Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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The photos doesn’t do it justice. I saw that photo and thought no big deal. Then I saw the video in her instastories of her squeezing by THAT line while other people squeeze by to head in the opposite direction.

The photo only makes her look like she overacted. The video made it look like a bottleneck without a way around it that Disney not only ignored they created!

I feel bad for her.
The photos doesn’t do it justice. I saw that photo and thought no big deal. Then I saw the video in her instastories of her squeezing by THAT line while other people squeeze by to head in the opposite direction.

The photo only makes her look like she overacted. The video made it look like a bottleneck without a way around it that Disney not only ignored they created!

I feel bad for her.

I agree, you can see in the video she had to walk past the line pretty close to them because of the path the line snaked down. Not going to be a big deal for some (because there are a lot of people going who think Disney is being OTT and would do less if not forced to by Disney), but for anybody expecting Disney to keep people away from you at all times, there are bound to be situations like that in short bursts.
The photos doesn’t do it justice. I saw that photo and thought no big deal. Then I saw the video in her instastories of her squeezing by THAT line while people head in the opposite direction.

The photo only makes her look like she overacted. The video made it look like a bottleneck without a way around it that Disney not only ignored they created!

I feel bad for her.

Correct. The video is alarming because CMs were directing people into the bottleneck.

I think this kind of coverage is important for the people who keep saying Disney is one of the “safest places to be.” It’s not. There will be unavoidable risky situations. People going must know those risks. CMs can’t control everyone, and in this particular situation, they are actually directing people into the problem (video proof.)

It’s not the safest place to be. So let’s stop pretending it is. If you go, you’re signing up for some unavoidable risky situations. If you’re not comfortable with it, then you’ll be leaving like Carlye is. These risks are not for everyone.
I think we’re going to see a bit of this and just need to remember that a lot of people going to WDW are going to be adjusting to seeing and being around people again.

There’s going to be a lot of people experiencing “new normal” for the first time and we should, IMO, keep that in mind as we digest their posts and pictures.

Just because someone is anxious about what they are feeling or seeing doesn’t mean Disney is doing something wrong.

That being said, Disney should get some spacing markers out there for that line. It was routinely busy and tight before COVID, let alone after Disney has been changing people’s vacation plans and APs for 4 months. But again, just a moment in time and possibly already corrected.

Yeah, I think both things can be right - it was something that wasn't great/wasn't being handled as well as it could be by Disney and hopefully they correct it going forward (seems like it worked itself out for today, hopefully they have something new in place tomorrow) but also something that isn't crazy that it happened and things aren't going to be 100% perfect so if that really negatively impacted someone to see/experience it then might be best to just take a step back and not force yourself to experience emore
Same-day tickets is pretty disappointing, not only because of the limitations they have put on AP...not only because of the restrictions to park hopping they have established.

But, also...just the additional crowds that it will bring in, or at the very least won't discourage. If people know they cannot get tickets day of, hopefully they stay away. It also puts the poor CMs in such a precarious position when, not if, but when the park reaches capacity and they have to deal with the rude people who are gonna berate them. I mean sure, it will probably happen anyway. Sadly.
I was going to say it's fortunate for same-day ticket buyers that with the opening times staggered the way they are, they could try several parks in succession to see which one had availability, but then I thought about parking. Hopefully, if a would-be ticket buyer found out they couldn't buy a ticket they could get their parking fee refunded.
While I understand her job is reporting on theme parks, the amount of anxiety she seems to have over going.... might be time to consider a change? A leave of absence? She’s giving me anxiety for her anxiety 😬

I.... feel the same way (about her maybe being in the wrong line of work 😬). I’ve never heard of her before she was mentioned in this thread a few times, but I honestly just went way back on her twitter timeline to try and understand. Does she REALLY not have a choice but to go? Is there like, a medical condition she’s shared that explains the fear...? I guess I’m just confused. Doesn’t really affect me, I’ll just keep skipping her posts. But I’ve been genuinely confused, feeling like I was missing something obvious about her 🤷🏼‍♀️

ETA: I truly, very personally understand anxiety. I’m not saying she doesn’t have a right to feel how she does... just not in agreement that she’s in any sort of pitiable position. My $0.02
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Correct. The video is alarming because CMs were directing people into the bottleneck.

I think this kind of coverage is important for the people who keep saying Disney is one of the “safest places to be.” It’s not. There will be unavoidable risky situations. People going must know those risks. CMs can’t control everyone, and in this particular situation, they are actually directing people into the problem (video proof.)

It’s not the safest place to be. So let’s stop pretending it is. If you go, you’re signing up for some unavoidable risky situations. If you’re not comfortable with it, then you’ll be leaving like Carlye is. These risks are not for everyone.

Anyone going anywhere who thinks they are going to be 100% safe right now is not right in the head. ;)

That said, either you are okay with risk or you are not. Would we go right now? I'm not sure, probably not because too many restrictions at moment. I do have luxury of working from home, so if we did go, we can quarantine. But also wouldn't have a real plan of what to do if we came down with symptoms while there, so again, probably would postpone.

But I (personally) also don't have a fear that I'm going to get Covid just because I had to squeeze past people momentarily. I wouldn't be able to go anywhere here. Everyone has masks on, but hardly anyone social distances in the stores.
And I get some have that fear, so yes, they should stay home because it WILL happen.
Correct. The video is alarming because CMs were directing people into the bottleneck.

I think this kind of coverage is important for the people who keep saying Disney is one of the “safest places to be.” It’s not. There will be unavoidable risky situations. People going must know those risks. CMs can’t control everyone, and in this particular situation, they are actually directing people into the problem (video proof.)

It’s not the safest place to be. So let’s stop pretending it is. If you go, you’re signing up for some unavoidable risky situations. If you’re not comfortable with it, then you’ll be leaving like Carlye is. These risks are not for everyone.

No one's pretending its the safest place to be. And NO, no one is directing you into a UNAVOIDABLE risky situation. If the situation is unsafe, you simply AVOID it; I don't care what anyone else doing or who may be directing. A little common sense goes a long way here!
So I have noticed something in the videos from this week. Several times I have seen CM's from other lands walking through and also CM's with lunchbox's/coolers on their shoulders. I'm starting to wonder if Disney has cut down on utilidor access due to it being a confined space. Has anyone heard anything about that?
No one's pretending its the safest place to be. And NO, no one is directing you into a UNAVOIDABLE risky situation. If the situation is unsafe, you simply AVOID it; I don't care what anyone else doing or who may be directing. A little common sense goes a long way here!

Every day people on here say Disney is safer than running into the grocery store. People on here have actually said Disney is “one of the safest places to be.” Anyone who is following along as seen this shouted out over and over.

And if you watch Carlye’s video, she has to walk through a tight space right next to the line of people waiting. You can hear the CMs directing people to go through the tight space. It’s literally the only way to get to the entrance. The bottleneck is unavoidable if you want to enter the park. It’s good she shared this, even if the risky situation doesn’t personally bother you.
Could the activation of AP’s not be done automatically when entering a park? Why would one have to go to GC to do it in the 1st place? :fish:
The line is pretty much always long there. While opening up, I don’t really see what they can do w/ those people lining up.
That would make a lot of sense for people who don't have to provide any verification. As has been stated, it's better to do the activation at DS. People who go to GS, or who are directed to go there, at the parks have issues that often take a lot of time per guest to resolve. It's awful to be standing in that line, in the sun, when everyone else is going into the park and getting in ahead of you.
Correct. The video is alarming because CMs were directing people into the bottleneck.

I think this kind of coverage is important for the people who keep saying Disney is one of the “safest places to be.” It’s not. There will be unavoidable risky situations. People going must know those risks. CMs can’t control everyone, and in this particular situation, they are actually directing people into the problem (video proof.)

It’s not the safest place to be. So let’s stop pretending it is. If you go, you’re signing up for some unavoidable risky situations. If you’re not comfortable with it, then you’ll be leaving like Carlye is. These risks are not for everyone.

Safest place to be is home. If your options are say, going to Seaworld (staying at a hotel, hanging out in Orlando area restaurants and stores) or going to Disney, yeah Disney is probably safest given all their measures. But the narrative that Disney is the safest place to be in a pandemic is ridiculous. Yes they are doing a ton and it’s great that they are successful so far for the most part and that guests seem to be cooperating for the most part. It’s safest not to go on any vacation, or to any theme park, and no it isn’t the same as spending an hour a week in a grocery store (and a lot of places can be done curbside or delivery anyways if you choose to).

People are deciding the risks are something there comfortable with which is fine and their right, but safest is still limiting outings, especially at crowded public places in a state that is spiking. So again, great for the people who are okay with risks, but I really wish we would stop justifying the Disney trips with “it’s still safer than my grocery trips!!”.
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