What in the world is up with Raven??
I know she talks constantly about all her ailments and the short life she is going to have, but come on. First she says she's terminal from her stomach disease (which from what others say that are suffering with it, its not terminal). She says she has 2 terminal diseases, don't know what the other one is, not sure she has said. She says she vomits 14 times a day at home. I know we don't see it all in there, but if that were the case I'm sure production would be having doctors see her. Frankly, all I see is her eating constantly and most of it is junk food.

NOW she is telling Paul I believe that she has endometriosis and she says its a rash in her uterus!!!! Really Raven? Who gave you this information, because its not that at all.

I think BB has seen through all this and barely gives her airtime.

LOL......My Dh just calls her "the grifter" now and never refers to her by name.

In general, they do not give much airtime to her or Matt. I am not complaining, just noting. I think the producers just have other agendas they are pushing other than the lies of the "sweet southern belle" although if needed, they will pull those feeds out of the closet if the time is right to add to the drama for ratings.....
What in the world is up with Raven??
I know she talks constantly about all her ailments and the short life she is going to have, but come on. First she says she's terminal from her stomach disease (which from what others say that are suffering with it, its not terminal). She says she has 2 terminal diseases, don't know what the other one is, not sure she has said. She says she vomits 14 times a day at home. I know we don't see it all in there, but if that were the case I'm sure production would be having doctors see her. Frankly, all I see is her eating constantly and most of it is junk food.

NOW she is telling Paul I believe that she has endometriosis and she says its a rash in her uterus!!!! Really Raven? Who gave you this information, because its not that at all.

I think BB has seen through all this and barely gives her airtime.

Yes, she does claim she has 2 terminal illnesses, the other one does not have a name. I'm not even sure how that is possible. How can the doctors know it's terminal if there is no name for it. I'm pretty sure there would be. She has also said she has an inverted spine, no such thing. A lot of the houseguests are starting to question her, especially about the throwing up, because none of them have seen her throwing up when she claims to have thrown up 14 times a day before going into the house. Seems the BB house has been the miracle cure for her. Kevin has called her the healthiest sick person he has ever seen.

Just edited to add a lot of people online have accused her mom of having munchausen by proxy, making Raven sick. If Raven is telling the truth that she was throwing up 14 times a day before going into the house and now she is not even throwing up once a day, there may be truth to that, but I think Raven is just plain out lying and playing her illness up for sympathy by throwing in extra details that are not true.
Yes, she does claim she has 2 terminal illnesses, the other one does not have a name. I'm not even sure how that is possible. How can the doctors know it's terminal if there is no name for it. I'm pretty sure there would be. She has also said she has an inverted spine, no such thing. A lot of the houseguests are starting to question her, especially about the throwing up, because none of them have seen her throwing up when she claims to have thrown up 14 times a day before going into the house. Seems the BB house has been the miracle cure for her. Kevin has called her the healthiest sick person he has ever seen.

Just edited to add a lot of people online have accused her mom of having munchausen by proxy, making Raven sick. If Raven is telling the truth that she was throwing up 14 times a day before going into the house and now she is not even throwing up once a day, there may be truth to that, but I think Raven is just plain out lying and playing her illness up for sympathy by throwing in extra details that are not true.

She may just "play sick" her way into $500,000....:crazy2:
I'm glad the HGs are starting to realize her little scam
Poor Matt his Romance with Raven is just starting shame to see it cut short with all Raven life ending diseases many that are only known to her lol lol
I can't believe anyone is defending Paul and his mob menatality. I have never seen Cody loses his temper or attack others. Yes he he stood up to Paul when he thought Jessica a had been wronged. In fact I think he seems pretty calm and collected considering he's constantly attacked. Yes he told Megan he put her on lock because he didn't like her. He didn't go after her every day.

Well, so far I have seen Cody get verbal and in the face of Paul, Josh, Mark and Christmas. He has let his temper slip more than once and I find him much scarier than Paul with that temper. I just hope he goes sooner rather than later. And I sure hope Jess stays away from him once the show is over! He's volatile. He even admitted that's why he stays alone.
As someone who is actually married to a man with Bipolar Disorder, I do not get a bipolar vibe from Cody at all. He may have PTSD. I'd say he's antisocial overall and maybe a loner. Trust me, that is very different than Bipolar.

I was going by the episodes I have seen my SIL have, who is bipolar. She flips on a dime and then sulks and won't talk to anyone and is always telling everyone to leave her alone. His behavior seemed very similar. I just wish when he leaves the house he would confront those feelings and get help. Otherwise I think he will always isolate himself and be unsocial.
I think it will be a game of chance so that Paul's side can keep their position in the house.....hate the games of chance! Love when it is a physical /mental challenge so we can see who is top of the game.
Mind you if feeds have been down that long, it could be an endurance

And THAT is the only reason Josh won HOH -- because that was a pure chance game.
Well, so far I have seen Cody get verbal and in the face of Paul, Josh, Mark and Christmas. He has let his temper slip more than once and I find him much scarier than Paul with that temper. I just hope he goes sooner rather than later. And I sure hope Jess stays away from him once the show is over! He's volatile. He even admitted that's why he stays alone.
I don't blame with Paul or Josh. I haven't seen him do that with Christmas or Mark. That not quite what he said either. He said he's not good interaction.. Yet you defend Paul mob mentality and bullying you go right ahead whatever works for you.
I was going by the episodes I have seen my SIL have, who is bipolar. She flips on a dime and then sulks and won't talk to anyone and is always telling everyone to leave her alone. His behavior seemed very similar. I just wish when he leaves the house he would confront those feelings and get help. Otherwise I think he will always isolate himself and be unsocial.
All I am saying is that if that is what Bipolar looks like to you, then thank your lucky stars that your SIL has a very mild case of it. To me it just seems like a guy who is anti social and a loner letting the stress of the house get to him after a while. I think it would anyone, especially when the mob mentality is attacking him. I thought he handled it well. My dh, whom I love dearly, has Bipolar and that is nothing scary compared to what I've seen. Dh would have been kicked out of that house a long time ago because he would not handle the bullying so calmly. And that's with my dh being medicated. I shudder to think how he'd be without meds. I have dealt with a lot of bipolar people working in health care and in my personal life and I'm just gonna hafta agree to disagree. I don't at all think Cody is bipolar. It's okay if you think he is though. I just don't.
Just for those that do not know. Production feeds them their lines when we see the Diary Room sessions on the air. Here is a behind the scene DR of Elena that accidently was let out live:

I didn't get the impression she was being "fed lines" as much as being asked questions to open up her views more or delve into her feelings about the game. :confused3 Survivor does the same thing -- you'll sometimes hear someone off camera ask the player questions about a certain comp or feeling they have about another player.
I don't blame with Paul or Josh. I haven't seen him do that with Christmas or Mark. That not quite what he said either. He said he's not good interaction.. Yet you defend Paul mob mentality and bullying you go right ahead whatever works for you.

Show me where I have specifically defended his "mob mentality". I don't see it that way -- it's a game and they are playing the way they choose to play. I mentioned earlier I don't think anyone in Paul's group is not strong enough or smart enough to stand up to him and many have had conflicting conversations with him and defied some of his "suggestions". All those who have "sided" with either Paul or Cody have their reasons and see their game play as they see it. If I had to choose between Paul and Cody to win -- I would pick Paul. Why? He PLAYED the game much better -- both socially and strategically. That's all. ::yes::
All I am saying is that if that is what Bipolar looks like to you, then thank your lucky stars that your SIL has a very mild case of it. To me it just seems like a guy who is anti social and a loner letting the stress of the house get to him after a while. I think it would anyone, especially when the mob mentality is attacking him. I thought he handled it well. My dh, whom I love dearly, has Bipolar and that is nothing scary compared to what I've seen. Dh would have been kicked out of that house a long time ago because he would not handle the bullying so calmly. And that's with my dh being medicated. I shudder to think how he'd be without meds. I have dealt with a lot of bipolar people working in health care and in my personal life and I'm just gonna hafta agree to disagree. I don't at all think Cody is bipolar. It's okay if you think he is though. I just don't.
I 100% agree with this post
All I am saying is that if that is what Bipolar looks like to you, then thank your lucky stars that your SIL has a very mild case of it. To me it just seems like a guy who is anti social and a loner letting the stress of the house get to him after a while. I think it would anyone, especially when the mob mentality is attacking him. I thought he handled it well. My dh, whom I love dearly, has Bipolar and that is nothing scary compared to what I've seen. Dh would have been kicked out of that house a long time ago because he would not handle the bullying so calmly. And that's with my dh being medicated. I shudder to think how he'd be without meds. I have dealt with a lot of bipolar people working in health care and in my personal life and I'm just gonna hafta agree to disagree. I don't at all think Cody is bipolar. It's okay if you think he is though. I just don't.

I didn't mean to open up a sensitive door. I'm not in the medical field and was only going by personal experience. Let's leave it at that - I don't want this to turn into a personal disagreement about symptoms. I apologize if I said anything upsetting or out of line.
Cody has some fairly obvious issues. But that does not excuse the behavior of many of the houseguests. I liked Paul, a lot until recently. I think it was the "turn it up to 30 Josh" line that turned the tide for me.

Poor Josh, he's an imbecile. He couldn't remember-- or figure out-- the explanation of pawns to give Elena, he had to have Paul come explain it. And he couldn't understand why she brought up the other names-- to point out the flaws in his argument.

There are VERY few of these people I would hire in any capacity, or have as a guest in my home.
I didn't mean to open up a sensitive door. I'm not in the medical field and was only going by personal experience. Let's leave it at that - I don't want this to turn into a personal disagreement about symptoms. I apologize if I said anything upsetting or out of line.
No, I'm not upset. I just hate when people throw out a diagnosis like that with so little information to go on. I don't think any of us can diagnose someone on the show just based on edits we've seen. But, no, I am not upset so no harm, no foul. Just discussing is all. :)
Raven's other disease is a heart disease. She says she in her 3rd pacemaker and it's turned up to an 8. They only go up to 10 and when she gets to that point she is dead. So she says.


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