Doing Disney overweight

So you're saying it's ok to let them get fat? Weight is not just for aesthetic purposes, it's your health. Too many kids are fat these days. Most fat kids are the children of fat parents who have passed this onto them. They eat unhealthy, don't exercise, and just accept it. I am speaking from personal experience. My parents are extremely overweight. I was myself until I decided to do something about it. I lost 60lbs in the matter of months. Low carb, low sugar, and exercise. It is not a diet, it is a life change. My parents choose not to do it because they have no will power. Instead, they eat what they want and continue to be on every medicine under the sun because of it. Nothing pisses me off more than people who preach to everyone else that being fat is ok just because they are lazy and fat. Get off your butt and better yourself. Don't ruin your kids life in the process. Be a role model for your kids. Most people who are overweight are that way because of personal choice.

We are Disney fanatics and the one thing that pisses me off more than anything is people who rent the scooters because they are fat. Then they get on rides and buses before those who choose to live a healthy life. Since when should anyone be penalized for being healthy and be rewarded for not being healthy. If you're handicapped, you should get on any bus or ride first. That being said, your party of 30 should not!

Sorry if I offended anyone but people need to stop making excuses and face reality. Stop blaming the world for being overweight and do something about it.

Ok it looked like the 1st poster was complaining about how tv/media portrays everyone as UNREALISTICALLY skinny!!! I agree with this statement... just thought it came out of leftfield when I read it. I personally hate it when I see someone who is already thin and wears a size 5 complain that she is fat because she can no longer wear a size 3!!!

To the 2nd poster... congrats on losing the 60lbs! But please don't be so judgemental! Do you automatically assume that anyone that is fat and riding a scooter is lazy? You yourself said it is unhealthy to be overweight.... why is that? Is it because it can cause health problems? Such as breathlessness and joint pain? Aren't those good reasons to not walk around a large place like WDW? Not to make excuses, but people go on vacation to enjoy themselves not to work out. I am FAT... not proud of it, but I have accepted it. I rent a scooter! To look at me you probably judge that I am just being lazy... I mean, I CAN walk. However, did you know that I have bad feet, bad knees and early stages of fibromyalgia. To look at me, I just look fat and lazy and I am able to hop off my scooter and ride rides with no trouble. But... if I didn't have that scooter, I wouldn't last HALF A DAY in the parks before I would be hobbling around in severe pain. Yes we get on busses 1st, but we are almost always the last to get off! As a matter of fact, when it comes to busses I wish I could just walk on instead of going thru the embarrassing situation of trying to park while a 100 impatient people wait! And the notion that we get to get on rides quicker is also a fallicy! Occasionally it happens, but it also happens that sometimes we have to wait longer... especially if we have to wait for the 1 in 20 vehicles that are accessible. BTW Disney only allows 5 family members to join someone on a bus, anymore than that they are supposed to wait in line with everyone else... but if they had 30... they could get their own bus!!!

Sorry I am not saying you are wrong, just saying you may be too quick to judge others. I do think this country has gotten too fat, but pressuring people to be skinny isn't the way to solve that.

Yowza! I too agree that the first comment was out of left field. It came to my phone, and I immediately got to a computer to see if I had missed something. Jcieutat, I sense your frustrations with your parents and with your weight struggles. I also applaud your weight loss. That being said, I also agree with ShhhQ. Your words do come off as being judgemental. When I see overweight people on a scooter, I don't see someone who has just chosen to be lazy and ride a scooter. I often wonder what injury they are nursing, or what illness is causing them to need a scooter. I am overweight, and believe me, it's not by choice nor for lack of trying to lose it. I have a SEVERE thyroid disorder. It causes my metabolism to be extremely slow, which in turn makes me gain weight. Can you see that? Nope. I also have injuries to both my feet. The injuries nearly disabled me. When I went to Disney in October, on the second day I sat down and cried. My feet hurt so bad I could barely walk. I didn't want to miss out on anything with my kids, so I cried. It wasn't my weight holding me back. It was excruciating pain. My mother was scared that people would do exactly what you are doing and judge me for needing a wheelchair or scooter, and think it was because of my weight. I am able to walk, but Disney kicked my butt. I went home with ankles swollen so big I thought my feet would explode, and I was actually bleeding under my skin. Would you have noticed that? Probably not. You might have thought my ankles were always that size. Since my mom was scared of people judging me I didn't get the wheelchair or scooter, but I sincerely needed one. I spent the rest of the trip on painkillers. This trip I won't be a hero. If I need one, I am getting one, and to heck with people judging me. It's sad that I have to wear a brace just so people will know it's an injury, not my weight causing me to need the chair. It's hard to exercise when you can't walk without pain. I am not one of those overweight people who sits on the couch eating and watching TV. I am a sensei. I am training for my second degree black belt. I do what I can with what my body will allow. I am still fat. Would you know that I train several times a week by looking at me? No. You would probably just think I am lazy and fat because I want to be. I am not trying to be harsh, but I do want you to see the other side of things. My kids are all healthy, fit, and exercise constantly, but I am fat. I have gotten off my butt and done something, and made sure my kids understand what I am going through so they don't end up struggling the same way I am. I just want you to understand that it's not always personal choice. There may be some people at Disney who have been lazy who are riding those scooters. There are also a lot of people who are seriously struggling with something medical who really need it. I'm not sure the DISboards are the place for you to grandstand. No one here is judging anyone else. We come to this thread to confer with other people who sympathize and understand what we are going through. None of us wants to be judged. We just want to go to Disney and feel secure about getting on those rides. Please don't judge all overweight people on your past struggles and your current struggles with your parents' weight. Not everyone is sick because they are fat. Some of us got fat because we got sick or hurt. There's a lot of things you can't know by looking at me. You can't know that my feet are causing me blinding pain. You can't know that my thyroid has made me so sick sometimes that I can barely function. You can't know that I can kick butt if I need to. If you stood in front of me and looked at me, you could tell none of these things about me. That doesn't make them any less true because you can't see them. America is extremely obese. Yes. This is true. America's kids being overweight is becoming an epidemic. This is true. But dang it, I just want to forget all that for right now and go to Disney.
So you're saying it's ok to let them get fat? Weight is not just for aesthetic purposes, it's your health. Too many kids are fat these days. Most fat kids are the children of fat parents who have passed this onto them. They eat unhealthy, don't exercise, and just accept it. I am speaking from personal experience. My parents are extremely overweight. I was myself until I decided to do something about it. I lost 60lbs in the matter of months. Low carb, low sugar, and exercise. It is not a diet, it is a life change. My parents choose not to do it because they have no will power. Instead, they eat what they want and continue to be on every medicine under the sun because of it. Nothing pisses me off more than people who preach to everyone else that being fat is ok just because they are lazy and fat. Get off your butt and better yourself. Don't ruin your kids life in the process. Be a role model for your kids. Most people who are overweight are that way because of personal choice.

We are Disney fanatics and the one thing that pisses me off more than anything is people who rent the scooters because they are fat. Then they get on rides and buses before those who choose to live a healthy life. Since when should anyone be penalized for being healthy and be rewarded for not being healthy. If you're handicapped, you should get on any bus or ride first. That being said, your party of 30 should not!

Sorry if I offended anyone but people need to stop making excuses and face reality. Stop blaming the world for being overweight and do something about it.

I'm going to guess that you would say something about me too. I am very overweight. I admit that a lot of my problems are my own fault. Healthy eating was a real tug of war between my parents and I when I was younger. I struggle to eat enough vegetables because I practically have to hold my nose to eat them. I am often told that I don't seem like the average fat person.

I do not choose to get a scooter. From your remarks, I'm pretty sure you would have something to say about me too. Why is that woman hobbling along? She wouldn't be in so much pain if she lost weight. Look at that woman sitting on that bench. She would lose some weight if she did some walking. Why is that woman going so slow? She's getting in my way. Why is she leaning on that fence? I can think of much worse.

I would hope that you would say...that woman is toughing it out. Good for her!

Just remember with most of us, its not that we can't walk...we can't walk 5 miles a day or more for 5 or 6 days straight.

By the way, when you are sitting on a bench waiting for the fireworks and you see a chubby person staring at you sitting on the bench...GIVE THEM YOUR SEAT!!! PLEASE!! Our back, hips, knees, and/or feet really, really hurt!!
being overweight is not always the fault of the person.

i've struggled for years to loose weight i beat myself up wondering why i had no energy, why i couldn't just do it - i have no will power.

come to find out just last month that i have something called Thalassemia

a blood disorder that makes the person have extremely small red blood cells and makes them extremely iron deficient with allllllllll the symptoms i've had with having no energy, wanting to just rest or sleep, not being able to last long when walking or exercising.

so very nice that some people think being fat is ALLWAYS the fault of the person because they are just lazy.

being an ex fat person you should have a little more compassion for those who are still fat and not be so damn quick to jump and the same band wagon the naturally skinny people have been on for years.

oh and being a size 0-2 is a recent thing over the last 50 years or so - don't believe me - take a good long look in the history books and art work. women weren't skinny back then - they had some meat on their bones - ever hear or Rubin? that's what "normal" used to be and those people weren't "lazy"
I'm going to guess that you would say something about me too. I am very overweight. I admit that a lot of my problems are my own fault. Healthy eating was a real tug of war between my parents and I when I was younger. I struggle to eat enough vegetables because I practically have to hold my nose to eat them. I am often told that I don't seem like the average fat person.

I do not choose to get a scooter. From your remarks, I'm pretty sure you would have something to say about me too. Why is that woman hobbling along? She wouldn't be in so much pain if she lost weight. Look at that woman sitting on that bench. She would lose some weight if she did some walking. Why is that woman going so slow? She's getting in my way. Why is she leaning on that fence? I can think of much worse.

I would hope that you would say...that woman is toughing it out. Good for her!

Just remember with most of us, its not that we can't walk...we can't walk 5 miles a day or more for 5 or 6 days straight.

By the way, when you are sitting on a bench waiting for the fireworks and you see a chubby person staring at you sitting on the bench...GIVE THEM YOUR SEAT!!! PLEASE!! Our back, hips, knees, and/or feet really, really hurt!!
Amen! Good luck with your struggles and your war on veggies! Way to work through the pain and keep going! I will tell you what. Getting my black belt was one of the hardest things I've ever done, and I've had 5 babies! It was harder for me to reach that goal b/c I had to work harder than everyone else. When everyone else ran one mile as part of their requirements, I biked 10 miles. Every little thing was harder for me, but I did it. I overcame my health issues and did it. The reason I bring that up is that if someone were to look at me they might say "She won't ever reach that goal. She is overweight." Just ask my sensei who he was most impressed with at test time. Overweight people often have to overcome some serious hurdles to do anything that a so-called "healthy" person can do. But...that doesn't mean we can't do it. We can. We just have to work harder. So, when a thinner person sees us at Disney, instead of thinking that we are overweight and lazy, maybe they should stop and think "Wow. Good for them." Because I can guarantee we are working harder than they are to get where we're going.

being overweight is not always the fault of the person.

i've struggled for years to loose weight i beat myself up wondering why i had no energy, why i couldn't just do it - i have no will power.

come to find out just last month that i have something called Thalassemia

a blood disorder that makes the person have extremely small red blood cells and makes them extremely iron deficient with allllllllll the symptoms i've had with having no energy, wanting to just rest or sleep, not being able to last long when walking or exercising.

so very nice that some people think being fat is ALLWAYS the fault of the person because they are just lazy.

being an ex fat person you should have a little more compassion for those who are still fat and not be so damn quick to jump and the same band wagon the naturally skinny people have been on for years.

oh and being a size 0-2 is a recent thing over the last 50 years or so - don't believe me - take a good long look in the history books and art work. women weren't skinny back then - they had some meat on their bones - ever hear or Rubin? that's what "normal" used to be and those people weren't "lazy"
Sometimes I wish I were born way back then. I probably would've died from my thyroid condition though, so I guess it's good I wasn't! I gotta say that my husband appreciates my curves. He never wants me to get too skinny. He thinks it looks unhealthy. And if you ask most of the really thin people how they stay thin, they will tell you they are hungry. I think it's sad that someone who has been heavy wouldn't have compassion for those going through that. The only thing I can think of is that they didn't have any health issues keeping them fat. In that case, why were they heavy to begin with? Let's put blame where blame is due. If people can't take responsibility for their actions, then they will never be truly healed...thus the obvious anger. My children are conscious of what they eat. I never force them to finish their plates, and they never feel that they have to. They watch their portion sizes. My kids range in age from 5-14, so the fact that they do this on their own is sort of awesome. They aren't weight obsessed, but they like keeping their bodies healthy. Especially since they are aware that my health conditions can be handed down to them. I have an 11 year old daughter who has a beautiful athletic build. She is aware of her body, and knows that if she eats the same portion sizes as her 12 year old rail-thin sister, she will put on extra weight. She watches her portion sizes, eats when she is hungry, stops when she is satiated, and exercises daily. So, even though I am overweight, my children make the right choices. It is not always the fault of the parents, though that can certainly contribute. Let's face it, we all have free will, and if I didn't want to eat something as a child, my parents couldn't make me. I would not budge. I once threw my food out a window b/c my parents tried to make me eat it. I do acknowledge the fact that parents do play a huge role in obesity in children-allowing kids to sit for hours watching TV, playing video games, playing on the computer, bringing the wrong kinds of food into the home, etc...But I hate that ALL the blame is placed on parents. That just takes the responsibility out of the kids' hands. It is my job as a sensei to undo some of that damage. I see kids every day who can't focus b/c of TV and video games, and kids who are really overweight. The best thing I can do for them is to teach them how to exercise while having fun, and talk to them about making good choices when it comes to eating. I am often aware that it may seem odd with me being overweight and teaching those kids about those choices, but it never comes up with parents b/c they see how hard I work. OOPS! I guess I am grandstanding now. BTW, most of my comments are still directed at the original poster on this subject, not the people I quoted!
my daughter is 5.5 and "naturally" thin. i put a child's portion on her plate and let her eat until she's full - some times she finishes, sometimes she doesn't and sometimes she askes for a little more. it's up to her at this point how much or little she eats as long as she eats some of everything i gave her it's healthy and i'm happy.
Amen! Good luck with your struggles and your war on veggies! Way to work through the pain and keep going! I will tell you what. Getting my black belt was one of the hardest things I've ever done, and I've had 5 babies! It was harder for me to reach that goal b/c I had to work harder than everyone else. When everyone else ran one mile as part of their requirements, I biked 10 miles. Every little thing was harder for me, but I did it. I overcame my health issues and did it. The reason I bring that up is that if someone were to look at me they might say "She won't ever reach that goal. She is overweight." Just ask my sensei who he was most impressed with at test time. Overweight people often have to overcome some serious hurdles to do anything that a so-called "healthy" person can do. But...that doesn't mean we can't do it. We can. We just have to work harder. So, when a thinner person sees us at Disney, instead of thinking that we are overweight and lazy, maybe they should stop and think "Wow. Good for them." Because I can guarantee we are working harder than they are to get where we're going.

Thank you! I assure you I could write a small thesis about walking beforehand, buying running socks and good athletic shoes, buying ankle wraps at the hotel gift shop, using theragesic cream, taking advil, why NOT to take Aleve, elevating your feet, drinking water, eating bananas, touring the parks, the best and worst benches, etc.

As to your other comment, I think the average thin person would be shocked at how hard it is for us sometimes to do "normal" things. In some ways, I think it has made me a stronger person. I can be VERY determined when I want to be.
Yowza! I too agree that the first comment was out of left field. It came to my phone, and I immediately got to a computer to see if I had missed something. Jcieutat, I sense your frustrations with your parents and with your weight struggles. I also applaud your weight loss. That being said, I also agree with ShhhQ. Your words do come off as being judgemental. When I see overweight people on a scooter, I don't see someone who has just chosen to be lazy and ride a scooter. I often wonder what injury they are nursing, or what illness is causing them to need a scooter. I am overweight, and believe me, it's not by choice nor for lack of trying to lose it. I have a SEVERE thyroid disorder. It causes my metabolism to be extremely slow, which in turn makes me gain weight. Can you see that? Nope. I also have injuries to both my feet. The injuries nearly disabled me. When I went to Disney in October, on the second day I sat down and cried. My feet hurt so bad I could barely walk. I didn't want to miss out on anything with my kids, so I cried. It wasn't my weight holding me back. It was excruciating pain. My mother was scared that people would do exactly what you are doing and judge me for needing a wheelchair or scooter, and think it was because of my weight. I am able to walk, but Disney kicked my butt. I went home with ankles swollen so big I thought my feet would explode, and I was actually bleeding under my skin. Would you have noticed that? Probably not. You might have thought my ankles were always that size. Since my mom was scared of people judging me I didn't get the wheelchair or scooter, but I sincerely needed one. I spent the rest of the trip on painkillers. This trip I won't be a hero. If I need one, I am getting one, and to heck with people judging me. It's sad that I have to wear a brace just so people will know it's an injury, not my weight causing me to need the chair. It's hard to exercise when you can't walk without pain. I am not one of those overweight people who sits on the couch eating and watching TV. I am a sensei. I am training for my second degree black belt. I do what I can with what my body will allow. I am still fat. Would you know that I train several times a week by looking at me? No. You would probably just think I am lazy and fat because I want to be. I am not trying to be harsh, but I do want you to see the other side of things. My kids are all healthy, fit, and exercise constantly, but I am fat. I have gotten off my butt and done something, and made sure my kids understand what I am going through so they don't end up struggling the same way I am. I just want you to understand that it's not always personal choice. There may be some people at Disney who have been lazy who are riding those scooters. There are also a lot of people who are seriously struggling with something medical who really need it. I'm not sure the DISboards are the place for you to grandstand. No one here is judging anyone else. We come to this thread to confer with other people who sympathize and understand what we are going through. None of us wants to be judged. We just want to go to Disney and feel secure about getting on those rides. Please don't judge all overweight people on your past struggles and your current struggles with your parents' weight. Not everyone is sick because they are fat. Some of us got fat because we got sick or hurt. There's a lot of things you can't know by looking at me. You can't know that my feet are causing me blinding pain. You can't know that my thyroid has made me so sick sometimes that I can barely function. You can't know that I can kick butt if I need to. If you stood in front of me and looked at me, you could tell none of these things about me. That doesn't make them any less true because you can't see them. America is extremely obese. Yes. This is true. America's kids being overweight is becoming an epidemic. This is true. But dang it, I just want to forget all that for right now and go to Disney.

THIS!!! I believe you should have gotten a scooter if you needed it, there are lots of reasons for people to be overweight but when your at Disney no one wants to worry about that, you want to have a good time with your family so do whatever you need to do to make the most of your time and the money you spent to be there!
my daughter is 5.5 and "naturally" thin. i put a child's portion on her plate and let her eat until she's full - some times she finishes, sometimes she doesn't and sometimes she askes for a little more. it's up to her at this point how much or little she eats as long as she eats some of everything i gave her it's healthy and i'm happy.
Good for you! I am in agreement on your methods. Sometimes my kids NEED extra food b/c they are growing. I leave it up to them, and if they ask for seconds, they are able to have it. They have learned to listen to their body's needs. So, just because I am overweight, doesn't mean my kids have to be or will be. So there! (hee, hee)

Thank you! I assure you I could write a small thesis about walking beforehand, buying running socks and good athletic shoes, buying ankle wraps at the hotel gift shop, using theragesic cream, taking advil, why NOT to take Aleve, elevating your feet, drinking water, eating bananas, touring the parks, the best and worst benches, etc.

As to your other comment, I think the average thin person would be shocked at how hard it is for us sometimes to do "normal" things. In some ways, I think it has made me a stronger person. I can be VERY determined when I want to be.
That's right! I wrote a whole article about my fight to black belt. I got a lot of good feedback on it when I posted it to facebook. My whole point was that my struggles did make me stronger. I will continue my fight with my health issues, and I will lose the weight, however, until then I don't want anyone judging me based on my weight. They don't know what battles I am facing. They can't know your battles either. To be honest with you, when it comes to the mat, most thin people can't keep up with me! Yes. I am Pooh sized. Yes. My feet hurt at Disney. No. That isn't going to stop me!!!

THIS!!! I believe you should have gotten a scooter if you needed it, there are lots of reasons for people to be overweight but when your at Disney no one wants to worry about that, you want to have a good time with your family so do whatever you need to do to make the most of your time and the money you spent to be there!
I was afraid to say anything b/c I didn't want my mom to look bad, but she had genuine concern that people would judge me. She hurts for me, and doesn't want me to feel pain from judgement. She felt bad when we got home and found out I was bleeding under my skin, and almost couldn't have my scheduled uterine surgery due to the swelling! She knows this time I will have to get one if I need it, and is okay with it. Unfortunately I am having a recurrence of my injuries to my feet, and it has spread to my ankle on one side. I am undergoing cortisone injections and having my feet wrapped by the doctor to relax my muscles. Thank God it happened with enough time to heal before Disney! He will wrap me before I leave, so that should help! So, the long and short of it is...I will get the chair if I need it, and I won't feel bad if I need to. Thank you for the support! I appreciate it! You're right. No one wants to worry about being Pooh sized at Disney. I actually put that on my shirt I made! We did a top ten reasons for visiting WDW, and my #10 is that at WDW people aren't fat, they're Pooh sized.
First of all, I would like to apologize to all if I offended anyone. If you're fat due to a health issue, that is a different situation. I am just so tired of our society being so damn politically correct. As far as all the skinny people complaining about their waste sizes, I am with you. They need to be thankful that weight is not a daily struggle like it is for the rest of us.

If you all honestly believe that the majority of the fat people at Disneyworld are riding on scooters because of other health related issues, you're wrong. From what I have noticed over my 25+ trips to Disneyworld is that the large portion of fat people are in the scooters because they just can't put down the fork. They get on and off with way too much ease. Then you see them in one of the buffets with a plate a mile high.

Like I stated in the above post, my entire family is obese. I was as well. Technically, I am still overweight. My blood pressure was up, I was always tired, etc. I woke up one day and told myself that I was tired of being unhealthy and wanted to make a change. I did not do this to belong to some "Pretty Club". I did this for my health. I want to set a good example for my children and also show my overweight family members that it can be done. Since I have lost weight, my health is perfect. I had a set back with a knee issue running but I am working through it.

I got pissed off by the poster above me that was basically saying that it is OK to be fat when its not. These are the same people who pull up to a fast food restaurant and order the most unhealthy meal and then let their kids get it as well. Yes, a very small portion of people cannot help their weight due to other factors.

Most of the people at Disney that can walk a small amount should rent the scooter at the park so that it does not take up all of the extra chairs on the buses going to and from the resorts. If you want people like me to look at it from your perspective, you need to also look at it from my perspective. Disneyworld is not a relaxing vacation for the majority of people. When I pay 4K-5K for a vacation at Disneyworld, I want to see it all. At the end of the night when our two little ones are sleeping in our arms and we have waited 20 plus minutes for a bus, we don't want someone to ride right up at the end on a scooter (with a large party) and cause us to have to wait for the next bus (this has happened to us several times) just because Disneyworld is afraid to offend someone. I may be able to walk, run, etc but I have a bad back and holding a child for 20 plus minutes feels like a knife in my back.

You people don't know me from Adam. I have been overweight all of my adult life. At first I did not care, then I took to a profession (Police Officer) that I really needed to be thin. Chasing someone through the woods or fighting for your life is very difficult when your out of shape wearing all that heavy gear. If you just eliminate most of the carbs and sugar and start walking, the weight will fall off. It will motivate you to push on. You will begin to gain energy. You will be so much more comfortable in your own skin. It is a really good feeling. You just have to have the want and will power to do it. I have been pushing my parents and brother to do this but they just don't have the will power. I think if someone offered them million dollars, they would still falter after a few weeks.
First of all, I would like to apologize to all if I offended anyone. If you're fat due to a health issue, that is a different situation. I am just so tired of our society being so damn politically correct. As far as all the skinny people complaining about their waste sizes, I am with you. They need to be thankful that weight is not a daily struggle like it is for the rest of us.

If you all honestly believe that the majority of the fat people at Disneyworld are riding on scooters because of other health related issues, you're wrong. From what I have noticed over my 25+ trips to Disneyworld is that the large portion of fat people are in the scooters because they just can't put down the fork. They get on and off with way too much ease. Then you see them in one of the buffets with a plate a mile high.

Like I stated in the above post, my entire family is obese. I was as well. Technically, I am still overweight. My blood pressure was up, I was always tired, etc. I woke up one day and told myself that I was tired of being unhealthy and wanted to make a change. I did not do this to belong to some "Pretty Club". I did this for my health. I want to set a good example for my children and also show my overweight family members that it can be done. Since I have lost weight, my health is perfect. I had a set back with a knee issue running but I am working through it.

I got pissed off by the poster above me that was basically saying that it is OK to be fat when its not. These are the same people who pull up to a fast food restaurant and order the most unhealthy meal and then let their kids get it as well. Yes, a very small portion of people cannot help their weight due to other factors.

Most of the people at Disney that can walk a small amount should rent the scooter at the park so that it does not take up all of the extra chairs on the buses going to and from the resorts. If you want people like me to look at it from your perspective, you need to also look at it from my perspective. Disneyworld is not a relaxing vacation for the majority of people. When I pay 4K-5K for a vacation at Disneyworld, I want to see it all. At the end of the night when our two little ones are sleeping in our arms and we have waited 20 plus minutes for a bus, we don't want someone to ride right up at the end on a scooter (with a large party) and cause us to have to wait for the next bus (this has happened to us several times) just because Disneyworld is afraid to offend someone. I may be able to walk, run, etc but I have a bad back and holding a child for 20 plus minutes feels like a knife in my back.

You people don't know me from Adam. I have been overweight all of my adult life. At first I did not care, then I took to a profession (Police Officer) that I really needed to be thin. Chasing someone through the woods or fighting for your life is very difficult when your out of shape wearing all that heavy gear. If you just eliminate most of the carbs and sugar and start walking, the weight will fall off. It will motivate you to push on. You will begin to gain energy. You will be so much more comfortable in your own skin. It is a really good feeling. You just have to have the want and will power to do it. I have been pushing my parents and brother to do this but they just don't have the will power. I think if someone offered them million dollars, they would still falter after a few weeks.

It's hard for me to see the sincerity in your apology when in the next few paragraphs, there is more judgement. I am paying twice the amount you quoted for my vacation as it is eleven days, yet I don't mind waiting for the buses. I am just so happy and grateful to be at Disney that none of that matters. The only suggestion I can make to you is that you solve the problem by renting a car, and then you never have to wait. I would never assume that just because someone can get up out of a scooter or wheelchair, that they are one of those lazy people you are talking about. Listen, as a sensei, it is my job to help people lose weight and learn to exercise. People pay me money to do that job. I understand the crusade, believe me. However, I cannot pass judgement on others. I don't know what got them to where they are. What experiences in their lives are making them turn to food? What illnesses or injuries prevent them from losing weight? I can get out of a chair without someone knowing I am in pain. I am a strong woman, so I don't show my pain. That doesn't mean I hurt any less. Disney is what it is, and they are going to cater to the people who can't walk properly, whether it is because of their weight or not. They don't ask questions, and neither should we. It's their lives, their money, their vacation. Why shouldn't they take a break and enjoy their vacation just like everyone else is doing, but in a way that works for them? As for renting at the park...from what I understand, there aren't always enough scooters and wheelchairs, the batteries don't last long, and what if they aren't able to walk from the gate to the buses, and from the bus stops to their rooms? People judge others for bringing strollers to Disney too. Guess what? Disney is for kids, and for grown ups who want to feel like kids.

I am happy for you that you were able to get healthy. Good for you. What works for you, won't work for everyone though. I tried low carb diets, and guess what? I get ascension weakness, and pass out when I am at a height (going up a hill, up steps, etc...). I don't understand why it happens, but my doctors have forbidden me from low carb. It's good that you found what works for you. Maybe the weight would melt off me if I were able to stay on it long term. However, I don't enjoy being a puddle on the floor and not knowing how I got there. So, while you found your motivation, you WERE overweight to begin with. How would you like it if people were judging you and watching what you put on your plate. I guarantee people did. I was underweight my whole life until I got sick. Yet it seems that I have more compassion for people in this situation than someone who has lived it before. Since we're talking about what "pisses" you off, let's talk about what irks me. People who think they are in some way better than other people. That's exactly what it sounds like to me. I usually don't get involved in the little cat fights on the DISboards, but this one was a bit far out and insulting for me. Maybe you could start your own blog somewhere. I just really think this thread and the other Pooh sized threads are for people who just want to go to Disney and forget the trials and tribulations of their daily lives. We don't want to be judged for riding scooters and for what's on our plates. I can guarantee that at Disney I will not eat the way I normally eat at home. I'm sure sometimes I will overeat b/c it's Disney. I will eat dessert a couple times (I never eat dessert) b/c it's Disney. I will eat a larger variety of foods b/c it's Disney. And if I need to ride a scooter, I WILL b/c it's Disney. Those people are paying the same money you are, so why should it only be you who gets to enjoy it? Live and let live. The best thing you can do for others in this situation is to tell your story without judgement. Be a success story and an example to others. Maybe that will help your family change.

Can we get back to talking about Pooh sized Disney now? I really want to know what rides people are concerned about fitting on, and how best to hide our cellulite whilst at the pools. Please?
First of all, I would like to apologize to all if I offended anyone. If you're fat due to a health issue, that is a different situation. I am just so tired of our society being so damn politically correct. As far as all the skinny people complaining about their waste sizes, I am with you. They need to be thankful that weight is not a daily struggle like it is for the rest of us.

If you all honestly believe that the majority of the fat people at Disneyworld are riding on scooters because of other health related issues, you're wrong. From what I have noticed over my 25+ trips to Disneyworld is that the large portion of fat people are in the scooters because they just can't put down the fork. They get on and off with way too much ease. Then you see them in one of the buffets with a plate a mile high.

Like I stated in the above post, my entire family is obese. I was as well. Technically, I am still overweight. My blood pressure was up, I was always tired, etc. I woke up one day and told myself that I was tired of being unhealthy and wanted to make a change. I did not do this to belong to some "Pretty Club". I did this for my health. I want to set a good example for my children and also show my overweight family members that it can be done. Since I have lost weight, my health is perfect. I had a set back with a knee issue running but I am working through it.

I got pissed off by the poster above me that was basically saying that it is OK to be fat when its not. These are the same people who pull up to a fast food restaurant and order the most unhealthy meal and then let their kids get it as well. Yes, a very small portion of people cannot help their weight due to other factors.

Most of the people at Disney that can walk a small amount should rent the scooter at the park so that it does not take up all of the extra chairs on the buses going to and from the resorts. If you want people like me to look at it from your perspective, you need to also look at it from my perspective. Disneyworld is not a relaxing vacation for the majority of people. When I pay 4K-5K for a vacation at Disneyworld, I want to see it all. At the end of the night when our two little ones are sleeping in our arms and we have waited 20 plus minutes for a bus, we don't want someone to ride right up at the end on a scooter (with a large party) and cause us to have to wait for the next bus (this has happened to us several times) just because Disneyworld is afraid to offend someone. I may be able to walk, run, etc but I have a bad back and holding a child for 20 plus minutes feels like a knife in my back.

You people don't know me from Adam. I have been overweight all of my adult life. At first I did not care, then I took to a profession (Police Officer) that I really needed to be thin. Chasing someone through the woods or fighting for your life is very difficult when your out of shape wearing all that heavy gear. If you just eliminate most of the carbs and sugar and start walking, the weight will fall off. It will motivate you to push on. You will begin to gain energy. You will be so much more comfortable in your own skin. It is a really good feeling. You just have to have the want and will power to do it. I have been pushing my parents and brother to do this but they just don't have the will power. I think if someone offered them million dollars, they would still falter after a few weeks.

I hope this doesn't offend you, but your attitude mirrors my husband's step mother who bragged about how she lost her weight and how she could tell me how. I was excited at first...until she told me that she had went from 120 to 100 pounds. To be fair, she was 4'10" tall...but my heart sank.

I do understand that it has been a struggle for my step MIL to keep off her 20 pounds for all of these years, and that the last 20 pounds are the hardest to lose. I also understand that she didn't feel good about herself at 120 pounds, and that for her...losing the pounds was a great accomplishment. I know that because she carries her old drivers license with her to prove that she was kinda chubby, and to encourage others. This is kind of a pet peeve of mine, I can't stand it when somebody says...OMG, I used to be so fat. I was a size 5.

May I ask, at your highest weight...did you ever wear anything above a 12? IF not, I would ask that you re-evaluate how much you can truly understand someone who hasn't worn a 12 since elementary school.
What's the booth seating like? I'm a size 20/22. I'm always worried that if I need to sit in a booth for dinner I'll get stuck or it will be uncomfortable. I've recently dropped about 9kg/20 pounds. And I hope I'll drop some more before I go. I haven't sat in one since my heaviest size 24 (not at Disney) and it wasn't good result at all.
What's the booth seating like? I'm a size 20/22. I'm always worried that if I need to sit in a booth for dinner I'll get stuck or it will be uncomfortable. I've recently dropped about 9kg/20 pounds. And I hope I'll drop some more before I go. I haven't sat in one since my heaviest size 24 (not at Disney) and it wasn't good result at all.

Not sure where you are planning on eating, but I am bit bigger than you and have had no problems at any restaurant... I was worried about sci-fi drivin as I heard their booths were a tad tight, but we ended up sitting in chairs so didn't experience that there.
This is kind of a pet peeve of mine, I can't stand it when somebody says...OMG, I used to be so fat. I was a size 5.

May I ask, at your highest weight...did you ever wear anything above a 12? IF not, I would ask that you re-evaluate how much you can truly understand someone who hasn't worn a 12 since elementary school.

My thoughts exactly! Very well said!:thumbsup2
I'm a bit bigger and somethings aren't really for bigger people such as Sum of All thrills. I just about fit in it. lol.

hmm. other then that i'd say you'd be fine. i've been going to disney since 2005. some years i was bigger then i am now..i'm a stress eater. oy.
Ok So I'm one of only a few men on here that I've read.

Can we get back to the thread topic.

I"m 6'1 and 330 lbs and I'm pretty proportional (and damn sexy I may add), will I have any problem riding any rides at Disney, Epcot or anything? I"m a sucker for roller coasters and am looking forward to going on them. I've had a few poor expierences at Six flags in the past so I haven't been able to go on roller coasters and other things due to a fear of not being able to get on/in them.

Also what are the height requirements on most of the adult rides. My daughter is 5 and tall for her age and I'd love to have her go on these rides with me.
Ok So I'm one of only a few men on here that I've read.

Can we get back to the thread topic.

I"m 6'1 and 330 lbs and I'm pretty proportional (and damn sexy I may add), will I have any problem riding any rides at Disney, Epcot or anything? I"m a sucker for roller coasters and am looking forward to going on them. I've had a few poor expierences at Six flags in the past so I haven't been able to go on roller coasters and other things due to a fear of not being able to get on/in them.

Also what are the height requirements on most of the adult rides. My daughter is 5 and tall for her age and I'd love to have her go on these rides with me.

THANK YOU!!!! Glad to get back to the subject at hand! I don't think you will have an issue with any ride but sum of all thrills. That one is a sticky wicket. Other than that, u should be fine. I had no issues, and though i am not going to say my weight, i feel that through my experience, u will be fine. If you go on and type in each ride, u can find the height limits for each. My then 4 year old wasn't able to go on Rock'n'rollercoaster, Mission Space, expedition everest (i think), and sum of all thrills. There may be more, but like i said, just type it in and they will show the heights. Most are 42" i think, with some being at 48", but there are a lot.with no real limit. Mission space and space mountain (that's the other one i forgot) were the only ones that pulled out a stick to measure her. EE we didn't attempt, and RNR we knew she was too little bc of the homework I did beforehand.
Ok So I'm one of only a few men on here that I've read.

Can we get back to the thread topic.

I"m 6'1 and 330 lbs and I'm pretty proportional (and damn sexy I may add), will I have any problem riding any rides at Disney, Epcot or anything? I"m a sucker for roller coasters and am looking forward to going on them. I've had a few poor expierences at Six flags in the past so I haven't been able to go on roller coasters and other things due to a fear of not being able to get on/in them.

Also what are the height requirements on most of the adult rides. My daughter is 5 and tall for her age and I'd love to have her go on these rides with me.

You will be fine. The only thing I would say is you may have a problem with you and her fitting on rides such as Astro Orbiter together. But the coasters will be good to go.
On Primevil Whirl just have the CM put you and her in the car together with no others. That way you have the one side to yourself.
Have fun!!!
Just one thought about safety, though. I don't know how old and what size your children are, but if you should pair up with a small child, the rides with lapbars didn't seem to me to be safe for the small passenger. Although I was glad that I could fit all the rides, I became concerned with my child's safety in rides with lapbars because my legs were much larger than a child's and the lapbar only goes down as far as the top of the largest person's legs. Thank God nothing happened; but I definately didn't do those rides twice, if you know what I mean. :goodvibes

My husband is pooh sized and I am not. Whenever we go, I ride with my son on anything with a lap bar, hubby rides with him on everything else. So, I would be concerned about this as well. There aren't a whole lot of rides with lap bars that are considered thrill rides anymore. Mostly things like Winnie the Pooh and such. So, not as big a deal. The only one that comes to mind that was of concern to me was big thunder mtn.

WDW is so accomodating to everyone, you will have an amazing time! Enjoy!
What's the booth seating like? I'm a size 20/22. I'm always worried that if I need to sit in a booth for dinner I'll get stuck or it will be uncomfortable. I've recently dropped about 9kg/20 pounds. And I hope I'll drop some more before I go. I haven't sat in one since my heaviest size 24 (not at Disney) and it wasn't good result at all.

Sci-Fi booths were the only issue we had. I typically don't sit in booths because of my knee and the sideways motion needed to scoot into them. The booth at this restaurant was small to boot. There are a limited number of tables at this restaurant with actual chairs. Just be sure to request a "wheelchair" accessible table when you do your ADR. This is how I ensure that I don't get a booth.

Ok So I'm one of only a few men on here that I've read.

Can we get back to the thread topic.

I"m 6'1 and 330 lbs and I'm pretty proportional (and damn sexy I may add), will I have any problem riding any rides at Disney, Epcot or anything? I"m a sucker for roller coasters and am looking forward to going on them. I've had a few poor expierences at Six flags in the past so I haven't been able to go on roller coasters and other things due to a fear of not being able to get on/in them.

Also what are the height requirements on most of the adult rides. My daughter is 5 and tall for her age and I'd love to have her go on these rides with me.

I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. As another poster mentioned, I wouldn't have your daughter ride with you on rides with a lapbar as she will slide all over the place. The biggest issue with this would be Big Thunder Mountain.


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