile, and if there was still a smaller size at MK she would surely find it!
So clever! Glad they were able to help out!

Yum! nothing like leftovers with wine! I approve!

I asked if we could be seated at this empty table, which was right next to ours, but a little quieter.….I was told “No” that we were assigned to this table and they could not move us. What’s with this Disney? I thought you weren’t supposed to say the word No.

I would have asked for it also!

We had to eat THIS!

Yum yum yum! which one is this?

I’m your driver.” It took me a while to process what was going on, but evidently there weren’t enough folks going back to the airport at this time of the morning, so rather then send a bus, we got our own private van!
Score! nothing like a private ride you didn't pay extra for!
While we were waiting I found a pizza place and got two slices, one pepperoni and one mushroom.
Plain mushroom? That's not really a thing here
I believe that we were home within 45 minutes of landing. At LAX it takes me 45 minutes just to get the car from the remote parking lot. So we may be flying out of Long Beach more in the future! But it will be a while before we can plan anything involving air travel. But when we do we will have plenty of miles and a companion ticket to do so.
Very quick!
Our next trip is in and out of SNA- will see how that goes!
Ok I need a closer picture of the material of this dress- looks like Mickey heads?
There are Mickey heads interspersed with castles, but I'll try to get a close up picture of the fabric and post it later.
Pale coloured popcorn- I'm sure healthier than the bright stuff right?
Well actually it was sugar coated with pastel colored sugar, so not healthy at all.
Nice pic! Fran has such a natural smile!
She does! :teeth:
Cute!! Once you get going on outings again, I'm sure you will find some use for them :)
I did actually wear them at the concert a week ago Sunday.
So clever! Glad they were able to help out!
Well it was just Chunkydust, she lives locally so she was very helpful.
Yum! nothing like leftovers with wine! I approve!
And noodles no less! I have some leftover that I've got to toss, I couldn't eat them fast enough.
I would have asked for it also!
Great minds......
Yum yum yum! which one is this?
I believe that it was a custom sundae, three scoops and we picked the toppings.
Score! nothing like a private ride you didn't pay extra for!
Yup, although it was a little more difficult to load than the regular bus, but at least we didn't have to go to three more resorts to pick people up.
Plain mushroom? That's not really a thing here
They had a lot of weird flavors at this place. I was looking for a meat and non meat slice, I think the other one I contemplated had spinach and feta.
Very quick!
Our next trip is in and out of SNA- will see how that goes!
Is that the September trip? I have you penciled in to at least come out and join you for some of it. I just hope we are no longer on the four hour plan.


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