...And Then Scotty Happened. A Hawaiian Adventure (CHAPTER 32 Added 5/23--THE END)

Great updates….

Gotta love a restaurant called Bubba's. :thumbsup2

Beautiful pictures!

I remember seeing the picture of the kids with the numbers and Julie… I was like 'huh, whaaa…. no way. That has to be…. ahhhhh,,, ut-oh.'

The Queen's Bath looks like a great place to swim. As long as you don't die there.

Feel free to use smithereens in every update. Love that word. It doesn't get used enough.

Lahania is a beautiful town. Love the nigh pics from there. :thumbsup2
I never felt so hot before in my life as in the Valley of Fire at the end of July - and we were there in the morning!

Hi Katharina! Welcome back!

We will definitely not be lacking for heat on this trip. Maybe it'll make up for the awful winter we had.

From the places you mentioned we saw all but the last two. But then we saw others you don't have on your list. Originally the main reason for the trip was Monument Valley, kind of a dream place to see for my husband. So we organized the trip more or less around it. Hoover Dam was interesting - which tour are you planning to take? Zion N.P. was breath taking and managable even in July/August with heat and tourist. I was very disappointed by Bryce Canyon, even though we were there really early in the morning it was packed with tourist. We even spent less time there than we had planned and we were able to discover Cedar Breaks National Monument, which we hadn't planned on visiting at all. The amphitheater is not as big as in Bryce, but much much less crowded and on the peak are very friendly yellow bellied marmots.

Thanks for the tips! Monument Valley is a place we definitely want to see, but we just couldn't make it easily fit on our loop.

With Hoover Dam, we're going to do the basic tour--the one you're allowed to take a baby on. Drew is cramping our style a bit, but we'll have to make the adjustments.

Glad to hear Zion is worth the trip. Hopefully Bryce Canyon won't be terrible. I did see that they now have a shuttle service to try and help manage the crowds. We'll have to plan accordingly. And we did plan a stop at Cedar Breaks N.M. as well. It'll be right on the way in the morning.

Yes we loved it so much that I don't see any possible WDW trip with my husband in the near future because IF we have enough money again for a trip to the US it will be to Utah/Arizon/Colorado. There are lots of places we want to explore with more time on our hands or in more bearable temperatures.

My experience: it will be hot, very hot. If you want more tips or experiences, just let me know. I'll pm you our map, you can see where we've been...

We know to expect the heat. It's July in the desert. So yes, it'll be hot. Julie and I have been to Arizona twice in the summer, so we do know what to expect. My feeling there is the same as when you plan to travel to Disney World--it'll be hot and crowded. Plan for it, and you'll be fine. :thumbsup2
And yet most bad things seem to be eternal.
Don’t seem right now do it.

As I said, though, it's not the case. It just feels like the good times fly by more quickly. Anyway, only a very few things are eternal, and these are truly the only things that have meaning. Trust me, my church just spent a couple of months studying Ecclesiastes. :rotfl2:

“Good evening! As a duly designated representative of the state, county and city… I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension!”

“There's definitely a very slim chance we'll survive.”

“I love this plan! I'm excited to be a part of it. Let's do it!”

Somebody blew their nose all over the place and you wanna keep it?

Not to like? Well the steep path comes to mind,
but the scenery does make up for that a might.

No pain, no gain!

I hate squirrels!

Alpha, your voice sounds funny.

And we’ll make note of that fact for posterior… errr… I mean posterity.


Time never moves quicker than when our kids are leaving their childhood behind.
(and us with it)

And I can't find the brake pedal!

So that's it then? That's the secret grand adventure? You spent three days lying on a beach, drinking rum?!

Oh wait! That sounds pretty good actually

+1:thumbsup2 You could do worse.

That’s the type of buildup that’s bound to provoke the Lords of Catastrophe

Hey, at least I had a window this time.

In the same way that a cursed Tiki is…

Or a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Hummmm… potentially affordable real-estate in Hawaii.
Just be careful when you start tilling the ground for the flower garden.

Explosive sales! We're going out with a bang!

Doesn’t quite make up for the missed high altitude photo’s…
but it comes close.

We tried. We really did.

Sign of a very successful round of souvenir acquisitions

You might have packed a smaller suitcase into an otherwise empty slightly larger one on the way out. Then you’d have had the extra on hand without need of the additional purchase. The baggage fees are a different matter though

Never mind, y’all have that well in hand.

Julie is the master at packing the bags. I just do what she tells me.

And she keeps you around for some reason as well.
We just ain’t quite sure what it might be.

Carrying said luggage.:thumbsup2

That was a mighty fine win there, and from the looks of the pictures,
One satisfyingly excellent evening to wrap things up on as well.

Nice, relaxing evening. For a very tired family.

Again I say, just you wait.
What they consider to be a good view will be changing drastically…

Great updates….

Gotta love a restaurant called Bubba's. :thumbsup2

And they didn't even serve shrimp.

Beautiful pictures!


I remember seeing the picture of the kids with the numbers and Julie… I was like 'huh, whaaa…. no way. That has to be…. ahhhhh,,, ut-oh.'

Kind of like our reaction when we found out!:rotfl2:

The Queen's Bath looks like a great place to swim. As long as you don't die there.

That about sums it up.

Feel free to use smithereens in every update. Love that word. It doesn't get used enough.

That is a great word. I'm gonna use the smithereens out of that word.

Lahania is a beautiful town. Love the nigh pics from there. :thumbsup2

That is a very cool place. Great spot to hang out.

Happy Mother's Day to Julie!

Julie says thank you!
It was the Fourth of July, but for us the fireworks were over. Departure day was upon us, so you’ll have to pardon us if we weren’t in a celebratory mood. We spent most of our final morning on Maui drinking coffee, enjoying the view from my aunt’s deck, and packing up all of our crap. Looking back on this experience, I still can’t believe we managed to do this with just 2 checked bags. It’s a testament to how good Julie is at packing that we pulled that off. Of course, this just means she needs a new challenge, so now she gets to plan a western road trip with assorted baby paraphernalia.

Once we had everything packed, we had some time to kill. The rental car was due back at the airport around 4:30 p.m. or so, and then our flight didn’t depart until the evening. I’m not sure who the idiot is who plans that stuff, but clearly he could have done a better job there. Still, you know what they say: the best Fourth of July is the one you celebrate from within an airport terminal.

Ok, nobody says that. Because it’s stupid.

Anyway, we decided to drive back down to the town of Pa’ia on the northern coast because Sarah had seen a t-shirt she liked there. Naturally, we drove into town and found that the one store that had that t-shirt was closed for the holiday. Fortunately, wandering the stores for an hour or so produced a replacement t-shirt that was deemed acceptable. This saved me from having to break into the other place, which I really hate to do without having a couple of weeks to case the joint and acquire a getaway vehicle.

There was a brick-oven pizza joint nearby with its doors open and the smell of warm, fresh-baked dough wafting out into the street. Sounded good to us! So we strolled in and were promptly informed that they were closed for the holiday. Um…ok.:confused3

Moving along, we drove up the mountain and into the town of Makawao, with no real plan other than to browse and find a spot for lunch. As we were looking at menus, a passer-by pointed us down the road to Polli’s Mexican Restaurant and said it was a good spot. Since you can always trust strangers to do things for you with the best of intentions, we decided that was the place for us. I will admit to being swayed by the slogan posted over the door.


We’d rate the food here as a solid B+. I can’t remember what everybody ordered, but I seem to recall Julie getting fajitas or an enchilada while I got a BBQ pulled-pork sandwich.

Afterwards, we wandered the town a bit more and found ourselves in a glass blower’s studio, which is always a fascinating diversion. We hung out and watched the guy for a few minutes, admiring the collection of art we couldn’t possibly afford or transport safely back to the mainland.




From there, we moseyed back on up to my aunt’s house. We walked down the street to see my cousin’s house and gardens—she’d been spending a lot of time trying to re-claim the yard, and we could see the fruit of all that blood, sweat and tears. After spending some time shooting the breeze with her, she asked us to help carry some fireworks back up the hill to my aunt’s house for their celebration later. David seemed happy to help out.


…and then Scotty happened.


In retrospect, it’s probably a good thing we were leaving.

The final order of business was family pictures on the deck. We took the opportunity to don our latest in Hawaiian fashion. Sarah and Scotty opted for t-shirts (Scotty’s shows off the state fish, or humuhumunukunukuapua’a), Julie is wearing a dress she found on Kauai, and Dave and I went for the standard obnoxious Hawaiian shirts. We took turns posing with my cousin and aunt on the familiar deck overlooking the west side of Maui.



And then it was time to go. We returned the rental car at the airport and then made our way to our gate. The whole place was practically deserted, so we had to work to kill time. How do you kill hours in an airport? Well, for big-time family fun, it’s hard to top the moving walkway.


Or you could make a pit stop.


Pick up a onesie for future Baby Drew:


Or even bypass the expensive airport Burger King for a pineapple hot dog at the faux hot dog truck:



Eventually, the gate filled up as we got closer to our flight. This is where it got interesting. I’d checked in the night before and received our seat assignments. Once again, the United standard practice seemed to be to ignore any seat requests you’d made on your reservation and just randomly throw your family somewhere on the plane. In this case, we had 4 of us sitting in a group, and then David was assigned a seat by himself several rows behind us. Obviously, that wasn’t going to work. But I had to wait for a gate agent to show up before I could do anything about it. By the time the gate agent got there, it was only 30 minutes before the flight and there were at least 30 other people waiting to do the same thing. The poor agent took everyone’s name and seat assignments and then asked us to step back and give her a minute while she “played Tetris”.

Eventually she called my name and said she could put us in a row of 3 and then a row of 2 a few rows back. Fine, we’ll take it. But c’mon, United, there’s got to be a better system than putting all of this stress on a gate agent. I recommend doing something radical, like allowing my seat selections to actually mean something when I make the reservation.

Anyway, that evening we were wheels-up and flying away from Maui once and for all. I’d hoped we might be able to see some 4th of July fireworks from the plane, but…well, you know all about my luck with aerial views on this trip. We settled in for the 5-hour redeye flight to L.A.

I’m a light sleeper, and I don’t do well sleeping in cars or on planes. I like to be lying down in darkness and silence when I sleep. My wife, on the other hand, has a gift: she can sleep anywhere, anytime. She sleeps in planes, in the passenger seat of our van on road trips, even on the couch with the TV sound blasting. Julie has not seen the last hour of any movie we’ve rented since 2005.

Anyway, I knew I’d be in for a long night. It was an older plane, so they didn’t have the fancy TV’s at your seat where you can choose from dozens of movies. Instead, they had drop-down screens from the ceiling showing exactly one movie: a laugh-free comedy called The Incredible Burt Wonderstone. It was terrible, in case you were wondering. All in all, I’d say I got about an hour of sleep on the flight.

The kids? Roughly the same.

We had about an hour-and-a-half layover at LAX, which was enough time to get an overpriced breakfast at the airport. Then it was onto another plane, and another 5-hour flight back to Dulles. This one had the cool movie screens at each seat, so everyone was pretty happy to play with that for the duration.

I have to say, I’m pretty proud of the way the kids held up. We knew the flights both to and from Hawaii would be brutal on their body clocks (not to mention ours), but they really handled it like champs on both ends. Traveling east always feels a lot harder than traveling west as far as jet lag goes. But the kids did great, handling the lack of sleep and long flights with a minimum of whining or fighting. It wasn’t until we were about 10 minutes down the road from Dulles that we looked back and saw this:


Rest up, kids. It won’t be long before we’re ready for the next adventure.

Coming Up Next: Final thoughts on Hawaii and the plans for that next adventure thing we were just talking about.
Nice update! I wish I had an aunt that lived in Maui. You guys went to some of my favorite places. I live in CA and go to Hawaii a lot. In fact I've gone for a weekend. It is like a 2 hour flight for us with the time change. We leave at 7 am and are in Maui at 9 am. Of course, we pay for it coming home. I did this with some free airline vouchers we had that were going to expire. My family thought I was crazy. The only island I haven't visited is the Big Island but after seeing your pictures I will make it a priority. We have one going to college in over a year so, we are not sure how it will impact us financially. I have a feeling no vacations for awhile. LOL...
I feel like I've been gone for years! I haven't had a chance to catch up yet, but I wanted to say a big THANK YOU for your first few chapters of this trip report. We leave in just about a week for 10 days at Aulani and your trip report has been so helpful in our planning! We are connecting in Dulles on United on the way there and through San Francisco on the way back, so I've been obsessively checking our seats to make sure nothing changes.

I may have to use your report when we go back and hit some of the other islands. :)
All good things must come to an end.

I hate that phrase. Not only is it depressing, but it a) conveniently forgets the bottomless steak fries at Red Robin
You're wrong. Even that comes to an end. At some point you either have to throw in the towel or get hauled out in an ambulance when your stomach bursts.:lmao:

Julie was not exactly a fan of the idea of doing this hike. But we had some time to kill before our flight, and I had the keys to the rental car. So off we went!
In other words... "I don't care if you're pregnant, either hike to the deadly lava rocks or hike to the airport."

It really wasn’t a problem, although I’m sure Julie took this picture of me just to record the moment when she was sure my stupid decisions would ruin us all.
I'm sure she had it on video too. I mean if you're going to be swept out to sea, $10,000 from America's Funniest Home videos will make a nice supplement to the life insurance. :rotfl:

That honor would go to this lady, who was determined to get that perfect picture on the lava rock coast with the pounding surf crashing basically on top of her
So... is it wrong to hope for a big wave??? :rolleyes1

It wasn’t a total loss, though—we did each get one more deep-fried apple pie while we still had the chance.

THIS time, I knew the flight path. THIS time, I made sure I sat on the left side of the plane. THIS time, I got a window seat with an actual window. Because THIS time, I was finally going to get my spectacular aerial pictures of Honolulu, Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head. Fourth time’s the charm!

As we flew, Oahu slowly came into view, and…

What the—? Wait, no! We need to be just a little further south!

NO! C’mon, guys! Seriously?

First of all, I hope you don't have a pilot's license. And if you do, I'm never flying with you. Your sense of direction in the air seems to be severely lacking. :lmao::rotfl2:

We chose this spot primarily because of your recommendations, but also because it was $5 burger night during happy hour.
Looks like a win to me!:thumbsup2

I think the boys especially were captivated by the view.
You're training them well. :thumbsup2:rotfl2:

It was the Fourth of July, but for us the fireworks were over. Departure day was upon us, so you’ll have to pardon us if we weren’t in a celebratory mood
I'd be disappointed with you if you were... :(

It’s a testament to how good Julie is at packing that we pulled that off. Of course, this just means she needs a new challenge, so now she gets to plan a western road trip with assorted baby paraphernalia.
:scared1: Good luck, we're all counting on you.

I really hate to do without having a couple of weeks to case the joint and acquire a getaway vehicle.
You had the getaway vehicle. Hard to beat a plane off the island for a getaway!

There was a brick-oven pizza joint nearby with its doors open and the smell of warm, fresh-baked dough wafting out into the street. Sounded good to us! So we strolled in and were promptly informed that they were closed for the holiday. Um…ok.:confused3
Locals only? A tourist free zone for the holiday???

After spending some time shooting the breeze with her, she asked us to help carry some fireworks back up the hill to my aunt’s house for their celebration later. David seemed happy to help out.
Holy crap! Add insult to injury. Not only do you have to leave Hawaii, you have to leave Hawaii after carrying a the products of a great fireworks show, knowing you'll never see those boxes of explosions serve their final purpose... :sad1:

The poor agent took everyone’s name and seat assignments and then asked us to step back and give her a minute while she “played Tetris”.

I recommend doing something radical, like allowing my seat selections to actually mean something when I make the reservation.
No way. That would make waaaaaay too much sense. :rolleyes1

I’m a light sleeper, and I don’t do well sleeping in cars or on planes. I like to be lying down in darkness and silence when I sleep. My wife, on the other hand, has a gift: she can sleep anywhere, anytime. She sleeps in planes, in the passenger seat of our van on road trips, even on the couch with the TV sound blasting. Julie has not seen the last hour of any movie we’ve rented since 2005.
:lmao: Sounds just like DW.

I have to say, I’m pretty proud of the way the kids held up. We knew the flights both to and from Hawaii would be brutal on their body clocks (not to mention ours), but they really handled it like champs on both ends.
I'd have a hard time keeping my own patience in check for that much travel. With Julie being pregnant and the kids, well, being kids... I just have to applaud all of you for coming together and pulling it off.

Rest up, kids. It won’t be long before we’re ready for the next adventure.
I love that. :thumbsup2

Your adventures are always great. I know I'm looking forward to the next one.
Awww, the trip has really ended now. Fun report, it was a pleasure reading all about it!

Time for the next big adventure! :cool1: :banana:
United. HATE them. They have a monopoly on Newark airport and all airfares have gone up there to everywhere as a result. And the seat thing? They are doing something lately where they only allow 10% of the plane to reserve seats and everyone else gets to pick at the airport. This has happened to several of my clients. I keep saying if they want to be Southwest they should charge Southwest prices- but at United, they have their cake AND they eat it too.

And those drop down screens? We had them home too! COME ON!!! But even worse? The last few flights I have been on with them (Florida and Mexico) did not have ANY screens. NONE. Instead, they have wi-fi that they charge you for EXCEPT they can't get it to work. Or they forget to turn it on. Which is even MORE fun if your entire family does not have an ipad each (which we don't- how about you?). I HATE UNITED!!!!!!!!:furious:

I do however LOVE your family pic- Julie's dress is so pretty!! You made such incredible memories- I can't wait to hear what you have planned for your trip out west- :hyper:

Thanks for sharing, Mark- love, love love your TRs! ::yes::
Once we had everything packed, we had some time to kill. The rental car was due back at the airport around 4:30 p.m. or so, and then our flight didn’t depart until the evening. I’m not sure who the idiot is who plans that stuff, but clearly he could have done a better job there.
And then Scotty Happened??? :rolleyes1

Still, you know what they say: the best Fourth of July is the one you celebrate from within an airport terminal.

Ok, nobody says that. Because it’s stupid.
Well crud! For a second there I thought I wasn't the only one who says that.......... :(

Fortunately, wandering the stores for an hour or so produced a replacement t-shirt that was deemed acceptable. This saved me from having to break into the other place, which I really hate to do without having a couple of weeks to case the joint and acquire a getaway vehicle.
You HAD a rental car you know.......... :confused:

Moving along, we drove up the mountain and into the town of Makawao, with no real plan other than to browse and find a spot for lunch. As we were looking at menus, a passer-by pointed us down the road to Polli’s Mexican Restaurant and said it was a good spot. Since you can always trust strangers to do things for you with the best of intentions, we decided that was the place for us. I will admit to being swayed by the slogan posted over the door.

Definitely a dining slogan magnet!!! :thumbsup2 But are you certain it wasn't because they had Burgers on the sign???

I can’t remember what everybody ordered, but I seem to recall Julie getting fajitas or an enchilada while I got a BBQ pulled-pork sandwich.
Because, well, everyone goes to a Mexican place for their BBQ.......... :confused3

From there, we moseyed back on up to my aunt’s house. We walked down the street to see my cousin’s house and gardens—she’d been spending a lot of time trying to re-claim the yard, and we could see the fruit of all that blood, sweat and tears.
Pineapple??? :)

After spending some time shooting the breeze with her, she asked us to help carry some fireworks back up the hill to my aunt’s house for their celebration later. David seemed happy to help out.

Not that's my kind of fireworks!!! :hyper:

The final order of business was family pictures on the deck. We took the opportunity to don our latest in Hawaiian fashion. Sarah and Scotty opted for t-shirts (Scotty’s shows off the state fish, or humuhumunukunukuapua’a),
Glad I looked at the picture. For a second there I thought you had learned how to stutter-type! :rotfl:

We took turns posing with my cousin and aunt on the familiar deck overlooking the west side of Maui.


You don't look a thing like either of them. Are you sure this wasn't just a reenactment of a scene from European Vacation??? :rolleyes:

Pick up a onesie for future Baby Drew:


Instead, they had drop-down screens from the ceiling showing exactly one movie: a laugh-free comedy called The Incredible Burt Wonderstone. It was terrible, in case you were wondering.
Which is just Captain Oblivious-ease for..........not one single quote worthy of using in a DIS Trip Report! :headache:

Rest up, kids. It won’t be long before we’re ready for the next adventure.

Coming Up Next: Final thoughts on Hawaii and the plans for that next adventure thing we were just talking about.
Great chapter. No matter how much time you have to kill, if you're leaving that day it seems hard to enjoy it...you feel like you always have to watch the clock. It sounds like you made the most of it though. :thumbsup2
Nice update! I wish I had an aunt that lived in Maui. You guys went to some of my favorite places. I live in CA and go to Hawaii a lot. In fact I've gone for a weekend. It is like a 2 hour flight for us with the time change. We leave at 7 am and are in Maui at 9 am. Of course, we pay for it coming home. I did this with some free airline vouchers we had that were going to expire. My family thought I was crazy. The only island I haven't visited is the Big Island but after seeing your pictures I will make it a priority. We have one going to college in over a year so, we are not sure how it will impact us financially. I have a feeling no vacations for awhile. LOL...

I can only dream of going to Hawaii for a long weekend! With such a long flight for us, you really have to spend a lot of time there to make it worthwhile.

I ehar you on college expenses...I have no idea how we'll handle that. And the idea of going without any vacations makes me :scared:


I feel like I've been gone for years! I haven't had a chance to catch up yet, but I wanted to say a big THANK YOU for your first few chapters of this trip report. We leave in just about a week for 10 days at Aulani and your trip report has been so helpful in our planning! We are connecting in Dulles on United on the way there and through San Francisco on the way back, so I've been obsessively checking our seats to make sure nothing changes.

Hey, we have a Miss Liz sighting! Welcome back! I hope you guys have a wonderful time! You will absolutely love Aulani. My favorite resort of all time. You'll have to let us know how you guys do when you get back.

Hope United treats you better than they treated us!

I may have to use your report when we go back and hit some of the other islands. :)

I hope you get the chance!:goodvibes
You're wrong. Even that comes to an end. At some point you either have to throw in the towel or get hauled out in an ambulance when your stomach bursts.:lmao:

But if you hurl, then you suddenly have more room for steak fries. :thumbsup2:rotfl2:

In other words... "I don't care if you're pregnant, either hike to the deadly lava rocks or hike to the airport."

Wow, it's like you were standing there with us! :rotfl:

I'm sure she had it on video too. I mean if you're going to be swept out to sea, $10,000 from America's Funniest Home videos will make a nice supplement to the life insurance. :rotfl:

We were limited on video for this trip due to technical difficulties. And I don't think my life is worth that much, anyway.

So... is it wrong to hope for a big wave??? :rolleyes1

:rolleyes1 I probably shouldn't answer that. But, no. No it's not.

First of all, I hope you don't have a pilot's license. And if you do, I'm never flying with you. Your sense of direction in the air seems to be severely lacking. :lmao::rotfl2:

I think this is still a better view than the other side of the plane had.

Looks like a win to me!:thumbsup2


You're training them well. :thumbsup2:rotfl2:

Did you notice it was a Reds game?

I'd be disappointed with you if you were... :(

Well, it's always nice to be home and sleeping in your own bed and...ok, I can't say that with a straight face. I miss Hawaii.

Good luck, we're all counting on you.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking.

You had the getaway vehicle. Hard to beat a plane off the island for a getaway!

But we had to lie low for several hours. Not an easy task on a small island.

Locals only? A tourist free zone for the holiday???

They should have just said, "We don't serve your kind here."

Holy crap! Add insult to injury. Not only do you have to leave Hawaii, you have to leave Hawaii after carrying a the products of a great fireworks show, knowing you'll never see those boxes of explosions serve their final purpose...

It is a shame, isn't it? Maybe I should have brought them onto the airplane with me.

No way. That would make waaaaaay too much sense. :rolleyes1

Being a government employee, it actually makes me glad to see that private firms can be just as annoying and inefficient as us.

Sounds just like DW.

I showed that part to Julie, and she just said, "Yup, it's true." :thumbsup2

I'd have a hard time keeping my own patience in check for that much travel. With Julie being pregnant and the kids, well, being kids... I just have to applaud all of you for coming together and pulling it off.

Thanks! If you know what to plan for, you can get through a lot. Especially if the reward at the end is worth it.

I love that. :thumbsup2

Your adventures are always great. I know I'm looking forward to the next one.

Thanks, Andy. And since this report took me forever to write up, it won't be too long before the next one! I'll have to get a new ticker.

Awww, the trip has really ended now. Fun report, it was a pleasure reading all about it!

Time for the next big adventure! :cool1: :banana:

Thanks for reading along, Alison! I'm sure you'll be shocked and amazed when we reveal the plans for the next trip. :rotfl:

United. HATE them. They have a monopoly on Newark airport and all airfares have gone up there to everywhere as a result. And the seat thing? They are doing something lately where they only allow 10% of the plane to reserve seats and everyone else gets to pick at the airport. This has happened to several of my clients. I keep saying if they want to be Southwest they should charge Southwest prices- but at United, they have their cake AND they eat it too.

Don't hold back, Ellen. Tell us what you really feel.

But, yeah. I'm with you 100%!

And those drop down screens? We had them home too! COME ON!!! But even worse? The last few flights I have been on with them (Florida and Mexico) did not have ANY screens. NONE. Instead, they have wi-fi that they charge you for EXCEPT they can't get it to work. Or they forget to turn it on. Which is even MORE fun if your entire family does not have an ipad each (which we don't- how about you?). I HATE UNITED!!!!!!!!:furious:

An iPad each? As a 1-income family on a government salary? These kids are lucky they all have pants. :faint:

But really, what do you think of United? :rotfl:

I do however LOVE your family pic- Julie's dress is so pretty!! You made such incredible memories- I can't wait to hear what you have planned for your trip out west- :hyper:

I can't wait to GO on the trip!

Thanks for sharing, Mark- love, love love your TRs! ::yes::

Thank you for being willing to subject yourself to my TR's!
Great update, Mark.

Oh how I could go for a pulled pork sandwich right now (my tummy has been grumbling for an hour).

I love the photos on the deck with your relatives...you all clean up so well.

Seriously, what is it with you and United? We've never had that problem. Although, maybe it's because there are just two of us.

I can't wait for the recap and to hear what the next adventure is.
And then Scotty Happened??? :rolleyes1

He always happens.

Well crud! For a second there I thought I wasn't the only one who says that.......... :(

If you had a dollar for every time you said that, you'd probably have to borrow a dollar.

You HAD a rental car you know.......... :confused:

Yeah, but I didn't want to break the rental agreement by driving it someplace I shouldn't. :rolleyes1

Definitely a dining slogan magnet!!! :thumbsup2 But are you certain it wasn't because they had Burgers on the sign???

That is tempting...

Because, well, everyone goes to a Mexican place for their BBQ.......... :confused3

It was one of the cheaper items on the menu. And I love bbq.

Pineapple??? :)


Not that's my kind of fireworks!!! :hyper:


Glad I looked at the picture. For a second there I thought you had learned how to stutter-type! :rotfl:

I--I---I---I---I don'--I don't know what you're talking about.

You don't look a thing like either of them. Are you sure this wasn't just a reenactment of a scene from European Vacation??? :rolleyes:

They could be complete strangers, as long as they give us a place to stay on Maui! :woohoo:

Which is just Captain Oblivious-ease for..........not one single quote worthy of using in a DIS Trip Report!

Pretty much!

Great chapter. No matter how much time you have to kill, if you're leaving that day it seems hard to enjoy it...you feel like you always have to watch the clock. It sounds like you made the most of it though. :thumbsup2

Yeah, departure day is just not fun. I was thinking about trying to stow away in the wheel well of a jetliner to get back to Hawaii. I hear it can be done.

Oh how I could go for a pulled pork sandwich right now (my tummy has been grumbling for an hour).

I just had spaghetti, meatballs, and my wife's awesome spaghetti sauce. I'm good. :thumbsup2

I love the photos on the deck with your relatives...you all clean up so well.

Why, thank you! It's amazing what Photoshop can do.:rolleyes1

Seriously, what is it with you and United? We've never had that problem. Although, maybe it's because there are just two of us.

I'm sure that's a part of it. They overbook the flights on purpose and then are left scrambling to try and make all of the passengers fit somehow. Large families like ours get split up.

I can't wait for the recap and to hear what the next adventure is.

Ever been to Harrington, Delaware?:confused3
Nice updates there Nemesis. (it has been a while since I've commented)

Sorry to see this coming to an end. I've enjoyed reliving our Hawaiian escapades in my head through your retelling of yours.

Only 218 days until I'm back. (not that I'm counting)

I'm sure that's a part of it. They overbook the flights on purpose and then are left scrambling to try and make all of the passengers fit somehow. Large families like ours get split up.

Funny, I try to assign our seats throughout the plane (looking for a peaceful flight for myself) and somehow United always puts us together. I guess for some reason they won't subject my children to random strangers. Go figure. :confused3
Great update, but sad your trip is over. Thanks so much for sharing. So much helpful info. I will go back to review the Aulani portion before our trip in November. I can't wait to hear about future family adventures! Also, totally understand your wife's ability to sleep anywhere...I consider that my special talent! :thumbsup2


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