Donald's Defiant Dashers 2013

I had a 5K this past saturday for LLS. My girlfriend's two friends and I walked it (they are not runners and I didn't want to go alone) and we had a lot of fun. It was an obstacle course race in Greenwich, CT. Had a slip-and-slide too! Afterwards there was a luau. It was a lot of fun. And we had pineapple that was cooked on the grill. So good.
Hi Everyone!

Joe - Thank you for getting back to me! I definitely think you were right about the pounding my feet took. I'm not a big person by any means (5'8" 140), and I thought it might be because I was taking a ton of strides to go that far and my feet were taking a beating. I am going Goofy in January though so they are just going to have to get used to it! Flights have been ridiculous this year and we are only heading down in June because we have DVC points to burn and because my parents and brother and sister are coming with us to help with the kids...if not we would just be taking the January/Marathon weekend trip.

So I'm in the tapering down stage now and I have a half marathon on June 9th. I'm hoping for under two hours since I haven't done that best up until now has been 2:07. Honestly if I don't get it it's not that big of a deal but it's motivating for me to have a goal.

Okay well I hope everyone is doing very well and enjoying your Monday! Take care!
Sorry I've been scarce--my DH had to go into the field for training and DD and I spent a lot of time at my parents' so not on a typical schedule. We also went to a homeschool conference with my mom--and I DID get into the fitness center to run, but there was hardly any airflow to speak of and I only made it 22 minutes. The GOOD news, however, is that all my run intervals were at 5 mph and my walks were at 4 mph.

DH and I signed up for the Crescent Connection Bridge Run on June 8th. 4 miles, all hill. But, the idea of being able to run the bridge couldn't be passed up. At least that's what I'm telling myself. And will probably need to remind myself of halfway through. LOL

We also got good news that it now looks like DH CAN be at the Princess Half next year! AND he offered to do the Glass Slipper Challenge with me. Now just to pray I can actually get registered for it!!!
Hi guys!

Hope y'all are well. Been a little absent as life stuff is pretty challenging - separating from my partner. I'm looking forward, however, and excited about what the future holds.

I have my next HM next weekend and not looking forward to it all that much. I haven't been running as much (like just 2x a week, mostly under 12k) and I feel undertrained. Have been doing other stuff like swimming and biking, just nothing over 60 minutes endurance, which worries me.

Came back on Friday from Aulani! It was AMAZING. So beautiful, such a great resort. Went snorkelling in Hanauma Bay, went surfing (and got up twice!), and dallied in the lazy river a lot. We went up to the North Shore in Haleiwa and saw sea turtles. We ate a lot of shave ice. I ran once in Aulani, just to say I did :-D

Home now, battling inexplicable vacation weight gain of approx. 1 pound per day (honestly, I didn't eat that much at all!!!). Have been eating excellently since I got home trying to salad and protein my weight down.

Had a run this morning that was AWFUL. My lungs were really bad and I coughed so much I threw up! Ugh! It was hard to boot, and I only did 5k. Ah well, better run next time. Tomorrow is a long bike ride with my tri clinic. I am glad that my last race (10k this month) I PR'd otherwise I would really feel lousy about this season!

Hope y'all are well.
Hey Ducks!

I officially started running again yesterday! Only 2 miles (run/walk) but it's a start. Less than 14 weeks until DDD so I have to ramp up gradually but consistently...and I have to keep up with my physical therapy exercises. I'm also getting custom orthotics, picking them up tomorrow actually. So those should help!

Carolynn~I am so sorry. Big (((hugs))) to you.... Hang in there... :hug:
liznboys - congrats on starting back up again! how did it go? hope you're doing well with it! keep it up!

Today was my 6th weigh-in of the year. I decided to only do it once a month since it feels like more of an accomplishment to me than every week. I started the year off at 238 and today I weigh 228.4. I am so proud of myself to have come this far, especially since 3 years ago I was pushing 290. I may not be at my ideal weight but I am definitely at something I feel great about. And being able to wear XL shirts AND white shirts AND not feel all "ehhh" about it makes me the happiest kid on the block.

I also hit 300 miles running this year earlier this week! I feel so aweosme.
Hey Ducks!

Hope everyone is having a fantabulous Monday! The fact that my iPad did not autocorrect the word "fantabulous" is astounding to me!

Anyway, had a rough weekend in the PhillyPhil household. First, our 2 1/2 year old was fake coughing on Saturday morning and she ended up throwing up for her first time ever. I felt so bad for her! So she had a temperature of 101 that day and I obviously could not run and my wife and I had to cancel our trip to Atlantic City to see Bill Burr. Of course, overnight from Saturday into Sunday both babies got sick and had fevers! It was a crazy house! My wife also had a fever all day yesterday (Sunday) but I somehow avoided the illness.

Today everyone was feeling better and I was able to get out for a run. It was my last serious run before my half marathon on Sunday and I decided to do something crazy at the end of it...I decided that I was going to try to run my first ever six minute mile. Long story short, I did it! I was pretty excited. I think the closest I had ever gotten was about 7:10 before today but I had never tried to just go all out.

Okay well I hope everyone had a great start to their weeks!

Liz - Congrats on getting back! hope you are feeling and doing well!
Happy Birthday (1 day late) to our namesake Donald Duck!

I hope everyone is doing good. Lil Donald and I did the Ann Arbor half marathon yesterday. I finished in 2:17. The course was really hilly and at the 10 mile mark the course turned into a 1.5 mile hilly dirt & gravel trail run, that was tough.
I probably did something wrong last week leading up to the half, on Tuesday I did a 5 mile training run and really pushed myself. I averaged each mile in 9:22, about a minute faster per mile than my usual runs. I felt really good and want to do that some more, but I was feeling the effect of that run yesterday. I think that will be my last half until Septembers Air Force race.
Have a great week everyone.
Just had my Bluff Point Trail Run, a 3.5 mile run through the woods at a park 5 minutes down the road from my house. Finished in 31:26. Best time I have ever had on that trail (previously it was about 37 minutes). I'm so energized. I'm ready for the rest of the day I have planned.

also, i apparently got 2nd in my division. that's a first
Hello Ducks!
Are we all still swimming around in the pond? I took a breather for about 3 weeks with a little back injury. But it's feeling almost normal again. So I pounded out 7 miles today. Nothing like jumping right back in the pond! It wasn't pretty, but I got it done. Training has been underway for DDD so I'd better get waddling! Hope all is well with everyone!!
Hello Ducks. I've also been off the training wagon with a death in the family in may and fighting a respiratory infection. Finally back in my speed walking 2.5 miles 3 times this week. Feeling so much better.

This time around at WDW wknd I decided to do an event with my younger sister who has been dealing with her own illness and raising 3 kids. We are signed up for the 10K! Should be fun!

I am also signed up for the PHM In Feb. Woohoo. Made registration in the nick of time. 1st PHM. Yaaaay. :)
Hey Ducks! I can't believe we're about to enter August! The summer is flying. I'm SO excited about DL Half weekend!!! My training is going great, I am feeling fine these days, knock on wood. I've been only running on my tm since I started back up at the end of May, but I am going to get back outside starting tomorrow. It's been so long since I ran outside (since Goofy!) so I'm sure it's not going to be an easy first run.

Jennie, Phil, Tanya, Colleen...the rest of us are connected on fb and we would LOVE for you to join us! :teeth:
I would love to keep up on Facebook but I couldn't find any DDD groups or do I find you guys? Sorry, I am usually pretty good with this stuff!
I deleted my FB last year. But thanks for thinking of me. :)

My DH is fixing to deploy soon, so I am trying to figure out how to keep on top of my training without my buttkicker and training buddy. I need to buy a baby monitor so I can keep an ear out on DD while on the treadmill. Unfortunately, they are upgrading the running path connecting our neighborhood to the rest of base, which will be great when it is done, but cuts off my usual route. Guess I'll be doing multiple loops or driving to the other end of base. LOL
My first outside run yesterday (4.5 miles) went well, and I ran out there again today (8 miles) and it went even better! So I feel great being readjusted to running out there. :)

Facebook shmacebook. I'll see you in Cali.

:laughing: Yes you will!!! 4 weeks from today girly!!!

I would love to keep up on Facebook but I couldn't find any DDD groups or do I find you guys? Sorry, I am usually pretty good with this stuff!

Sending you a pm Phil! :)

... Some day I shall be on FB. If nothing else, just so my friends stop nagging me. ;)

Join facebook Tanya...nag nag nag!!!

I deleted my FB last year. But thanks for thinking of me. :)

My DH is fixing to deploy soon, so I am trying to figure out how to keep on top of my training without my buttkicker and training buddy. I need to buy a baby monitor so I can keep an ear out on DD while on the treadmill. Unfortunately, they are upgrading the running path connecting our neighborhood to the rest of base, which will be great when it is done, but cuts off my usual route. Guess I'll be doing multiple loops or driving to the other end of base. LOL

Aw, I'm sorry you won't have your dh around to keep ya going! Definitely get that baby monitor and whatever else you need to do so you can keep it up. :)
Hello Duckies, I thought I had been negligent in going on the disboards, but when I came here this thread was on the second page. So I know I am not alone in being away. Though I have been following many of your's exploits on fb. (so join up, Tanya...)

I have been pretty busy work-wise, but managing getting in a few races a month. And have been doing pretty well, either winning or placing in my age group. And have actually been doing faster times than last year, but I have been running a bit more at lunch times. If only I could up my mileage, with January not so far away.

Keep training, everyone, and good luck to those with upcoming races! Sounds like a few of you will be in DL soon!
Nag. Nag. Nag. I'm tempted to join just so my 3 friends stop bugging me about it.

Good to hear from you Augie! And good to hear you're busy working hard and busy kicking butt while running. This is the first January I'll be missing in 3 years! I wanted to volunteer, but a trip just isn't in the budget. Unless I can score some free airline tickets or something. Never say never, but I'm saying doubtful. 2015 for sure though! Dopey is as dopey does.


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