2 Grandbabies hatched last night! (New pics on page 4)


<font color=darkorchid>Corn was on sale, 10 ears f
Jul 23, 2006
I don't know if I mentioned it over here, but a few weeks back my lovebirds started laying eggs. They finally ended up with a clutch of 6. Last night, they started singing, so I went to take a look, and 2 of the eggs had hatched!

They had kicked one of the eggs out of the nest (it was infertile), but I may have 3 more on the way :banana:

This isn't mine, but here's what they look like at the moment...
Awesome Conc! Congrats to the entire family!
Congrats GrampsKahuna!!
OK, I can't exactly say the baby is cute, but then I also said my youngest looked like a monkey when she was born!
How does a bird tell that an egg is infertile? :confused3
Grandpa Conc that is so cool! Please post pictures of your little ones when you get a chance. And don't forget to buy them some Christmas presents!
How does a bird tell that an egg is infertile? :confused3

I guess when you sit on them all day, you can tell if anything is moving inside. I had to use the old "candleing" technique. Hold it up to a light so you can see if there's anything alive in it.

So what did you do to the infertile egg?

He went out with the morning trash, unfortunatly.

As for a Christmas present, I think mom, dad, and the kids need a new cage!! It will probably have to wait a few weeks though.
OMG!!! That's beautiful!! :cloud9: :love:
Thanks for sharing, Conc!! Congratulations!!! :thumbsup2
Happy Birthday, babies!! :flower3:
Aww soo cute! Be sure to put more pics up as they get older :goodvibes congratulations!


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