Beth's WW Journey. (Comments Welcome)

Beth, have a wonderful weekend! I am so glad the water bottle count is rising! I am sorry about Kate, I think that is fairly typical but not much fun for you. Great job being consistent, that is the best thing a parent can do. Dont worry about the weight gain, you will get back on track. I am sorry the hip is still bugging you, hopefully the time in the pool will help. Enjoy your pool day today, that sounds marvelous! Just keep doing what you know Beth, its all going to come together. I am proud of you for sticking with this in spite of all you have been through. You are one strong lady!:hug:
Hi Beth,
WOW you are busy.Hopefully Kate will see that it is not working with you and it won't last too long.

Sorry about the hip pain that is a bummer but enjoy the pool I bet it will feel good,put your hip up against the jets- a water massage!

You will get back on track just keep focused on your goal.

Have a good one,
Hey Beth. How was you weekend? Was the pool swimming successful in helping the hip pain?

Hope you had a great weekend Beth & that the hip is feeling better!
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for checking on me. I am still alive. The weekend was good. I'll be honest and say that it wasn't fun. It meant alot to my family, so it was worth it. I spent most of the 4.5 hour long commencement walking the arena with Kate and my nephew. My DS wanted Camden to be there to see Daddy graduate. 4+ hours is a long time for a 3 year old though. My food is getting back under control. I am frustated by how little time I have to exercise at the moment. Some time in the hot tub helped my hip out. I am continuing to stretch 2x/day. I am working full time this week, and we are not busy(Knocks on wood) tomorrow, so I can catch up on journals. Tonight is double dance, car repairs, water bottle hunt, and laundry. I am hoping to walk the dog in here as well.

Must dash. Hope everyone is doing well.

Take care,
:hug: Hi Beth...sorry I haven't been around, but I do think of you often and really empathize with you! Hang in there...I know some days are worse than others...but your strength continues to amaze and impress me. What is going on with your hip? Is it lingering injury from your car accident or is this something new that happened? Always thinking of you girl!!! Stay strong!
Beth, I am sorry the weekend wasn't much fun. You were a good person to make that effort but with all you have going on sometimes being with other people, esp. family is just so hard! Sounds like you have a busy week. Don't worry about the exercise. Food is the bigger part of the equation so if you are back on track with that then that is really good. I am glad the hip is better! Take care sweetie.:hug:
Hey Beth. Sorry to hear you weekend wasn't too fun. 4 hours is a LONG time for a 3 year old!

Glad you were able to enjoy some hot tub time!

I really hope everything works out on those water bottles!!!

So glad to hear your hip is a bit better!

Take care!
Thanks for checking in on me. I never made it back to journals last night.

I was planning on skipping out on Pilates, when I read a post from Cam. She didn't want to workout, but did anyways. It got me off my duff,and I went. I did feel better afterwards.

Jon talked to me last night. He showed me the lease he has signed. He will finally be moving out, but it won't be this weekend. It will be next weekend. I just was focused on getting him out of my space asap. I have lived with him for 4 months, knowing he wanted out., know he was sleeping with other women, knowing that he doesn't love me. I had a light at the end of the tunnel. I have had enough. Kate had nightmares all night last night, so I managed about 4 hours of sleep. Between that disappointment, lack of sleep, and Pilates, I am feeling like I have been beaten this morning. Oh well, just one more week. Sorry to be so depressing right now.

Plan for the day.
Work-we are slammed. This is the only break I will have.
Dance-Kate has a double practice tonight.
Walk the dog.
Fall into bed exhausted.

B: Yogurt with rapsberries. 4pts
L:(I hope to get one) Hummus with WW pita, cantalope and a banana 8pts.
D: Turkey sub from Subway 6pts and salad 4pts.
Dessert: Sorbet 3 points.
Bedtime: vanilla steamer 3pts.

Okay, I will try to make it to journals.

Take care,
What a tough 4 months Beth.I hope things smooth out soon for you.I am sorry to hear how affected Kate is by all this,he will pay in the end I am sure.When you have wronged people like that it always comes back to bite you,he will have his day.

Stay focused on the two of you and continue to move forward,you are a very strong person it appears!

Hope you get a lunch, I know the gang at my work is going to be swamped today and a lunch I am sure is up in the air as well :(

Take care,
You have been through so much, Beth. :hug: I hope that everything starts settling down for you and Kate soon. :goodvibes Just take each day as it comes and know that next weekend will be here before you know it.:hug:

Please be sure and do something just for you this weekend. Read a book, watch a funny movie (or a Pirates movie....pirate: :love: Can you tell I just saw the 3rd one?:lmao: ), or take a nice, long walk and relax. Whatever will give you some Beth time....:hug:

Take good care of you, sweetie!:hug: You CAN do this!:cheer2:
Hi there,

I only have a moment to post. We're off to a last minute bday party.

Well, I am up again. .8. I am feeling a bit better, and more in control. I have done my cooking for the week thing, so I have no excuses for not eating healthy. I also hit the gym and did weights and elliptical. I know what is being served at the party, and I have a plan. Now, I just need to stick to it.:thumbsup2

Tomorrow I am going to the gym. We will be going to IKEA to pick up some things for Jon's apartment. I have a rental SUV, and I am the only one to drive it. It also let's me make sure that Kate has what she needs. I should make it to journals tonight or tomorrow.

I'm off,
Take care,
Beth, I am so sorry that Jon's move out was delayed. I think your post summed it up quite well, he has put you through hell and naturally you want his sorry self out of your house. I guess it will be soon enough but I can sure understand how that one knocked the wind right out of you. I think you are going to feel so good when he leaves, that stress level is going to do down. Honestly, I am so damn impressed with how well you have done through all of this. You have continued to lose, work out and above all be a great mom. I am proud of you more than I can say! I am glad Cam's post helped to motivate you, thats what WISH is all about. We are there for each other! Just hang in there, he will be gone soon enough.

I hope this week is a good one for your sweetie. :hug:
Hi Everyone,

Well, it is another whirlwind weekday for me. I get to pick up the last of the water bottles. I managed to get all of them donated. I will be so glad when this thing is over. I will walk the puppy this morning. I need to get Kate some bedding and a bed. I don't trust Jon not to just get her a cot. Grr.....I need to hit the grocery store, and work on laundry. I am making muffins for the Teacher Appreciation Breakfast tomorrow. When kate is at dance, I'll go to lifetime to workout. Then it is homework/dinner/bed/lunch routine.

I have worked out for the last few days, and I am feeling better. No more problems with my hip. My eating yesterday was disasterous. Hmmm....I binged after an argument with Jon. I really do think things will be better once he moves. He is actually packing and has rented a Uhaul for Saturday. I am holding my breath that he actually moves.

I am busy, but in good spirits, so today should be okay. I am sorry that I have not gotten to journals in forever. RL is totally taken over. (I didn't make it to bed until after midnight last night.) I will really try to get to everyone in the next day or so. I can't wait to hear about Minnie.

Take care
Hey Beth! :hug: You don't have to apologize to us for what you're going through. We are all here for you! I think of you often and was wondering how things were going while I was away. :goodvibes Sorry to hear about the delay with Jon moving out, but at least there is a definite time and place that he is leaving (to). Hang in there, girlie. You're doing great and have remembered to focus on yourself during all of this. :thumbsup2
Beth, I agree with Kim: no apologies needed! We know you are going through so much and want you to take care of Beth first and get to journals when you have time. Once Jon is gone, things are going to be better for you! No small surprise that you binged a bit after an argument with him, who can blame you? I think you should be proud at how often you haven't done that in the last months and not worry about it one bit! I am glad the water bottles got donated and that this event is almost over. So I guess there are a few stress makers about to exit your life! Thats good news!

Just keep hangning in there and know that I am thinking about you!:flower3:
Hi Beth...ITA with need for apologies. Just know we're thinking about you. You amaze me woman! :hug:
Hi Beth,

I agree with Kim, Amy, and Amy..... No worries at all about journals. Hakuna Matata!:hug: We know that you have a lot going on right now and we want you to focus on you and Kate. :hug:

I hope you have a great day tomorrow!:goodvibes Take good care of you, sweetie.:hug:


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