Do you regret not having more kids?

We have 4, which is a smidge more than we had considered having, but we don't regret it. Every now and then we wish that they may have been spread out more, or that we had one more... but then we remember the sleepness nights I had and that notion is gone.
Haven't thought about it much yet, but with our youngest (14) a couple years from being off to college, my wife and I have started talking about empty nest life, so obviously, having any more kids would put a major wrench into that. While we miss our oldest, who is a freshman in college, we also have enjoyed this year having only the one child at home.
You can always adopt an older child if you feel the need to have another child badly enough.

We wanted 2 kids. We got 2 kids, a boy and a girl. We adopted them. They are 23 and 24 now.

For now, I'm taking my nieces and nephews on vacations with me when I feel the need to do things that kids would love.
I have given serious thought in to adopting a sibling group, but I know my husband would not be on board. I like the idea of spending time with my nephews. I have 5 of them between the ages of 12 and 18.
I have given serious thought in to adopting a sibling group, but I know my husband would not be on board. I like the idea of spending time with my nephews. I have 5 of them between the ages of 12 and 18.

If you've been considering adopting but your spouse is not on board, perhaps fostering or hosting a foreign exchange student might be right for you. You would have the experience of having an older child/teen in the house but it would not be permanent.
Heck no. My dd is 21 and she has a 4 year old and we are a multigenerational household. I was one and done and happy with that choice.
I was became a single parent when my dd was 2. I would have gone mad with more plus at points taking care of my parents.
No way. Happy with our 2 kids. Could not have afforded more than that. At one point, we were paying the equivalent of a mortgage payment in childcare every month. Nor could I have handled any more C-sections. I have no regrets.
I have zero regrets. I know that it will be devastating when DD moves out. We are very close, so hopefully, I will still see a lot of her. She only wants one child, two maximum. I look forward to being a grandma one day. We shall see what happens...
We would have liked a 3rd, but life was so busy and we were getting older, so that ship sort of sailed. We have an awesome life and don’t have anything missing in our family, but I would have enjoyed having 1 more in our bunch.
I certainly had more children than I birthed. Their names are: It wasn't me, huh? and I don't know. They were rather destructive and frequently got the others in trouble. Also an odd color that blended into the background making them appear invisible.

As for the OP's specific'll probably grow into enjoying empty nesthood but give it a little time to develop new interests or pick up ones you put to the side early on. Just another life phase:).
Sometimes I wish we'd had more than just DD. She's 21 and in her junior year of college.
The house does feel a bit lonely without her sometimes...thank goodness the 2 dogs and 1 cat still keep me company, lol!
On the flip side, we have been able to give DD so much more (monetary, experiences, time, etc.) than either DH or I had. DH was one of 4, so money was stretched thin. And my parents just didn't have much.

We are able to fund DD schooling, and she will finish her undergrad degree with zero debt. May not have been possible to do with more kids...


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