Donald's Defiant Dashers 2013

Hi! Please feel free to PM me any race dates your want added to the calendar of events for the Ducks, or any corrections!
Hi Everyone!

Hope you all are having a fantastic spring! The weather has been beautiful here in Philadelphia lately and outdoor runs are becoming more of a reality for me. Our twins are almost seven months old, incredibly, and we are planning on taking them along with our two year old to WDW in June for a week. We had our two year old daughter at Hershey Park today and she absolutely flipped out with excitement! I can't wait until she gets to Disney this time!

I am trying to convince my wife, who is not a runner, to walk the WDW Half Marathon with me in 2015. She is primarily walking for her workouts and is down 35 pounds since she started working out and dieting in January. She's actually down almost 50 pounds since the twins were born but she keeps telling me that it doesn't count because that was all baby weight. I don't know, I'd count it!

Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and getting out and running or just getting outside for the weather! Have a great week, everybody!
Hi Everyone!

Hope you all are having a fantastic spring! The weather has been beautiful here in Philadelphia lately and outdoor runs are becoming more of a reality for me. Our twins are almost seven months old, incredibly, and we are planning on taking them along with our two year old to WDW in June for a week. We had our two year old daughter at Hershey Park today and she absolutely flipped out with excitement! I can't wait until she gets to Disney this time!

I am trying to convince my wife, who is not a runner, to walk the WDW Half Marathon with me in 2015. She is primarily walking for her workouts and is down 35 pounds since she started working out and dieting in January. She's actually down almost 50 pounds since the twins were born but she keeps telling me that it doesn't count because that was all baby weight. I don't know, I'd count it!

Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and getting out and running or just getting outside for the weather! Have a great week, everybody!

So happy the weather has getting better outside. I'm getting tired of bundling up for my runs lol

She should definitely count baby weight. I think the bigger the number lost is more important. Gives you hope for losing more.
I have decided I am going to do the Glass Slipper Challenge for the Princess 2014. Now to hope I can get signed up for it! ;)
Happy Monday Ducks! Long time, no quackin' from me, I know.

The past month has been a wee bit of a roller coaster. I think my last post I told how I was getting an MRI and then seeing my orthopedic doc for my posterior tibial tendonitis. I did that and the news from that doc was pretty awful...his exact words were: "Your running days are over". I got that news the morning after the Boston Marathon bombings, it wasn't a good day. :(

I decided to get a second opinion. I saw my new doc this past Friday and this appt went much better. My running days are definitely NOT over. I begin physical therapy this Wednesday. And if it goes well I may be able to start running again in 1-2 months! :)

Jeremie~Welcome to the Ducks! :donald: Many of us are connected on fb, send a pm if you want to join in.
I took a peek at your blog...enjoy your new watch! And I like that song, Get Lucky, have it playing while I type... :goodvibes

Brandon~Congratulations on the half PR! Woohoo! Congrats to your DW and DSIL too!
That's great about the 5K too, and how cool about that Marine seeing you.

Jennie~It's never bad to want to buy a new running skirt! heehee
How fun you're doing the Glass Slipper Challenge! I won't be doing that one, I will envy all the cute bling!

Phil~Awww y'all are going to have such fun in WDW in June! Little ones are so adorable experiencing it all. I feel like our days of going there with little ones was so recent, but my youngest is 7 now. Time flies!!
Your wife is doing awesome, I hope she does the half with you in 2015, it would be a great experience for her!
Jeremie~Welcome to the Ducks! :donald: Many of us are connected on fb, send a pm if you want to join in.
I took a peek at your blog...enjoy your new watch! And I like that song, Get Lucky, have it playing while I type... :goodvibes

I will shoot you a PM now. I definitely want in. And I love my new watch. So much nicer than RunKeeper. And Daft Punk = <3
Happy Monday Ducks! Long time, no quackin' from me, I know.

The past month has been a wee bit of a roller coaster. I think my last post I told how I was getting an MRI and then seeing my orthopedic doc for my posterior tibial tendonitis. I did that and the news from that doc was pretty awful...his exact words were: "Your running days are over". I got that news the morning after the Boston Marathon bombings, it wasn't a good day. :(

I decided to get a second opinion. I saw my new doc this past Friday and this appt went much better. My running days are definitely NOT over. I begin physical therapy this Wednesday. And if it goes well I may be able to start running again in 1-2 months! :)

Jeremie~Welcome to the Ducks! :donald: Many of us are connected on fb, send a pm if you want to join in.
I took a peek at your blog...enjoy your new watch! And I like that song, Get Lucky, have it playing while I type... :goodvibes

Brandon~Congratulations on the half PR! Woohoo! Congrats to your DW and DSIL too!
That's great about the 5K too, and how cool about that Marine seeing you.

Jennie~It's never bad to want to buy a new running skirt! heehee
How fun you're doing the Glass Slipper Challenge! I won't be doing that one, I will envy all the cute bling!

Phil~Awww y'all are going to have such fun in WDW in June! Little ones are so adorable experiencing it all. I feel like our days of going there with little ones was so recent, but my youngest is 7 now. Time flies!!
Your wife is doing awesome, I hope she does the half with you in 2015, it would be a great experience for her!

I am SO glad you got a second opinion! And I'm glad your new doc is much more promising! Prayers you heal quickly and are back in your shoes!

I decided I'm going to try out a Sparkle Tech for my new running skirt. DH is going to the field for training soon, which means my grocery bill goes waaaay down with just me and my 3 year old, so there's the skirt money! :)

Now I just need to hope they do early registration for Visa cardholders. I don't think AP vouchers count for AP early registration.
I am SO glad you got a second opinion! And I'm glad your new doc is much more promising! Prayers you heal quickly and are back in your shoes!

I decided I'm going to try out a Sparkle Tech for my new running skirt. DH is going to the field for training soon, which means my grocery bill goes waaaay down with just me and my 3 year old, so there's the skirt money! :)

Now I just need to hope they do early registration for Visa cardholders. I don't think AP vouchers count for AP early registration.

Thank you!

I don't have any Sparkle Skirts, but I do have some Team Sparkle skirts. I haven't run in them yet...bought them for Dumbo and Dopey! They are so cute though. Can't wait to try them out.
Thank you!

I don't have any Sparkle Skirts, but I do have some Team Sparkle skirts. I haven't run in them yet...bought them for Dumbo and Dopey! They are so cute though. Can't wait to try them out.

I have one Team Sparkle skirt, and I love it! I wore it in the Donald Half. Gold with black polka dots! Of course, I was wearing my Team Gleason shirt since I was running for them (as in I chose to raise money for them, not that successfully LOL), and my Saints headband from the Saints 5K, so I was all Who Dat blinged out. ;) Since the Glow Run is in Atlanta---I NEED a new skirt. LOL
Hey Augie -or anyone else who has volunteered:
When you volunteered, you received a 1 day ticket, correct? Do you recall how long that ticket was valid?
I'm thinking of volunteering during marathon weekend, and then I'm trying to see if that ticket is valid for 1 year (which I think it was) perhaps I could use it during the ToT 10 miler weekend.

I think it'd be fun to volunteer. They do so much for us runners, I'd love to be on that side of the event for a change. Hopefully!!!
Hey Guys! Thank you everyone for the kind words! Beautiful day for a long walk here in the City of Brotherly Love which is what my wife and I just did with the three kids. The twins had their shots today so they pretty much have to be kept busy!

Jeremie - Welcome to the team! The people on here are great and I'm sure you'll enjoy your time!

Liz - Good to hear about your second opinion! Hopefully you'll be out there running again soon!

I have a sixteen mile run coming up on Saturday that I am getting really excited about. My longest run so far has been seventeen miles so I am pretty sure I can handle it. I am doing an eighteen miler in two weeks though, so a new career best!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic Wednesday!
Sorry I haven't been keeping up.
Jeremie: Welcome to the group!
Liz: It is great to hear about the second opinion.:cool1: I knew that first one had to be wrong.
Nice job everyone on the runs and PR's.
I ran the Martian Half Marathon 3 weeks ago. It was a good race, but very cold. I couldn't get warm during the whole run.
We had a nice Duck meet the night before. I met up with Laura and one of her Marathon Maniac friends for dinner. I saw her twice on the course during the race. We have had a lot of rain and the course was changed at the last minute, so most of the course was an out and back through neighborhoods. It wasn't as much fun as last years race.
Something funny to me (well, at least to me). At about mile 10 I came up to a place on the road that had a speed bump with a sign that said "caution speed bump ahead". The voices in my head kept repeating "caution runners speed bump ahead", "caution runners speed bump ahead", maybe it was the fatigue, but I got a little chuckle out of it.
We are off to Cincinnati this weekend for the Flying Pig half marathon.
I have tried to do some runs with hills, but we don't have many hills on the trail I normally run. Running in Cincinnati will be tough.

I have signed up for another half marathon, it is the Ann Arbor half on June 9th.

Vic: Did you sign up for the Air Force race?

Well have a good week everyone.

Good morning Ducks!

My tri clinic is going well, and I am in the swing of it. Enjoying the multisports and it takes the thought out of cross-training! Got lots of calf and foot cramps in the pool though - new muscles being heavily used I suppose!

I signed up for two more fall races: a half and a full as part of my Dopey training. Eek! Worried about the full, but will use it as a 'supported training run', LOL, and take it easy. It is the Niagara Falls International Marathon- starts in US and finished beside the falls in Canada. Woo!

Hope you guys are all doing well this weekend! We are breaking out the RV for a short camping trip to get it all fresh and clean for the season.
Hi Ducks,

Have not been on here in a while, things are getting busy at home and work. And work just sent me to Switzerland so I will be logging in some miles here. I wish I had brought my bike but not this time. I did a long run this week, I had dropped off a bike at bike shop fpr some repair work and decided to run there to pick it up. It was a little over 7 miles.

Tanya, the ticket was good for a year. I never got to use it, but offered it here and someone took it. It was fun, and i saw Liz running by me! They also give you a nice jacket. The only downside to the volunteer program was there is no transportation and I wound up walking to WWOS from the BW. At 2 in the morning.

Liz, glad for the second opinion! See you in January!

Have a good week!
This weekend has been HORRIBLE. It started Friday, with an amazing run until I finished, got home and felt like crap afterward. I took it as my allergies and the pollen. Yesterday and today have been worse. Coughing and not sleeping. I'm really enjoying this. I hate summer colds. I can't even drink enough today. I'm hoping that this won't interfere with my training tomorrow. I had to take the weekend off from anything.
Happy Sunday everyone!
Debbie and I (& lil Donald) ran the Cincinnati Flying Pig half marathon this morning. It was a fantastic event, from organization to the spectators. The spectators all over the course rivaled the people on Main Street during the WDW races. I don't know if it always like that or if what happened in Boston brought more people out this year. I will be doing this event again. I finished in 2:16. I was very happy with that time considering that at mile 6-9 is all up hill. I tried to keep my pace under 11 minutes on the up hills and the end of the race was mostly down hill and I managed to keep my pace at 8 minutes. I felt really good during the run, but after we cleaned up at my sisters house we drove 5 hours home and my legs got sore. I am going to take a break for a couple days, then start some kind of program to increase my speed. Time to grow up to Augie speed.
Augie: that's pretty cool being in Switzerland.
Everyone with ailments, hope you start to feel better!:wizard: Once this crazy weather settles down things should get better.
Have a good week, Mighty Ducks!! (but not the real mighty ducks, Go Red Wings!)
It's the weekend everyone!:cool1: Who's got a race coming up? My next race is the Ann Arbor Half in 3 weeks. I have been working on my speed and shooting for a PR during that race.:hourglass
How is every ones health Hopefully everyone is good or on the mend?

Have a great week, Ducks!

Hey Ducks!

Hoe everyone is doing well and having a nice, relaxing weekend! Life is good here for me...hitting WDW with all three little guys in just 27 days so that is very exciting! It will be our 2 1/2 year old's fifth trip and the first for our 7 1/2 month old twins! They both love the stroller and sleep through almost anything while in it, so I'm hoping that trend keeps up in Central Florida! On a great running note for me, I just ran my longest run ever, 18 miles, yesterday morning. I was pretty proud of myself because during the run I didn't really get tired at all. My feet were really the only thing that bothered me and they never have before. I was thinking maybe it was just the distance? They are still pretty sore today even after an ice bath and all yesterday.

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great weekend and enjoying life! Off to take the kids for a short, relaxing walk.
Happy Sunday everyone.
Phil: Nice job on the 18 mile run. Whenever I do a run longer than 15 miles my feet hurt also. I think it is from the pounding on the ground. Have a great trip, it's always exciting going back to Disney. I wish I had a trip coming up sooner before November, but plane tickets have been out of hand lately. The trip in November is for 9 days and I have started making plans with the trip ending with the Wine & Dine half. Other than going down for the January full we won't be back until 2015 WDW race, so I have to make those 9 days count. We already have a reservation for Be Our Guest and Hollywood Brown Derby. We rarely do sit down meals, so it should be fun.

Did everyone that was planning on doing the January WDW races get in before they filled up? The races other than Goofy and Full filled up pretty fast.
Have a great week everyone!

It's the weekend everyone!:cool1: Who's got a race coming up?


Hello Ducks! I had two races this past weekend, both 5K's, and both off road, one in a park, the other around the perimeter of a vineyard. Sunday's was in a light rain, but I ran it almost a minute faster than Saturday. Probably due to less sand.

Have a great DW trip, Phil!

I am signed up for the full, wanted the 10K but that sold out. I am thinking of being a volunteer for the 10K. But they fill up quick also.

Have a good week! Stay active and un-injured!


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