OMG I can't believe they have shown some of Ravens lies, of course it was just some. To be able to show them all they would have to take the whole hour on just that. I loved when she told Paul her and her mom are in Mensa and he asks her what her GPA was and she says Dance lolololol. Okay Mensa girl.

Wow! Did Mensa Girl go to college, or even high school? There's no way she went to school without knowing what a GPA is! And how can she claim to be a dance teacher and then blame her pacemaker for failing in a competition? There are so many things about this girl that don't add up. Run Matt. Run.
LOL I know. What does a pacemaker have to do with her staying up there? She is always jumping and dancing around so obviously her pacemaker doesn't make her weak or lethargic. She is so full of it. My dad had a pacemaker on his heart and I remember some of the restrictions he had was avoiding strong magnetic fields, including not to stand in front of a microwave. Of all the things Raven claims she can't have her pacemaker exposed to standing in front of the microwave isn't one of them??? I'm starting to wonder if she has this disease and she just found some quack doctor that was willing to put this in her to shut her up. Remember she said all the other doctors told her it was all in her head. I think she should really think about those other doctors.
I keep thinking that she should have a scar where they implanted the supposed pacemaker. Wouldn't the HG's see it with her bikini? My grandson had a VNS implanted in his neck and he has a good 2" scar.
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Ok, I have to admit I was enjoying the snippets of Paul reacting to Raven's tall tales and him going off in diary room.

I cannot believe even at this point, these people still are not playing the game and listening to Paul.

Now that Paul is not obsessed with another player, he is starting to play but honestly, Matt and Raven are total dolts
I can't imagine giving the win to anyone but Paul...he's the only one who showed up to play.

I loved Josh's critique when Matt wanted Alex and Jason to stop the comp.."he's been here for 67 days, and this is the first time I've heard the guys voice."

If Matt and Raven can't see that the couples are in the crosshairs, then they're less intelligent than we all think, and I think the bar is already pretty low.
I can't imagine giving the win to anyone but Paul...he's the only one who showed up to play.

I loved Josh's critique when Matt wanted Alex and Jason to stop the comp.."he's been here for 67 days, and this is the first time I've heard the guys voice."

If Matt and Raven can't see that the couples are in the crosshairs, then they're less intelligent than we all think, and I think the bar is already pretty low.

As quiet as Matt has been, Josh is really not the guy to be offering up critiques of anyone.
As far as I'm concerned the only reason Matt wanted HOH to end was because he needed a bowl of cereal! Did you see afterwards, he was still full of the ketchup and mustard soaking wet stuffing cereal in his face. "Poor Raven she is shivering and needs to go inside", PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!
OMG....... Christmas and Josh tell Paul they want to throw HOH to Raven this week, he somehow keeps his composure to tell them she can't be trusted to keep the planned go after Jason and Alex...... He of courses convinces these weak minded morons. Why would they want to give her anything, so dumb. They don't see through her BS??? She would happily go after Jason and Alex too.
The Bra-gade or Brigade lol, but with that show the contestants were playing, they just didn't know that those 4 guys had such a tight alliance. With this cast they are literally giving it to Paul. You have Jason telling Paul it will be an honor to lose to him, any time they get any bit of info they run to Paul or say we should talk to Paul first and see what to do. I have never seen a cast like this before. With the exception of Jess and Cody they are truly Paul's minions in every sense of the word.

As far as that eviction list, I think it follows the order Paul has said he wants people to go, so it would make sense if that list happens the way it's listed since Paul is running things. I really do believe the show is live. I would hate to think though they agreed to placement on the show before it started. If that is true, it would have to be the first time. Something like that would have gotten out if this is the way they have always done it.

By the way, it's great to be back on here discussing this with you guys. I was banned for posting that video where they discussed ganging up on Jess and Cody, oops.
yes exactly! I can't figure out how Christmas went from warning Josh to not let Paul run his HOH to tattling on anyone who dares speak out against Paul? Legit worst players in history. I agree that the players on the Brigade season were all playing and getting picked off. Cody had the right idea but lacked the social skill to rally the troops and exicute (sp?) the plan.
Josh tells Christmas that he trusts Paul but he's getting weird question about Paul in his Dreams(DR) Christmas says she got some too #BB19

So basically the production team is trying to give thim a hint and they are far too stupid to catch it. UGH! They all deserve to go home penniless. This has been the most predictable year ever.
OMG I can't believe they have shown some of Ravens lies, of course it was just some. To be able to show them all they would have to take the whole hour on just that. I loved when she told Paul her and her mom are in Mensa and he asks her what her GPA was and she says Dance lolololol. Okay Mensa girl.
I absolutely HATE people like her! I just can't figure out why some people need to make crap up as the go to impress people? What's funny is that no one ever sits them down and says, "you're full of it." They carry on as if they like the person. I can't. If you keep lying to me about useless stuff, I have no use for you. You become the little boy who cried wolf to me and I won't believe anything you say.
That's so crazy to me. I don't understand why anyone would like him? I mean the guy had the right idea to go after Paul, but come on...he was a world class jerk. The way he stomped across that table when he was evicted from a GAME? He's classless.
I disagree. He was the only with class. Those people treated him.horribly for weeks. He just took it and took it and took. He gets my vote for America player.
I disagree. He was the only with class. Those people treated him.horribly for weeks. He just took it and took it and took. He gets my vote for America player.
For real? Now granted I don't watch any of the live feeds, but based on just watching the show, he got what he deserved because he was such a jerk to anyone that tried to talk to him. He just came off as a mean person.


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