Crazy things you've heard people say about Covid-19

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The "doctor" Immanuel also says they're developing a vaccine to keep people from being religious.
I think she said the witches and demons are having night time sex with people, alien DNA is used in medical treatments and the government is not run by humans, but rather, reptilians. Other than that, don't know much about her.
I will now add to the list of craziest things I've heard people say about the virus:

"Dr. Fauci is a witch doctor."
So which of the Lord Fauci quotes have been incorrect? NONE. His advice has either been incompetent or intentionally misleading at every turn. Yet we all still bow to him and his recommendations. Now that is CRAZY!
So which of the Lord Fauci quotes have been incorrect? NONE. His advice has either been incompetent or intentionally misleading at every turn. Yet we all still bow to him and his recommendations. Now that is CRAZY!

You've already shared the things you've heard that you felt were crazy, as have I. I'm not about to start a whole back and forth thing with you. Have a good night...and welcome to the list.
ou've already shared the things you've heard that you felt were crazy, as have I. I'm not about to start a whole thing with you. Have a good night...and welcome to the list.
ok. But I still haven't got to Fauci's recent comments about hooking up on Tinder!
Key point, Dark. Thanks for not having me search for it. :thumbsup2
So are you saying because it was in February it was ok for him to be wrong or intentionally lie to us? Thats like the weather person on TV telling us there is a 90% chance of rain after it rains. This is the supposedly "go to guy" in the US for this stuff. That's a pretty big mistake don't you think?
Always a good, quick most often accurate source, Dark.
I've read his excuses. Funny, he was photographed wearing his mask below his nose while walking around. Heck, the picture in the story shows him laughing holding his phone. Do we get hydration from cell phones now?
"I don't regret anything I said then because in the context of the time in which I said it, it was correct. We were told in our task force meetings that we have a serious problem with the lack of PPEs and masks for the health providers who are putting themselves in harm's way every day to take care of sick people,"

Dr. Anthony Fauci - July 2020

So in other words he just admitted he intentionally misled us in order to help medical personnel stockpile PPE. Not really admitting he was wrong huh?
I don't think it was intentional misleading.

At that point there was still major uncertainty regarding transmission. Fomites or person to person transmission? Without knowing how infection was spreading, they could not be certain if masks would be a benefit to the public or not at that point. There was not the confidence to say 'yes masks' yet.

It was a tricky position knowing supplies were limited and frontline workers would benefit from masks in the health setting as has been well studied under those specific conditions, but not certain how effective they would be in the public setting if fomites played a big part in transmission. Advising masks would've made the shortages worse--- but they still didn't know how helpful they'd be to the people back then. We've since learned person to person transmission is the main cause of spread, so now there is confidence that masks can help.

It would've been irresponsible to advise mask usage before knowing how much they'd actually help while they already knew there was a shortage for the crucial roles in health care.
So are you saying because it was in February it was ok for him to be wrong or intentionally lie to us? Thats like the weather person on TV telling us there is a 90% chance of rain after it rains. This is the supposedly "go to guy" in the US for this stuff. That's a pretty big mistake don't you think?

He wasn't wrong then. He said wearing a mask won't do much to protect you and that's true. You wear a mask to protect others from you and in February almost nobody in the US had it.
Trying to tear down a man with decades of knowledge and experience from one or two quotes is the funniest thing I’ve seen.

If that’s all they got....they deserve the demon sperm lady

Or the one that wants them to drink disinfectant or is still waiting for the warmth to take care of it all. Lol
"It's no worse than the flu".

When people say that, aside from it being crazy, I have to wonder if they've ever actually had the actual flu? Like taken a flu test and confirmed. I have had the actual flu twice in my life and both time I thought to myself "this is how I die". It suuuuuuuuuuuuuucked. I couldn't breathe. I was so weak I couldn't even roll over. Every part of my body hurt. My HAIR hurt. All I could do was lay there on the couch and moan. My dog was whining to go outside and I was home alone. I somehow managed to get off the couch...the backdoor was about 15' away from the couch. Next thing I knew, I was on my knees clutching the door knob. I had passed out, crawled to the door and dragged myself somewhat upright via the knob. I don't remember crawling to the door...or back to the couch...or calling DH at work crying for him to come home.

If it's even kind of a chance of being like that, no freakin' thank you.
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