Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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We may not always agree on everything but we certainly agree here. I believe they have 2 - 2 1/2 months of guest free parks. They should finish Rat, do a TON of work on the epcot Spine area, push GoTG and Tron as much as they can, refurbish and fix up older rides. This is a chance to make somethign good come out of a crappy situation

It's a great idea if people are healthy and labor is available. Disney rushing to get things done in an uncertain time for everyone might not be a greatest strategy either. I think they will need to wait and see a bit.
I never said testing will stop anything about the virus. What I said is once more testing is being done the statistics can become less worrisome. When the people with the worst cases are mainly the ones being tested the statistics are going to look a lot worse than if mass testing is done and the people with mild to no symptoms are being tested as well.

But at the same time if the numbers go from 1,000 people affecteed to 10,000 in a week due to people finally being tested then that still isn't going to look good. It may bring down the mortality percentage but that still isn't the major concern. More people infected is more chance of somebody I love who may be older or in worse condition to get it and not have a good outcome even if I'm fine. Same thng Mcelroy said yesturday when PGA said fans only. he wanted all golfers tested because he was concerned about spreading it to his mother.
I never said testing will stop anything about the virus. What I said is once more testing is being done the statistics can become less worrisome. When the people with the worst cases are mainly the ones being tested the statistics are going to look a lot worse than if mass testing is done and the people with mild to no symptoms are being tested as well.
But the spread will be significant and we have seen how selfish people are. You only have to look around at Italy, The UK now barreling towards Peak, etc etc to see and understand, the need to keep social isolation in place through the peak. otherwise you just create a recurrence of the cycle and start the process over again. Its very short sighted to think or assume this is a 2-3 week fix. Im not a pessimist, Im a realist based on the facts I see being presented by the medical community. This is absolutely awful and will create HUGE economic issues. That being said, it is what it is and trying to rush things to get parks reopened will only make it worse. This is more important than parks reopening and such. These are peoples lives and this virus is not something that is just going to magically be handled through testing in the next 2-3 weeks. Thats not the way it works
We may not always agree on everything but we certainly agree here. I believe they have 2 - 2 1/2 months of guest free parks. They should finish Rat, do a TON of work on the epcot Spine area, push GoTG and Tron as much as they can, refurbish and fix up older rides. This is a chance to make somethign good come out of a crappy situation

My question is - *will" they though? Are they going to continue to pay for stuff like this, when they're losing millions a day?
I also think that when this is all over that there is a good chance the government tries to provide some relief to places affected. It likely won't come close to their loses but I expect there will be some help.

I think your smaller companies are the ones in much more danger. The small mom and pop restaaurant on i-drive or the smaller tourist attraction like the helicopter tours. Some of those may close and never come back.
The current gov will give bail outs to big businesses only, like cruise lines, airlines, Disney, etc. Some small businesses will never recover and won't receive a dime of help.
My question is - *will" they though? Are they going to continue to pay for stuff like this, when they're losing millions a day?
The maintenance stuff is a no brainier. They are paying them anyway they have already stated that. I think customer facing staff are home.. behind the scenes is business as usual (or more).

Edit.. they stated cast members would still be paid.. nothing about will not be working
My question is - *will" they though? Are they going to continue to pay for stuff like this, when they're losing millions a day?
They have agreed to pay all CMs through the closure. I would think construction projects likely had money allocated to a budget. Now sure they have to shift some things around due to closures, but, I would think they could continue those projects and pay the bills knowing once they reopen, the likelyhood is people will applaud Disney for closing and taking it on the chin, and return to the Mouse House in droves. Will it be easy? Nope, but, it would be the smart thing to do
The maintenance stuff is a no brainier. They are paying them anyway they have already stated that. I think customer facing staff are home.. behind the scenes is business as usual (or more).

Behindd the scenes staff will be mostly WFH (or at least as much as feasibly possible).
But at the same time if the numbers go from 1,000 people affecteed to 10,000 in a week due to people finally being tested then that still isn't going to look good. It may bring down the mortality percentage but that still isn't the major concern. More people infected is more chance of somebody I love who may be older or in worse condition to get it and not have a good outcome even if I'm fine. Same thng Mcelroy said yesturday when PGA said fans only. he wanted all golfers tested because he was concerned about spreading it to his mother.

I do agree with you. The number of known cases will absolutely increase to much higher numbers than we know now once we actually start doing more testing. I do think though the mortality rate is a very large concern. People see a high number and it leads to more worrying. It shouldn't diminish the seriousness of it all but when more and more mild or no symptom cases are actually reported it will at least help ease some fears based on the mortality statistics.

But the spread will be significant and we have seen how selfish people are. You only have to look around at Italy, The UK now barreling towards Peak, etc etc to see and understand, the need to keep social isolation in place through the peak. otherwise you just create a recurrence of the cycle and start the process over again. Its very short sighted to think or assume this is a 2-3 week fix. Im not a pessimist, Im a realist based on the facts I see being presented by the medical community. This is absolutely awful and will create HUGE economic issues. That being said, it is what it is and trying to rush things to get parks reopened will only make it worse. This is more important than parks reopening and such. These are peoples lives and this virus is not something that is just going to magically be handled through testing in the next 2-3 weeks. Thats not the way it works

I never once said anything about a 2-3 week fix or rushing to do anything. I also never said anything about testing magically fixing people's lives. You keep misrepresenting everything I say when you respond to me so I'll just stop replying.
Cool news about disneyland from

"Meanwhile, the Disneyland Resort announced that during its shutdown, it will be donating its excess food inventory to Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County. With quite a bit of food ordered for two parks' worth of guests for the next few weeks, I imagine that this will be a substantial donation for a community that will need help with so much tourism income gong away for a while. "
I do agree with you. The number of known cases will absolutely increase to much higher numbers than we know now once we actually start doing more testing. I do think though the mortality rate is a very large concern. People see a high number and it leads to more worrying. It shouldn't diminish the seriousness of it all but when more and more mild or no symptom cases are actually reported it will at least help ease some fears based on the mortality statistics.

I never once said anything about a 2-3 week fix or rushing to do anything. I also never said anything about testing magically fixing people's lives. You keep misrepresenting everything I say when you respond to me so I'll just stop replying.
You initially asked why it would get worse similar to people saying no way it could be May before WDW reopens. All I am saying is, this will get worse before it gets better and the cycle according to medical people, even with advanced testing, due to the fact many people are going to continue being irresponsible, is going to be somewhere between 7-12 weeks before the backside of the peak starts to show. Hence why I said it will get worse. Yes, more people will know about it, more people will be quarantined, the mortality rate should improve thankfully, but the public concern over the situation will continue to be high until the results prove that we are seeing a decline in cases. not just contained, but a decline. And in most peoples minds thanks to the media barrage they get, thats the point things are "safe". And with that being the scenario, WDW isnt going to reopen until there is justification that things are "safe". Hence also why I believe we are looking at sometime in May. Maybe not as late as memorial Day Weekend, but, I certainly dont think anyone is reopening in 2 or 3 weeks at the beginning of April. Our government and medical community would have to pull off a miracle to make people feel safe and sell that we are ok even though we havent hit the peak yet. We can see from reactions already to this thing, thats not going to happen.
I hope I clarified it better.
You initially asked why it would get worse similar to people saying no way it could be May before WDW reopens. All I am saying is, this will get worse before it gets better and the cycle according to medical people, even with advanced testing, due to the fact many people are going to continue being irresponsible, is going to be somewhere between 7-12 weeks before the backside of the peak starts to show. Hence why I said it will get worse. Yes, more people will know about it, more people will be quarantined, the mortality rate should improve thankfully, but the public concern over the situation will continue to be high until the results prove that we are seeing a decline in cases. not just contained, but a decline. And in most peoples minds thanks to the media barrage they get, thats the point things are "safe". And with that being the scenario, WDW isnt going to reopen until there is justification that things are "safe". Hence also why I believe we are looking at sometime in May. Maybe not as late as memorial Day Weekend, but, I certainly dont think anyone is reopening in 2 or 3 weeks at the beginning of April. Our government and medical community would have to pull off a miracle to make people feel safe and sell that we are ok even though we havent hit the peak yet. We can see from reactions already to this thing, thats not going to happen.
I hope I clarified it better.

I agree with you.

I feel for people who have postponed the late March trips to early April. I feel pretty confident they are going to wind up disappointed twice. Hope I’m wrong, don’t think I am.
Disney, or any business, can't wait 12 - 18 months to reopen. And then you'll have the people who won't get the vaccine. And people who will still get it with the vaccine. Yes it will be more spread out, slowed down, but it will still be there.

I certainly wasn't saying they should wait till then to reopen the parks! If people don't want to get the vaccine that is on them.
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