Doing Disney overweight

Please don't be afraid to ask for the extender, everytime I have requested one the flight attendants have always been very discreet when giving it to me.

I have to agree with that. Everytime I've asked for one, the attendants either brought it to me in my seat or handed it to me rolled up so no one knew what it was.

Plus, the amount of comfort I have gotten from the seat belt extender would outweigh any momentary embarassment that might have occured from getting one.
I would avoid sum of all thrills in epoch if you are pooh sized, I tried and couldn't fit. So embarrassing as you are up a few floors
So everyone can see you NOT FITTING IN! I am a uk size 22/us 24 all *** and hips!!! Size 16 up top!!
Please don't be afraid to ask for the extender, everytime I have requested one the flight attendants have always been very discreet when giving it to me. I also used to be afraid to ask for the extender because I was embarrassed that I needed one and was afraid that the attendants would be very obvious when getting one for me. I know it was crazy but, I had this recurring nightmare each time I knew I had to get on a plane. My nightmare consisted of me asking for an extender and the flight attendant coming over the loud speaker (like, the ones at the super market) announcing "fat girl in row 3 seat A needs an extender". Yes, it was stupid, I know but I always worried. What I do now and have done for quite a few trips is as I am boarding the plane I just ask the flight attendant for an extender and they very discreetly either hand it to me right then and there or they discreetly bring it to my seat.

I appreciate you telling me this. It's always a bit embarassing not knowing if people will use discretion in this situation. That's why I never said anything. I totally know where you're coming from with your nightmare! You made me laugh! I gotta say, my son just came to give me a hug before bed, and it gives me great joy to see him wearing a Goofy shirt! Tickles me... Anyway, thank you!
I don't know if anyone has said this yet as I did not read through all the posts, but DO NOT, and let me repeat DO NOT ever sit in the front car of space mountain. I am 5'8" and size 18. The first time I rode this I was put in the front. During the whole ride all I could think about was how in the world am I going to get out of this seat! My legs and body were so cramed into this small pointy space. And then you feel like everyone is watching you while you are struggling to get out. And let me also add that I was wearing a skirt and forgot my bike shorts at home. Actually, I am sure it was quite comical, I laugh about it myself when I think of it, but I will make sure it never happens again. I have since ridden the ride sitting in other cars on space mountain and was ok. That was the only ride I really had a problem with.
My family is going to Disney next month. I have never been (my dh has years ago) and neither have my children. I am overweight (size 24) and am wondering about larger people riding the rides. I would like to be able to ride some rides with my daughter. I am concerned about the seat sizes as well as any bars that might come across you (lock into place) to secure you in the seat.

Any information will be helpful. Thank you so much!

Only rides that might be a pain for you is Space Mountain but I think EVERYONE is uncomfortable on that ride :lmao: such a tiny space to sit in!!!
As for flying.. you can get a seat belt extender from the Flight Attendants. I think you can also buy your own.. check on line. I stole one from one of the flights I was on. (I know.. bad me...)

Thanx for the confirmation on that! I was afraid to ask!

I have never had a problem when asking for a seatbelt extender either. I used to ask when I went onboard and they would bring it later. On some flights they don't have too many extra and may not bring it until after the safety demo, though.

That said, I do have my own seltbeat extender I bought online (actually I have 2 that are for different types of seats). It is worth it to me to have my own and be able to get settled in the seat as soon as I get there. If you do buy one make sure to get one that is FAA approved. I bought them from Extend-Its online.
I'm another pooh-sized gal here, worried, and stressing about my trip to Walt Disney World in February. I'm 5' 7 1/2" and give or take a few, 270-280 (it fluctuates), and I'm size 22/24 top, but only a 16/18 in juniors jeans. I tend to carry my weight in my belly, and I'm only a cup B breast, so I'm fairly disproportionate. I'm feeling a little better about the rides from what I've read, but I haven't heard much about roller coasters, with the heavy padded bars that come down over your head, and how those work for people who are overweight.

I'm 18, and I haven't been to WDW since I was probably 6 or 7, so maybe things have changed, but I recall there being a few rides with those, that I was too young to ride then, but I plan to ride this time. I'm terrorized of not fitting. Any roller coasters or rides I should avoid? I really want to be stress free when I go, so I'd love some additional ease of mind. Thank you!
I'm another pooh-sized gal here, worried, and stressing about my trip to Walt Disney World in February. I'm 5' 7 1/2" and give or take a few, 270-280 (it fluctuates), and I'm size 22/24 top, but only a 16/18 in juniors jeans. I tend to carry my weight in my belly, and I'm only a cup B breast, so I'm fairly disproportionate. I'm feeling a little better about the rides from what I've read, but I haven't heard much about roller coasters, with the heavy padded bars that come down over your head, and how those work for people who are overweight.

I don't think you'll have any trouble.

In Dec. I was about your weight but only 5' 3", so actually bigger all around.

I was fine in all the coasters - even the dreaded front seat of Space Mountain! :scared1: I had a little bit of trouble getting out of the seat, but not much more than others I saw. Keep in mind I have short legs ;).
I'm another pooh-sized gal here, worried, and stressing about my trip to Walt Disney World in February. I'm 5' 7 1/2" and give or take a few, 270-280 (it fluctuates), and I'm size 22/24 top, but only a 16/18 in juniors jeans. I tend to carry my weight in my belly, and I'm only a cup B breast, so I'm fairly disproportionate. I'm feeling a little better about the rides from what I've read, but I haven't heard much about roller coasters, with the heavy padded bars that come down over your head, and how those work for people who are overweight.

I'm 18, and I haven't been to WDW since I was probably 6 or 7, so maybe things have changed, but I recall there being a few rides with those, that I was too young to ride then, but I plan to ride this time. I'm terrorized of not fitting. Any roller coasters or rides I should avoid? I really want to be stress free when I go, so I'd love some additional ease of mind. Thank you!

I am a 26/28 fairly even all around (except my ever widening hips). I am 5'3" and around 280 myself. I had no problems on any rides... and I rode every Roller coaster (Never tried the front seat on Space Mountain, as I preferred being in the back, even rode it alone) So don't worry about you will be fine!
I would avoid sum of all thrills in epoch if you are pooh sized, I tried and couldn't fit. So embarrassing as you are up a few floors
So everyone can see you NOT FITTING IN! I am a uk size 22/us 24 all *** and hips!!! Size 16 up top!!
If that's the ride where you make your own roller coaster, that's the only one I had trouble with too. If your chest is large, you won't fit.

I don't know if anyone has said this yet as I did not read through all the posts, but DO NOT, and let me repeat DO NOT ever sit in the front car of space mountain. I am 5'8" and size 18. The first time I rode this I was put in the front. During the whole ride all I could think about was how in the world am I going to get out of this seat! My legs and body were so cramed into this small pointy space. And then you feel like everyone is watching you while you are struggling to get out. And let me also add that I was wearing a skirt and forgot my bike shorts at home. Actually, I am sure it was quite comical, I laugh about it myself when I think of it, but I will make sure it never happens again. I have since ridden the ride sitting in other cars on space mountain and was ok. That was the only ride I really had a problem with.
I sat in the back and was fine! Good to know though!

I have never had a problem when asking for a seatbelt extender either. I used to ask when I went onboard and they would bring it later. On some flights they don't have too many extra and may not bring it until after the safety demo, though.

That said, I do have my own seltbeat extender I bought online (actually I have 2 that are for different types of seats). It is worth it to me to have my own and be able to get settled in the seat as soon as I get there. If you do buy one make sure to get one that is FAA approved. I bought them from Extend-Its online.
Good to know! Thanx!

I'm another pooh-sized gal here, worried, and stressing about my trip to Walt Disney World in February. I'm 5' 7 1/2" and give or take a few, 270-280 (it fluctuates), and I'm size 22/24 top, but only a 16/18 in juniors jeans. I tend to carry my weight in my belly, and I'm only a cup B breast, so I'm fairly disproportionate. I'm feeling a little better about the rides from what I've read, but I haven't heard much about roller coasters, with the heavy padded bars that come down over your head, and how those work for people who are overweight.

I'm 18, and I haven't been to WDW since I was probably 6 or 7, so maybe things have changed, but I recall there being a few rides with those, that I was too young to ride then, but I plan to ride this time. I'm terrorized of not fitting. Any roller coasters or rides I should avoid? I really want to be stress free when I go, so I'd love some additional ease of mind. Thank you!

Like we said above, literally the only ride you need to avoid is Epoch. I am pretty sure that's the one in Epcot where you design your own roller coaster, then get to ride it in a seat attached to an arm that simulates the roller coaster you design. Any middle weight or chest weight would stop that one from working for you. Avoid it. Sitting in the back of space mountain will ensure you get a comfy ride. Other than that, no worries. The only other ride that I remember with an overhead thingy was maybe Rock'n'Roller coaster. If it does, I fit in it fine, and my chest is a size 24.
I'm feeling a little better about the rides from what I've read, but I haven't heard much about roller coasters, with the heavy padded bars that come down over your head, and how those work for people who are overweight.

I am trying to think of any rides at WDW with over the shoulder harness bars.. the only one I can think of is Mission:Space in Epcot. I have never been on Sum of All Thrills, so I don't know about that one.
I am trying to think of any rides at WDW with over the shoulder harness bars.. the only one I can think of is Mission:Space in Epcot. I have never been on Sum of All Thrills, so I don't know about that one.

If I remember correctly Rock N Roller Coaster is like that too. I think..Lol. But whatever it was I went on that fine and I am a bigger girl!
I know this is not Disney related but hope someone would know!

We are thinking of visiting Sea World in our upcoming November trip. I see all of the coasters they have there and am wondering what everyone's experience is with this? Are they "weight" friendly like Disney?

Thanks for any help someone can give on this topic!!
I know this is not Disney related but hope someone would know!

We are thinking of visiting Sea World in our upcoming November trip. I see all of the coasters they have there and am wondering what everyone's experience is with this? Are they "weight" friendly like Disney?

Thanks for any help someone can give on this topic!!

I would say they are more like other park's coasters, not like Disney's.
It just depends on how "pooh" you are. My DH fits in some, not in all though. He is on the border at 6'3 and 270.
Just back - and I only had trouble with 2 of the rides that I tried.

One I didn't expect - Haunted Mansion. They've changed policy and now the bar has to lock for the ride to proceed - and it does not lock where it stops on you like some rides, it locks only at one (tight) position. :confused3

At 5'6" and almost 400lbs - with most weight in my waist - I am more Pooh sized than most women but still... for a ride that barely needs a bar at all I was very surprised.

The other I thought to check the test seat for - Expedition Everest. Here it's a bar that you pull towards you - and it wouldn't get past my knees. A shame - as hubby (6'1" and 300lbs) did manage to squeeze in (football player build - so he's got big calves/thighs and it was tight) and really liked it.

Beyond that - I did RnRC, Tea Cups, Test Track, and a bunch of others with no issues. I was really thrilled overall and this thread definitely helped me with confidence to get in line rather than panic. So I wanted to give back my experience.

Sure, why not? Lets only show today's youth, people who are all unrealistically thin, for aesthetic purposes, and cause today's youth to believe they are worthless if they do not look like a starved model, thus causing another whole generation of anorexia/bulimia victims. Yeah, lets really go that route. We fat people wouldn't want you to find anything distasteful on your tv shows
Sure, why not? Lets only show today's youth, people who are all unrealistically thin, for aesthetic purposes, and cause today's youth to believe they are worthless if they do not look like a starved model, thus causing another whole generation of anorexia/bulimia victims. Yeah, lets really go that route. We fat people wouldn't want you to find anything distasteful on your tv shows

So you're saying it's ok to let them get fat? Weight is not just for aesthetic purposes, it's your health. Too many kids are fat these days. Most fat kids are the children of fat parents who have passed this onto them. They eat unhealthy, don't exercise, and just accept it. I am speaking from personal experience. My parents are extremely overweight. I was myself until I decided to do something about it. I lost 60lbs in the matter of months. Low carb, low sugar, and exercise. It is not a diet, it is a life change. My parents choose not to do it because they have no will power. Instead, they eat what they want and continue to be on every medicine under the sun because of it. Nothing pisses me off more than people who preach to everyone else that being fat is ok just because they are lazy and fat. Get off your butt and better yourself. Don't ruin your kids life in the process. Be a role model for your kids. Most people who are overweight are that way because of personal choice.

We are Disney fanatics and the one thing that pisses me off more than anything is people who rent the scooters because they are fat. Then they get on rides and buses before those who choose to live a healthy life. Since when should anyone be penalized for being healthy and be rewarded for not being healthy. If you're handicapped, you should get on any bus or ride first. That being said, your party of 30 should not!

Sorry if I offended anyone but people need to stop making excuses and face reality. Stop blaming the world for being overweight and do something about it.
Sure, why not? Lets only show today's youth, people who are all unrealistically thin, for aesthetic purposes, and cause today's youth to believe they are worthless if they do not look like a starved model, thus causing another whole generation of anorexia/bulimia victims. Yeah, lets really go that route. We fat people wouldn't want you to find anything distasteful on your tv shows

So you're saying it's ok to let them get fat? Weight is not just for aesthetic purposes, it's your health. Too many kids are fat these days. Most fat kids are the children of fat parents who have passed this onto them. They eat unhealthy, don't exercise, and just accept it. I am speaking from personal experience. My parents are extremely overweight. I was myself until I decided to do something about it. I lost 60lbs in the matter of months. Low carb, low sugar, and exercise. It is not a diet, it is a life change. My parents choose not to do it because they have no will power. Instead, they eat what they want and continue to be on every medicine under the sun because of it. Nothing pisses me off more than people who preach to everyone else that being fat is ok just because they are lazy and fat. Get off your butt and better yourself. Don't ruin your kids life in the process. Be a role model for your kids. Most people who are overweight are that way because of personal choice.

We are Disney fanatics and the one thing that pisses me off more than anything is people who rent the scooters because they are fat. Then they get on rides and buses before those who choose to live a healthy life. Since when should anyone be penalized for being healthy and be rewarded for not being healthy. If you're handicapped, you should get on any bus or ride first. That being said, your party of 30 should not!

Sorry if I offended anyone but people need to stop making excuses and face reality. Stop blaming the world for being overweight and do something about it.

Ok it looked like the 1st poster was complaining about how tv/media portrays everyone as UNREALISTICALLY skinny!!! I agree with this statement... just thought it came out of leftfield when I read it. I personally hate it when I see someone who is already thin and wears a size 5 complain that she is fat because she can no longer wear a size 3!!!

To the 2nd poster... congrats on losing the 60lbs! But please don't be so judgemental! Do you automatically assume that anyone that is fat and riding a scooter is lazy? You yourself said it is unhealthy to be overweight.... why is that? Is it because it can cause health problems? Such as breathlessness and joint pain? Aren't those good reasons to not walk around a large place like WDW? Not to make excuses, but people go on vacation to enjoy themselves not to work out. I am FAT... not proud of it, but I have accepted it. I rent a scooter! To look at me you probably judge that I am just being lazy... I mean, I CAN walk. However, did you know that I have bad feet, bad knees and early stages of fibromyalgia. To look at me, I just look fat and lazy and I am able to hop off my scooter and ride rides with no trouble. But... if I didn't have that scooter, I wouldn't last HALF A DAY in the parks before I would be hobbling around in severe pain. Yes we get on busses 1st, but we are almost always the last to get off! As a matter of fact, when it comes to busses I wish I could just walk on instead of going thru the embarrassing situation of trying to park while a 100 impatient people wait! And the notion that we get to get on rides quicker is also a fallicy! Occasionally it happens, but it also happens that sometimes we have to wait longer... especially if we have to wait for the 1 in 20 vehicles that are accessible. BTW Disney only allows 5 family members to join someone on a bus, anymore than that they are supposed to wait in line with everyone else... but if they had 30... they could get their own bus!!!

Sorry I am not saying you are wrong, just saying you may be too quick to judge others. I do think this country has gotten too fat, but pressuring people to be skinny isn't the way to solve that.


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