August W.I.S.H. Challenge - The Sunday of Summer

Topic Tuesday: Manifest Weight Loss

Think Yourself Thin! How To Manifest Weight Loss
We’ll now turn to consider some of the most effective practical exercises that help to explain how positive thinking might hold the secret to weight loss. Pursued in order, the following seven steps should assist you in setting concrete, achievable goal. Plus, this guide can show you how daily efforts to change your beliefs and emotions can lead to incredible shifts in physical fitness and self-esteem.
As we go through each step, we'll offer concrete examples that will help you see how you can quickly and effectively apply these techniques in your everyday life.
1. Find Out Why You Want To Lose Weight
If you look at Law Of Attraction weight loss success stories, one thing you’ll frequently notice is that the people in these stories have extremely clear aims in mind. So, spend some time identifying your reasons for losing weight, and then take an honest look at the beliefs and assumptions underneath.
If your reasons are negative, it will be much harder to achieve your goal. This is because you'll be focused on ideas about lack, resentment and, failure.

For example, if you want to lose weight because you're always comparing yourself to your ex's new partner, you're starting from a place of utter negativity.
To succeed in using the Law of Attraction for weight loss, you need to formulate positive goals that make you feel good. Here, think of things like wanting to have the stamina to climb a mountain, take up a new sport, or run after children in your family. Even if you don't have particular positive activities in mind, generally positive goals can also work (e.g. reducing your risk of developing chronic conditions).
In sum, you'll want to find one or more positive reasons for losing weight; reasons that come from a place of self-respect and a desire for growth, not from self-loathing.

2. Love Your Body
On a similar theme, manifesting weight loss is much easier if you're able to develop a positive, loving attitude to your current body (not just towards the body you imagine developing in the future). Positive thinking for weight loss begins by enhancing your self-esteem, and by being grateful for what you're able to do right now. Some of the best methods for developing this sort of self-love include the following:
  • Treat your body kindly. Feed it nurturing food, allow it to have enough sleep, and pamper it (e.g. with a soothing hot bath, or a massage session).
  • Make a list of the top ten amazing things your body can do, from the things you take for granted to the highly specific skills you've cultivated over your life so far.
  • Make a pledge to stop comparing yourself to other people. Remember that the very things that you envy may be the things that they hate, and the things you dislike about your body may evoke envy in others.
  • Dress the way you plan to when you lose weight, rather than waiting until the number on the scales drops.
  • Your body is already a perfect body; Law of Attraction techniques are not required to make it so.

3. Change Your Relationship With Food
As you work to manifest weight loss, it’s not just your relationship with your body that matters. Your relationship with food is arguably just as crucial. Start paying attention to how you feel when you're eating, and on how you might be able to change that.
  • For example, do you feel bad about yourself when you eat specific foods? And if you're prone to excessive snacking or to binge eating, ask yourself what feelings are driving these binges. For many people, anxiety, stress, and sadness are triggers for eating too much. When you identify specific things that tend to push you towards unhealthy choices that leave you feeling even worse than you did to begin with, try to develop other strategies for dealing with those emotions.
Perhaps you might start exercising when you're stressed, or begin creative projects when you're struggling to deal with a flood of difficult feelings. The goal here is to uncouple eating habits from negativity.
You can also change your relationship with food by putting more thought into how you prepare it. Contrast a microwaved meal eaten in front of the television with a fresh dinner that you cooked while listening to music; the latter reinforces a positive relationship with food that focuses on self-care.

4. Exercise Your Mind
Another important aspect of your Law of Attraction weight loss strategy involves cultivating your brain power. As you enhance your cognitive skills, you improve your ability to reason. It can also enhance self-control and occupies your thoughts with positivity. Here are a few simple exercises to get you started:
  • Switch a few tasks in your daily routine so that the order regularly changes. This is proven to exercise the brain and increase neural activity, whereas following routines decrease this activity.
  • Try to go through your entire bathing routine with your eyes closed (once you've safely climbed into the shower, of course). This boosts your sensory awareness.
  • Deliberately engage with more people during the day. For example, choose to check out at the grocery store's main counter rather than using a machine. Even small social interactions improve cognitive abilities.
  • Brush your teeth with the opposite hand. This helps to expand parts of the cortex that process information.
  • Read out loud, or ask someone else to read to you. The brain focuses on different aspects of a text when you're reciting it or hearing it, so this can be particularly useful if you're studying.
  • Challenge yourself to come up with ten possible uses for an everyday object.
5. Increase Your Self-Awareness
In your quest to think yourself thin, it’s important to look below the surface and develop more self-awareness. One particularly powerful way to do this is to start seeing yourself as active. Fascinating new research on the types of habits that promote weight loss shows that if you believe you're doing more physical activity than the average person, you're more likely to lose weight. This applies even if you change absolutely nothing else about your daily routine! In the relevant study, maids were told that their daily jobs were physically arduous. They reliably lost more weight than the control group who were told that their exercise output was merely average. This same shift in perception was linked to a health-promoting reduction in blood pressure.
These results underline how developing a more positive view of yourself and your behaviors can help you reach your goals at a faster rate. So, think of yourself as a fit, energetic and active person who is continuously losing weight. As a result, you might just find that you do.
It's worth noting that this approach generalizes. Therefore, whenever you set a goal try to spend some time seeing yourself as the kind of person who can achieve that goal.
6. Meditation For Weight Loss
You might traditionally associate meditationwith stress reduction, but it can also be used to promote weight loss. In particular, it's helpful to visualize yourself as having already lost weight, emphasizing all of the positive thoughts you have about your goals. In other words, think skinny thoughts!
Simply set aside 10-15 minutes per day; spend a few minutes on deep, slow breathing while your eyes are closed.
Next, build up a detailed picture of yourself as you aim to be at the end of your manifestation journey. See your body as it will be. This could be wearing the clothes you like and feel free to do all the things you want to do. Engage all of your senses, and really immerse yourself in the self-confidence, empowerment, and joy you know you will feel.
If you find the meditation process difficult, start by spending a few minutes on breathing exercises. You'll soon find that your focus and concentration grows, allowing you to spend increasingly more time doing creative visualization.

7. Law Of Attraction Weight Loss Affirmations
Finally, affirmations can be extremely useful when you’re using the Law of Attraction for weight loss. These are simple, positive statements that reflect your goals and help you to internalize a more positive view of yourself. Examples include the following:
  1. I am strong, confident and happy with my body.
  2. I am improving my physical health every day, and I can see it in my body
  3. Every day, I steadily lose more weight.
  4. I release myself from guilt, negativity, and shame around food.
  5. I take care of my body every day.
  6. There is no need to overeat; I can manage my emotions in healthy ways.
  7. I feel love and gratitude towards my body for all it can do.
  8. It is easy for me to lose weight and improve my health.
  9. I love, accept and care for myself no matter what I look like.
  10. I can do anything I set my mind too; even now, I am getting fitter and healthier.
  11. I am healing my body and healing my mind.
  12. My body is losing weight right now.
  13. I am growing and changing, becoming who I was always meant to be.
  14. I deserve to feel good about myself and my body.
This article is dense, but the word, "Manifest" really clicked with me. DD and I had a long talk last night about manifesting your goals, and it only seemed natural to manifest weight loss. Then I found the article, and here we are.

This is my takeaway:

2. I don't love my body. Yes, I value my life and the fact that I have a good brain; all of my senses are intact; I can walk, etc. The problem is that I have had body image issues since I was about 8 years old. I remember going to the chiropractor and finding out that my right leg is an inch longer than my left. You wouldn't believe all of the problems that causes with your back, spine, hips, knees, walking gait, etc... I have always tripped over my own feet because of it. I never ran confidently as a kid, because I tripped and fell easily. Then the other kids would laugh at me. The only physical activity that I excelled at was volleyball. Otherwise, sports and gym class were just plain embarrassing. My mother and older sister had some seriously unhealthy ideas about being thin. My mom took diet pills (speed) and smoked cigarettes in the 70's to stay thin. She had me on Weight Watchers for the first time at 12 because I apparently had some baby fat. Looking back at photos, I was actually skinny, but being told that you are fat gives you a warped sense of body image. I was truly thin until my mother died of cancer, and I gained 30 pounds, ballooning up to a size 12/14. I still looked great in photos. (I would give anything to be a size 14 now!) However the image in the mirror and in my mind was that I was a fat pig. Living with my anorexic roommate certainly didn't help how I looked at myself. Now, I'm genuinely fat, and I'm trying so hard to love this body. I hope that one day I will.
3. My relationship with food has improved tremendously since I joined Noom. It is by no means perfect, but certainly better than before Noom.

6. Meditation for me is more like prayer. I talk to God out loud a lot, especially when I'm alone in the car. I pray often throughout the day. We have always had this open communication, and it has saved my life.
So, last week DD was called back to work at Lord & Taylor. The store is closing and liquidating their merchandise, so they offered her a huge raise and a financial package. Her manager promised that they would take safety measures to protect the employees and customers. Since we didn't have power last week, she was unable to read and sign her new contract. Her friend was going back to work on Sunday, and she anxiously waited to hear how it went.

Lord & Taylor is not enforcing masks or social distancing. There's no plexiglass between associates and customers. Her friend was such a wreck during her shift. DD and I had a talk, and she decided not to sign the contract and quit. It is so sad that it has to end this way. She loved her job, and it opened many doors to future opportunities in personal styling, planning events like fashion shows, etc...

My DH has been on her back about working. The thing is that DD and I are very concerned about her working in a safe environment. He has been working all along, and he just is so nonchalant about it all. He was looking at warehouse jobs at Amazon about an hour away. I felt like saying to him, "Have you even met our daughter?" If she had to, I guess she could figure it out, but my petite, artistic, girlie girl daughter really isn't cut out to lift and move heavy boxes in a warehouse.

Right now as I type, she is at a job interview for a receptionist position at our hair salon. Even though it is considered a high risk place to work, they are going above and beyond to protect their employees and customers including questionnaires, temperature checks, constant cleaning, plexiglass, mask enforcement, and enough PPE that the employees all look like they are going into surgery. She likes everyone there, so we are really hoping that she gets the job.
So glad you’re having a relaxing vacation! And it’s only Wednesday!

Zooming with friends today-looking forward to that-lots to catch up with each other.
My daughter and family are having a wonderful time at WDW. Facetime’d with them last night and my grandson had so much to tell me.

My husband and I are eating much better this week. Lots of fruit (watermelon and cantaloupes have been really good) and we’re getting out for walks every day.
So, last week DD was called back to work at Lord & Taylor. The store is closing and liquidating their merchandise, so they offered her a huge raise and a financial package. Her manager promised that they would take safety measures to protect the employees and customers. Since we didn't have power last week, she was unable to read and sign her new contract. Her friend was going back to work on Sunday, and she anxiously waited to hear how it went.

Lord & Taylor is not enforcing masks or social distancing. There's no plexiglass between associates and customers. Her friend was such a wreck during her shift. DD and I had a talk, and she decided not to sign the contract and quit. It is so sad that it has to end this way. She loved her job, and it opened many doors to future opportunities in personal styling, planning events like fashion shows, etc...

My DH has been on her back about working. The thing is that DD and I are very concerned about her working in a safe environment. He has been working all along, and he just is so nonchalant about it all. He was looking at warehouse jobs at Amazon about an hour away. I felt like saying to him, "Have you even met our daughter?" If she had to, I guess she could figure it out, but my petite, artistic, girlie girl daughter really isn't cut out to lift and move heavy boxes in a warehouse.

Right now as I type, she is at a job interview for a receptionist position at our hair salon. Even though it is considered a high risk place to work, they are going above and beyond to protect their employees and customers including questionnaires, temperature checks, constant cleaning, plexiglass, mask enforcement, and enough PPE that the employees all look like they are going into surgery. She likes everyone there, so we are really hoping that she gets the job.
Hope the job works out for her. Even if it’s not her dream job, getting out every day and talking to people will be good for her mental health. Lord & Taylor closing is the end of an era, isn’t it?

... I'm kind of woohooy about how cool it has been here lately, plenty of sunshine but a hint of autumnal crispness in the air. And the sunlight is changing, we're so far north that you can feel it when we start to tip away from the sun, the light starts to slant and shadows change. I love autumn so this excites me, but it is also heart tugging.

... one week closer to a kitten! I'll check in with the shelter gal today, she thought it would take her a week to get pictures so hopefully she's had a chance to do so.

... my fiddle leaf fig has gone thru a growth spurt, gaining about five inches in height. It's the most persnickety of my plants, so I'm happy when it is happy. And I think I've finally figured out how to keep it happy.
Hope the job works out for her. Even if it’s not her dream job, getting out every day and talking to people will be good for her mental health. Lord & Taylor closing is the end of an era, isn’t it?
Thanks, we just keep on praying that she gets the job and is happy for the time-being.

Lord & Taylor's Stamford store is remaining open. So, when things go back to normal, we will probably go on shopping trips twice a year at Stamford. They closed all of the other stores in Connecticut and the flagship store in NYC. The flagship store closing is the saddest of all. Lord & Taylor, NYC was the first department store in the United States. It was a historical building, and seeing it closed was really upsetting.

My doctor filled out all of my paperwork for the accommodations at my job. I plan on mailing it certified mail with notification of receipt so they don't lose it or say that they did. I've had very bad luck before with HR losing very important documentation.

It feels good knowing that the medical practice is backing me up.
Thanks, we just keep on praying that she gets the job and is happy for the time-being.

Lord & Taylor's Stamford store is remaining open. So, when things go back to normal, we will probably go on shopping trips twice a year at Stamford. They closed all of the other stores in Connecticut and the flagship store in NYC. The flagship store closing is the saddest of all. Lord & Taylor, NYC was the first department store in the United States. It was a historical building, and seeing it closed was really upsetting.
We lived in NJ when I was in 9th grade and I would babysit once a week for a woman that drew the black and white fashion drawings that were in newspapers for Lord &Taylor. She would dress up and leave for the city with her portfolio and I remember thinking what a glamorous job!

My doctor filled out all of my paperwork for the accommodations at my job. I plan on mailing it certified mail with notification of receipt so they don't lose it or say that they did. I've had very bad luck before with HR losing very important documentation.

It feels good knowing that the medical practice is backing me up.
That’s wonderful! What a load off your mind!
Is your district offering virtual learning as an option? I’m hearing from teaching friends so many in our area are opting for virtual that they need more instructors.
We lived in NJ when I was in 9th grade and I would babysit once a week for a woman that drew the black and white fashion drawings that were in newspapers for Lord &Taylor. She would dress up and leave for the city with her portfolio and I remember thinking what a glamorous job!
Beyond fabulous
That’s wonderful! What a load off your mind!
Is your district offering virtual learning as an option? I’m hearing from teaching friends so many in our area are opting for virtual that they need more instructors.
As of right now, no. They made a lot of promises, and so far have kept none of them. I do not trust my superintendent. That is why I got ADA documentation with my accommodations. If they won't agree to them, I guess it will be FMLA. I have been going to school every day bringing in social distancing stickers for the floor, installing plexiglass on my desk, measuring distance between desks. They removed all of my Pre-K furniture and put in student desks. My classroom looks like a 2nd grade now. So bizarre. Anyway, unless we go hybrid, I don't have a large enough classroom to distance them 6 feet apart. If half come one day, and the other half come the next, I can put them closer and use every other desk. We have no working A/C, so I am soaking wet when I leave. Today, I felt like I was going to faint, so I left school after only 90 minutes when I still had so much to do. But I was afraid that I would pass out, and they would lock up the building not realizing that I was there lying on the floor.
My wahoo is that I am working from home. I took the twins to daycare and have thoroughly enjoyed the quiet--and the chance to do quick, little things around the house (like mop my floors!).

I liked the article. It fit in nicely with the phit n phat video I watched today. It's all in your brain.

No big motivating factors this week. I'm just plugging along trying to make good choices. I do yoga every morning and she teaches a restorative session. Today I was thinking that although I love it I should probably pick up the pace a bit and do something more active! I think I'll dig out my weights and get busy.
My woowhoo today (and it was a day I had to search for one) was a supportive text from a high level boss in my department when I expressed concern about having to continue to work at home as school will be distance in my community, after it was communicated the plan was to be hybrid. It was a rough day all streak of eating a healthy lunch weekdays ended when stress and a time crunch derailed me and I ended up reheating half a serving of tater tots around 2. Did manage to squeak on a .5 mile walk in between conference calls though. So yay?

My doctor filled out all of my paperwork for the accommodations at my job. I plan on mailing it certified mail with notification of receipt so they don't lose it or say that they did. I've had very bad luck before with HR losing very important documentation.

It feels good knowing that the medical practice is backing me up.

Excellent! (Make sure you keep a copy for yourself too!)

My woohoo yesterday was that FIL got good news. - He had to have a covid test because he had visited a friend who later tested positive. But FIL's came back negative! (Thankful for wearing masks.)

Unfortunately, I am now worried about DS (who was not even around FIL) because he was vomiting last night. It isn't a "usual" covid symptom, and he had no fever, but it's on the list of possible symptoms, so he's staying home today to see what happens.

Hopefully, it was just a bad smoothie (the last thing he had to "eat" last night) but in these times, it's hard not to worry about everything. Plus, he feels guilty calling out of work, because tomorrow is supposed to be his last day for the summer anyway.

Keep your fingers crossed for us!


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