Dci 2010

Now this sounds cool! :thumbsup2

The 2010 Cadets, now hard at work at Spring Training in Johnstown, Pa., are excited to announce details on their summer field production, TOY SOULDIER.

Perhaps the most cherished and well-known characteristic of The Cadets is … The Uniform!

Inspired by the Cadets of West Point, the Maroon and Gold has been worn continuously through the many years The Cadets have entered the field of competition. null

In 2010, using the look of the corps as central to the production, The Cadets present TOY SOULDIER, a look through a young man’s imagination of what it might be like if the regiment of life as a soldier was replaced with the freedom of the individual spirit.

Many young boys have played with toy soldiers. Opening at center stage, our single character does just that before suddenly realizing that perhaps these soldiers are more than imaginary. They are right here, and they are VERY REAL!

To the majesty of Procession of the Nobles, the Rimsky–Korsakov classic, The Cadets enter the field to the wonderful clarity and precision of this grand musical fanfare. Twenty-two herald trumpets announce the entrance, the guard complements with choreography distinct to the mood and time, and the line between imagination and reality begins to blur.

Alas, being toys, and being of the old fashioned wind-up variety, soldiers can slow down, and even come to a halt. After a bit of a breather, Overture for School for Scandal by Samuel Barber provides the background for a dramatic change of mood.

Our soldiers run the field, move without direction, and even threaten our story’s character, all as the tale takes various twists and turns. Eventually, there is a chance for friendship and learning. With School for Scandal continuing as the backdrop, our young man is able to communicate with one of the soldiers and what follows is the chance to communicate on equal basis! There is a connection and a possibility.

Children’s Dance, a movement from Howard Hanson’s Maypole Dances, is a piece filled with joy and energy and this selection works as a backdrop for a presentation on two levels. The Cadets have the opportunity to highlight each section of the corps in featured presentations, and through the use of the shako, soldiers are able to come to life, at least for a few minutes, culminating in a joyous ending that features visual speed and great effect.

But the escape is short lived, and our soldiers return to from where they came, with Rimsky-Korsakov again providing the backdrop as Dance of the Tumblers shows off The Cadets’ technical excellence, values of precision, and the importance of team, during a final two minute blur of speed and excitement that brings The Cadets 2010 production, TOY SOULDIER to a thrilling close!

For the Cadets, music and movement have forever been intertwined. This is again the case in 2010 and as an added treat, there is a bit of a story, a good look at the uniform and even a look into our soul. Enjoy, the 76th Edition of the Cadets as we build upon a history of performance excellence.
Less than 4 weeks until I see my first DCI show of the season!


New Touring Concept Presented By Seven DCI corps
Written by Jeff Fiedler - Santa Clara Vanguard
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Discussions have been underway since January to explore how Drum Corps International (“DCI”) might better serve the interests of all drum corps, including those groups who have a history of success for the past 20 years or more.

At the May 12-13 DCI Board of Directors meeting, Cadets Director George Hopkins, made a presentation on behalf of seven members of an ad-hoc caucus. DCI member corps were present to observe and participate in question/answer sessions that followed. Following the presentation and question/answer session, the DCI Board passed a motion requesting that the touring component of the plan be addressed in further detail at the next board meeting on July 16, along with a more in-depth financial analysis and supporting documentation. No action was taken at the meeting to adopt the proposal, in whole or in part.
The presentation is the result of ad-hoc caucus discussions that included the Blue Devils, Bluecoats, Cadets, Carolina Crown, Cavaliers, Phantom Regiment, and Santa Clara Vanguard. Meetings have been conducted in-person, and through numerous teleconferences over the last four months. In an effort to ensure that the broader DCI community was aware of these discussions, the membership of Drum Corps International was informed of the meetings via phone calls made in March of 2010. DCI’s CEO and the Chairman of DCI’s Board of Directors were also informed of these meetings in writing.

The group of seven has worked as an independent caucus, coming together in an effort to create a proposal that it hopes will be approved by the DCI Board and the membership of DCI.

The Proposal
The proposal offered for review to the DCI Board of Directors numbers more than 60 pages, and includes these highlights:
A plan to create a series of special events in addition to the usual competitive DCI schedule throughout the year, and feature Drum Corps International's "top acts" in fully produced big stadium shows. These events would include pre-show and post show activity, instant encores, interactive warm- up zones and fan participation in the judging process.
An open-ended suggestion to reduce the DCI infrastructure to find additional fiscal support for all member drum corps.
While continuing to service our ardent and supportive fan and alumni base, the group suggested a plan to better marry drum corps to scholastic music in the hope of supporting arts education, while at the same time generating an interested spectator base for the drum corps activity.
A competitive touring concept that would annually bring “two of the top corps” to join the Santa Clara Vanguard and Blue Devils each year on the West Coast beginning in 2011.
There were also administrative points discussed that included pay allocations, governance issues, and other internal activity that would need to be approved by the full DCI membership at a future DCI meeting.

At the center of the proposal is a detailed plan to feature DCI’s top acts, while sustaining the structure of the World Class, Drum Corps International and Tour Event Partner events that are currently in place. Since the proposed events would be in addition to the regular DCI tour schedule, the seven groups understand that on top of their usual performance commitments, they would shoulder a greater commitment to miles driven and number of events on their schedule.

The proposal acknowledges there are different levels of performance ability, different resources and different goals that can and should be addressed for the good of all. With a plan in place, the goal is to increase the overall quality level and stability of all corps, as well as over time to increase the number of corps included in the proposed special events. Sustainability of the activity is a key objective. The proposal by the group of seven corps seeks to tackle several specific issues within the activity that have not been addressed with any serious action since the very successful Tour of Champions in 2004.

The proposal as presented is designed to be managed within the DCI structure and to bring fans more of what they expect – an exciting evening of drum corps! What becomes of it, time will tell. For now, it is an idea that is in progress and the group is continuing to develop the concept further.

Kit Rodgers, President of BD Performing Arts and its flagship group the Blue Devils noted that the BDPA organization is committed to helping secure the future of the drum corps activity for many years to come. “We want drum corps to continue to be the standard-setting pageantry activity in the world, so that all of its performing groups, fans, band students, band directors, alumni and people around the world can enjoy and participate in this grand art form,” Rodgers said. “Our goal is to benefit organizations at all levels of the drum corps activity, and we are pleased to work with other leading organizations in this endeavor.”

Added Bill Speakman, president of Youth Education in the Arts, the parent association of The Cadets, “YEA! supports this concept in total. It seems clear that more attention needs to be paid to the future of the activity and this plan seems to have potential. We expect compromise of course, but the time and effort spent by these seven directors and their organizations is impressive. After all, top shows more often - that is a winning concept for fans and the corps.”

Jim Coates, the CEO of the Carolina Crown, added that the anticipation for developing ideas, creating opportunities and the abilities to continue working together as unified organizations with common philosophies excites the leadership of Carolina Crown. “There is no doubt the experience, dedication and passion involved in these efforts will bring much satisfaction for the fans both young and old,” Coates said.

Jeff Fiedler, the CEO of the Santa Clara Vanguard said, “I'm happy to share that the Santa Clara Vanguard is part of an exciting effort to bring more drum corps to the West Coast each season. We're working together to develop and propose a new format and series of events which will expand the fan-base of our activity and bring the most exciting elements of drum corps to a larger audience, up close and personal, like never before!"

Looking Forward
Efforts to develop the proposal’s new touring model will continue through the summer with the hope that events and future plans can be announced in September 2010 for the summer of 2011. During the coming months additional discussions will continue as the seven organizations create a plan that includes detailed implementation timelines, analyzes financial implications, develop show formats, marketing concepts, and adjudication framework, with the goal the long lasting sustainability of the activity.

For more information on this exciting concept, stay close to Drum Corps International at dci.org or email Jeff Fiedler at drumcorpsevents@gmail.com

/discuss :rolleyes1
Whats to discuss? They are hell bent on turning DCI into BOA! :guilty:

to say the least! Most discussion is based around the fact that these top 7 corps are trying to eliminate everyone below them and further inflate their pocketbooks, while the other corps are left to fend for themselves.
I know how you feel, Mike. This year there are no shows in Columbus. (There are a couple within driving distance, but none in the city of Columbus, which I can't remember ever happening.) I can't really blame them for not wanting to schedule a show here, though, since last year the turnout for the show was pretty sad......not to mention there were tons of people who felt it necessary to talk really loudly throughout all the shows. Rude!:mad:

The fact that they scheduled the show at the same time as the Ohio State Fair last year, which was literally right next door to the stadium, and both shared the same parking facility didn't help attendance either.
Thanks for that link, Mike. Next week I will be at The Glassman show that moved from Toledo to Bowling Green, Ohio!

I went to BGSU, was drum major of the band! :lmao:

Hmmmm who all is there?
Go Crown! :thumbsup2

Allentown, PA
Place Corps Score

1 Carolina Crown 73.750
2 The Cadets 72.200
3 The Cavaliers 70.750
And the season begins!!!!


Excited to take my DD12 ( a drummer) to see her first DCI show tonight in VA. I hope its the beginning of a long journey with DCI for her! (because then I'll have even more reason to go to shows!)
Hope your DD had a great time, pixiepower1971!

Has anyone seen the new unis for Crown? Did they recycle old dusters that have been put to pasture by Swifters??? Also, everytime I see Spirit's unis I want to say, "Beam me up, Scotty!"

I am heading to my first show of the season on Thursday night!


That's pretty much all I can say. This show bored me to tears. I understand they want the drill to be simple and linear/blocky in order to fit with the theme, but this is ridiculous. The Cadets didn't become well-known because of their blocky-linear drill. :headache: And come on baritones! How can you mess up the opening to Dance of the Tumblers?? I can play it in my sleep! :rolleyes: :lmao:

Okay.....I'm done being a picky prude. The thought process (or lack thereof) behind this show just kind of ticked me off. I'm sure it'll improve as the weeks go on.

Right? :guilty:
As of this afternoon I haven't seen any recent Crown videos, but they seem to be in 1st place as of now. I haven't seen any scores for Blue Devils or SCV yet, so I'm not sure where they're at. The Cadets jumped almost 3 whole points in one day, which is pretty amazing.
As of this afternoon I haven't seen any recent Crown videos, but they seem to be in 1st place as of now. I haven't seen any scores for Blue Devils or SCV yet, so I'm not sure where they're at. The Cadets jumped almost 3 whole points in one day, which is pretty amazing.

I'm thinking that SCV and BD's first show isn't until this weekend.

I am heading tonight down to Bowling Green, Ohio for that show and am looking forward to seeing PR. I'll post tomorrow my .02.



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