*Doing the Donald in 2010* Jan. Half Marathon Support Thread!


DIS Veteran
Jan 30, 2004
Welcome one and all (walkers, runners, wheelers, hop, skip & jumpers!) wanting support for the January 2010 WDW Half Marathon. Donald medal, here we come!! :donald:

(If you aren't doing the January Half and are just looking for half marathon support, you're welcome here too. :goodvibes)


This will be my first half and I am very excited!! I am a new runner. I started running in February by doing the Couch to 5K (love that program!), ran a 5K in May in about 28 minutes and had a BLAST. (Side note: I have not run a 5K that fast since then, I know the adrenaline was pumping that day! LOL) Then something bad happened, I tore my Achilles in August. :sad2: So I stopped running for several weeks and am back at it now.

I'm taking it slow, DO NOT want to get injured again with less than 3 months til the race! Plus, my Achilles is not 100% still. It is sore anytime I use it more than a short walk within my house.

My good friend and fellow DISer (Jenny/dismagiclover) and I are taking the Half trip together, staying at BLT and doing the deluxe dining plan. woohoo! You can see us in the picture in my sig from this past June...my family on the left with Goofy and hers on the right with Minnie.

Here is the training plan that I will be using, it's 10 weeks:
My plan is to start it on Monday, November 2nd. So, I have 3 more weeks to heal and prepare. Then it's official training time!

I think it's a grand idea! Good idea Liz! Also a get to know your neighbor sort of thread. Get to know those that will be at the staging area then in the corrals with you :flower3:

Good luck with the training!!!!
Count me in! I'm doing Donald for the 2nd time :) I'm slowly working my way to a marathon. I'm not biomechanically blessed so I tend to get injuries often so that's why I'm taking my time. I have other friends who've jumped right into running a full but that's not me :)

I'm going to follow Hal Higdon's intermediate plan but might move some of the LRs around so that I'm not doing a 12 miler the weekend before.

Nice to meet everyone!
I'm planning on going with Hal Hidgon's Intermediate plan as well. This will by my 3rd half. I did the first 2 in about 3 hours. Don't expect to be any faster with this one. But I do want to try the full in 2011 so I figured I'll do the Intermediate plan just to get some more miles under my belt. I'm going to put a taper week in at the end so that I do the 12 mile run 2 weeks before the race. Training has begun:goodvibes
If anyone needs someone to walk or run with then my DH is available.
He is running the 5k fast, the 1/2 any any pace and then the full flat out.
He could be your slave for the 1/2, get your water etc.
If any Wisher's want to just let me know.
I think it's a grand idea! Good idea Liz! Also a get to know your neighbor sort of thread. Get to know those that will be at the staging area then in the corrals with you :flower3:

Good luck with the training!!!!

Thank you! Good luck with the Goofy!

Count me in! I'm doing Donald for the 2nd time :) I'm slowly working my way to a marathon. I'm not biomechanically blessed so I tend to get injuries often so that's why I'm taking my time. I have other friends who've jumped right into running a full but that's not me :)

I'm going to follow Hal Higdon's intermediate plan but might move some of the LRs around so that I'm not doing a 12 miler the weekend before.

Nice to meet everyone!

Hi Vicky! I think I am with you on not being biomechanically blessed...boo..
So when did you first start running and when do you think you'll get to the full marathon point?

I'm planning on going with Hal Hidgon's Intermediate plan as well. This will by my 3rd half. I did the first 2 in about 3 hours. Don't expect to be any faster with this one. But I do want to try the full in 2011 so I figured I'll do the Intermediate plan just to get some more miles under my belt. I'm going to put a taper week in at the end so that I do the 12 mile run 2 weeks before the race. Training has begun:goodvibes

Wait, did you start the Hal schedule this week?

If anyone needs someone to walk or run with then my DH is available.
He is running the 5k fast, the 1/2 any any pace and then the full flat out.
He could be your slave for the 1/2, get your water etc.
If any Wisher's want to just let me know.

Wow, that's quite the nice offer! Maybe he could be my pacer lol...I have the hardest time not running too fast and losing my breath. On the treadmill it isn't a problem since I'm set at one speed, but outside if I am alone I struggle with it. I wish I could program my body to run a certain speed. I guess that comes with experience.
If anyone needs someone to walk or run with then my DH is available.
He is running the 5k fast, the 1/2 any any pace and then the full flat out.
He could be your slave for the 1/2, get your water etc.
If any Wisher's want to just let me know.

Hmm ... That's quite tempting :) I'm looking to finish as close to 2:00 as
possible. I do r/w intervals so I don't know if that would be a problem.
Hi Vicky! I think I am with you on not being biomechanically blessed...boo..
So when did you first start running and when do you think you'll get to the full marathon point?

Hey Liz! I started running in January 2008 so I guess it will almost have been two years :eek: I don't think I've stuck with most weight loss/fitness activities for as long as that.

I'm shooting for a full in 2011 so next year I'm mostly going for 1/2 and 30K races. I don't know if making Disney my first full is a great idea since training in November/December is hard because of the unpredictable weather and early sunsets.
I'm in. I, too, started with C25K early this year. I've run a few local races (5k and two 4 mile). I started the Marathoning for Mortals half plan last week. I'm slow. Aiming for a 13:00 pace in January.

Hmm ... That's quite tempting :) I'm looking to finish as close to 2:00 as
possible. I do r/w intervals so I don't know if that would be a problem.

2 hours, you are fast! :)

Hey Liz! I started running in January 2008 so I guess it will almost have been two years :eek: I don't think I've stuck with most weight loss/fitness activities for as long as that.

I'm shooting for a full in 2011 so next year I'm mostly going for 1/2 and 30K races. I don't know if making Disney my first full is a great idea since training in November/December is hard because of the unpredictable weather and early sunsets.

I love reading about people's running history and plans. Thanks for sharing! Congrats on being a runner for almost 2 years now! I hope I will reach that milestone too. I've never stuck with anything as long as this (it's only been 7.5 months now. lol) But I love it and hope it becomes a very long term thing.

I'm in. I, too, started with C25K early this year. I've run a few local races (5k and two 4 mile). I started the Marathoning for Mortals half plan last week. I'm slow. Aiming for a 13:00 pace in January.


Hi Ronda! I'm happy to see a fellow C25Ker here! :) I wonder if anyone else who was doing the C25K when we were decided to do the half?

I may be doing a 13:00 pace too. With my Achilles issue I have no idea what it can handle, and I'm thinking I will be doing plenty of walking.
If anyone needs someone to walk or run with then my DH is available.
He is running the 5k fast, the 1/2 any any pace and then the full flat out.
He could be your slave for the 1/2, get your water etc.
If any Wisher's want to just let me know.

:lmao: Does he know about this? But seriously it's very sweet for the company and pacing. :)

Thanks Liz, we'll be one big happy (or sleepy!) group on Saturday! And I'm just learning my outdoor running pace. It's been hard to get a feel for keeping the same pace and to know when you are going to fast or slow. It seems to be getting easier finding that groove so hang in there! I'm off to the gym shortly where I've been doing my running on the TM for continuous running otherwise I'd die outside in the 1st 2 miles probably going to fast LOL

Ronda! I'm just hitting a 13:00 min/mile avg for 13.1 miles (did it this past weekend) and I don't consider that slow :lmao: My legs beg to differ with you :rotfl:

I'm hoping I can behave and finish in around 3:20 taking my camera and hoping to get some characters. For those doing it for the 1st time there seems to be a good variety of paces so you will be running into other WISHers fairly often. I can't wait, it's going to be such a blast!

Keep up the great work everyone!!!!!
I'm in too!! This will be my second half, my first was only a few weeks ago! We (me and my inlaws) have been training since June 1. We are doing a 16 week program, so 16 weeks for the first half marathon, then a rest week, then started with week 2 to train for WDW.

I finished my first half in 2:36, mostly running, but due to so *unfortunate* chafing:eek: and a rather unfavorable course, I walked about 1.5 miles of the race. I am looking to do 2:20 for WDW, knowing the course should be better and knowing that a pair of bike shorts or running tights will be my very best friend:lovestruc.

I have been running since 2007, when I did a similar program to C25K. I am not a speedster, being only 4'11" my legs are too short. But I like the longer distance runs. I don't know that I want to do a full marathon yet, I really did enjoy the half despite the chafing, cold and yucky course.

Looking forward to getting to know you all and seeing you at the start on 1/9!!
HEY!!!! I'm here :) Thank you for telling me about this thread Liz! It's a great idea!

I'm running the half. This will be my first one. I have always been a runner. I love everything about running.

My goal is to finish under 2 hours... I run a little over ten miles in an hour and 20 mins so I think I can do it. My next race will be Nov 1st... It's a 10K. I'm going to use the 10K or my proof of time for the half!

I look forward to getting to know you all, and hopefully I will get to see you at the half :)
My race strategy (generous use of the term) is to run 10 and walk 3. That should be about a mile. I've been trying to speed up a bit over the past few weeks and it seems to be working. My Tuesday run is R3/W1 and I've been running the 3 harder than I can sustain. It works out to 12:00. Thursday is just run. Those are about 12:30. Saturday is the ever lengthening weekend run. Those wind up around 12:30, too, but I feel a lot better.

At this point I'm training alone. My DGF started C25K with me. We parted running paths over temperature, time of day, TM and running outside. Now that it's cooler, she'll come back to the streets. I like to get it over with and run before work Tuesday and Thursday. Saturday I run when I get up. As it gets colder I may begin to run mid-morning/mid-day. The vampire comes into the winter light. I also may lasso a buddy from work.

With the runs spaced apart I have time to worry about the little things... camera, I'll probably bring it. I got a SPIBelt for my birthday. Phone? Do people carry their cell phones? GU? I like Chocolate Outrage. Will I really need it? DGF is coming to Disney with me for the first time (she went one day in HS, uh, 20+ years ago). Will she be able to find/see me on the course? We arrive Friday afternoon. I hope to do the WISH meet at POP and hook her up with some other spectating spouses.

We're staying at POR until Wednesday.

Gotta run,
Add me to the list.

This will also be my 1st HM...
I started running Jan 2009 to lose some weight and 25lbs lighter I am still running. I still get tired over 7-8 miles so hoping that things will get easier now that I am following an actual training plan. (Hal Higdon's). I am hoping to continue to see speed improvements but right now I would expect 11min pace if I was to run it this month.. Would love to be sub 10 mins by January...

It's definitely getting closer isn't it.
Hi all! You will not be able to miss me on race day....I will be the one waddling as fast as possible to stay ahead of the sweepers! Seriously. I started planning this a year ago, but ended up having knee surgery in July so my goal is to finish the race without being swept (I think I can, I think I can, I think I can). I am using the Marthon for Mortals training plan.

If anyone needs someone to walk or run with then my DH is available.
He is running the 5k fast, the 1/2 any any pace and then the full flat out.
He could be your slave for the 1/2, get your water etc.
If any Wisher's want to just let me know.

That's the WISH spirit in Action for sure!!

My DH is my coach! He's running the Goofy - and I told him NOT to hang by me!!

I have a nice group working on supporting each other in my pretrip report - I'll be sure and post the link to here Liz- thanks for starting the thread - - its great having a cheer group! :cheer2: a support group :wizard: as well as a group to bond with!!

I did the half in '08 and really struggled from Mile 10 on - at the Chicago Distant Classic IF not for the kindness of WISH'er I would've laid down and asked for a medic - I had nothing - she had all the spirit to keep me moving...

I'm also doing Hal Higdon's program (Dh is a fan, ever since dh met him early on!!) I read Galloway and love Marathoning for Mortals!!
Hi all. I was very happy to see this thread.
Let's see.. I started training in mid Feb. for the HM and did really well until this summer hit. And then.. well.
Life happened. I'm in nursing school (trying so hard to hang on when so many are failing out left and right) so that has consumed all of my time.
When I'm home I have my three little ones so DH can work. Quit the gym because I just couldn't afford it and didn't have the time to go, anyway (they don't provide childcare).

Anyway- I have decided that I need to make the time- just figure it out somehow..

But- is it too late for me? I'm completely embarassed to admit this, but I can probably only run about 1.5 miles right now. It's just been so long. I don't care at all about making a great time. Just need to finish and not get swept. What sort of training program should I look at? I know it's down to the wire.. and might not even be possible at this point.
I'm embarrassed to even mention this- I'm so inexperienced (and obviously a total slacker for not having kept up the training!).. but need some advice.
Thanks :)


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