An Alphabetical, (Flower and) Garden Variety TR- V is for: Vida la Tucson! TR COMPLETE! (3/14)

Hi Sue!!

We love this ride but hate the standby line. It has too many turns. The worst one, though, is the Nemo ride in Epcot. Those are permanent walls that force you to needlessly weave through a ride that is often a walk on.

I know!! I literally get dizzy going through it if you have no one in front of you and you are going at a good clip. ANd you are right, that one is even WORSE in EPCOT!!!

I wish they could come up with a different queuing system to bypass what is 99% unnecessary.

I've learned how different each hospital can be from our daughter. She now works at two different hospitals. One them them has a system with very strict guidelines on how to do things. The other hospital doesn't really have any specific procedure rules for some things and she finds it a little harder to know what they want at that hospital. But either way, the work day zaps her. They are also short staffed. Nurses are leaving because traveling nurses are making a lot more per hour than the nurses on staff.
IT's so true and what one hospital is very picky about others aren't and vice versa. So hard to know and that makes it so hard. EVERY place is short-staffed and it's killer for those who are working. The pt loads are intense and it's very stressful.

I do wonder though if the flood of travel nurses and the trend towards that is finally going to push facilities into paying RNs what they truly SHOULD be making. There is NO WAY I'd do what I am doing right now for less than I am making. My health (that I KNOW this is affecting) just isn't worth it long-term.
I occasionally feel an unstoppable compulsion to stuff cotton in my ears. Maybe it's just me.



Walt would be very, very sad. Where is your childlike wonder? ;)

Of course it is. How could it not be?!?!?
It's official!! Doombuggy is too.

Impressive. I occasionally try to and rarely succeed.

You're probably better than you think!

Nice shot. I at first thought you just grabbed that off the internet until I noticed the signature at the bottom.

Nope! All mine!
Yes! I have been known to burst into accompaniment in the privacy of my car on long stretches.

It's a rule!!
This is very true. Sing if you must. But turn off the flash and NO CUTTING.

I really detest that. I don't often let people pass anymore it's gotten so bad. Your family can go back to you, and if it's a group of teens, NOPE!

I never thought of that. Man... there are a ton of twists to that queue.

They are NOT fun. It's like an attraction all to itself in a scooter!

No. No it doesn't. It could easily go without a trip there! :scared:

And I"m sure you have, but I'll bet you did as a dad of young girls.

<Pulls out earbuds and cranks up AC/DC... loud.>

You guys. What will I do with you.
Whelp... thanks a lot. There's that ear worm I have to contend with for the rest of the day. :sad2:

Did it work?

We're all trying to focus on desperately drowning out that song.

It's a world of laughter, a world of joy...

Oh? I don't think I've noticed any change in the AC/DC song at this point.

Because it's all simply noise and sounds the same. Just like IaSW but more grating to the nerves. I want a smile on my face, not someone screaming at me.

Okay... that part I do like.
Which is... kina two-faced of me, don't you think.
"I hate this ride... Yay! My name is on this ride!"

Now see? You're warming up!

Oy. Not exactly the most fun touring partner. You need to find someone who will step up their game.

Actually... there is an abundance of cast iron frying pans. :laughing:

Vote to permanently change the ride's name to this!

They could enhance the ride with leftover Eau de Casey's!
I actually really enjoyed IASW in August. We had a boat to ourselves and the boats were going really slow. I learned on one of my tours, Disney slows the boats down or speeds them up depending on the crowd levels.
we had a really nice trip with all the dolls, creepy ones and all!

OH that's a super fun factoid! And totally makes sense that they'd do that. I really do appreciate the creativity that went into the design of this ride. The colors and bling are so fun!!
I feel the need to sing too on all the Fantasyland rides.

It's compulsory!
That is a very twisty queue.

I get that they have to do that as a space saving device, but.... oy.
I do the same thing. I have tons of pictures but still take more, of the same thing.

WHY?! Why do we do this?! LOL!
I noticed this for the first time too. Being short I don't remember to look up.

And sometimes, being short, even if we do look up stuff is still out of view!
I would love to see some photos of the details(without any humans) in the men's room.

Me too!
So sorry it's been rough. I'm sure it will get better.
I would sure hope it does. Nevertheless, I am going to LOVE my January Disney vacation!
I adore the Liberty Belle! In no particular order, I can have a perfect day at MK only doing the following attractions; Liberty Belle, Country bears, Tiki Room, CoP, the carousel and the People Mover. Add in some Hidden Mickey hunting and a snack or two and I'm golden. :)

Me too!! Although it's been years since I've done CBJ. Need to fix that.

I should take my Hidden Mickey book in January.

Sounds much better than our shandies.

The best bang for the buck is a glass of wine.

Now that looks delicious! Glad you had a much better Skippers experience than we did.

I was so sad that the Skipper thing didn't work out for you. :( I hope it's just a case of ordering wrong.

Where is that tree? Must check it out next trip.
It's across from Sunshine Terrace along the Jungle Boats.
I always sing! How can you not??

SEE?! I'm not the only one!
Wait... there's a theme????

Yes, the "We are lame, so let's do tame" theme.
Okay... she got seasick, right?? Right?????

Actually, she did just fine on this one AND COP. But, I think the WEDWAY would not have been a good idea.

So... I looked at your photos and... I'm not sure if I've been on the Belle? I know I've done the one in DL, but...
A lot of your photos looked unfamiliar. Then again, that could just be a result of not being on it often... or recently.

There are definitely some key differences. :) It's not surprising that not much looked familiar.

Nicely done. :thumbsup2

Thanks! I kinda love how these turned out.

Soooo many details. :)

Ah! So that's the boat you were talking about.
And no, it does not look familiar.

Yep, another unique to WDW scene.

Walking the streets and hanging around the docks, huh?

Ho there!!

Um, er, I mean...

Hmm... you're going to have to give me rundown on this one.
That is the crest for the Society of Explorers and Adventurers- a fictional Disney Club that once had its headquarters in DTD.
Hmm... so not good... but good?

Yeah, kinda. I wouldn't eat the bread blobs alone, but the sauce made them ok.

Interesting! I don't remember that one on the menu, but... maybe I just ordered other things.


Probably too zoomy for Marcia, anyways.

I think yes. Probably would have been!

I'm sorry, what wasn't open?!?!?!?

I mean, sure, yes, of course. It's not to everyone's liking.

I just can't get the knack of it!

I dunno... spinning theatre and all...

At this point I doubt her ability to handle any ride!

She did okay on this one.
No napping?

<gasp!> NO WAY!!
:laughing: Not me! That song's way too catchy.

Oh? Kinda like IaSW?

...It's a Small World After all, it's a small world after alllll.... it's....
Poor thing. You were over-doing it, weren't you?

Walt would be very, very sad. Where is your childlike wonder? ;)
It's wondering why I have to listen to that horrid song.
It's official!! Doombuggy is too.
You're probably better than you think!
Or not.
Nope! All mine!
I really detest that. I don't often let people pass anymore it's gotten so bad. Your family can go back to you, and if it's a group of teens, NOPE!
I always tell them "Don't worry, they'll wait for you."

Last time at TOT it was the classic little kid going through the line by themselves and a few moments later, here comes mom. I figure if the kid is old enough to be left alone to go through the line, the mom can wait.
But she was very persistent and I got tired of watching her and she eventually cut through.
Some battles just aren't worth fighting.
They are NOT fun. It's like an attraction all to itself in a scooter!
Yay! New Disney attraction!
And I"m sure you have, but I'll bet you did as a dad of young girls.
Well... maybe.
Did it work?
Yes. I screamed long and loud and eventually it went away.
It's a world of laughter, a world of joy...
DANG IT!!!!!!!
Because it's all simply noise and sounds the same. Just like IaSW but more grating to the nerves. I want a smile on my face, not someone screaming at me.
Philistine! :snooty:
Now see? You're warming up!
I'll grant it that one teeny tiny nod of approval.
They could enhance the ride with leftover Eau de Casey's!
Now you're talking!
First though a quick detour to take a(nother) photo of the Starfruit Tree that I (still) promise you is there. (You doubters know who you are.) I first saw this on another previous trip and was amused. What an unlikely place for such an unusual tree.
I have to look for this tree! This is the first time of heard of it.
Buzz isn’t my thing (where IS my laser?!) which really only leaves COP.

We also had some time to play. Just 2 old farts having a bit of fun. We’re allowed, ya know.
Buzz is one of my favorite rides. I love the competition, meaning - I love the rare times when I can beat my husband. ;) We ducked into COP on our trip last month to get out of the rain. It worked, too, and the rain ended just when we got off the ride. :)
In the end, I just let the drivers do it most of the time. It worked out best for everyone.
I would definitely let the drivers park it. I'd be lucky not to run people down if I was driving one of those things.
I zapped a leftover falafel
It must have been nice to have the microwave oven in your resort room.
Yes, the "We are lame, so let's do tame" theme.
Rhymes and everything.
There are definitely some key differences. :) It's not surprising that not much looked familiar.
No gnawing beavers...
Ho there!!

Um, er, I mean...
That is the crest for the Society of Explorers and Adventurers- a fictional Disney Club that once had its headquarters in DTD.
Oh! Yes, I've heard of it. I remember so many people were very upset when it closed.
Yeah, kinda. I wouldn't eat the bread blobs alone, but the sauce made them ok.
Okay got it. But... that's kinda like the Sanaa bread service, no?
I just can't get the knack of it!
Keep trying!
<gasp!> NO WAY!!
But many, many do!
Oh? Kinda like IaSW?
...It's a Small World After all, it's a small world after alllll.... it's....
There goes my nice relaxing evening.
I knew it.
I always tell them "Don't worry, they'll wait for you."

Last time at TOT it was the classic little kid going through the line by themselves and a few moments later, here comes mom. I figure if the kid is old enough to be left alone to go through the line, the mom can wait.
But she was very persistent and I got tired of watching her and she eventually cut through.
Some battles just aren't worth fighting.

That's when I'd recruit the other in-liners and do a bit of public shaming. As long as they get away with it they'll keep on doing it.

Yay! New Disney attraction!

It's like the Speedway for people who don't want to breathe in fumes.

Well... maybe.

Seee... ;)

Yes. I screamed long and loud and eventually it went away.

But could it even be heard over your already screamo music?

Philistine! :snooty:

heh, I've been called worse.

I'll grant it that one teeny tiny nod of approval.

I hope they never change the Native American scenes.
I'm surprised they or some Karen hasn't already complained about it being racist. Seems today, people are calling just about everything racist.

And the little boat docked beside that grotto! What a story that conjures!!
I'll either have to research this or hope you'll explain.

We got a window table in the main dining hall which was a little bit of a bummer as it’s pretty loud in there
Duly noted

Well Duh! It's Disney.

I made sure to use the prettiest bathroom on property and to say hi to Walt's Butterflies:
You would know. I'll trust you.

MILF wasn’t open
When I read this, I was like WHOOOAH!!! that acronym normally has a way different meaning.
Was trying to think of all the stuff there and actually had to look up the attractions to figure it out. Sad, huh?

Buzz isn’t my thing (where IS my laser?!
Still hope I can train you how to kick Zurgs butt some time.

which really only leaves COP.
Not a bad option at all. Still love it and it's one of the few originals left.

COP was as amusing as always. And it sure felt good to sit in a real chair in some real AC for 20 minutes. Yes, I sang. Don’t judge.
No judging here...I always do....unless I'm napping.

We still had some gas in us (lunch was great!
You.ate beans?

Betcha wish I had some photos, or better yet video, of me parking Roll-E on the bus. I found it hilarious myself once the damage control on my pride-o-meter was cleaned up
I've seen enough people struggle with them...had one run over my toes. Seen bus drivers get frustrated, but also seen some with the patience of a saint.
Don't feel bad...I don't think I've seen more than a few out of the hundreds that were good at controlling them.

What I didn’t do was plug Roll-E in, but that’s another adventure for another day!
Ruh roh George.
I adore the Liberty Belle! In no particular order, I can have a perfect day at MK only doing the following attractions; Liberty Belle, Country bears, Tiki Room, CoP, the carousel and the People Mover. Add in some Hidden Mickey hunting and a snack or two and I'm golden. :)
Agreed except Tiki room. I don't dislike it, but my other must do is BLY.

always sing! How can you not??
If asleep is only one for me.

LOL!!! The word rhymed with Witch but started with a B.

Boy how I'd have loved to have been able to go on that. :sad:
I knew that...was messing with you. Wish you'd had the chance. As a kid, I thought it was way cool.

Well, we all have to be good at something!
I'm good at being a geek. Does that count?

I don't see them EVER getting rid of Small World. It's Walt's Baby.
I considered COP and WEDWAY to be Walt's babies, but they took away the name on WEDWAY which was what made it uniquely Walt's. Also, the train is most definitely his baby.. Hopefully, those things will continue, but then again, so much has changed for the worse, I don't have high hopes. I know the only constant is change, but so many changes are just money grabs and creates sadness for me.
I'm surprised they or some Karen hasn't already complained about it being racist. Seems today, people are calling just about everything racist.

Oh I'm sure it's happened.
I'll either have to research this or hope you'll explain.

See the last photo in that series....
Well Duh! It's Disney.

This inordinately so.
When I read this, I was like WHOOOAH!!! that acronym normally has a way different meaning.
Was trying to think of all the stuff there and actually had to look up the attractions to figure it out. Sad, huh?

I'm surprised this isn't more made fun of. Then again, I happen to know about a certain men's group around here who makes fun of it fairly regularly.

Still hope I can train you how to kick Zurgs butt some time.

Oh heck, I'd be happy with anything over 20,000.

Not a bad option at all. Still love it and it's one of the few originals left.

But, but..... so is IASW!!!!

You.ate beans?


I've seen enough people struggle with them...had one run over my toes. Seen bus drivers get frustrated, but also seen some with the patience of a saint.
Don't feel bad...I don't think I've seen more than a few out of the hundreds that were good at controlling them.

I think I did mostly okay. Parking really was the only struggle consistently.

Agreed except Tiki room. I don't dislike it, but my other must do is BLY.
Wish you'd had the chance. As a kid, I thought it was way cool.

OH I'll bet!!!

I considered COP and WEDWAY to be Walt's babies, but they took away the name on WEDWAY which was what made it uniquely Walt's. Also, the train is most definitely his baby.. Hopefully, those things will continue, but then again, so much has changed for the worse, I don't have high hopes. I know the only constant is change, but so many changes are just money grabs and creates sadness for me.
I''ve heard growing complaint against Chapek. Seems stuff almost always comes from the top down.
That's when I'd recruit the other in-liners and do a bit of public shaming. As long as they get away with it they'll keep on doing it.
Doesn't work. Others often "don't want to make waves/get involved" or... the offending party either can't or pretends they can't speak English.
It's like the Speedway for people who don't want to breathe in fumes.
There ya go.
Speedway with Teslas. Wonder if Walt would approve of that? I'm thinking... yes.
But could it even be heard over your already screamo music?
Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t help myself. I get on a ride in Fantasyland and feel an unstoppable compulsion to sing my little ol’ heart out.

Nothing wrong with that!

(unless I'm also in the car)

Besides that, I was all flustered with navigating that _itch of a queue on Roll-E. No, seriously, I about got seasick just getting TO the Under-the-Sea part.

Oh, I never thought of that, but I can imagine it is a huge pain to navigate that one.

No visit to MK for a first-timer should go without a trip on the Happiest Cruise that Ever Sailed. How else can the tour guide better annoy the visitor? Oh, right!! Singing it for 10 minutes and 30 seconds.

This might be the worst advice ever given, anywhere.

On the other hand, I once heard similar advice about trying poi in Hawaii: "Try it once, so you can badmouth it with authority."

So, boys… next time you’re in yours, can you take notice for me? Does your Tinkle Room have similar theming details? I mean…. I’ve been known to accidentally stray into the boys’ room on numerous occasions, (my most Steppe-famous was at my own little Hoop de View), but I try not to do that intentionally.

No promises...we tend to be men on a mission when we step in there.

I’ve only come very close to crying a small handful of times each of the 7 shifts I’ve worked so far. To say my new job has been one with a steep learning curve is a gross understatement. I’m overwhelmed at times and tired. So, so very tired. Please be patient with me as I am absolutely exhausted on my days off and need to simply sleep.

Man, I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully it will get a little easier, day by day.

There’s not much to add in the way of describing with words a journey on the Liberty Belle, but I do think some of the photos turned out fun. I hope they never change the Native American scenes. And the little boat docked beside that grotto! What a story that conjures!!

I really love your photos of the Liberty Belle cruise! Great scenery there.

The palms in Adventureland are pretty dreamy too!

Adventureland is very underrated in terms of theming.

Botany aside and bellies full we thought we’d explore Tomorrowland. Not that there was much we could do there; the WEDWAY wasn’t open yet, SM was out, out, out due to our delicate constitutions, MILF wasn’t open, Buzz isn’t my thing (where IS my laser?!) which really only leaves COP.

Yeah...I'd be skipping Tomorrowland in this case.

And, um...what exactly wasn't open??

What I didn’t do was plug Roll-E in, but that’s another adventure for another day!

There’s not much to add in the way of describing with words a journey on the Liberty Belle, but I do think some of the photos turned out fun.

LB is a nice relaxing ride. You're pictures are fabulous.

We both thought the Pao de Queijo sounded pretty good. Had I known it was gigantic and filling, I might not have ordered it. I think we took most home and ended up throwing it away the next day. The verdict? A bit bland and dry. The sauces were great though! And made it worth eating a few. My guess is that I ate two. If you want a meal filler this is the ticket.

We love the bread but yes it is filling.

Sustainable Fish "Not Piranha," served on Cassava fritter with wilted greens and a guava-habanero sauce $31.00

I've never had this, but it really looks good. I'll have to try it in the future.

We also had some time to play. Just 2 old farts having a bit of fun. We’re allowed, ya know.

Cute Purple Wall photos.

COP was as amusing as always. And it sure felt good to sit in a real chair in some real AC for 20 minutes. Yes, I sang. Don’t judge.

Yes to all of the above.

What I didn’t do was plug Roll-E in, but that’s another adventure for another day!

Oh nooooooo!
M is for: Morning Mischief at DHS

Roll-E was eager to go and squeezed himself with a few (dozen) k-turns into his spot on the bus. How long he’d roll was a question with dubious certainty. Why? Because Steppe isn’t too bright sometimes. Perhaps it was because the night before involved gingerly slipping into the bed-nest and gulping a handful of (non-narcotic, and therefore wholly inadequate) pain pills and falling into a fitful sleep with nothing to spare for trivial details like plugging Roll-E in or setting an alarm.

The morning rigamarole had its challenges and eventually we girls got our getting’ goin’ and found ourselves here:

DHS, a former shadow on a once great park. Oh sure, Galaxy's Edge is well-themed, and I do enjoy it, and Toy Story Land is a good addition for young families, and I do love SDD, but GMR and the old Back Lot Tour are sorely missed. I miss the quickly disappearing focus of Hollywood in its heyday and classic movies and filmmaking.

Pausing for Bo, as if a Hop On, Hop Off Bus attraction, he smiled as I planted a peck on his cheek. You’re adorable, Bo…. Smile and wave, smile and wave…

You might be wondering by now how coffee hasn’t been mentioned until now. I was mystified as much as you are while writing this. Never fear! We each found some to our liking. I hit up my Joffrey’s stand across from Tower and waited a fraction of the time that Marcia did for $ixbucks. I wasn’t too worried about being delayed because Roll-E was now in the “Yellow Zone” and rather than be dead on the tracks, I opted to make haste to find an outlet. There aren’t many in the parks, but good fortune smiled on me on that beautiful, sunny morning.

While Marcia waited just short of forever for a crappy cup of the world’s most expensive coffee (aside from Kopi luwak, but comes close), I sauntered over to the Brown Derby outdoor lounge to make some inquiries. As it happened, not so coincidentally, we had a reservation for later and I wanted to ask if they had the apricot brandy in house to make my Apricot Sour. While I waited for someone to help me out, I spied with my little eye an outlet on the wall just adjacent to the check in gate. Huzzah!!! With my answer in the affirmative I wheeled around and scooped in for the kill. The lone, coveted outlet. Happy as a clam with my phone (did I mention that Roll-E had a built in USB port?) my coffee, the sun on my shoulders and plenty of people watching, I basked. It was wonderful.

With about 30 minutes of charge on Roll-E, we were back in the Green-Means-Go. That’s a good place to be when it concerns the potential of stalled scooters.

Now that coffee was procured, Marcia was eager to see the park and explore. I thought it best to show her the Sunset Boulevard Area since it’s a short and sweet jaunt. And we couldn’t actually ride anything so “wasting time” was irrelevant. Then again, just taking in park ambiance isn’t always “wasting time” either. When you’re old and decrepit that becomes more and more attractive. I’ve reported on it several times before, but I really dig this Victory Garden display. This whole area has some downright fabulous nuggets of tribute to the heroes of WWII in fact.

While neither of us are big Star Wars fans, I will admit that the area is amazingly well done. I think Marcia thought so too. Sometimes she was hard to read but if the number of photos she took, and the enthusiasm in which she texted those photos to Greg and her adult kids was any indication, she thought it was better than mashed potatoes and gluten-free gravy. I wouldn’t know. God put gluten in food to make it taste good.

Here are the smattering of photos I took:

I am definitely NOT a shopper or merchandise collector (I have a small pin collection and a coffee cup from each resort I’ve stayed at (except Saratoga Springs and POP because their purchasers suck beyond all reason)) but I gotta say my new sipper cup from Ronto's is pretty fantastic. I have Arizona cocktail-y dreams imbibed in my other-worldly sipper. Perhaps a duplicated drink inspired by Oga’s menu….

Bidding Chewie and Rey a friendly good-bye, it was lunch time. But since these photos are edited and the Brown Derby lunch photos aren’t, you get the stories a bit out of order. So, fast-forward to what we did after lunch. 😉

We were limited to shows, and it was pretty warm out, so this was a nice place to plop. Still wish the other historian was still acting here. Nevertheless it's a cute show. I don't think Marcia appreciated the inane humor like I do, but I think she rather enjoyed sitting for a while in the AC. She used the time to call Greg. I edited photos a bit.

Have yet to see this:

Since the rest of the day is only comprised of some time spent with Uncle Walt, some silliness at the Popsicle Wall, and a snicky-snack, (note the sunburned knees that match my popsicle!)

I’ll finish off with the remainder of the photos I took before we headed back to our resort. Our new resort, that is!! This was the day we moved from the intolerable noise and sleepless nights of the Nemo room to the far-more-peaceful and beautiful room at the Coronado.
Why? Because Steppe isn’t too bright sometimes.
Nah. You've had surgery and are in pain. You were just on a dimmer switch that day.
gulping a handful of (non-narcotic, and therefore wholly inadequate) pain pills and falling into a fitful sleep with nothing to spare for trivial details like plugging Roll-E in or setting an alarm.
See? How could anyone remember all the things?
DHS, a former shadow on a once great park.
GMR and the old Back Lot Tour are sorely missed.
Yeah, okay, I'll give you that one. Plus the old location for drawing characters.
The back lot tour was great, but... maybe they felt it was too much like Uni Cali's back lot tour?
I miss the quickly disappearing focus of Hollywood in its heyday and classic movies and filmmaking.
I'll agree with that too! The focus is so Star Wars-centric now that any other movies are being squeezed out. I wonder if DHS will soon become Star Wars park and we'll lose the rest. TOT will be come "Escape the trash compactor!", RnRC will be "Voyage to Light Speed", etc...

Cute outfit.

Yours too.
You might be wondering by now how coffee hasn’t been mentioned until now.
I just assumed you'd had 6-7 cups already at the resort.
I hit up my Joffrey’s stand across from Tower and waited a fraction of the time that Marcia did for $ixbucks.
You know... I'm a little surprised that you can still get Joffrey's with Starbucks so close. And glad that you can.
While Marcia waited just short of forever for a crappy cup of the world’s most expensive coffee (aside from Kopi luwak, but comes close)
You heard it here folks, all the poop that's fit to print!
I wanted to ask if they had the apricot brandy in house to make my Apricot Sour.
For your... grandmother, I believe?
(did I mention that Roll-E had a built in USB port?)
So that's why the battery was drained! :laughing:
my coffee, the sun on my shoulders and plenty of people watching, I basked. It was wonderful.
Sounds not too shabby! :)
Marcia was eager to see the park and explore.
And ride all the... wait...
And we couldn’t actually ride anything so “wasting time” was irrelevant.
there it is...
Then again, just taking in park ambiance isn’t always “wasting time” either.
I've said before that I would be perfectly happy going to Disney and not riding a single ride.
When you’re old and decrepit that becomes more and more attractive.
I believe you... but this doesn't apply to you, of course. You're far from old or decrepit.
I’ve reported on it several times before, but I really dig this Victory Garden display.
While neither of us are big Star Wars fans, I will admit that the area is amazingly well done.
That is true. It's spectacularly done. However... Can we confine the SW stuff to the SW area???
I think Marcia thought so too. Sometimes she was hard to read but if the number of photos she took, and the enthusiasm in which she texted those photos to Greg and her adult kids was any indication, she thought it was better than mashed potatoes and gluten-free gravy.
:laughing: Well, I'm glad she enjoyed that at least!
God put gluten in food to make it taste good.
Not disagreeing with you!
This is not the droid you're looking for to photograph.
Interesting detail. What is it?
I am definitely NOT a shopper or merchandise collector
Nor I.
I have my R2 droid and a "hand grenade" Coke bottle. That's about it.
Okay, that's a pretty cool sipper cup. ::yes::
I don't think Marcia appreciated the inane humor like I do, but I think she rather enjoyed sitting for a while in the AC.
Ah well. AC is always good.
note the sunburned knees that match my popsicle!
Yikes! (although they don't look too badly burned?)
You look pretty spry (and pretty, too!) for a decrepit old lady...

See? Toldja. Neither old, nor decrepit.
This was the day we moved from the intolerable noise and sleepless nights of the Nemo room to the far-more-peaceful and beautiful room at the Coronado.
Phew! Good!
I like the black and white photo of the DHS entrance. It fits with the theme.
DHS, a former shadow on a once great park. Oh sure, Galaxy's Edge is well-themed, and I do enjoy it, and Toy Story Land is a good addition for young families, and I do love SDD, but GMR and the old Back Lot Tour are sorely missed. I miss the quickly disappearing focus of Hollywood in its heyday and classic movies and filmmaking.
I miss the former MGM, too, especially the backlot tour. I liked the section with the movie homes, especially when it was decorated with Christmas lights. I still have a pair of the special glasses that the handed out that made the lights look like little angels. Those were some good memories of going to WDW with the kids. :)
I’ve reported on it several times before, but I really dig this Victory Garden display. This whole area has some downright fabulous nuggets of tribute to the heroes of WWII in fact.
Here is another place that you have "found" that I can't remember seeing. I guess I need to explore a little more.
We were limited to shows, and it was pretty warm out, so this was a nice place to plop. Still wish the other historian was still acting here. Nevertheless it's a cute show.
The Frozen Sing Along was the first live show that WDW brought back, and it was great to see it again. There is one male historian that I love to watch and one that is really funny. It is also a nice place to sit and relax. :)
Roll-E was eager to go and squeezed himself with a few (dozen) k-turns into his spot on the bus. How long he’d roll was a question with dubious certainty. Why? Because Steppe isn’t too bright sometimes. Perhaps it was because the night before involved gingerly slipping into the bed-nest and gulping a handful of (non-narcotic, and therefore wholly inadequate) pain pills and falling into a fitful sleep with nothing to spare for trivial details like plugging Roll-E in or setting an alarm.
Poor Roll-E, it wasn't his morning......or yours!
I miss the quickly disappearing focus of Hollywood in its heyday and classic movies and filmmaking.
I miss this so much! The Citizens of Hollywood, the focus on the movies etc.
While Marcia waited just short of forever for a crappy cup of the world’s most expensive coffee (aside from Kopi luwak, but comes close), I sauntered over to the Brown Derby outdoor lounge to make some inquiries. As it happened, not so coincidentally, we had a reservation for later and I wanted to ask if they had the apricot brandy in house to make my Apricot Sour. While I waited for someone to help me out, I spied with my little eye an outlet on the wall just adjacent to the check in gate. Huzzah!!! With my answer in the affirmative I wheeled around and scooped in for the kill. The lone, coveted outlet. Happy as a clam with my phone (did I mention that Roll-E had a built in USB port?) my coffee, the sun on my shoulders and plenty of people watching, I basked. It was wonderful.
Sounds absolutely perfect!
Since the rest of the day is only comprised of some time spent with Uncle Walt, some silliness at the Popsicle Wall, and a snicky-snack, (note the sunburned knees that match my popsicle!)
A perfect day for sure. :)


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