Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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In all seriousness - how DO we think this will affect pricing moving forward? Are we going to see rate cuts, drastic discounting etc... Or are they going to jack prices?

To my mind, I think jacking prices would be the wrong move, given that the entire national/global economy is going to be tanking for awhile. People just aren't going to have the disposable income that they did even a few months ago. Or today even.
In all seriousness - how DO we think this will affect pricing moving forward? Are we going to see rate cuts, drastic discounting etc... Or are they going to jack prices?

To my mind, I think jacking prices would be the wrong move, given that the entire national/global economy is going to be tanking for awhile. People just aren't going to have the disposable income that they did even a few months ago. Or today even.

Everyone is being serious. I think we will see service cuts to entertainment, projects that weren't started, the 50th celebrations, etc.

Who knows what will happen with airlines. New fees and increased pricing after 9/11 never went away, even after it stabilized and more people than ever were flying.
I'd imagine Disney would try selling off some of their subsidiaries before shuttering parks or hotels. They own SO many things we don't even talk about, I'm sure there's plenty of fat they could cut. Even if they have to sell of some of the studios like Blue Sky Animation, Searchlight Pictures, or even bigger ones like Pixar or Marvel, I have to think shuttering Parks, Resorts, or Hotels would be a last resort for them.

I also think that when this is all over that there is a good chance the government tries to provide some relief to places affected. It likely won't come close to their loses but I expect there will be some help.

I think your smaller companies are the ones in much more danger. The small mom and pop restaaurant on i-drive or the smaller tourist attraction like the helicopter tours. Some of those may close and never come back.
Everyone is being serious. I think we will see service cuts to entertainment, projects that weren't started, the 50th celebrations, etc.
This will most likely follow suit as the gas crisis and then 9/11 - things will be put off (i.e. Art of Animation) for a few years.. BUT with the 50th coming up you never know they may plow through
In all seriousness - how DO we think this will affect pricing moving forward? Are we going to see rate cuts, drastic discounting etc... Or are they going to jack prices?

To my mind, I think jacking prices would be the wrong move, given that the entire national/global economy is going to be tanking for awhile. People just aren't going to have the disposable income that they did even a few months ago. Or today even.

I think short term they may need to offer discounts or perks like free dining to get people to start coming back after this is all over. I think that is very possible. I could see incentives to get people to resorts and parks but then higher prices inside the parks and resorts after you get there.
I could see Disney hastening their work timeline - try to complete projects underway while the park is closed even if workers have to be in masks at all times. Probably will cancel planned but not started construction but try to finish projects well underway
I could see Disney hastening their work timeline - try to complete projects underway while the park is closed even if workers have to be in masks at all times. Probably will cancel planned but not started construction but try to finish projects well underway
I agree with this. Since there are no crowds, the reality is, and they know the trend of this virus, they have about 2 months to do whatever they can as far as projects and maintenence goes.
Abslutely likely based on the situation. This is only going to get worse over the next 60 days.

Get worse in what way? Sure the number of known cases will go up but if we actually start mass testing people the overall statistics could become much better and ease people's worries.
I agree with this. Since there are no crowds, the reality is, and they know the trend of this virus, they have about 2 months to do whatever they can as far as projects and maintenence goes.
It's funny.. I agree too. I said the same thing yesterday on another thread and people acted like I was nuts...
Get worse in what way? Sure the number of known cases will go up but if we actually start mass testing people the overall statistics could become much better and ease people's worries.
The virus will run its course regardless of how much testing gets done. The US peak even with more testing is still 4-6 weeks away. People are selfish and irresponsible ( See the moron who got on the plane knowing he was positive for the virus), so a lot of them wont get tested and will go out to restaurants, bars, grocery stores, etc and spread the virus. Its a fact. Humans are inherently selfish creatures. So no amount of testing will stop people from being people, especially the millenial set that seems to feel well this only effects old people and plane fares are cheap now. So in 4-6 weeks this peaks, the peak period is 3-4 weeks. Do you think Disney is going to reopen when things are actually worse????
Any word yet on the status of the Run Disney Star Wars marathon scheduled for April 16-20?

Nothing. i want to know as well but honestly I doubt rundisney was involved in the park closing decision so they are likely trying to decide their next move based on that and part of that could be discussions on if changing dates is a possibility.

I do hope we get some news soon so people are not having to change/cancel plans 1-2 weeks out but with the situation being what it is that is very possible.

What is it with star wars races always being the ones where we are waiting around for news if they are going to happen or not? :-)
Without people in the park they can get SO much done so fast.. Fix all the breakdowns with more than band-aids, move construction equipment more freely.. This is a HUGE opportunity for them
We may not always agree on everything but we certainly agree here. I believe they have 2 - 2 1/2 months of guest free parks. They should finish Rat, do a TON of work on the epcot Spine area, push GoTG and Tron as much as they can, refurbish and fix up older rides. This is a chance to make somethign good come out of a crappy situation
The virus will run its course regardless of how much testing gets done. The US peak even with more testing is still 4-6 weeks away. People are selfish and irresponsible ( See the moron who got on the plane knowing he was positive for the virus), so a lot of them wont get tested and will go out to restaurants, bars, grocery stores, etc and spread the virus. Its a fact. Humans are inherently selfish creatures. So no amount of testing will stop people from being people, especially the millenial set that seems to feel well this only effects old people and plane fares are cheap now. So in 4-6 weeks this peaks, the peak period is 3-4 weeks. Do you think Disney is going to reopen when things are actually worse????

I never said testing will stop anything about the virus. What I said is once more testing is being done the statistics can become less worrisome. When the people with the worst cases are mainly the ones being tested the statistics are going to look a lot worse than if mass testing is done and the people with mild to no symptoms are being tested as well.
And the dates can change between now and then. Considering this womt even peak here till.mid to late april I'd be surprised if anything is back to normal before the end of may

I’m aware dates can change, but I’ll wait for the CDC and blog Disney to tell me that
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