Chicago Cubs fans - Rebuilding Year 2023

Can’t believe Yankees won. The NY media were killing Girardi just 2 days ago.

Cleveland-Chapman axis is a story too.
IKR? Talk about erasing that goof for Girardi. Now I want to see if the media crucifies Lindor (and was it Jackson in LF?) for messing up like they did Schwarb's.

Had the Cubs been able to solve Strasburg, they would have earned one night's sleep in their own bed before heading to Los Angeles for the NLCS, which starts on Saturday night. But the security provided by Hendricks' consistency -- built around his version of a devastating changeup -- is the next best thing to laying your head on a familiar pillow.

"He's not shy of being in these situations,'' Rizzo said. "We have to go out and score some runs for him, plain and simple. He'll be ready to go, we'll be ready to go, and we go from there.''

Manana !
"He's not shy of being in these situations,'' Rizzo said. "We have to go out and score some runs for him, plain and simple. He'll be ready to go, we'll be ready to go, and we go from there.''—

I'd like to know why Rizzo and Co. weren't ready to go today.
Cubs starters have allowed 8 hits for the series. Quite a few lousy a$$ Ump calls changed 2 games now . CJ HAD Lind...Ump blew it. Missed check swing today turns into a run on Addie's error. CJ not in top form today but stellar the day before and kept us in it to get the W. Today, one of his walks again, Ump squeezing. Weather robbed Addie of that go ahead bomb. Wet dirt robbed Zobie of turning that double into a triple or he'd have been in on Addie's hit. Javy GIDP w/JHey on was brutal. I'm not so sure Davis had enough warm up time. Maybe he did...we'll never know. The guys have to get mad...they know they are better offensively than they have been and no room for sloppy play (tho given today's conditions it could have been far worse) keep bringing the positivity and optimism~ Toxic negativity has never helped any team win any game.
I'd further state toxic negativity has never helped any of the true fans either.
I didn’t even think of the Zobrist on 3rd part. Was so bummed that the wind knocked down the homer. On the radio they were commenting that the wind died down in the seconds before Taylor’s HR. Dusty even acknowledged it was a gift. Dusty also said they were concerned all the umps balls were wet during Madson’s 8th. I think the elements really affected CJ.

Don’t know how it would’ve gone if still 1-0, but in some ways, the bigger loss will help our players move on and focus better on tomorrow.
Hopefully it will. As I said, although I don't necessarily enjoy it, must tip the hat to Strasburg...he was the better pitcher today. Agreed with the umps calls...Jake was painting the corners and not getting the calls. Definitely the check swing that wasn't. I didn't think about wet dirt for Zoby either. I know Happ was all kinds of turned around on that GS and thought he had a bead on it. Obviously hind sight is 20-20, so we could what if about Maddon left Jon in to finish the inning, but then again if he had left him in and they got the HR off of him, then we could what if he'd pulled him. Along the same line, I never expected CJ to walk...definitely cold & hot lately. Hopefully they'll be fired up now, but LA series will be harder without rest. :(
and lets focus on today's positive...LESTER'S PICK-OFF!!!!!!!!!!!
The crowd was SO INTO that pick-off! We went CRAZY!

I actually that one of the biggest mistakes that Maddon made when taking Lester out 1 batter later in favor of CJ is that he interrupted the energy from the crowd. Frankly, no one was concerned about Murphy's hit. We had 2 outs and Lester was on auto pilot. Yeah, he gave up a walk to Zimmerman (who he then picked off) followed by the hit, but I wasn't at all worried about him and everyone was still in it. Then, Maddon made a pitching change and that interrupted the energy and we went from excited and positive to hopeful and watchful. It was CJ, after all.

You have to win with runs and we scored none so I'm not sure it really mattered if we lost by 1 or 5 ... but I do think he should have left Lester in at least to finish the inning.
You have to win with runs and we scored none so I'm not sure it really mattered if we lost by 1 or 5 ... but I do think he should have left Lester in at least to finish the inning.

Cubs had something going in the Bottom of the 8th but because of the extra runs, Nats probably felt no pressure at that point having a 5 run lead. Who knows what would have happened if it was only a 1-0 lead. Nats pitchers might have tightened up and make some mistakes. Edwards blew it for us.
The crowd was SO INTO that pick-off! We went CRAZY!

I actually that one of the biggest mistakes that Maddon made when taking Lester out 1 batter later in favor of CJ is that he interrupted the energy from the crowd. Frankly, no one was concerned about Murphy's hit. We had 2 outs and Lester was on auto pilot. Yeah, he gave up a walk to Zimmerman (who he then picked off) followed by the hit, but I wasn't at all worried about him and everyone was still in it. Then, Maddon made a pitching change and that interrupted the energy and we went from excited and positive to hopeful and watchful. It was CJ, after all.

You have to win with runs and we scored none so I'm not sure it really mattered if we lost by 1 or 5 ... but I do think he should have left Lester in at least to finish the inning.

I can see that changing for sure (the momentum ) when Lester was pulled. Not sure if Joe or Bos saw someting more to Lester (he was over 50 pitches) or if it was sheer not gonna risk it . I do find it intersting that CJ is getting raked over the coals when Davis is the one who gave up the GS tho.
Yep you sure do need runs. My words to my kid of " no way are we losing on that cheap run on the error"...came back to haunt me with that GS..but at the same time? Rather take the L on that than the error.
Well last year the rain was a God send..this year not so much. I'll take last year's rain any day PLUS we still have tomorrow's(ummm, today's) game. Nat's get to digest the Indian's blowing it at home game 5 and they had 2 hits against Kyle Friday. Their offense hasn't done much, really (beside's Taylor tonight and Davis not pitching all night lol) to support their pitcher's either. Let them bring in their Walgreen's w's and incorrect L flags. Let them spend all night waving red paper K's. They haven't won anything more than us.

Was it just me or was the ending of the NYY/Indian's game just weird? The catcher looked scared to death to approach Chapman~ the rest looked as stunned as the Indian's did.
I can see that changing for sure (the momentum ) when Lester was pulled. Not sure if Joe or Bos saw someting more to Lester (he was over 50 pitches) or if it was sheer not gonna risk it . I do find it intersting that CJ is getting raked over the coals when Davis is the one who gave up the GS tho..

You're joking right? Davis is a closer and is meant to come in during the 9th inning in a save opportunity. He did his job the best of any closer in baseball all year, only blowing 1 save (late in the season). Davis was brought in out of necessity to try and clean up another mess that Edwards left him.

Edwards also blew G2. So Edwards has basically blown 1 game for sure in this series, and perhaps cost us G4. We will never know if the 8th/9th innings would have turned out differently if the score would have stayed 1-0, my gut says the Cubs would have scored in the 8th.

People are growing very tired of Edwards and all the walks he's giving up. Not to mention his nonchalant body language as he gets taken out of the game. So I hope you understand now why Edwards is getting raked over the coals.
Would we rather have taken our chances w a decent Roark in the cold rain at Wrigley and then have to face Strasburg in much tougher game 5 at their home or the current situation, or have been in the situation we were/are. Probably the former but not by that much.

I am starting to embrace tonight. I think it’s going to be amazing and if we win it’ll be part of this season’s story in a big way. Our bats have been quiet but jeez, we had 3 games against Stras-Max. This has been an 8th Innings series for sure. I think we’re ready. On the radio they were talking about keeping Zobrist/Happ in lineup as anchors for the R/L starters switching.
Would we rather have taken our chances w a decent Roark in the cold rain at Wrigley and then have to face Strasburg in much tougher game 5 at their home or the current situation, or have been in the situation we were/are. Probably the former but not by that much.

I am starting to embrace tonight. I think it’s going to be amazing and if we win it’ll be part of this season’s story in a big way. Our bats have been quiet but jeez, we had 3 games against Stras-Max. This has been an 8th Innings series for sure. I think we’re ready. On the radio they were talking about keeping Zobrist/Happ in lineup as anchors for the R/L starters switching.
I'm having a harder time embracing tonight...well, mostly because my preference was finishing it at home and not needing a 5th game, but pitching has been exceptional and/or our bats cold. We seem to do better when our backs are against the wall, so hopeful for tonight. Was expecting the 3rd game to fire us up, but the delay to the next day took wind out of our sails. Same as last night...Jon's pickoff fired us up and I think the pitching change (although I don't normally second guess Maddon), I think was a bad move. Again, though, consider if he'd left Jon in and he gave up another HR to Rendon (I think?), then some would question leaving him. Said it before, will say it many more times I'm sure...hindsight is always 20-20, the trying to make a decision without knowing what the outcome will be is WAY MORE DIFFICULT and that's why we're not managers of teams.

Along the same line of hindsight, I'd own an island somewhere because if I'd known what some of my stock would do (or wouldn't do) and when, I'd be a billionaire.
While predicting what a stock will do vs. predicting what will happen in a baseball game are different, the hindsight part is NOT.

If we don't win tonight, I'll be disappointed yes, but still proud of what MY team has done. Started out rough (as do most teams that win or were in the series the previous year), but then had a fabulous 2nd half. Injuries played a part too unfortunately, because I don't think Jake is 100% yet (didn't look it last night) and Willson not back to where he was either. But, all in all, compared to the many horrible seasons we've had over the years, still a good season and still proud to say Go Cubs Go!!!
I can see that changing for sure (the momentum ) when Lester was pulled. Not sure if Joe or Bos saw someting more to Lester (he was over 50 pitches) or if it was sheer not gonna risk it . I do find it intersting that CJ is getting raked over the coals when Davis is the one who gave up the GS tho.
Yep you sure do need runs. My words to my kid of " no way are we losing on that cheap run on the error"...came back to haunt me with that GS..but at the same time? Rather take the L on that than the error.
Well last year the rain was a God send..this year not so much. I'll take last year's rain any day PLUS we still have tomorrow's(ummm, today's) game. Nat's get to digest the Indian's blowing it at home game 5 and they had 2 hits against Kyle Friday. Their offense hasn't done much, really (beside's Taylor tonight and Davis not pitching all night lol) to support their pitcher's either. Let them bring in their Walgreen's w's and incorrect L flags. Let them spend all night waving red paper K's. They haven't won anything more than us.

Was it just me or was the ending of the NYY/Indian's game just weird? The catcher looked scared to death to approach Chapman~ the rest looked as stunned as the Indian's did.
Exactly, the momentum changed when Joe and Boz brought CJ in, not after CJ pitched. I still blame CJ over Davis. He couldn’t find the plate with both hands and he has been consistently inconsistent all season. I consider Davis’ mess up more of an aberration. Any pitcher can accidentally hang a ball. Plus, I was just saying that he should stop trying to strike these guys out in the cold rain and give em something to hit for the outfield to get because I didn’t think anything was leaving the yard last night. I was wrong. Whoops.

Frankly, I think the Yankees Win was also a win for us because it reminds everyone that winning on the road is totally doable this season. I didn’t see the end of the game because I was driving home. I’ll dig it up and watch the catcher. Chapman can be pretty intense.
Would we rather have taken our chances w a decent Roark in the cold rain at Wrigley and then have to face Strasburg in much tougher game 5 at their home or the current situation, or have been in the situation we were/are. Probably the former but not by that much.

I am starting to embrace tonight. I think it’s going to be amazing and if we win it’ll be part of this season’s story in a big way. Our bats have been quiet but jeez, we had 3 games against Stras-Max. This has been an 8th Innings series for sure. I think we’re ready. On the radio they were talking about keeping Zobrist/Happ in lineup as anchors for the R/L starters switching.

I would have preferred facing Roark w/rain simply on the momentum that we had from the day before, but I am also not a fan of playing in conditions that cause injuries and the right decision was made. They caught a huge break..and we have proved many times home/away isn't really a big deal for the team
I think the biggest bats will be in the lineup. I said earlier we are missing 3 key bats from last year~ Dex, Rossy and Miggy. Miggy was the one with the GS last year, this year it was Taylor. However, Willy, Happ , AAJ and Schwarbs fill those in. I was also looking for Tommy to get a shot last night. I am far more optimistic about tonight as well, but a backs against the wall game can do that, lol. Already hearing the moaner's saying Chapmand did his job last night and Davis didn't..ok except NYY put 3 up already and then 2 insurance runs. We did not do that.
Joe loves to play the chess match..I am looking foreward to how this game plays out for the sheer love of the game not just the outcome. Hendo on the bump. I'm good.
Exactly, the momentum changed when Joe and Boz brought CJ in, not after CJ pitched. I still blame CJ over Davis. He couldn’t find the plate with both hands and he has been consistently inconsistent all season. I consider Davis’ mess up more of an aberration. Any pitcher can accidentally hang a ball. Plus, I was just saying that he should stop trying to strike these guys out in the cold rain and give em something to hit for the outfield to get because I didn’t think anything was leaving the yard last night. I was wrong. Whoops.

Frankly, I think the Yankees Win was also a win for us because it reminds everyone that winning on the road is totally doable this season. I didn’t see the end of the game because I was driving home. I’ll dig it up and watch the catcher. Chapman can be pretty intense.

same thoughts on the Yankee win..that sure gave the Nat's a cloud of doubt and pressure again. Given we overcame a 3-1 on the road,pretty sure they aren't dumb enough to think they have it in the bag just by being back home. However it also just reinforces them having prevent us from scoring early which I imagine, means Scherzer pretty darn early. Looks like the weather should cooperate for the game..cold and very October like, but dry enough.

so who is our all important LO today?
Think of this. Cubs beat Nats and Dodgers. Astro fall to Yankees. That means Yankees and Cubs. Chapman against the Cubs.
Exactly, the momentum changed when Joe and Boz brought CJ in, not after CJ pitched. I still blame CJ over Davis. He couldn’t find the plate with both hands and he has been consistently inconsistent all season. I consider Davis’ mess up more of an aberration. Any pitcher can accidentally hang a ball. Plus, I was just saying that he should stop trying to strike these guys out in the cold rain and give em something to hit for the outfield to get because I didn’t think anything was leaving the yard last night. I was wrong. Whoops.

Frankly, I think the Yankees Win was also a win for us because it reminds everyone that winning on the road is totally doable this season. I didn’t see the end of the game because I was driving home. I’ll dig it up and watch the catcher. Chapman can be pretty intense.

Agreed, I'm not wanting to jump on the CJ bandwagon, but I do think most of it fell on him. He walked 2? 3? Put a lot more pressure on Wade coming in because he HAD to pitch to Taylor or risk walking in a run. Taylor knew that and was able to sit and wait for his pitch. CJ is either on fire or cold and last night was cold. I hope Boz or Maddon will talk to him (and for that matter Jake last night too). I realize as a pitcher, you want to paint the corners, but if you're not getting the call, you have to hit a little more of the plate and trust your team to have your back. I'd rather get the ball into play than all the walks. Yes, into play could end up being a HR, could be a single, but could be an out or a DP also. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DEFENSE against a walk. Even a .333 hitter is going to give you an out 2/3 of the time.
Think of this. Cubs beat Nats and Dodgers. Astro fall to Yankees. That means Yankees and Cubs. Chapman against the Cubs.
been in my head the last 2 weeks. Not worried about Chapman any more than any other closer honestly~ but it would be interesting. A Cubs/Yankees WS would be off the charts.

Back to today, Addie is right on the verge . He has been having the better at bats so far. I just don't want them pressing again. That 0-2 count does that but these guys have almost all shown they can work a count. Step out of the box, do whatever to remain in control. I just don't want to hear Pat saying "Swing and miss , strike three" all night again.


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