Beth's WW Journey. (Comments Welcome)

Hi everyone,

Well, as you can tell, things are slooow here at work today. Of course, we are slammed tomorrow. That is how my job works. Patients can't come here on dialysis days. I would rather be busy, but I am certainly not complaining about downtime.

Jon is actually working on packing. I am shocked. He is such a procrastinator. He keeps insisting that he won't need to spend much to set up his apartment. I handed him a list of things he would need. He initially said, he didn't need 1/2 of it. I told him to really look at it, and tell me one thing he wouldn't need. Things like a can opener, toilet bowl brush, garbage bags, shower curtain. Necessities. He couldn't find one item. I think the $$ factor is just starting to hit him.

I am doing ok. Going to Pilates last night really helped me. Wednesady evenings are really tough for me. I am just exhaustedand spent. I drag my butt to Pilates, and it helps to center me. I leave feeling more energized, and like I accomplished something. Food has been horrible. I just keep eating, but I am cutting myself some slack. Getting uptight about my food just makes me eat more. No sense in that.

Kate is having a really hard time. She is having horrible nightmares, and last night myabe got 4 hours of sleep. This of course means that I only got 4 hours of sleep. They finished the support group at school yesterday, so she brought home her materials. I was looking through them, and realized justr how much the kid has figured out. I am trying my best to help her, but it is so hard to see my little girl so sad and unsure of herself. The only time she really is joyful right now is when she dances. I am going to get here into counselling ASAP.

Today I still need to walk the dog, take Kate to dance, Dinner/homework. clean a bathroom, and work on a bit of laundry. My food has been ok, but it is when I head home that I am having issues. I am planning on grilled chivken and salad for dinner. Now, I just need to not snack. Wish me luck.

Take care,
First of all I aplogize profusely for not checking on with you. I just got done getting caught up from November! I am shocked and amazed! Shocked at the actions of your "husband" and amazed at how strong of a woman you are! You are truly an amazing woman! I thought I had a busy life...mine is nothing compared to yours! You are working hard, raising your daughter to be as strong as her mother and you are still finding the time to exercise!!
:worship: :worship:

I am sorry for everything you are going through. I am impressed with how strong you are being. I know it is hard, but in the end, you can hold your head up high and know that you did everything you were supposed to do.

Enjoy your day tomorrow with your wonderful both deserve it!!

Happy Mother's Day, Beth!!!:flower3: I hope you and Kate had a wonderful day together yesterday.:goodvibes

Sending some prayers and :wizard: :wizard: for both you and Kate. You are both going through so much right now.:grouphug:

I hope you have a good week ahead. Take good care of you!:hug:
Beth, I hope you had a nice Mother' Day. I feel so bad Kate is having a hard time, not a bit surprising given what is happening but I know that adds to your stress. Hang in there. Did Jon move out over the weekend? Good for you for making him realize that the list was necessities, when he is on his own, man he is really going to realize how many of his bases you covered. God help him. Don't worry about the food, I think that is going to get a whole lot better/easier for you as soon as he is in his own place. Good job going to pilates. Its great you realize how much it helps you, that really makes it easier to go.

Keep taking care of Beth. :hug:
Hi, Beth. First of all, thanks SO MUCH for your support on my journal. I appreciate all of your kind words and encouragement more than you know.

I apologize for not having been on your journal in so long. My work situation has just been nuts, but it looks as if it will calm down soon and I will do better then, I PROMISE!

I am so amazed and inspired by you - you have no idea how strong you truly are! I am SO GLAD that Jon is finally moving out and that he is beginning to realize how much he has given up. I am sorry for Kate's difficulties, but I know she will be okay because she has you to help her through the tough stuff.

Congrats on keeping the exercise going in a regular fashion. I think you should cut yourself some slack on the food - it will probably get a lot easier when Jon is truly gone from your space and you can focus more easily on your needs.

I hope you are having a great day - take care!

Sorry I have been completely MIA this week. I have been INSANELY BUSY!

Jon did indeed move out on Saturday. Only one of his friends showed up to help, so I did my workout by lugging his junk. Katie's bedset came with wall stickers, and she asked if she could decorate her bedside table instead of the walls. She has an incredible sense of pattern/symmetry. I was truly impressed. When we redo her room, she will have much more input. Saturday night Kate was pretty much hysterical, but she is improving each day.

Sunday was very nice. I completely overate. We had fun chatting, and it helped Kate to see her cousin.

Monday I went downastairs to find about 2 inches of water in my laundry room. My water heater needed to be replaced. I was up until about 230AM cleaning out the basement.

Tuesday was the fun walk. My mon helped, and dad hung out at my place for the plumber and insurance people. It went VERY well. We raised over 2000. Kate won the iPod, and her class gets a pizza party today. I wore m garmin, and logged 8.34 miles. (Each class walked for 30 minutes.)
Wednesday was work, cleaning, and pilates.

Today I walked the puppy for 5 miles. It was not a strenuous walk though. My hip is bothering me just a bit, so I took it easy. The flood cleaning people are here. I am in the process of baking cupcakes and cakes for Katie's bday. The cupcakes are for her to take to school tomorrow. We are going to my rents for the weekend and a family party. She has chosen a Luau theme. We're doing kabobs, rice, grilled pineapple, fruit kabobs. We are doing a chocolate cake I am decorating with a flowers and palm trees and a pineapple upside down cake. kate also has dance, and I am working on laundry.

I will try to get to journals today or tomorrow. I will be gone all weekend. I am sorry again for not checking in with everyone. Things should be settling down after this week.

Okay, I am off.

Take care,
Hi Beth! Remember me??? :rolleyes: Sorry I've been away so long!

I am so glad to see that John did indeed move out. I think that will definately help your stress leve to come down! I feel so bad for Kate. It's always very tough on the children. You are very smart to seek canceling for her. Many parents don't and for some children, I've seen the negative affects. All kids are different, some need it, some don't, but it's great that you two are so close and you can tune in to her emotions and realize that couceling may be a good thing for her. I hope her nightmare get better and you both can start getting more rest and feeling better!

Great job staying on track w/ your workouts! I'm so happy that pilates is treating you well! I'm really trying to fit Pilates into my schedule.

Too bad about the water in the basement! ugh!!! I'm glad to hear it's getting worked out though.

You have been a very busy lady lately! Remember to stop and smell the roses! :flower3: :goodvibes


PS. The Luau sounds great!!! YUM!
Well, I am glad Jon has his place at last. You worked long and hard for that one! I know however, you must be having a sense of sadness and I can well imagine that Kate was having a hard time. I really do think you are over the hump now sweetie, things should hopefully get a bit easier.

You are one busy lady! I am so glad the walk went so well and glad Kate won the Ipod. Another obstacle overcome and quite successfully!

I hope you have nice weekend at your parents, that luau thing sounds very fun. Send me a piece of that cake...

Take care and rest that hip!
Hey girlie. I'm so glad you and Kate can have peace at home again. :hug: I know it's been a rough road, and I know that it's not over yet - but you've already proven how incredibly strong you are. You're showing your daughter the high road and she is old enough to always remember that. :goodvibes

I hope Kate has a wonderful birthday. It sounds like you're doin' it up right. :banana: Have a great weekend and rest up that hip.
Hey girlie. I'm so glad you and Kate can have peace at home again. :hug: I know it's been a rough road, and I know that it's not over yet - but you've already proven how incredibly strong you are. You're showing your daughter the high road and she is old enough to always remember that. :goodvibes

I hope Kate has a wonderful birthday. It sounds like you're doin' it up right. :banana: Have a great weekend and rest up that hip.

Kim has mental telepathy. She said exactly what I was thinking! You and Kate are going to be fine. It's a long road, and there are bumps along the way, but I think you both will be better for it.
Congrats to Kate on the Ipod...I'm jealous!! And congrats to you on the 8+ miles!! Way to go!!

I do have one question...what does "rents" mean? or should I say "who are rents?" That has me really confused!:confused3
Have a great week/weekend....we're here if you need us!

I only have a second to post, but I want to say this....................

I just read all 49 pages in the last 24 hours. WOW!!
I rarely meet people that totally blow me away, but I want you to know what a wonderful person you are. You are now officially one of my heroes!!
Your daughter is going to get through this and grow up to be a VERY strong woman, and it will all be because of what a great Mom she has.

I too am doing WW. Which is how I originally found your journal just searching. I started in January of 2007. I am down 60 lbs and counting. (I still have about 45 more to go.)

Life has thrown me many wrenches also. I have a wonderful husband, but I have three kids that pull me in three different directions. Since starting WW I have had two of my closest friends be diagnosed with cancer. My husband lost one of his friends to a brain tumor. And then, last October my father died unexpectedly of a massive heart attack.

I just wanted to introduce myself. I am going to keep checking your journal and I plan to keep posting and encouraging when I can.

Take care!!
Hi Everyone,

Wife2Grump, welcome. I am sorry for everything that you have gone through in the last year, including listening to me complain.;) Congratulations on you success. Do you have a journal yet? I'll check it out soon. Thank you for your kind words.

Work is busy today, so I won't make it to journals. I'm sorry.

I am feeling so much better today. The sun is shining, and Kate slept through the night. I still have a ton to do to get ready for tomorrow, but it is fun stuff that my daughter is excited about. I am going to try to post some pictures of the cake and bday girl. I did get up at 445 this am to get on the treadmill for 1/2 hour. I just received some sports bras that I ordered. If any f you are well endowed, I highly recommend Title9's last resort bra. Expensive and ugly, but there is absolutely no bounce, and I could breathe in it. 5 stars from me.

I will update and check on everyone as soon as I can.

Thanks to everyon for your support. You have helped get me through one of the toughest experiences in my life. I know it isn't over, but I at least feel like I can see light ahead. Thank you again. You all mean the world to me, and I am blessed to know you.

Have a great weekend,
Beth I also agree that even though its not over so to speak, you have definitley weathered a huge storm. And quite well I might add. I am so glad Kate slept through the night, thats good for her and her mom. You have come through an experience that has been beyond stressful and look how well you have continued to exercise and eat right. I am so proud of you.

I hope Kate has a super fun birthday, can't wait to see the pictures!

Keep it up Wish Sister, I think the worst part is truly behind you.:hug:
:hug: Beth,

I think you have done an amazing job the past few months handling all that has been thrown your way. You are an amazing woman and I wish you and Kate all the best in the world.:grouphug:

I hope Kate has a wonderful birthday!! Happy Birthday, Kate!princess:

Have a great weekend, sweetie.:hug:
Hi Beth-
I am so happy that Jon moved out. I am going to agree with everyone else and say how strong you have been! Happy Birthday to yoru daughter
ENJOY the weekend :)
Happy Birthday to KATE! :)

I'm was time that he moved out. I know it's hard on Kate...and bittersweet...but it's for the best IMO. :hug: You ARE the strongest woman I know!
I hope Kate had a great birthday Beth.
Would love to see pics :)
I'm sure things will get easier for her now.
You have survived the hardest part it WILL get easier for both of you.
Hi, Beth! I just wanted to catch up on your journal. I'm sorry I've been MIA with the craziness of life and some demanding cases. I am so glad for you that Jon has finally moved out. Poor Kate! I hope that she is sleeping better through the night and adjusting to the changes in her life. I know it is hard on both of you, but you are setting an amazing example for her of how to be strong and independent.
How awesome that Kate won the ipod at the fun walk! Now, aren't you glad you came up with that awesome prize idea? :thumbsup2
WISHing you all the best, Beth! You are really one of my heroes! :hug:
Hi All,

Well, the weekend is ovr, and I am very happy. My life is starting to get back to normal. No more major events unti lrecital weekend.:thumbsup2

Kate is doing much bettter. She is sleeping without nightmares, and loved her bday parties. THe biggest hit was the DS that Jon and I gave her followed closely by a chemistry set from my parents. The kid loves science.

Now that my routine is more back to normal, I am going to focus more on myself. It may be selfish, but I am not a good mom when I am exhausted and unhappy with myself. I feel better when I am eating healthy and exercising regularly. I am much less likely to snap at Kate, and I have more energy to play with her. My weight is up significantly, and I need to nip this in the bud. I had yesterday off, so I took an extra Pilates class, and walked Klinker for 2 miles. Today I will be walking the dog. Wednesday is Pilates and dog walking. Thursday will just be dog walking. Friday/Saturday/Sunday/ Monday will all be gym days. I also need to start journalling my food again. I have been slacking on every area for the last 6 months. It is time to regroup and accomplish my goals.

This weekend is the first that Kate goes to Jon's for the weekend. I plan on exercising and cleaning. My house is cluttered, and it stresses me out. I have 3 days of solitude where I am not reponsible for anyone but myself. I want to declutter my home, and make it a place that I can relax. Right now, I enter the house and am confronted with everything I need to do.

Okay, I need to get going. I started this entry at about 9am, and we've been busy since then. I should make it to journals tomorrow.

Take care,


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