Exchangers-Come here and chat with us

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What items do you all collect?
I like Pirates of the Caribbean stuff even though I only have a few items and pins! My DD Loves refillable mugs. I don't know where to find them without going to the parks.
Ok What are your favorite Movies?
Ok..... This one is a shocker.... Pirates of the Caribbean
I also like Underworld for some odd reason that I have not yet discovered.
And the Notebook which is a great movie!
I collect anything Disney.

I was getting my mugs off eBay, but people are starting to bid high on them, plus shipping. Most times they are going for more than what a new one would cost you at WDW.

Tigger113 said:
What items do you all collect?
I like Pirates of the Caribbean stuff even though I only have a few items and pins! My DD Loves refillable mugs. I don't know where to find them without going to the parks.
Oh yea, for thoes asking about a pin exchange. julia & nicks mom said that she will be hosting another sometime in Sept.
Now I'm hungry for those potatoes! (I have made them, and they're awesome!) Guess what's on the menu here tomorrow?
Zoo was too hot!! :rolleyes: We just can't deal with the heat here....and too crowded.
We only stayed for a couple of hours.....and :eek: they had the ice cream stand closed!! What were they thinking.
But.....we both arrived early and got all out ADR done...except HDDR and SOA....which are not booking yet :mad:
Went to the local mall by the zoo for awhile only to fnd they have closed the Yankee candle store AND the Disney store!! :furious: No reason to go to that mall anymore.

Tigger113, glad your MIA person checked in....always so good when they communicate ::yes::

:bday: DH :cake:
Casserole sounds yummy!

Yep...stay away from that salt Patsy. Go with herbs and such for the flavoring.

I need to go get dinner started :wave:
No ice cream at the zoo :confused3. And no Yankee Candle Store and Disney Store at the mall, what are you going to do Nancy. I guess it is online shopping for you as well.
I don't like herbs, so will have to go easy on the salt :p .
I think that they should still have the sticky thread on the top of the community board for exchanges. Would that be so bad?? It would get the exchanges more exposure.
I know someone did a DVD Exchange recently but what do you think about a Your Favorite Disney DVD Exchange??
mommytotwo said:
No ice cream at the zoo :confused3. And no Yankee Candle Store and Disney Store at the mall, what are you going to do Nancy. I guess it is online shopping for you as well.
I don't like herbs, so will have to go easy on the salt :p .

You don't like herbs?? How about spices?? Maybe you are just trying the wrong ones :P

No online ....yet. That was the mall by the zoo, not my BIG good one ;)
They still have Yankee, Disney and Build-a-Bear :teeth:

I did have fun at the zoo.....just not as much as usual.
The animals were hot and not very active either. The poor birds in the raptor show were actually panting :(
:wave: Hi everyone

I just read this whole thread. It's nice to chat with everyone. :)

Just got home from the small mall by my house, no Disney Store or Yankee Candle store there either. :sad2: We go there often because it has some other stores we like and it is close.

I did shop for the sock exchange and the earring one though ;) I am having a hard time finding key chains of all things :confused3

Also got lots of school supplies for Stacey. Then we went to Target and seen all the lime green, I wanted to do that one but I have been so busy at work and planning trips.
I just posted a link with free shipping supplies so if you need any they deliver for free. I think that is great!
Meriweather said:
You don't like herbs?? How about spices?? Maybe you are just trying the wrong ones :P

No online ....yet. That was the mall by the zoo, not my BIG good one ;)
They still have Yankee, Disney and Build-a-Bear :teeth:

I did have fun at the zoo.....just not as much as usual.
The animals were hot and not very active either. The poor birds in the raptor show were actually panting :(

Yes, no herbs here.
We do grow them and Kevin uses a few of them.
Pooh67_68 said:
Ohhh today's weather was perfect, if only it could be like this year round.

Just wanted to let you all know the Turkey was delicious. :teeth:

Thank you for the pixie dust for my mom. I hear that radiation drains some people, hope mom does ok.

Lots of pixie dust and prayers for your Mom. :cloud9:
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