Digital Scrapping FAQ

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Wenrob, I do the same, but i am still new to PS5. I have not flatten the jpeg image when i saved it. Will that cause a problem when i print them.
I save my original file as is, in case I ever need to go back and fix things, and I have prior to printing... found spelling or grammar errors, dates wrong, etc. When I create, I also save a 600x600 jpg, for posting on the web. Once I have a DVD full, I burn the files to dvd, and keep the 600x600 jpg on my hard drive.
If you don't flatten it before you save as jpg, things will look funny, your shadows etc will be off. Just make sure you save your original file first then "merge all" (flatten) and make sure you do "save as" rather then "save" when you save it to a jpg. If you want to be extra careful, save it under a slightly different name.

Fran I also keep 600x600 copies on my computer. They run in a slide show on my screen saver.
Wenrob, I do the same, but i am still new to PS5. I have not flatten the jpeg image when i saved it. Will that cause a problem when i print them.
Thanks for all your ideas. :) I found out last night why I should save as a PSD. I was working on a double page layout and instead of cropping it down to single pages before saving I left it because I wasn't done with it yet (it was getting close to 2 am :scared1: ). The file was too large to save as a TIFF, so I tried it as a PSD and it worked. I had been saving all my origials as TIFF up until then. It still saves it as layers and I can go back and edit it, so I was just wondering if there was another reason.
I do have the originals and JPEG's saved to an EDH and to DVD's. I've had too many problems w/ computers not to do that. On my last computer I crashed the motherboard. So I try to be very diligent about saving every thing to multiple places because I have had CD's go bad on me too.:sad2:

Wow, Fran, that is a GREAT list of freebies! Thanks for adding them! (good thing I bought that 500G hard drive for scrapping!!!)
Does anyone have any font sites we could add to the list? Do you think this would be the right place to keep them together?
OK, so I think I might have created some layout in 180res. (My computer defaulted and I forgot to check when I opened a new page) How do you check some of my files are at 3600 x 3600 (9,000KB) and some are at 2160x2160 (3,600KB). How will the 2160 print? OK or worth doing over? And then, if I chose to do over. Can I just pull the items/elements/papers and picture off of this page onto a new 300dpi page? OR do I have to start from scratch?

Hi everyone! I'm not new to the DIS boards but today's the first time I decided to check out this thread.

Thank you for posting Oscraps as a store to go to for digital designs! I'm a designer there :thumbsup2 - Mikkel Paige.

I just LOVE digital scrapbooking and paper scrapbooking too! Sometimes I have freebies on my blog:

Happy scrapping!
I'm not 100% sure but I think you'd have to redo everything since your program defaulted to that, your stuff that you added would default to the low res too. I think.... I have had stuff printed at 2400 and it looks good but honestly 3600 is far superior so you have to think if that will bother you or make you disappointed.
OK, so I think I might have created some layout in 180res. (My computer defaulted and I forgot to check when I opened a new page) How do you check some of my files are at 3600 x 3600 (9,000KB) and some are at 2160x2160 (3,600KB). How will the 2160 print? OK or worth doing over? And then, if I chose to do over. Can I just pull the items/elements/papers and picture off of this page onto a new 300dpi page? OR do I have to start from scratch?

OK, so I think I might have created some layout in 180res. (My computer defaulted and I forgot to check when I opened a new page) How do you check some of my files are at 3600 x 3600 (9,000KB) and some are at 2160x2160 (3,600KB). How will the 2160 print? OK or worth doing over? And then, if I chose to do over. Can I just pull the items/elements/papers and picture off of this page onto a new 300dpi page? OR do I have to start from scratch?


Basically, 2400x2400 pixels is equal to 8x8 inch size. You can probably upsize them to 8x8 without much quality loss. If you resize them up to 12x12 they may look grainy.
Thanks for all the help on the previous post... I am so sick in the tummy to redo those...ugh! Well lesson learned:thumbsup2

OK, another one here for you pros!!

How do you make the picture faded or fuzzy on the edge of the picture? I have a few I don't want solid edge? I know how to ink an edge but that doesn't work.
How do you make the picture faded or fuzzy on the edge of the picture? I have a few I don't want solid edge? I know how to ink an edge but that doesn't work.

In PSE 5.0 I use the cookie cutter (star w/ person on it button) for this. You can feather the edge to make it look faded this way. After you select your shape there is a space to the right of that where you can put in how many pixels to feather. The higher your number the larger your faded edge will be.

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